Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. Version: 1 Category and number: HPNC CG01 Approved by: Neurosciences Core Clinical Governance Group Date approved: [insert date] Name of author: Jackie Powell, Head Injury Nurse Specialist Michelle East, ITU Sister Kim Bateup, Ward Manager, Neurosurgical Name of responsible committee/individual: Neurosciences Core Clinical Governance Group Date issued: February 2012 Review date: February 2014 Target audience: All clinical staff, all Security officers Accessibility This policy will be available in electronic format. Acknowledgement: These guidelines have been adapted from The management of patients with cognitive impairments and post acute behavioural disrurbance within the Greater Manchester Neuroscience Centre. Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Contents Section Page 1 Introduction 2 Roles and Responsibilities 3 Standards 4 Assessment Process 5 Management Strategies 6 Treatment Process 7 Monitoring and Review 8 Equality Impact Assessment Screening 9 Links to other Trust policies 10 Associated documentation 11 References Appendices Appendix A Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS) Appendix B Withdrawal Syndromes Appendix C Sections 5(2) and 5(4) of the Mental Health Act 1983 Appendix D Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards flowcharts and checklist Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 2 of 40 1.0 Introduction This guideline applies to staff working with inpatients within the Hurstwood Park Neurosciences Centre. It may also be applicable to staff working within other areas of BSUH who manage patients with a brain injury however this will require verification at a local level. It is intended for those patients who, following an acute event such as illness or injury, are exhibiting cognitive and behavioural problems including confusion and agitation and whose behaviour is impeding treatment (including rehabilitation), which is felt to be in the patient’s best interests. This may include patients with a primary diagnosis of acquired brain injury for example, traumatic brain injury, intracerebral haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage, brain tumours, anoxia, or encephalitis. The guideline has three main aims: To maximise the patient’s participation in medical and other treatments, including rehabilitation, in order to minimise long- term difficulties, which may develop as a result of acquired impairments and learnt inappropriate behaviour patterns, thus maximising their future abilities To ensure optimum care whilst the patient is still in an acute stage of their illness as is the case in those who develop post - traumatic amnesia or other confusional states due to acquired brain injury. To ensure optimum safety and protection of other patients, members of the public and staff. 2.0 Roles and Responsibilities: The implementation of this pathway requires the active collaboration and communication of all health professionals involved in the patients treatment. Due to the nature of their illness or injury, the majority of patients will be suffering from temporary incapacity. Interventions and treatments (environmental, behavioural, physical, and pharmacological) will need to be carried out on the basis that they are clinically necessary and in the patient’s best interest. Medical staff Investigate and exclude medical reasons for agitation and refer patient to other health professionals for further assessment as appropriate. Establish whether the patient suffers from a mental illness within the definition of the Mental Health Act (1983) and whether they are liable to be detained within the confines of the Act. Matrons Ensure that the guidelines are disseminated, that the appropriate training is provided and all nursing staff read and understand this document. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 3 of 40 Bleep holder The bleep holder will adhere to current guidelines and attend appropriate training. The bleep holder should be aware of any patient that is at risk of absconding and/or has significant behaviour disturbance. He/she should ensure that the Clinical Site Manager is made aware of the patient and the current situation, in particular before the night shift starts. Nursing staff Attend appropriate training and adhere to current guidelines. Ensure that the appropriate staffing levels are conducive to a safe environment. Ensure bleep holder is aware of any patient that is at risk of absconding and/or has significant behavioural disturbance. Clinical Site Manager The CSM will have knowledge of the guidelines and can be contacted for advice. The CSM can ensure guidelines are adhered to and may be in a position to make any necessary telephone calls if appropriate. When the CSM has been made aware of a patient that is at risk of absconding and/or has significant behaviour disturbance he/she should ensure they discuss the patient with the nursing staff on a shift basis so they are fully aware of the situation particularly with regard to any mental capacity issues or mental health problems. Please note that at night there is only one CSM on duty who has to respond to emergency calls so will not be able to leave the premises unless it is exceptional circumstances. Neuropsychology Be involved in the assessment of mental capacity and assessment of “best interests” where there is ambiguity about a patient’s cognitive status and where the patient’s behaviour presents a risk to self or others. Devise behavioural intervention plans as required and advise staff in their implementation. Monitor for effectiveness and ethical implementation. To advise regarding placement options when medically stable Occupational Therapist To conduct assessment of function, cognition and perception, and draw up a routine of