Introduction What is sedation? Sedation is a continuum of reduced consciousness and it is difficult to maintain patients at a predetermined sedation depth. Sedation varies between minimal, moderate, conscious, deep and dissociative sedation. Deeper levels of sedation are indistinguishable from general anaesthesia and should be treated as such. Why would we need it? Sedation can facilitate a number of painful procedures in the Emergency Department. It can be achieved by a number of agents, each of which requires specific training and knowledge to perform safely and effectively. A must read Although the document alludes to choosing a desired level of sedation it also states ‘Sedation is a continuum and it is not always possible to maintain patients at a pre-determined sedation depth’. It would therefore seem prudent that clinicians involved in delivering sedation to patient prepare for any depth of sedation to occur Level of sedation Features Appropriate agents Minimal - anxiolysis Respond to verbal commands Entonox Moderate – conscious May require light tactile stimuli to respond to verbal commands CVS function maintained Opioids & benzodiazep combined Deep Not Easily roused, may respond to painful stimuli Ventilatory function may be maintained but CVS normally maintained Multiple agents Depth dose dependan General Anaesthesia Not rousable even to pain Ventilatory function often lost & some CVS impact Multiple agents Depth dose dependan Dissociative Sedation Trance like state Ketamine Starving Fasting is not needed for minimal sedation, sedation with nitrous oxide (in oxygen) alone, or moderate sedation where verbal contact is maintained. For elective procedures using all other sedation techniques (deep sedation, dissociative sedation and moderate sedation where the patient might not maintain verbal contact with the healthcare professional), apply the fasting rule used for general anaesthesia: two hours for clear fluids and six hours for solids. For an emergency procedure in someone who is not fasted, base the decision to proceed with sedation on the urgency of the procedure and the target depth of sedation. An American dual centre prospective study looking at 7304 patients aged 1 month-21 years found the risk of regurgitation with aspiration during sedation to be 0.05%. A further study by Green et al published in Academic Emergency Medicine in 2002 found ‘insufficient data to test the hypothesis that procedure of pre-fasting results in a decreased incidence of adverse outcomes in patients undergoing sedation/analgesia (as distinct from patients undergoing general anesthesia)’. In summary consideration is required to the risk-benefit of sedation without full starving periods. This assessment and the resulting decision should be recorded in the clinical notes, and discussed with the patient whenever possible. Assessing your patients prior to sedation As per the recommendations in the document for safe sedation the clinician need to be able to assess the ASA, just as you would for a pre anaesthetic assessment. This is designed to give a feel for the risks that you are taking ASA Grade Patient charactersitics I Healthy person II Mild systemic disease III Severe systemic disease IV Systemic disease with a constant threat to life V Moribund patient who is not expected to survive without the procedure VI Declared brain-dead, organs being removed for donor purposes In addition to assessment of the patient as a whole a review of characteristics that may point towards a difficult airway should be performed. It is important to appreciate that the ability of clinicians to accurately predict which patients will be a difficult airway is extremely difficult as demonstrated by the following paper; Picking the right agent for the patient and pathology Once you have assessed your patient you have a vast array of agents at your fingertips to achieve sedation. It is vital that the selection of agent is tailored towards each individual patient and case. Factors such as the duration of sedation, muscle relaxation required and pharmacodynamics effects of each agent should all be considered Sedating Agent Effect Propofol Sedation Duration of effect (minutes) 5-10 mins Side effects Cautio ns Onset time Initial dose Further doses Pain on injection Reduce dose in elderly & in CVS instabili ty (upto 90% dose reducti onrequi red) 