The term `XXX` is linked/relates/recalls the medieval

The term ‘Artistic Companionship’ recalls the medieval European experience of travelling for
self-improvement and for acquiring new skills. This term acts as a qualitative idea of the
initiative, as much from the point of view of the traveller as that of those who welcome him.
It is the priority of this project to assure the possibility for artists, travelling alone or in small
groups, to develop new experiences. It prioritises the necessity to fulfil a personal, artistic
experience and to offer easy and quick possibilities without complicated steps and without
long procedures of selection.
The project looks to expand on this experience and to create a network of ‘Artistic
Companionship’. It will apply its research and the necessary organisation to develop and give
structure to this movement, to provide essential information to be put to good use and to
assure quality of the initiative and of the hosting. We envisage this process being met in three
stages in which the main activities are:
To explore new possibilities and new spaces,
To integrate new partners,
To make a study of essential information on artist tours and on artists rights in
different countries so as to affirm the legal framework of intellectual property and of
the network.
A study of operating parameters and to keep track of case studies with the
collaboration of artists.
The constitution of an Artistic Companionship Charter on the values, ideas and
principles of the movement.
The creation and introduction of an Artistic Companionship label.
A kit of information to contain all relevant information and the criteria for
participation and for using the network.
The creation of an Artistic Companionship website to contain information on the
purpose of the movement, the charter, the conditions of participation, the profiles and
availability of different hosting centres, a request form.
Information for members in order to improve the different aspects of hosting and of
To prepare audiovisual information, based on the experiences and testimonies of
artists, which could serve as an introduction to all candidates from the onset or to use
for the network Artistic Companionship network.
To assure the possibility of travelling and of acquiring new experiences for 180-200
The project is aimed at all European artists open to mobility and wanting to gain an
experience within these countries, provided that they respect the ethos of exchange and
distribution of the Artistic Companionship.
The researched result is to set up a process of structured exchanges and of finding a new
synergy within practices that once formed the basis of European culture. The aim is to
establish the principles and common values of the Artistic Companionship through a charter
and a label of quality that will give artists a greater sense of belonging and of development of
the best European traditions. At the same time, it will allow to respond to the demands of
artists in a direct, quick and efficient manner.
The network of the Artistic Companionship across Europe is open to all European artists
without restrictions, provided that they adhere to the ethos of respect; of sharing and of
discovery that comes from the living and visual arts, of cinema or of literature. The initiative
is open equally to promoters in search of new talents.
The project does not demand a solid result at the end of the stay, although these results are not
altogether ruled out. The project places a particular emphasis on the quality of the experience
and of the exchange. Artists that use the network commit themselves to meet their hosts on
site, to give a conference or lead a creative workshop, to meet the local public in a way that is
not off-the-cuff or unprepared. This initiative, defined by the principles and values of the
movement of Artistic Companionship, allows for enriching meetings, initiating collaborations
or international projects to take place. The project will allow for the public at large, from the
most isolated regions, to become aware of these European artistic tendencies. Hosting artists
“in your home” and the possibility of contributing to their creative process allows the public
to feel better integrated, to see the interactions and the similarities between European cultures.
The main activities are connected to the development of hosting centres and to the
constitution of the network of the Artistic Companionship across Europe. They are structured
in three parts that mark the stages and evolution of the project.
The first part – research, analysis, preparation – linked to development and consolidations of
existing hosting centres.
The second part – Implementation of the main instruments of the movement, the launching of
the network and the emergence of new hosting centres within the partner countries.
The third part – Expansion of the network and increase of new members within other
European countries.
Definition of hosting centres:
A structure:
 That sets up cultural projects and that is very active in mobilising regional and local
resources for the execution of these projects.
That works towards an enrichment of cultural life in its region and that looks to give
its people a new dimension of thinking as a result of integrating them with artists of
other cultures.
That welcomes artists of other countries and regions within the framework of these
activities and projects and gives them the possibility to participate or to assist in these
That supports artists to exhibit or perform their cultural projects with available
resources at their disposal or resources from their local partners such as performance
or exhibition halls, creative workshops, access to sites and to historical artefacts,
internships, transport and local support, technical means, editing suites and recording
studios or accommodation.
That commits to the supervision of artists and to assure a truly cultural interaction and
exchange between artists and the local public.
Main activities foreseen in the first stage:
A general meeting to refine the strategies and the operation programme.
A database for each hosting centre with an overview of the local and regional features.
A study on the different possibilities offered to artists and to what extent they
correspond to their needs.
A study on the judicial aspects of initiatives and the rights enacted in different
countries, the possibility of activities, support and promotion.
This data will serve as a preparation for the information kit and for the practical
specifications to be made available and elaborated by the partners. They will form the
foundation of the Charter of the Artistic Companionship and the label of quality that
will serve to guarantee the quality and efficiency of the movement in its subsequent
function and integration of new partners.
Two seminars will take place in Belgium and Spain to share the experience and its
acquired partners. They will serve to create a better collaboration between the two
countries and to establish more acute and efficient exchanges. The partners will
analyse certain problems in the operation, the opportunities for finding new resources
and support at a local level.
