Supplementary Materials Materials and Methods The FeTiO3 starting material was synthesized via a solid-state method under controlled gas mixtures at CSIRO Minerals (Clayton, Australia) and its chemical and phase purity was confirmed by standard electron probe microanalysis and X-ray diffraction. The 57 FeTiO3 sample investigated was described in Ref. 26. A FeTi2O5 sample enriched in 57 Fe was synthesized by the standard solid-state reaction method. Stoichiometric amounts of 57 Fe (95.38%), Fe2O3 (99.998%), and TiO2 (99.998%) were mixed and ground under ethanol in an agate mortar. The mixture was loaded into a sealed and evacuated silica tube, which was heated at 1200 0C for 44 hours, and then subsequently quenched to ambient conditions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) confirmed the product to be phase-pure with orthorhombic structure (Cmcm, Z=4). We studied the high pressure behavior of FeTiO3 and FeTi2O5 in a four-pin modified Merrill-Bassett design diamond anvil cell (DAC). The DAC has 300 m culets, with a 150 or 125-m-diameter hole in the pre-indented rhenium gasket (thickness 30-40 m). Samples were loaded in NaCl, LiF or Ne pressure transmitting medium in different experiments. Here NaCl and LiF are also used as thermal insulators for laser heating. Equations of state of NaCl, LiF or ruby fluorescence (2-3 ruby balls of 3-5 m in diameter were also placed in the pressure chamber) were used for pressure determination at ambient temperature. Pressure gradients in laser-heated samples were negligible, and uncertainty in pressure determination at 50 GPa does not exceed 2 GPa. The experimental procedures of our laser heated DAC have been described previously [43,44]. High-pressure powder diffraction experiments of FeTiO3 were conducted at beamline 13-BM-D of the Advanced Photon Source (APS), Chicago. Data were collected with a MAR345 detector using a monochromatic X-ray beam of wavelength = 0.3344 Å and a beam size of 5x5 μm. High-pressure XRD experiments on FeTi2O5 were conducted at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble and Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI), Germany. At ESRF, the data were collected 1 with a MAR345 detector using an X-ray beam with wavelength = 0.4133 Å. At BGI, the XRD data were collected using a system consisting of a high-brilliance FRD rotating anode generator and a Bruker APEX charge-coupled device area detector. An accelerating voltage of 55 KV and a beam current of 60 mA were applied. Mo K radiation ( = 0.7108 Å) was focused to about 50 m FWHM beam size. The collecting time of each pattern was 30 minutes. The collected images were integrated using the Fit2D program in order to obtain a conventional diffraction spectrum. Mössbauer 57 Fe spectra of 57 FeTiO3 and 57 FeTi2O5 samples at elevated pressures before and after laser heating were collected in transmission mode on a constant acceleration Mössbauer spectrometer using a high specific activity 57Co point source in a Rh-matrix. The velocity scale was calibrated relative to 25-m--Fe foil. The collection time for each spectrum was at least 8 hours. The spectra were fitted to Lorentzian lineshapes using the commercial software NORMOS written by R A Brand (distributed by Wissenschaftliche Elektronik GmbH, Germany). 2 N Decompression N: NaCl W: W üstite N Intensity (arb.unit) W N W N N W N N (II) GPa 0 9 (II) (II) (I) N W (II) (III) 17 (III) 26 40 W 5 6 50 W W N N 7 8 9 W N N 10 11 12 13 W N 14 15 W W N 16 17 2(°) Figure S1: Selected XRD patterns collected on decompression of FeTiO3 after laser heating at 2000(200) K and 53(2) GPa. The X-ray wavelength is 0.3344 Å. The backgrounds of the diffraction spectra were subtracted. On decompression, all the reflections can be divided into three groups: one from the pressure-transmitting medium NaCl with strong intensities and a phase transition from Pm3m to Fm3m around 26 GPa; a second group of reflections whose full width at half maximum (FWHM) increases upon decompression and peaks eventually disappears below 9 GPa; a third group which belongs to the recovered material with a cubic structure attributed to wüstite. Peak labels are: N for NaCl and W for wüstite. The arrows are guides for the eye. The red is the first group, the blue is the second, and the green is the third. 3 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Relative Transimission 1.5% (d) ambient condition after full decompression A E 1.3% (c) T-quenched from 50 GPa and 2000 K B C A D 1.5% (b) 50 GPa and 300 K befroe heating 2.0% (a) 45 GPa and 300 K -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -1 Velocity (mms ) Figure S2: 57 Fe Mössbauer spectra of FeTiO3 collected at different conditions. LiF was used as the pressure-transmitting medium. “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E” denote different spectral components. (a) 45 GPa and 300 K. Perovskite FeTiO3 shows a well-resolved Fe2+ doublet with = 0.81 mm s-1 and EQ = 1.92 mm s-1. (b) 50 GPa and 300 K before laser heating. The doublet splits into more than one component that is too complex to obtain an unambiguous fitting. (c) 43 GPa and 300 K from sample laser-heated at 50 GPa and ~2000 K. According to the XRD results, FeTiO3 dissociates into FeO and FeTi2O5. The corresponding Mössbauer spectrum should include the components from FeO and FeTi2O5. Thus three Fe2+ sites and one additional Fe3+ component were used in the fitting process. “A” is attributed to wüstite with = 0.88 mm s-1 and EQ = 1.10 mm s-1. “B” is 4 attributed to the M2 site of post-Fpb with = 0.88 mm s-1 and EQ = 2.26 mm s-1, and “C” belongs to the M1 site with = 0.98 mm s-1 and EQ = 2.97 mm s-1. There is a Fe3+ component “D” with = -0.09 mm s-1. The portion of “A” component is 50±6%, and the ratio of A/(B+C+D) = 1(±8%). Based on the area of every iron component and the mol ratio of 1:1 for the dissociated product the Fe3+ component is thought to be associated with post-Fpb. (d) Ambient conditions spectrum after recovery of the high-P, T treated material. “A” is from wüstite with = 0.88 mm s-1 and EQ = 1.20 mm s-1, while “E” is attributed to amorphous FeTi2O5 with = 0.95 mm s-1 and EQ = 1.99 mm s-1. The area ratio of A/E=1.07(±8%) is close to 1. Compared with (c) and (d), Fe3+ disappears on decompression to ambient conditions. At the same time, FeTi2O5 becomes amorphous. Thus the behavior of the Fe3+ component also indirectly supports the conclusion that most Fe3+ is associated with FeTi2O5. And no Fe3+ was observed in FeTi2O5 synthesized from a pure precursor (Fig.S4). It means the post-Fpd should be Fe1+δTi2-δO5 in the dissociated product, rather than FeTi2O5. 5 L(002) WB(222) WB(311) L(022) WB(220) WB(200) WB(111) L(111) Amorphous (c) 6 7 8 9 10 11 76 GPa and 300 K 12 13 14 15 L(022) L(111) WH(103) WH(102) L(002) L(111) (a) L(002) WH(100) (b) L(111) WH(101) 76 GPa and 2500 K WH(002) Intensity (arb. unit) 5 GPa and 300 K 16 2() Figure S3: XRD patterns of an additional experiment at (a) 76 GPa and 300 K, (b) 76 GPa and 2500(200) K, and (c) 5 GPa and 300 K quenched from (b) conditions. The Xray wavelength is 0.3344 Å. LiF was used as pressure-transmitting medium and thermal insulator for laser heating. The backgrounds of the diffraction spectra were subtracted. “L” represents LiF, “WH” is the NiAs-type wüstite, and “WB” is the Fm3m phase of wüstite. There is a bulge in lower angle of 6.5º-8.0º (c), which means amorphous. Double upward arrows denote double characteristic peaks of post-Fpd. 6 (b) after laser heating 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 obs. calc. peaks Ne(111) Intensity (arb. unit) Intensity (arb. unit) obs. calc. peaks 6 20 8 10 Ne(002) (a) before laser heating 12 14 16 18 20 2 () 2 () (c) = 0.7108 Å FeTi2O5 C2/c Pressure GPa 4 9 15 On decompression Intensity / a.u. 