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Coaching Staff Contact Information:
Adam Greenberg
Head Coach, Varsity
Cell phone: (703) 786-9873
Chad Campbell
Varsity Assistant Coach
Cell phone: (703) 582-8619
Fernanda Rojas
Varsity Assistant Coach/Statistician
Cell Phone: (571) 438-5382
Tara Purdham
Junior Varsity Head Coach
Cell Phone: (703) 309-1360
Kristen Kieba
Junior Varsity Assistant Coach
Cell Phone: (215) 527-5603
Nichole Kennedy
Freshmen Head Coach
Cell Phone: (203) 907-8947
Tatjana Gainey
Freshmen Assistant Coach
Cell Phone: (703) 597-8683
Lee High School Athletics Web page:
Hotline: (703) 924-8400
Office of Student Activities:
Alice Silver
Secretary, Activities Office
Office: (703) 924-8352
Lori Barb
Director of Student Activities
Office: (703) 924-8352
David Arthur
Assistant Director of Student Activities
Office: (703) 924-8351
Welcome to the team! The Lancer Volleyball Handbook is intended to provide players and
parents with basic information about the program and its policies and procedures. If any
clarification is needed, please ask your athlete’s coach.
Coach’s Philosophy
The following are goals expressed by the Head Coach and represent the philosophy adhered
to by each coach in the program:
*Help players gain confidence, skill, and a love for the game.
*Help players become better athletes and individuals.
*Help players learn that doing their best and having fun is more important than winning
every match.
*Teach players the virtues of teamwork, sportsmanship, and honor.
Expectations of Players
A student athlete is expected to serve as a role model in school and out. Each player will do
their best to represent Lee High School and LHS Volleyball in a positive light. All players and
managers will:
*Attend all classes, practices, meetings and games on time. Excused absences must be
discussed with the coach in advance via phone or email! Unexcused absences will be dealt
with at the coach’s discretion.
 A note from a teacher stating that you are late because extra help was needed
after school is acceptable (academics do come first).
*Refrain from using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Penalties will be enforced in
accordance with the Lee High School “Student Rights and Responsibilities” guidelines.
*Be respectful to all teachers, coaches, teammates, oneself, and the game of volleyball. Any
violation of this rule will be evaluated and handled at the coach’s discretion. Good
sportsmanship is necessary.
*Respect your position on the team by working to master necessary skills.
*Give 100% effort at all times.
*Meet or exceed academic standards required for sports participation.
*Do all the drills assigned by your coach during practice. It is not mandatory to like the drills,
but they must be done without complaint.
*Be smart about posting information/pictures on the internet (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
etc.), once something is up, it is public and permanent, and therefore tough to remove.
*No attire representing another high school may be worn at home/away matches.
Playing Time
The program’s theory on playing time is based on the philosophy below. The DUES are the
requirements for playing (in order of importance and consideration).
“To play, you must pay your D.U.E.S.”
*Discipline: Any violation of rules, including behavior and attitude issues, will be dealt with
at the coach’s discretion.
*Understanding: It is very important that every player on the court has an understanding of
the game, the plays, and their position on the court. Those players who have not quite
learned the necessary skills will not see as much playing time.
*Effort: Effort during practices will certainly be noticed and may be awarded with playing
*Skill: Skill is the least important requirement. The team will certainly have some players
who are more skilled than others, but the playing time will not be solely determined by the
athlete’s skill level.
The lineup will be determined before each match based on what the coach has seen in
practice. No one is “safe” and “starters” are only starters for that particular game. If you
are not receiving playing time and aren’t sure why, ASK! The coaches believe that if you
really want to play, you will find out why you are not playing and do whatever it takes to go
about fixing the problem.
There are often players who have paid equal “DUES” and equally deserve playing time.
During circumstances in which even players are competing for a position on the floor, the
starters will be chosen on the basis of our opponents. Each match will require strengths in
different areas, depending on the opponents. Whichever player’s strength benefits the
team the most for that particular game is the one who will play.
Characteristics that do not determine playing time are:
*Captain status, grade, seniority, height, or popularity.
*Whether or not your family and friends are in the stands (though telling the coach that
before the match won’t hurt).
*Whether or not the coach likes you.
Please remember…If you do not play in a match, that does not mean the coach thinks you
are bad, nor does it mean that you have done something wrong. If the coach thought you
were bad, you would not have made the team. If you had done something wrong, trust me,
the coach would have told you.
Note: This is a high school volleyball program. It is not Junior Olympic team, nor is it a
recreational league. The team is competitive and only those players earning playing time will
receive it. The volleyball program at Lee will not be run by the “everyone plays” rule. We
would LOVE to have everyone play, but they must meet the standards of the team in order
to do so. Players may sit out several matches one year, but get a lot more playing time the
next. Coaches expect each player to know their role on the team and perform to the
standards of that role.