9 hosting centres established will be in operation during the first stage – They will
work together as part of the network and will exchange their databases with
consideration to the quality of and provision of access to information.
40-45 artists will have the possibility to have different experiences in these hosting
The second stage (1st March 2010 – 31 March 2011) – Exchange of good practice and
implementation of the movement’s main tools.
The second stage will see the training and workshops aimed at different participants within
the network, as well as cultural agents of the regions in question. Priority will be granted to
the quality of hosting and to establish a better dialogue between artists, their local colleagues
and the public. Between 10 to 12 new hosting centres will be identified and set in motion.
Each partner will study the potential to augment their resources and increase the number of
local collaborators – hotels, transport agencies, promoters, studios, exhibition galleries,
performance halls, volunteers, public and private funding sources. Work communications and
promotion of the network will be characterised by astute attention and important financing.
Hosting centres will introduce and develop the practice of creative workshops to provide
artists with better possibilities of exchanging expertise, ideas and concepts with their hosts.
The defined instruments of the Artistic Companionship across Europe network will be
confirmed and implemented at a general meeting:
The charter of participation will be enacted by different hosting centres, cultural
agents and artists. The charter will define the roots and values of the Artistic
Companionship, the objectives of the movement, the membership conditions and
usage of the network. The charter offers a guarantee of reliability, quality and
effectiveness of the initiative, as well as accessibility and transparency for all seeking
artists. Before being officially implemented during a general meeting or an
inauguration ceremony, the proposal of the charter will be analysed and discussed at
internal meetings or by electronic correspondence with the hosting centres, local
collaborators, specialists and experts.
During the discussions and the decision-making concerning the CHARTER and the
LABEL of QUALITY, artists, experts and representatives of cultural associations
(unions representing artists and musicians, etc), promoters, journalists of newspapers
and of specialist TV channels, as well as European managers will be invited to attend
the meeting. Moreover, artists of international notability will be invited to give their
opinions and to back movement.
Each partner will hold a press conference for promoters, representatives of the cultural
organisations, local authorities and the media. These conferences will be devoted to
the official inauguration of Artistic Companionship network across Europe and will
present the values and aim of the movement, the Charter and label of quality of
companionship. These conferences will also function to introduce the artists and
present case studies so as to give exposure to the network and its activities.
A kit of information with the different possibilities of knowledge or skills for artists,
the support and the activities in offer at each hosting centre will be circulated between
the partners.
A website for the Artistic Companionship network across Europe. The project’s
website will present general information, the chart and the label of quality of Artistic
companionship across Europe, the information kit and the network’s members. Each
participant will give a description of his or her priorities, opportunities and
availability. The site will also have be links to the websites of the partners and
participants in the network.
An interactive website page with experiences, evaluations, meetings and achievements
by the artists following their stay. This page will also be opened to the public and to
the cultural agents for them to share their knowledge and give opinions, following
visits by the artists, the exchanges and events. This page will serve as a permanent tool
of evaluating the function of the network, its efficiency and impact on the artists and
There will be video clips on the experiences, the exchanges and [p.d.a, realises] with
the support of artists who participate in the movement. Recordings, photos and video
clips will be used for the promotion of venues, artists and their work.
Clips and the information amassed will give the participants within the network
feedback to help them to adjust and to improve their approaches and activities. These
will represent an efficient tool for expanding the movement and integrating new
Two seminars will be organised for the exchange of better practices and experiences
and the formation of new hosting centres.
The network will be open to European promoters, managers, producers and directors
of festivals who are searching for new talent; for new creative energies within the
regions in question.
According to predictions and interest formerly expressed 20-22 hosting centres will be
functioning by the end of the second stage of the project.
By the end of the second stage, the hosting centre will develop their internal resources
so as to offer better conditions for artists. All possibilities, activities and conditions
regarding the hosting will be placed on the network website.
80-100 artists will have the possibility of travelling and gaining new experiences by
using the network during this stage.
The third stage (1st April – 31 August 2011) of the project anticipates a large
integration of new partners. The emphasis of this stage will be on the promotion and
dissemination of the information on a large scale. Video clips, meetings, testimonies
by artists, introduction of hosting centres and interviews will be used for advertising
the Artistic companionship network across Europe. Our network will be in contact
with other active networks within the artistic domain, different cultural programmes,
associations of artists, festivals, etc. The project will be open to partners of other
European countries that want to join the network and have access to the information.
Third stage main activities:
1 seminar aimed at the procurement of new partners and the subsequent evolution
of the network.
Hosting centres will be put into action by the organisations interested in
integrating the network in other European countries. Representatives of new
hosting centres will have the possibility of attending an activity at an existing
hosting centre that has the Label of Quality of Companionship. The exchanges will
form part of the network.
A survey will be carried out on 30 artists of different countries who have benefited
from the network.
A survey will be carried out on the public and local and regional agents of hosting
centres on the quality of the activities, their contribution to the improvement of
cultural life and the intercultural dialogue within the region.
Inquiries, feedback on the artists and the public, will serve to evaluate the project.