Avondale College Sports Academy Coach: DOE WILLIAMS – BASKETBALL
Doe is an American who has been in New Zealand for
12 years. During that time, he has run more than 40
basketball camps and coached at more than 50
primary, intermediate and secondary schools.
He has been the Director of Boys Basketball at West
Auckland Basketball Association (formerly known as
Massey Basketball) since its inception in 2002.
Doe is highly-qualified as a basketball coach, attaining the following certificates:
BBNZ Coaching Level 2
English Basketball Association Coaches Award
English Basketball Association Advanced Coaches Award
National Basketball Association (NBA) Apprentice Coaching Course
US Air Force Youth Instructors Coaching Certificate
Member of the National Association of Sports Coaches
University of Texas Officiating Certificate
The Magic Johnson Coaching Certificate
English National Coaching Foundation awards in sports psychology, coaching methods,
prevention/treatment of injuries
He has won championships at all levels with various age groups and also delivers motivational talks
to audiences.
Doe is well-known for his mentoring of other coaches – both locally and nationally. He was a High
Performance Coach for BBNZ (under Tad Baldwin) and has been the personal coach for a number of
current and former NZ representatives. Doe regularly visits Australia and the USA for coaching
courses in order to expand his coaching knowledge and methodology.
Doe's coaching is tailored towards the importance of education first and basketball second. He
believes in using basketball as a vehicle to teach life skills to young athletes, designed to produce
well-balanced individuals in both sports and education. Doe shapes the player’s attitudes to
basketball through attention to detail, team work and individual skill development.