Sunday 28th September 2008 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Social justice Sunday Celebrant: As we are called by our bishops to face “the challenge of affluence and poverty in Australia” this weekend, we offer our prayer through Jesus, who gave friendship and purpose to those whom others despised. 1. May this Social Justice Sunday awaken in all Catholics in Australia a passion for justice, so that together we work to restore dignity to those discouraged by life, and help those overwhelmed by poverty. Lord, hear us. 2. May this Sunday awaken in the hearts of the rich a deep concern for those in need, so that with the generosity of Jesus, they bring to them genuine hope and encouragement. Lord, hear us. 3. May those who struggle with poverty in its many forms not despair, but with trust in the Providence of God, hold onto their dignity and act with integrity. Lord, hear us. 4. May women and men caught in the web of prostitution, especially where they have been deceived or held captive, be helped to find a new way of life in which they can work for the good of the community. Lord, hear us. 5. May each of us follow the advice of St Paul, and be free of all competition among ourselves and think of other peoples interests above and before our own. Lord, hear us. 6. May we bring in prayer to God the Christians in many parts of India subject to violence and church burnings, those affected by the floods in Nepal, the increased political tensions in Pakistan and South Africa, the drought in Ethiopia, the cyclone destruction and increased poverty in Haiti and the chaos in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lord, hear us. 7. May those who have died unknown or unloved find in God total acceptance, forgiveness and peace. We remember also . . . Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Father, remember your mercies and the love which you have shown of old; guide us in your ways that we may always serve the poor in the name of your Son, Jesus, who is Lord, for ever and ever. Monday 29th September Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels (Readings proper to the Feast) Celebrant: In every Eucharist we join with the angels in heaven to praise and worship the one God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 1. May there be in the heart of every Christian a constant prayer of praise and thanksgiving. Lord, hear us. 2. May those who invoke St Michael as Patron grow in the likeness of God: the people of Kongorong and Clare, of Papua New Guinea, The Solomons, England and Germany, the students and staff of St Michael’s College, along with radiologists, radiotherapists and bankers, security forces and paratroopers. Lord, hear us 3. May those who invoke St Gabriel as Patron, rejoice in the will of God: the students and staff of St Gabriel’s School at Clearview, those working in telecommunications, television, radio and postal services, along with stamp collectors. Lord, hear us. 4. May those who invoke St Raphael as patron know that God is their constant protector on life’s journey: the people of the Parkside community, along with travelers, pharmacists, health inspectors, the blind and young people leaving home. Lord, hear us. 5. May God send his angels to watch over those nations which have become centres of violence and destruction, so that peace may return quickly to them .Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Gracious God, we thank you for your faithfulness and love, and with grateful hearts we praise you with all the angels and saints, now and forever. Tuesday 30th September St Jerome Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Celebrant: Jesus took the road for Jerusalem where he would be glorified in his resurrection. We make our pilgrimage to the heavenly Jerusalem where we will share the glory of Christ. 1. That the pilgrim people of God will use wisely the things of earth and love the things of heaven. Lord, hear us. 2. That when people reject us or offend us, we may refrain from wishing them harm, but rather pray for their welfare with love. Lord, hear us. 3. That our fellow Australians who work in dangerous situations as aid and relief workers in refugee camps and in impoverished conditions, may be protected from harm as they support others. Lord, hear us 4. That those who despair of their very lives, and wish they had never been born, may find in the writings of Job a guide as to how to live again with hope, trusting in God the Creator. Lord, hear us. 5. That on this World Maritime Day, the crews of ships may be treated with justice, protected from pirates, and receive pastoral care through the Church’s Apostleship of the Sea. Lord, hear us. 6. That the work of biblical scholars in the Church, may with St Jerome’s prayers, be a great help to people as they study and reflect upon the Word of God. Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Heavenly God, keep us ever hopeful in our prayer, for you alone are our joy and consolation through Christ our Lord. Wednesday 1st October St Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Celebrant: St Therese is a much loved saint, whose ‘little way’ to holiness was the pathway of love. 1. That those who have become disillusioned in the Church may rediscover the simplicity of Christ’s message as lived by St Therese by living each day with simple acts of love and kindness. Lord, hear us. 2. That on this International Day of Older Persons, the elderly may learn from the young St Therese, the art of prayer and so taste the consolation of God. Lord, hear us. 3. That those who honour St Therese as patron may find joy in faith and strength in love: Fr Brennan and the people of Colonel Light Gardens Parish, the people of Kingston in the South East, along with the people of France, the missionary work of the Church, florists and flower gardeners. Lord, hear us. 4. That we who, through our baptism, have been called to follow Christ, may do so joyfully, so that we can share with others the depth of his love. Lord, hear us. 5 That this third anniversary of the Second Bali bombing may increase our desire and energy for peace, and bring healing to all who continue to be traumatized by that event. Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Lord, we stretch out our hands to you in earnest prayer that you would have mercy on those whose lives are devastated by war and bring them the peace for which they long. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Thursday 2nd October Guardian Angels Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Gospel proper to this Memorial Celebrant: We take heart from the truth that our Redeemer lives, that we will be set close to him, and in our flesh look on God. 1. We affirm the faith of the Church in the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting. Lord, hear us. 2. We live in the hope that one day our eyes shall gaze on the beauty of God. Lord, hear us. 3. We pray for all those close to us who have died, remembering also those who have died unknown, unloved or unmourned. Lord, hear us. 4. We long for God’s peace to rest in every heart that is distressed, and on those whose hope is fading. Lord, hear us. 5. We commend to God that land made holy by the earthly life of Jesus, so that harmony may come to all who live there. Lord, hear us. 6. We rejoice in the gift of teachers and all they do for children and youths on this World Teachers Day. Lord, hear us. 7. We seek the protection of the Guardian Angels whom God has given as a personal gift to every human person. Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Lord our God, in faith we seek your face, that we may come to live in your presence in the heavenly home through Christ our Lord. Friday 3rd October Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Celebrant: God’s word to Job has given us an insight into the power of God. While we stand in awe of his majesty, we are also confident that he will hear our every prayer. 1. That when we are tempted to say something untrue or hurtful, boastful or conceited, we may lay our finger on our lips as did Job long ago. Lord, hear us. 2. That when we give our word to another, we will do so thoughtfully and truthfully, keeping faithful to what we say. Lord, hear us. 3. That politicians may respect truth, and without fear or favour, work for the common good of the people for whom they are elected. Lord, hear us. 4. That this Day of Jewish and Christian Dialogue may help each faith to appreciate the other, and so unite with other people of goodwill in the quest for peace and religious freedom. Lord, hear us. 5. That the poverty which is experienced across the African Continent may move world leaders to reduce debt, increase aid, and promote human rights. Lord, hear us. 6. That Christian communities across India, enduring persecution from Hindu extremist, may be full of faith and courage, and know our prayerful support. Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Lord our God, you are present everywhere and guide us in the ways of goodness. Help us to remain faithful to you through Christ our Lord. Saturday 4th October St Francis of Assisi Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Celebrant: Today we honour one of the most loved of all saints, Francis of Assisi, whose simple faith, radical poverty, and respect for all living creatures, continues to encourage people to live the Christian life today. 1. May the holiness of St Francis, and his love for the Church, encourage all Christians to pray and work for that unity which is according to the mind of Jesus Christ. Lord, hear us. 2. May all who honour St Francis as patron follow the simplicity of his dedicated life: the people of the Newton Parish, students and staff of St Francis Schools at Newton and Lockleys, the Franciscan and Capuchin Friars, the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus, the Franciscan Sisters of St Anthony, and the Nation of Italy. Lord, hear us. 3. May we have a profound respect for God’s creation, and care for the earth for the welfare of future generations, as we honour St Francis, patron of the ecology and ecologists. Lord, hear us. 4. May governments take seriously the issue of global warming, and here in Australia the quantity and quality of rivers, and make bold decisions for the long term future of our planet and country. Lord, hear us. 5. May we receive the gift of prudence so that we do not speak empty-headed words, or hold forth on matters we cannot or do not understand. Lord, hear us. 6. May World Space Week, beginning today, ensure that nations work together in space exploration with a commitment for peace. Lord, hear us. Celebrant: Lord, let your face shine upon us, so that we can live with peace of heart all the days of our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord.