DRAFT AGENDA July 8, 2009 Science AS Storytelling and the Science OF Storytelling Monday, August 3, 2009 11:00-5:00 pm Registration 11:00-4:00 pm Pre-Conference Workshops 11:00-12:30 Student and Faculty Development Orientation Please meet in the lobby with your name tag on. The following Scholarship recipients will be transported to the PSU Native American Student and Community Center. Lobby INVITATION ONLY AIRCH AMGEN Scholars Mayo Clinic Spirit of EAGLES NCI Scholars NWNARCH Scholars 1:00-4:00 pm Human Research Protections Workshop Rena Gill (Spokane) Chairperson, 2007 Portland Area IHS IRB Committee Members OPEN SESSION Ballroom IHS Division of Planning, Evaluation and Research Phillip L. Smith, MD, MPH (Dine’) Director and Alan Trachtenberg, MD, MPH Acting Research Director Tom Weiser, MD, MPH 1:00-4:00 pm Medical Epidemiologist, NPAIHB NCI Scholarship Training: Writing and Planning Community Based Participatory Research Proposals Moderator: Srinivasan, Shobha, PhD Health Disparities Research Coordinator Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences National Cancer Institute PI Perspective: June Strickland, PhD (Eastern Band Cherokee) Associate Professor, Psychosocial & Community Health College of Nursing University of Washington Review Protocols and Issues to the Addressed: Michael Martin, PhD (Cherokee) Senior Scientific Advisor to the Director NIH, Center for Scientific Review Program/Funder Perspective: Jared Jobe, PhD (Cherokee) Program Manager for Outreach and Recruitment Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences National Cancer Institute CLOSED SESSION 1:00-4:00 pm AMGEN Scholarship Training: Research Careers in Diabetes CLOSED SESSION Presenters/Mentors: Moderator: Teshia Solomon, PhD (Choctaw) Co-Director, Native American Research and Training Center Assoc. Professor, Family and Community Medicine University of Arizona PI Perspective: June Strickland, PhD (Eastern Band Cherokee) Associate Professor, Psychosocial & Community Health College of Nursing University of Washington Review Protocols and Issues to the Addressed: Michael Martin, PhD (Cherokee) Senior Scientific Advisor to the Director NIH, Center for Scientific Review Program/Funder Perspective: Jared Jobe, PhD (Cherokee) Program Manager for Outreach and Recruitment Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences National Cancer Institute 6:00-8:00 pm Welcome Reception Hosted by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Entertainment Notes Ballroom Science AS Storytelling Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:00-8:30 am Blessing 8:30-9:00 am Opening Remarks Alison Ball, PhD, Confederated Tribes of Colville Co-Chair, Native Research Network, Inc. Introduction of Sponsors Introduction of Planning Committee Greetings from the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Chair, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Greetings from the Indian Health Service RADM Richard Church, PharmD, Ottawa Director, Office of Public Health Support Indian Health Service 9:00-9:50 am Plenary Session The Role of Research at the IHS Moderator Alison Ball, Colville Confederated Tribes Co-Chair, Native Research Network, Inc Yvette Roubideaux, MD, MPH, Rosebud Sioux Director of Indian Health Service 10:15-10:30 am Refreshment Break 10:30 - Noon Science AS Storytelling Moderator Teshia G. Arambula Solomon, Choctaw Past Co-Chair, NRN Co-Director, NARTC Alisa Gilbert, Tiwa Director, Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation Sean Muir, Executive Director , The Healthy Aboriginal Network Maile Taualii, PhD, MPH, Native Hawaiian Director, Native Hawaiian Epidemiology Center, Papa Ola Lokahi Noon-1:30 pm Lunch on Your Own 1:30-3:00 pm Plenary Session Making the Turtle Fly, The Story of NARCH Moderator Philip L. Smith, MD, MPH Dine’ Indian Health Service Clifton A. Poodry, Ph.D. Seneca National Institute of General Medical Sciences National Institutes of Health Michael Trujillo, M.D., MPH, Laguna Pueblo William Freeman, MD, MPH Director of Tribal Community Health Programs Human Protections Administrator Northwest Indian College Leo J. Nolan, St. Regis Mohawk – NY Senior Policy Analyst - External Affairs Office of the Director Indian Health Service 3:00 – 3:15 pm Refreshment Break 3:15 – 4:45 pm Breakout Session I 1.1 – 1.4 Human Protections, Community Control and Specimen Banks Moderator Maile Taualii Ballroom Ethical and Cultural Implications of Specimen Banking Among Alaska Native People: Historical project informant interviews. Abbie Wolfe Historical Experiences with Research: What Alaska Native People Bring Up When Considering Specimen Banking Denise Dillard Stories From the River: Using Metaphor to Examine how Yup'ik Eskimo Community Members Comprehend Genetic Research Information Kathleen McGlone West Collaborations and Partnerships 1.5 -1.8 Communication Moderator Participatory photomapping to understand environmental factors of health and well being with Native youth. Derek Jennings Visual Mapping in Qualitative Research: Using Pictures to Tell the Story. Emily Haozous Using a mirror to tell a story: Writing in a way to inform people about cancer among Alaska Natives. Diana Campbell Commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls: Stories of an invisible public health emergency. Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce 1.9 – 1.12 Chronic Disease Moderator Cherokee Experiences of Living with Type 2 Diabetes. Patricia Hamrick Designing an Evaluation Plan for the Chronic Care Initiative Innovations in Planned Care Collaborative. Nancy Kuchar The Balance Study: A Holistic Intervention Model Developed to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease in American Indians. Melanie Johnson Incidence of Stroke in Alaska Native People Leslie Stephens 1.13 – 1.16 Youth Moderator Counseling with Street-Involved Native Youth in Canada: An Aboriginalizing Narrative Inquiry Dana M. Brunanski A Story of Success: Affirming the Importance of Community Defined Outcomes for Urban Indian Youth Terry Cross An Understanding of Cultural Protective Factors and Reasons for Living that Protect Against Suicide with Young Adults in Yup'ik Villages in Rural Alaska through Storytelling Tonie Marie Quaintance Sharing stories: Childhood experiences of early childbearing Native American mothers. Janelle Palacios 3:30- 4:30pm Poster Sessions 3:30-4:30 pm Closing Remarks Alan Trachtenberg, MD, MPH Research Director Indian Health Service 5:30-7:30 pm Native Research Network, Inc. Annual Membership Meeting Ballroom New Members Can Attend Organization Mission - To provide a pro-active network of American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Canadian Aboriginal persons to promote and advocate for high quality research that is collaborative, supportive and builds capacity and to promote an environment for research that operates on the principles of integrity, respect, trust, ethics, cooperation and open communication in multi-disciplinary fields. The Science OF Storytelling Wednesday, August 5, 2009 8:00-8:30 am Blessing 8:30-9:00 am Opening Remarks Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD (Tlingit) Committee Chair NRN Co-Chair Announcements 9:00-9:50 am Plenary Session The Science OF Storytelling Moderator Teshia G. Arambula Solomon, Choctaw Past Co-Chair, NRN Co-Director, NARTC Ballroom The Heartbeat of Learning. Melany Cueva, Regina Kuhnley, Anne P. Lanier, Mark Dignan. 10:00-10:15 10:15-12:00 Refreshment Break Plenary Session Ballroom Telling the Other Side of the Story; "The Consequences of Social, Political and Economic Inequality." Moderators Dean Seneca, MPH, MCURP Seneca Past Co-Chair, NRN Senior Advisor Office of the Chief of Public Health Practice Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Introduction Kelly Gonzales, MPH, PhD candidate Cherokee Nation Co-Chair Elect, NRN Plenary Session Siobhan C. Maty, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor School of Community Health Portland State University Title of Presentation: “What’s all this Fuss about Social Determinants of Health?” Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD Research Director on Social Determinants of Health and Equity National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Coordinating Center for Health Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Title of Presentation: “"Telling Stories: Allegories on "Race" and Racism" Angela A. Gonzales, PhD Hopi Department of Development Sociology and American Indian Studies, Cornell University Title of Presentation: “The Importance of Studying Social Determinants in Native Health Research” Leo Nolan, Mohawk Senior Policy Analyst, External Affairs Office of the Director Indian Health Service Title of Presentation: “The Future Director of Social Determinants Research” Noon-1:30 pm Lunch on Your Own 1:30-3:00 Breakout Session II 2.1 Tentative Session: Malama 'Aina; Protecting the Native Hawaiian Environment Moderator Maile Taualii 2.2 Corresponding Breakout Session: Telling the Other Side of the Story; "The Consequences of Social, Political and Economic Inequality." Moderators Dean Seneca & Kelly Gonzales Ballroom Medical Mistrust and Less Satisfaction with Health Care among Native Americans Presenting for Cancer Treatment Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPH, University of Texas Perceived Medical Discrimination Among American Indian Women with Type 2 Diabetes Kelly Gonzales, MPH, PhD Candidate, Oregon State University Exploring Social Determinants of Health through Small Group Work-- An interactive session Group Facilitators-Angela Gonzales, PhD (Hopi) Kelly Gonzales, MPH, PhD Candidate, (Cherokee) Oregon State University, Co-Chair Elect, NRN Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPH, University of Texas Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, Research Director on Social Determinants of Health and Equity, CDC Siobhan Maty, PhD, Portland State University, Department of Community Health Leo Nolan, (Mohawk), Senior Policy Analyst, External Affairs, Office of the Director, IHS Dean Seneca, MPH, MCURP (Seneca Nation), Past Co-Chair, NRN, Senior Advisor, CDC 2.3 – 2.7 Moderator Cancer Maxine Janis Reducing Cancer Disparities for American Indians in the Rural Intermountain West Frederick Avis Community Designed Survey of Cancer Screening Barriers in American Indians Janice Campbell Responding to the Needs of Alaska Native Women with Mastectomies Judith M. Muller Tribal-State-Private Collaboration: Working Together for Colon Health Judith M. Muller A culturally-grounded behavioral change model for increasing mammography rates among American Indian women Marlene M. von Friederichs-Fitzwater and Linda Navarro 2.8 -2.12 Moderator Elders Telling the stories of elder, female Natives: effects of cultural practices through the lifespan Saya Bobick Successful aging through the eyes of Alaska Natives. What it means to be an Elder in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Jordan Lewis Risks of fall injuries for Alaska Native Elders, 2000 – 2006 Hillary Strayer Honoring ways of Alaska Native elders when conducting qualitative research for palliative care. Christine DeCourtney American Indian and Alaska Native Elder Health in California. Lauren Smith 3:00 – 3:20 pm Break 3:20 – 4:50 pm Breakout Sessions III 3.1 – 3.5 Community Based Participatory Research Ballroom Moderator Integrating narrative into research planning using community participatory research. Angela Farnsworth Planting Seeds of Wellness: A story of nurturing and growth within an urban American Indian community. Cynthia Nahsonhoya Using Community Advisory Boards to Design and Initiate Environmental Health Interventions with Wisconsin American Indian Tribes. Jamie Scott The Native TEACH Partnership: Integrating Tradition, Environment, and Community Health into a Community-Based Education and Research Project. Janice Brendible Comparative Effectiveness Research and Research Opportunities in the Face of Healthcare Reform. Don Warne 3.6 - 3.10 Moderator Wellness Finding the Center: Decolonizing Tribal Health Decision-making in an Indigenous Community. Gail Dana-Sacco Wellness is a Way of Life: As Identified by the Deg’ Xitan, Athabascan People of Alaska. LaVerne Demientieff Finding common ground: Using Alaska Native traditions to disseminate research Diana Campbell Using creative and narrative expression in CBPR to identify local health needs for urban American Indians of the Southwest. Angela Farnsworth Resilience and Wellbeing of Indigenous People: The Convergence of Storytelling and Empirical Research. Hamilton McCubbin 3.11 – 3.15 Tobacco Moderator Correlates of smoking abstinence among American Indian smokers Steven S. Fu Extending Success with Elders in Tobacco Prevention and Control Kris Rhodes Smoking, Chewing, and Cultural Identity: Tobacco Use Patterns among the Yup’ik – The Center for Alaska Native Health Research (CANHR) Study. Christopher Wolsko Commercial Tobacco Use, Opinion, and Risk Perception Among Three California American Indian Tribal Communities. Rebecca Garrow Tobacco Resistance: Smoking is NOT a Hawaiian Tradition Leimomi Shearer 3.16 – 3.20 Moderator Data Beyond the Local RPMS: Using Immunization Data Exchange Technology to Inform Providers. Cecile Town