0 22 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 / degree Fig. S4 X-ray diffraction patterns of FeTi2O5. (a) At 42 GPa and 300 K before laser heating, FeTi2O5 is a low-pressure phase Cmcm; (b) Quenched from 2000±200 K at 42 GPa, the pressure decreased to 25 GPa, and FeTi2O5 transforms into a high-pressure phase C2/c. Ne is used as the pressure-transmitting medium. (a) and (b) Data recorded at ESRF using = 0.4133 Å. (c) Diffraction patterns on decompression, collected at BGI with = 0.7108 Å. 7 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4.0% (d) ambient condition after full decompression C1 C3 0.4% (c)T quenched from 2000 K at 42 GPa (b) 42 GPa and 300 K 1.3% Relative Transimission C2 4.0% (a) ambient condition -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -1 Velocity (mms ) Figure S5: 57Fe Mössbauer spectra of FeTi2O5 at (a) ambient conditions as synthesized, (b) 42 GPa and 300 K, (c) 42 GPa and 300 K after laser heating around 2000 K, and (d) ambient conditions after complete decompression to ambient conditions. The cyan fraction “C1” belongs to the Fe2+ component located on the M1 (8f) position, the gray fraction “C2” belongs to the Fe2+ component located on the M2 (4d) position, and the olive “C3” belongs to the Fe2+ component of amorphous FeTi2O5. The corresponding hyperfine parameters are listed in Table S1. 8 Intensity (arb. unit) obs. calc. bckgr diff. post-Fpd(C2/c) wüstite (R-3m) NaCl (Pm3m) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2() Fig. S6 Rietveld refinement XRD pattern from a mixture of B2-NaCl (top ticks), wüstite (middle ticks), and post-Fpb (bottom ticks) at 40 GPa. In the fitting process a simple model was used, i.e., all Fe cations occupy M1 (8f) sites heptahedrally coordinated by seven oxygen ions, and Ti cations occupy M2(4d) sites surrounded by six oxygen atoms in octahedral coordination. The lattice parameters obtained for wüstite (R-3m, Z = 3) are a = 2.8210(6) Å and c = 7.386(3) Å and the lattice parameter for NaCl (Pm3m, Z = 1) is a =2.9544(2) Å. The structural parameters of post-ferropseubrookite (C2/c, Z = 4) are a = 10.135(3) Å, b = 4.305(1) Å, c = 10.023(4) Å, = 141.48(9), and M1(0.109, 0.694, 0.175), M2(0.25, 0.25, 0.5), O1(0.201, 0.479, 0.124), O2(0.113, 0.028, 0.514), O3(0, 0.501, 0.25); the uncertainties in coordinates are 0.005-0.010; Rp=7.5%, wRp=5.4%. Here: RP Yi (obs) Yi (calc) / Yi (obs) and Rwp w [(Y (obs) Y (calc)] / w [Y (obs)] 2 1/ 2 2 i i i i i are the R factors, where Yi(obs) is the observed intensity at step i, Yi(calc) is the calculated intensity and Wi is the weight. 9 (A) 10.8 Axis length (Å) 10.6 a 4.40 4.36 10.4 4.32 b 4.28 10.2 c 4.24 10.0 4.20 9.8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 40 45 50 Pressure (GPa) 141.7 141.6 (B) 141.5 (°) 141.4 141.3 141.2 141.1 141.0 140.9 140.8 10 15 20 25 30 35 Pressure (GPa) Figure S7: Unit cell parameters of monoclinic post-Fpb (space group C2/c) as function of pressure. The a axis converges toward the c axis, and increases slightly with increasing pressure. The a axis is the most compressible, while the b axis is the least compressible. 10 Table S1. Iron hyperfine parameters in FeTi2O5, corresponding to Fig. S4. The numbers in parentheses are the estimated standard deviations in units of the last digit, based on fitting statistics. C1 (mm/s) EQ(mm/s) A(%) (a) 1.030(7) 1.96(2) 38(2) (b) 0.778(7) 1.72(2) 66(4) (c) 0.85(2) 1.73(7) 51(9) (d) 0.992(2) 1.58(2) 33(4) C2 (mm/s) EQ(mm/s) A(%) 1.066(3) 3.04(1) 62(2) 0.867(8) 2.58(2) 34(2) 0.96(2) 2.66(7) 49(9) 1.032(3) 2.70(2) 22(3) C3 (mm/s) EQ(mm/s) A(%) 1.013(2) 2.15(1) 45(6) References 43. L. Dubrovinsky, S. K. Saxena, P. Lazor, R. Ahuja, O. Eriksson, J. M. Wills, and B. Johansson, Nature 388: 362 (1997). 44. L. Dubrovinsky, N. A. Dubrovinskaia, S. K. Saxena, H. Annersten, E. Halenius, H. Harryson, F. Tutti, S. Rekhi, and T. LeBihan, Science 289: 430 (2000). 11