40 second s 0.5-1.0 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg 1-2 mins 0.5mg/kg Titrate to a Hypnosis Hypotensio n Amnesia Apnoea Rash Ketamine Anxiolysis 30 mins Vomiting post procedure Analgesia Amnesia IV i.v. Lacrimation & salivation Dissociati ve properties Rash 5 mins IM 2-4mg/kg IM with maximum 1.5 mg/kg i.v. Additional I.M. doses of 1mg/kg as required Transient clonic movements Midazolam Anxiolysis Amnesia Hypnosis Muscle relaxant 20-60 mins Agitation Apnoea Hypotensio n Flumaz enil can be used if urgent reversal is needed (not to be used as a routine) 3-5 mins Adult 2mg over 30 secs 200mcg dose Elderly 1-1.5mg Trying to combine the properties of agents?? Due to many opposing pharmacodynamics effects of Propofol and Ketamine many clinicians have attempted to gain a better sedative effect by combing these two agents. Two recent papers look at this; Ketofol versus propofol. Andolfatto G et al. 2012. This was a randomized, double blind study between December 2010 and September 2011 in a 250-bed community teaching hospital and level III trauma centre in Canada. 284 patients were randomised to receive either ketofol (n=142) or propofol (n=142) alone. The most commonly performed procedures were orthopaedic (60% in both). All study medications were prepared in indentical 20-ml syringes containing either 10mg/mL or propofol alone or a 1:1 mixture of 0.5-1.0mg every 2 minutes until sedation is achieved Normal adult dose 3.5-5.0mg total 10mg/mL ketamine and 10mg/mL propofol (containing a total of 5mg each of ketamine and propofol). The primary outcome measure was the number and proportion of patients experiencing a respiratory adverse event as defined by the ‘Quebec’ Criteria. These are outlined fully in the article but in summary include oxygen desaturation, central apnoea, partial or complete upper airway obstruction, laryngospasm, pulmonary aspiration. Secondary outcomes included sedation consistency, total medication dosage, sedation efficacy, induction time, procedure time, sedation time, recovery time, and the incidence of adverse events. Forty-three (30%) patients experienced an adverse respiratory event in the ketofol group compared with 46 (32%) in the propofol group (difference 2%; 95% confidence interval �-9% to 13%; P�.80). Three ketofol patients and 1 propofol patient received bag-valvemask ventilation. Sixty-five (46%) patients receiving ketofol and 93 (65%) patients receiving propofol required repeated medication dosing or progressed to a Ramsay Sedation Score of 4 or less during their procedure (difference 19%; 95% confidence interval 8% to 31%; P=.001). Six patients receiving ketofol were treated for recovery agitation. Other secondary outcomes were similar between the groups. The authors concluded that the purported benefits of ketofol over propofol alone were not proven by the current and largest study to date. Whilst ketofol demonstrated a slightly enhanced sedation consistency, as measured by the Ramsay Sedation Score, the confidence intervals were widely split and the clinical significance of this is unknown. Respiratory events and interventions are presented in Table 1: Result Ketofol No. (%) [95% CI] (n�=142) Propofol, No. (%) [95% CI] (n=142) Difference, % (95% CI) Patients experiencing a respiratory event 43 (30) [23 to 38] 46 (32) [25 to 41] 2 (-9 to 13)* Incidence of respiratory events Oxygen desaturation 38 (27) [20 to 35] 36 (25) [19 to 33] 2(-9to12) Central apnoea 15 (11) [7 to 17] 13(9)[6to15] 2(-5to9) Partial upper airway obstruction 11(8)[4to13] 11(8)[4to13] 0 Complete upper airway obstruction 6 (4) [2 to 9] 4 (3) [1 to 7] 1(-3to6) Laryngospasm 0 0 0 Pulmonary aspiration 0 0 0 ‡ Respiratory interventions Stimulation/airway repositioning 5 (4) [2 to 8] 14 (10) [6 to 16] 6 (0.4 to 13) Stimulation/airway repositioning plus oxygen 35 (25) [18 to 32] 31 (22) [16 to 29] 3(-7to13) Stimulation/airway repositioning, oxygen, plus bag-valve-mask 3 (2) [0.7 to 6] 1 (1) [0.1 to 4] 1(-2to5) *P�.80. †Some patients had more than 1 event. ‡No patients received oral airway placement or endotracheal intubation. Propofol versus 1:1 ketofol versus 4:1 ketofol This was also a randomised, double blind study between October 2010 to February 2013 in an urban county medical centre. Patients were identified by the treating emergency physician who was blinded to the study