tasks and activities for the patient to engage in which can be implemented on the ward by nursing staff and the patient’s family (if appropriate), incorporating appropriate behaviour modification strategies as advised by the neuropsychologist. To draw up guidelines to grade tasks based on the patient’s progress, and to make recommendations regarding further rehabilitation when medically stable. Key worker (The key worker will be allocated at the first MDT meeting) Monitor the implementation of the policy for the individual patients. Ensure documentation is completed and kept up to date. Raise issues and problems with relevant health professionals as appropriate. Collective responsibility The implementation of these guidelines within neuroscience wards requires the active collaboration of different health professionals and requires coordination and monitoring. This may be best carried out through a designated health care professional within the multi professional team. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 4 of 40 The Clinical Neuropsychologist is often best placed to carry out assessment of capacity and risk, but each health professional is clinically and legally responsible for the treatment that they prescribe or give and they should ensure that the treatment plan agreed is carried out by appropriately trained staff that are supported and supervised. It is important to recognise that capacity can vary over time so regular review is essential. All patients have a right to make decisions for themselves even if eccentric or unwise; this does not necessarily mean they lack capacity. All staff to ensure that areas of concern are communicated to their immediate line manager. Occasions may arise where there is differing opinions about the person’s capacity. If the MDT cannot agree then the ultimate decision rests with the consultant in charge of that person’s care. Any treatment interventions provided under the terms of these guidelines need to be specified and recorded within the patient’s notes, this will enable the monitoring of progress and evaluation of their effectiveness. Any deviation from the guideline must be recorded in the patient’s medical, therapy, psychology, and nursing notes, with the reason(s) for this. An inability to implement the guidelines for non-clinical reasons e.g. environmental or staffing issues must be reported as an adverse incident and brought to the attention of the relevant manager. Should such a situation result in the use of physical or chemical restraint in order to maintain the safety of the patient or others; an adverse incident report must be submitted. 2.0 Standards This guideline provides a framework for the assessment and management of patients who have cognitive and behavioural difficulties which may result in them lacking capacity; this incapacity may be temporary. The majority of these patients will have an acquired brain injury due to trauma or other non-traumatic causes; however the basic principles apply whatever the cause, be this of sudden onset or progressive. They may require specific interventions to enhance recovery and minimise impairments, these may include medical and/or other treatments and encompasses the process of rehabilitation. Any interventions must take account of the physical, emotional, and medical needs of the individual patient and must be in the patient’s best interests, but also taking into consideration their privacy and dignity and their Human Rights. The interventions must also take into account the well being of other patients, relatives, visitors and staff. This guideline is based upon legislation, published literature, currently accepted best practice, and theories of behaviour management. The management of these patients is multidisciplinary in nature and requires active collaboration by all health professionals involved. Input and support from family or friends (when possible) is crucial in implementing behavioural interventions and can help to ensure that treatment decisions are in the best interest of the patient and thus must be sought whenever possible. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 5 of 40 Before a management plan is agreed and implemented, it is essential that as comprehensive a clinical assessment as possible is undertaken and a diagnosis made. It is acknowledged that in some circumstances this assessment may be restricted by the challenging nature of the behaviours. Ideally the clinical assessment should be multidisciplinary, however this may not be possible in acute situations where there is a risk of harm to the patient or others, and immediate treatment is necessary. The behavioural management of these patients must always start with the least restrictive, such as changes to the environment and general approaches of staff in redirecting and deescalating behaviour. Other interventions, such as pharmacological management, should only be used where basic environmental and behavioural approaches are found to be ineffective and the problem behaviour continues to present a risk to the patient and / or others; the risk to the patient may be a medical or physical risk. Physical intervention takes place on a continuum from engaging a patient in an activity aimed at redirecting their attention, to the actual physical handling of patients. The latter should only be considered if the immediate health and/or safety of the patient or others, including staff, is endangered and should represent the minimum amount of intervention necessary, for the shortest time possible and in line with recognised good practice techniques. Both restrictive physical and pharmacological management of behaviour should only be considered where environmental and behavioural approaches alone have been unable to reduce particular problem behaviour. They need to be considered within the overall context of behavioural and medical management, they should not be used in isolation. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 6 of 40 4.0 Assessment Process Patients Requiring Assessment An assessment of a particular patient will be required where they are found to be: Suffering from a physical illness or having acquired a brain injury; and Exhibiting cognitive problems and/or behavioural disturbance which prevents or interferes with treatment including rehabilitation; and Treatment or rehabilitation cannot be carried out as a result of the above and/or There is concern for the patients safety or the safety of others Commence Pathway Pack for Acute Brain Injury Patient with Challenging Behaviour Procedure Rationale Identify if there is any previous history of mental health issues, alcohol or drug misuse, aggressive or violent behaviour Pre morbid factors can act to heighten the likelihood of a particular behavioural or emotional response to environmental, physiological and emotional triggers. ITU patient weaning from ventilator: Carry out sedation assessment using The Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS; Appendix A) Identifying signs of agitation at an early stage will allow appropriate and timely management. Consider withdrawal syndromes i.e. Withdrawal syndromes will need to be managed appropriately before agitation can be attributed to the brain injury and Benzodiazepine and or opoid withdrawal appropriate management strategies if patient has been sedated for a implemented. Agitation may be due to a prolonged period Alcohol and/or drug withdrawal if previous combination of factors which may warrant a combination of strategies. history of alcohol and/or drug abuse. See guidance for managing withdrawal syndromes in Appendix B Screen cognitive status with respect to orientation, memory, reasoning and judgment. A brief cognitive screen can be performed by nursing staff using the orientation log (See pathway pack - Appendix A) A more in depth screen can be done by the occupational therapist or the neuropsychologist. Establish the patient’s perception of the situation. Impaired cognitive function may affect the capacity of the patient to comprehend and retain information and make decisions related to his treatment and rehabilitation Level of insight may fluctuate; lack of awareness of cognitive problems or reason for being in hospital will have an influence on behaviour. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 7 of 40 Procedure Assess current emotional state. Observation of behaviour and interaction with staff. Consider using Agitated Behaviour Scale (See pathway pack) to give a base line assessment. Rationale Difficulties in managing intense feelings will reduce a person’s tolerance towards other people and situations Changes in behaviour can be triggered by environmental factors and staff behaviour. Review with partner or other relative/friend Family/friends are able to give a view as to the patient’s previous behaviour. Review with other staff (nursing, therapist medical). The patient’s behaviour can fluctuate and some staff are often able to provide a more accurate picture of this. Confirm that potential medical problems have been considered and treated where possible Medical Assessment Medical Assessment, including a review of the previous medical history, examinations, and investigations. Identification of medical causes or contributory factors is essential in order to make a clinical diagnosis, and to guide management. The clinical assessment must include observations made by nurses, therapists, psychologists, and neuropsychiatrist where appropriate. The causes of confusion and / or agitation are multi-factorial and may fluctuate over the course of the day. All available information is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis Consider medical causes or contributors to the patient’s confusion and / or agitation. An accurate clinical diagnosis is essential. Medical causes / contributors should be treated where possible. Possible causes may include: Direct complication of brain injury, obstructive hydrocephalus, CNS infection Seizure disorder Infections outside the CNS e.g. respiratory, urinary tract Hypoxia due to respiratory or cardiac disease Metabolic - check blood glucose, biochemistry Endocrine e.g. hyper/hypothyroidism, cortisol deficiency Fat embolism if poly trauma Adverse effects of medication Withdrawal from alcohol or drugs Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Procedure Page 8 of 40 Rationale Risk assessment The assessment of risk must include the: Patient’s best interest Risk to the patient and others should he/she leave the unit Risk to the staff if the patient stays Risk to the staff if the patient leaves Risk for other in-patients Risk to visitors (See pathway pack) Psychiatric Assessment If it appears that the patient may be suffering from a mental disorder, referral to the psychiatric team should be arranged, with an appropriate degree of urgency, depending on the patient's condition and/or any risk factors identified to the patient or others. The assessment and balance of risk influences the implementation of management strategies A patient may be identified as suffering from a mental disorder, for which he may need to be considered for formal detention under the Mental Health Act 1983. If the patient attempts to leave the unit before the psychiatric assessment has been carried out, staff should be aware of their powers to temporarily hold the patient, pending psychiatric assessment, under the authority of sections 5(2) and 5(4) respectively of the Mental Health Act 1983. (Appendix C) NB It is not always necessary or appropriate to “section” a patient for the purpose of providing “authority” for medical