Role of Team Captains
It is an honor and a privilege to be chosen as a Team Captain. Captains are responsible for
the following duties:
*Encourage teammates to have a positive attitude and remain focused.
*Facilitate peace among teammates.
*Lead warm ups, set-up, and taking down of equipment.
*Be a positive role model for every player in the program.
*Exhibit a great work ethic.
*Serve as a liaison between coaches and players.
*Address game officials, as needed.
*Any other responsibilities or duties assigned by the coach.
Team Captains do not:
*Make decisions regarding practice drills, practice times, or game line-ups.
*Offer advice or criticism during team huddles.
*Delegate responsibilities to other teammates.
*Undermine the authority of the coach. The coach is boss!
Role of Managers
Ideally, each team will have two managers. Each manager will be honored with the same
respect as any player on the team and will letter if in attendance at the majority of games
and practices (not missing more than three). Duties are as follows:
*Help the coaches with team duties at all practices and matches.
*Shag balls, toss balls, help with equipment set-up and takedown, keep score, etc., as
*Carry necessary equipment to away matches.
*Any other responsibilities or duties assigned by the coach.
Information for Parents
Parent-coach communication and parent participation are valued. An important way to
support both your student and the team is to attend as many games as possible. There are
also opportunities to volunteer, such as being a team parent, serving as the teams’
representative at LHS Sports Booster meetings, or assisting with fundraising. Parents are
expected to support the volleyball program by potentially volunteering at the snack bar,
assisting with fundraising activities, and/or taking on the responsibility of being a Scorer,
Libero Tracker, or Timer (training provided) for home Matches.
Important notes:
*Practices are CLOSED.
*If your child has a concern, please first ask them to discuss it with their coach.
*If you would like to speak to the coach, please email or call for an appointment. The best
time to meet in person will likely be before or after practices.
*Please notify the coach of any potential schedule conflicts as soon as possible.
*Please do not attempt to discuss the following with the coach:
-Playing time.
-Team strategy.
-Play calling.
-Other athletes on the team.
*Please do not expect to discuss concerns with the coach before or after matches.
Rules for Home and Away Matches:
*For home matches, arrive one hour prior to the start of your match, or at the discretion of
the coach.
*Buses are taken to away matches. Be on time! You must be ready to board the bus 15
minutes before the scheduled departure time. If you are not ready, the team may leave
without you. Special permission from the coach is required for any player to take alternate
transportation to or from a game.
*Players will dress up for both school and travel to the match on away game days. Changes
and/or exceptions to this policy are at the coach's discretion.
*Freshmen players will stay for the first half of every JV match, sitting as a group, paying
attention to the game. JV players will stay for the first half of every Varsity match, sitting as
a group, paying attention to the game. Changes and/or exceptions to this policy are at the
coach's discretion.
*Uniforms must be on before entering the gym for warm-ups and matches. You must
change in the locker room or bathroom. When not wearing your uniform, please follow
school dress code.
*No jewelry is allowed during matches and must be removed prior to warm-ups.
*Locker rooms and bathrooms should be treated with respect and left exactly as they were
when we arrived.
Requirements: Any Varsity volleyball player (or manager) who has no more than three
unexcused absences may letter for the season. Any Junior Varsity player who has been
brought up to Varsity must have played in at least half of the games in order to receive a
letter for the season. Players must have turned in all uniforms and equipment to the coach
in order to receive a letter or any award at the end of the season.
Individual Player Costs
For hygienic purposes, each player is required to purchase their own pair of uniform
spandex shorts. They cost around $20-$25.
Team jerseys are issued to each player for the season without cost, but become the
responsibility of that student athlete upon receipt. Replacement costs for equipment and
uniforms averages 1.5 times the original price, regardless of the item’s condition, as the
Office of Student Activities must replace it at current cost.
The Lee High School Sports Booster Club provides each sport with a certain amount of
money each year. Unfortunately, it is not always enough to cover the costs of the team.
Therefore, the team must participate in fundraising events throughout the year to help
purchase necessary items for the current and upcoming seasons, such as apparel and
equipment. Information for those interested in joining Lee Sports Boosters can be found at:
Player Name (please print):_
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Robert E. Lee High
School Volleyball Handbook and that I have read and understood the
contents of the Handbook. I understand that the Handbook is intended to
provide me with general information about the volleyball program’s policies
and procedures as well as current seasonal information. I also understand
that if I desire clarification or elaboration of any items in this Handbook, I
should talk to the Coach.
Player’s Signature
Parent’s Signature