randomisation. Participants were excluded is they were unable to give consent, ASA grade >2, known hypersensitivity to either study medication, pregnant or intoxicated. Study medication was prepared by a pharmacist in identical syringes containing either propofol alone, a 1:1 propofol (5mg) and ketamine (5mg) mixture, or a 4:1 propofol (8mg) and ketamine (2mg) mixture. Each was prepared with propofol 10mg/mL and ketamine 10mg/mL. Opioid analgesia was provided as required at least 20 minutes before study medication was administered. Vital signs, monitoring data, and depth of anaesthesia were recorded from one minute before initial medication, every minute thereafter, immediately before and after any repeated dosing and after any changes in the observer’s assessment of sedation score. The primary outcome measure was the relative number and proportion of subjects experiencing airway or respiratory adverse events leading to an intervention. These are presented in the table 2. Two hundred seventy-one subjects completed the trial, 90 receiving propofol, 85 receiving 1:1 propofol and ketamine, and 96 receiving 4:1 propofol and ketamine. Airway or respiratory adverse events leading to an intervention were similar between groups: 29%, 19%, and 32%, respectively (P=0.21). There were no serious adverse events in any group. Secondary outcomes were generally similar between groups, with greater recovery agitation observed in the 1:1 ketofol group (8%, 21%, and 10%, respectively). The authors concluded that neither ketofol 1:1 or 4:1 showed any benefit over propofol alone in terms of primary respiratory adverse events and secondary outcome measures. Discharge Once the sedation is complete you need to ensure your patient is fit for discharge. The AAGBI/RCEM joint document recommends that the following criteria must be met prior to discharge: The patient has returned to their baseline level of consciousness. Vital signs are within normal limits for that patient. Respiratory status is not compromised. Pain and discomfort have been addressed. Patients meeting discharge criteria following sedation who go on to be discharged home from the Emergency Department should be discharged into the care of a responsible third party. Verbal and written instructions should be given. That’s it for a whistle stop tour of sedation. F to leave any questions or comments and we’ll be back with anther blog and podcast really soon. References Safe Sedation of Adults in the Emergency Department. Report and recommendations by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the College of Emergency Medicine, Working Party on Sedation, Anaesthesia and Airway Management in the Emergency Department November 2012 Latency of pulse oximetry signal with use of digital probes associated with inappropriate extubating during prehospital rapid sequence intubation in head injury patients: Case examples. Journal of Emergency Medicine, April 2012. 42/4(424-428) Emerg Med J doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-202147 Vespasiano, Michael, Marsha Finkelstein, and Stephen Kurachek. "Propofol sedation: intensivists' experience with 7304 cases in a children's hospital." Pediatrics 120.6 (2007): e1411-e1417. Arenal J J, Bengoechea-Beeby M. Mortality associated with emergency abdominal surgery in the elderly. Can J Surg 2003; 46: 111116. British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. British National Formulary. 65th ed. UK: BMJ Publishing Group. 2013. Pulmonary Aspiration Risk during Emergency Department Procedural Sedation—An Examination of the Role of Fasting and Sedation Depth GREEN.S et al. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE: January 2002;9: 1. 35-42 Dawson D et al. Association between ASA grade and complication rate in patients receiving procedural sedation for relocation of dislocated hip prostheses in a UK emergency department. Emerg Med J doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-202147 Risk factors for sedation-related events during procedural sedation in the emergency department. Taylor D et al. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2011. 23. 466-473 Andolfatto, Gary, et al. "Ketamine-propofol combination (ketofol) versus propofol alone for emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia: a randomized double-blind trial." Annals of emergency medicine 59.6 (2012): 504-512.