A Tale of Two Facilities: The Impact of Immunization Data Exchange Amy Groom Improving Mortality Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the US. Melissa Jim Uptake of newly recommended vaccines in AI/AN children served by IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian facilities. Cheyenne Jim Using “avoidable hospitalization” indicators to access adequacy of Primary care: the Indian Health Service (IHS) 1980-1990 Thomas Whitehorse 4:50-5:00 pm 6:00-8:00 pm Closing Remarks Philip L. Smith, MD, MPH Dine’ Indian Health Service Native Research Network, Inc. Board Meeting Board Member Orientation Ballroom Scientific Abstracts Thursday, August 6, 2008 8:00-8:20 am Blessing 8:20-8:30 am Opening Remarks Kelly Gonzalez and Maile Taualii Co-Chairs, Native Research Network, Inc. Announcements 8:30-10:00 am Breakout Sessions IV 4.1 – 4.3 Moderator Family Wellness and History Ballroom Family Health History: A Demonstration Project Using Personal Stories to Educate Jennifer Brown Evaluation of the Family Health History Project Among Urban American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Pacific Northwest. Meghan Jernigan Using traditional story telling tasks to assess parenting strengths: Creating the Family Wellness Profile. Kathryn Kavanagh 4.4 – 4.6 Moderator Harm Reduction Harm Reduction Encompassing Syringe Exchange on a Northern Plains Reservation. Kris FourStar and Elizabeth Rink Injury Prevention Programs in Aboriginal Community Enterprises Charles Horn Alaska Workplace Solutions: A Community-University Partnership to Improve Health of Alaska Native People Lakota Murray 4.7 – 4.10 Moderator Education Grasping at the roots: Expanding the bounds of health research and knowledge through indigenous critical pedagogy. Ramona Beltran Environmental Health in a Native Context: What are Tribal College Priorities Mary Teri Haldane-Kennedy Using the Transcendental Meditation technique to improve educational performance among students on the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska and the Passamaquady Tribe of Maine, 2006-2009. John Boncheff The Story of Launching Native Health Leaders Valerie Segrest 4.11 – 4.13 Moderator Grief Historical Trauma and its effects on a Ni mii puu Family; finding story, healing wounds Roberta Lynn Tow-le-kit-we-son-my Paul Camp Coho: The Next Chapter Karen Morgan Through it, Not Over it: Partnering to Address Grief in the Colville Confederated Tribes. Zekkethal Vargas-Thomas 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-1145 Breakout Sessions V 5.1 Panel: From here to there: transition, boundaries and points of disruption in the delivery of mental health and addictions services to First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples Moderator Caroline Tait 5.2 Panel: American Indian Family Caregiver Project Moderator Rudolph Ryser 5.3 Panel: “Once upon a time there was a need for palliative care education…” Moderator Christine DeCourtney 5.4 Student Presentations Moderator Teshia Soloman 11:20am 1:00pm Awards Luncheon Conference Closing and Blessing 1:30-3:00 pm NARCH Investigator’s Town Hall Meeting Alan Trachtenberg 3:00 – 4:00 pm 2010 Conference Planning Team Meeting Ballroom Poster Presentations Posters can be viewed from 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 3 – 5 p.m. Thursday, August 6 P1 Using a “Native Self-Actualization” model to improve health care outcomes for American Indian/Alaska Native patients. Reddog Sina and Tawa Sina P2 Community Based Participatory Research: the role of Community Organizers (CO’s) in Montana Native communities Ada Bends P3 American Indian and Alaska Native Access to Healthcare through Medicaid. Rebecca Garrow P4 Mood Disorder Assessment Validation with Northern Plains Indians. Jacqueline Gray P5 Prevalence of Diabetes and Associated Risk Factors among California Native American Adults. Tracy Harjo P6 Tribal Area Health Board Community Organizing Research to Improve Tribal Community Health. Kristal Chichlowska P7 Mobile Women’s Health Unit (MWHU) of the Aberdeen Area IHS: Contribution to Annual Mammogram Screening. Marilyn Roubidoux P9 Promoting Mental Health and Well-being within a Native American Community through Nihii’iina. Christopher Lee P10 National Children’s Study: A Partnership for Arizona’s Native American Children Teshia Solomon P11 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Need for Additional Education. Mitze Lee