treatment of the patient’s mental disorder and may be unlawful Assessment of Capacity Establish whether patient has the capacity to make their own treatment decisions. Capacity is decision-specific i.e. someone may be capable of making a simpler decision but not a more complex one. (Ensure all assessments and decisions are documented) Assessment of capacity relates to whether or not a person is able to: 1) Understand the information relevant to the decision* 2) Retain that information 3) Use or weigh that information as part of the process of making the decision 4) Communicate the decision either by talking, using sign language or any other means. *The Trust has a duty to ensure that the Provision of medical treatment to a patient who is mentally incapable may be authorised under common law, if the treatment is considered to be in the patient’s “best interests” Patients who recover from a brain injury or illness may suffer from temporary incapacity and be unable to make some or all decisions including those related to their treatment. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 deals with the assessment of a person’s capacity and acts by carers of those who lack capacity. An assessment of whether or not the patient has capacity to consent to treatment / rehabilitation is a key factor in determining how to proceed in terms of the treatment programme. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 9 of 40 information relevant to the decision to be made is communicated to the patient in a way which is appropriate to their circumstances eg using simple language, visual aids or any other means Even if the person can only retain the relevant information for a short period this does not invalidate their decision. Relevant information? – includes information about the reasonably foreseeable consequences of – (a) Deciding one way or another, or (b) Failing to make the decision at all For more guidance see Trust Policy on the Mental Capacity (TCP 199) Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) A DoLS may be applied for if the patient lacks the capacity to make their own decisions and where personal freedom needs to be restricted in the patient’s best interests, to the extent that it amounts to a deprivation of liberty. The MCA states that restraint is appropriate when it is used to prevent harm to the person who lacks Use DoLS flowcharts and checklist capacity and that it is proportionate to the (Appendix D) likelihood and seriousness of harm. You should use least intrusive and minimum amount of force for the shortest possible time and it must be in the best interests of the patient. There is no clear definition of deprivation of liberty but the difference is the degree of intensity, the duration and the frequency; so with the more restriction and restraint you put in place the more likely you are to be depriving a person of their liberty. Before applying for an authorisation you should always think about providing care or treatment in ways which avoid depriving someone of their liberty. It is also important to understand that an MCA DoLS authorisation does not, in itself, authorise care or treatment. Any care or treatment still needs to be carried out under the wider “best interests” provision of the MCA. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 10 of 40 Procedure Temporary incapacity may apply for as little as one day, or last as long as several weeks/months, in patients with significant and extensive cognitive impairments The ability to consent to treatment must be regularly reviewed Re-assessment needs to establish whether a patient continues to suffer from temporary incapacity. If the patient has expressed a wish to be discharged from hospital, it is important that the issue of the patient’s right to liberty is also regularly revisited. Rationale In a person recovering from acquired brain injury, acute confusional states or post- traumatic amnesia can be short and a person may exhibit agitated behaviour on one or two occasions and for a short period of time only. Recovery after acquired brain injury may be prolonged and some patients with severe brain injury do have posttraumatic amnesia lasting several months. Cognitive abilities can show considerable fluctuation. Patients recovering from acute illness or trauma often express a wish to self discharge whilst in a confused state or whilst in a post-traumatic amnesic state. Their safety could be at risk if discharged at that point. Re-assessment establishes whether a patient continues to suffer from temporary incapacity and whether treatment and rehabilitation as an inpatient remains in the patient’s best interest Assessment of capacity to consent to treatment is to This approach ensures consistency in be carried out by the health care professionals who the assessment and intervention have previously proposed and supervised the process patient’s treatment The timing of re-assessment is variable and depends on the clinical condition of the individual patient. Where a patient is found to have regained capacity to consent to treatment, the treatment/rehabilitation may be continued, subject to their consent being given. A patient who has recovered from temporary incapacity may be discharged if they no longer wish to remain in hospital, following consultation with the patient’s family, if appropriate. Discharge arrangements can be instigated once a patient has recovered from their temporary illness and suitable follow up by appropriate health care professionals has been arranged. Patients often experience a range of longer term problems and benefit from multidisciplinary follow up. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 11 of 40 5.0 Management Strategies General Principles Rationale The multitude of problems requires input from different health professionals. Successful interventions are based on shared understanding and consistency in their approach. Interventions must be patient centred. The rehabilitation process must treat the patient as a whole person, view the disability in terms of its subjective impact, and understand the patient in terms of his/her previous and future social and physical contexts. Interventions must be discussed with the The patient’s family has a key role in the patient’s family, where appropriate to do so. rehabilitation process. The family’s help in this is Relatives should be informed about often crucial and the success of a particular treatment plans, subject to patient intervention may depend on the confidentiality. The treatment input and support provided by family and friends. plans/interventions and discussion with family should be clearly documented in patient’s medical/nursing notes. Interventions must be goal based. A goal-based approach ensures that interventions are tailored to the needs of the individual. Goals must be acceptable to the individual patient, health professionals and, ideally, to family members. They must be specific, realistic, measurable, and achievable and time bound. Interventions must be subject to evaluation. Ongoing evaluation helps to ensure that effective treatments are used and that human rights are safeguarded. Behavioural disturbance needs to be By creating an atmosphere and environment in prevented as far as is possible. which patients’ needs and wishes are anticipated in advance, many incidents of behavioural disturbance are preventable. Potential problem behaviours need to be Being aware of potential problem behaviours recognised and targeted for intervention as and ensuring appropriate and consistent soon as they develop. management at an early stage may prevent the development of more intractable problems later. Interventions need to be preceded by a Members of the MDT must specify the precise functional analysis. nature of the behaviours they wish to address. The behaviours may then be analysed according Use the Agitated Behaviour Scale and ABC to possible triggers (Antecedents) of the chart which are part of the Pathway Pack Behaviour and possible maintainers (Consequences) of the behaviour. All staff must participate in data collection using ABC charts aimed at analysing the function of the behavioural disturbance. Intervention All interventions are multidisciplinary and require a coordinated and consistent approach. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 12 of 40 Medication should be used to help alleviate agitation, where environmental and behavioural approaches alone are insufficient, or where there is a risk of harm to the patient Medication should be used to help alleviate agitation, where environmental and behavioural approaches alone are insufficient, or where there is a risk of harm to the patient Environmental / Behavioural Interventions The principles are aimed at preventing behavioural disturbance from arising in the first instance and include the following: modifying the environment communication strategies engaging in therapeutic tasks family & visitors staffing issues behavioural management strategies Modifying the environment Intervention The patient should have a structured day with time tabled events and rest periods, there should be focal points during the day (e.g. meals, rest periods) that do not change from day to day Rationale Many patients become distressed through being disorientated. A structured time table and environment may help to reduce disorientation (Kaschel et al 1995) If the patient is disorientated, reminders of location and time should be prominently placed within his/her room i.e. calendars, get well cards, personalized folders with ward information, hospital charts etc. But the room should not be too cluttered. The general ward environment should also include reminders of location & time i.e. clocks, signs etc. in order to help orientate all patients. Example: A weekly time table indicating OT. Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy sessions and meal times should be drawn up with the patient. This should be kept next to the patient’s bed and referred to with the patient at the beginning of therapy sessions. The patient should be moved to a quieter part of the ward or a side room if noise and excessive stimulation have been identified as stressful for the patient Patients who are still in PTA should wherever possible, be admitted to a single quiet room to reduce excessive stimulation For patient’s with a short-term memory / attention deficit a busy environment may place too many demands upon their ability to process information (Gervasio & Matthies 1995) Patients who are restless or physically active in To maintain the patient’s safety bed, and put themselves at risk must be nursed on a low bed. The patient should not move beds within the ward unless it is likely to reduce distress and behavioural problems. Movement between beds may increase disorientation and cause more distress Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 13 of 40 Intervention At night consider nursing the patient in an area of the ward that has more lighting. Employ 1:1 supervision if necessary see risk rating matrix and levels of observation in Pathway Pack (Appendix A) Patients who wander should be allowed to with an appropriate level of supervision. Perceptual difficulties (e.g. visual neglect) should be considered when organising a patients ward space Rationale Agitation and confusion can be worse at night because there are reduced environmental cues due to low light, there may be reduced surveillance from staff and the patient often has a disordered sleep/wake pattern. Confinement may increase the agitation and irritability. An environment, which presents the patient with difficulties in moving around or observing activities is likely to cause frustration & distress e.g. patient with right sided visual neglect should have his/her bed placed so that staff and visitors are likely to approach from the left side Communication Strategies Intervention Rationale Staff should introduce themselves and what Introducing yourself and the task required may they are going to do at each new episode help to reduce distress caused by disorientation. of care whilst a patient remains in PTA. If organising a meeting/case conference that the patient will attend restrict the number of attendees. The brain injury person can easily become overwhelmed in large groups with a lot of information being exchanged and more than one person talking at a time. Ensure during the meeting that only one person at a time talks and advise those present to speak slowly. Keep the number of people present during clinical sessions to a minimum and decide who will do the talking during the session. Keep instructions and explanations to a minimum. Use Yes/No questions If the patient is unable to verbalise ensure that a reliable means of expressing yes and no has been identified and that this is understood by everyone to prevent confusion. Speak slowly. Use short sentences Communicate in a non-confrontational and calm manner. Many cognitively impaired patients have difficulty in following complex instructions or requests. The resulting confusion may lead to irritation or defensive reactions La Vigna & Donnelan, 1986). Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 14 of 40 Avoid asking too many questions Leave pauses and gaps in conversations and in between giving information. Give one piece of information/ command/ direction at a time If you are giving important points of information leave a written record so that this can be referred to later by patient, carers, relatives etc. Use exaggerated non- verbal communication (facial expressions gestures) alongside verbal communication Adapt a communication style to the ability and background of the patient Check that the person has understood what you have said. Staff should adopt a firm but gentle tone and avoid either a harsh or mothering tone and remain calm. Keep background noise and directions to a minimum whilst talking By adapting communication styles, the patient may be helped to express his/her needs and wishes The person may need extra time to process a question/command/ piece of information Many patients may perceive certain tones of voice as being punitive or patronising This may serve to increase their irritation (Gervasio & Matthies 95) There may be mirroring of human communication by the brain injury person so it may increase agitation if you do not remain calm and so not use a gentle tone of voice. If a person has short term memory and attention deficits, a busy environment may place too many demands upon their abilities to process information (Gervasio & Matthies1995) Respond to incorrect information in a nonconfrontational and positive way and avoid repeating incorrect information In order to help reorientate a patient, incorrect information must be corrected. However, this must be done sensitively, to avoid a patient feeling humiliated by this Example: say “you are 28” (rather than “no you are not 20”) and then move the conversation onto another topic Perceptual difficulties (e.g. visual neglect auditory impairment) should be considered when initially approaching a patient. Many patients may become startled if approached suddenly and unexpectedly. Example: a person with a right- sided visual neglect should be approached from the left side. If this is not possible, a gentle verbal warning should be given as you approach the person from the right. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 15 of 40 Therapeutic Activities Intervention Planned therapeutic activities should be carried out in the same way each day, ideally with the same people Therapy may be best provided in short sessions and carried out during the patients everyday activities, e.g. getting washed and dressed, mealtimes etc. Rationale A consistent approach will help the patient to understand the nature of the task and become more orientated to ward procedure. Where a patient’s cognitive difficulties are such that complex therapy activities are poorly tolerated, a reduction in demands placed upon the patient may make the therapy tasks less aversive. Rest periods in between activities should be scheduled into the patient’s timetable. Tasks should be broken up into small discrete steps and presented one at a time. Allow time for the patient to respond to instructions and requests during activities. Enjoyable and familiar tasks should be included within a patients timetable Activities should be planned so that success rather than failure is likely. Change the task if it is clear that it is too difficult or tiring for the patient. Abrupt changes in routine should be avoided Any changes in routine should be explained to the patient and their families/ carers. Patient may be using scheduled activities to increase awareness of time and place. Changes in routine may disorientate and increase irritation and frustration. Behaviour Management Strategies Intervention Challenging behaviours must be specified and described clearly (i.e. what is it that the patient does). Once specified, the behaviour must be assessed formally using behavioural charts (See Pathway Pack). The assessment will provide information regarding triggers for the challenging behaviour Antecedents and the maintaining factors for the Behaviour Consequences. Rationale By specifying the particular behaviours to be addressed, staff may be encouraged to take a more positive view of other aspects of the patient’s behaviour and to focus upon particular behavioural disturbance (Sohlberg and Mateer 2001). Example: the target behaviour may be specified as “spitting or swearing” rather than “aggression”. Gathering data on likely triggers and maintaining factors for the behavioural disturbance is essential in drawing up an intervention plan (Martin and Pear 1996, Alderman 2003). Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 16 of 40 Intervention After a behavioural and functional analysis has been completed, an intervention plan and goal setting should take place and be reviewed at regular interval. Rationale An intervention plan and goal setting permits ongoing evaluation of the interventions agreed upon and facilitates communication amongst team members. Meaningful rewards (e.g. time spent off the ward, additional favourite treats, extra activities) should be identified through observing the patient and discussions with family and friends These may then serve as potential rewards for appropriate behaviour and efforts to control inappropriate behaviour by the patient. De-escalation is also useful to prevent agitation or aggression from escalating. By identifying meaningful rewards a patient may quickly be provided with positive reinforcement for displaying behaviour that is more desirable (Matthies, Kreutzer and West, 1997). The following procedure can be used It works best if the patient already knows the member of staff using the technique respects and likes him or her. (Matthies and Kreutzer et al 1997) 1. Engage the patient in conversation and gradually shift the conversation onto a different issue which is relevant to the person. 2. To gain the patients attention, it is helpful to initially question the patient about his concerns and agree with elements of them. 3. Avoid direct disagreement and make no demands of the patients. 4. Engage the patient by letting him know that you recognise and appreciate his point of view and his right to express it. 5. Be sure to remain calm yourself. Model calm behaviour with your tone of voice (low) and body language. 6. Continue to shift conversation and focus the patients attention on an issue or topics away from the one which contributes to the agitation. Direct disagreements and demands must be avoided and the staff member is to model calm behaviour throughout the interaction via body language and tone of voice. If the patient stops the challenging behaviour, staff should acknowledge this immediately, praise the patient, and resume conversation/interaction. De-escalation is a useful method in managing agitation or verbal aggression. De-escalation involves the reduction of confrontation and direct challenge to the patient whilst providing the patient with a sense of being listened to, understood and helped. The procedure also helps to redirect a patient’s focus of attention on to something more enjoyable (Yuen and Benzing 1996). Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 17 of 40 Intervention Verbal reprimands (“don’t…”statements may be given when the patient persists) in challenging behaviour. These must be delivered in a firm, confident manner standing directly in front of the patient, followed by a clear and calm description of what the patient should do instead. Rationale Verbal reprimands may be useful when patients are not distractible and are not able to engage in reasoned discussion about the consequences of their behaviour (Matthies, Kreutzer and West, 1997). If the patient’s behavioural disturbance persists, staff should consult with the clinical Neuropsychologist for further behavioural strategies and a more specific management plan. Specific behavioural interventions can be very helpful but they need to be applied consistently and ethically. Physical Interventions Based on: Guidance for restrictive physical interventions (DOH 2002) Physical Interventions Intervention Non-restrictive physical interventions should always be used in the first instance. Environmental management strategies are examples of non-restrictive physical interventions. 1:1 support may be necessary to distract the patient and engage him/her in therapeutic activities See Pathway Pack Rationale Patients emerging from coma and showing agitation benefit from environmental changes aimed to reduce arousal levels. Supervision allows both the anticipation of patient’s needs and wishes, whilst providing ready opportunities for the use of de-escalation and distraction methods. When a patient is requiring 1:1 ensure security staff have been informed and are aware of the patient and their capacity status. If the patient attempts to abscond security staff are familiar with the patient and the relevant assessments such as mental capacity. Behavioural management strategies involving social and other forms of reinforcement are also examples of nonrestrictive physical interventions They should be used in conjunction with other methods, and with the guidance of the psychologist. Behavioural interventions can be very effective if used appropriately and consistently. Inappropriate use can inadvertently serve to exacerbate problem behaviour, or may become a form of abuse. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 18 of 40 Intervention Unplanned or emergency interventions may be necessary when a patient behaves in an aggressive way that cannot be anticipated and prevented. If appropriate assessments have been completed unplanned interventions will be avoided or minimised. Rationale Staff should consider whether the risks of not employing a restrictive physical intervention are outweighed by the risks of using force. Under the common law anyone may In such situations staff have a duty of care to apprehend and restrain a person who appears the patient, other patients, visitors, to be mentally disordered and who presents an themselves and other members of staff. imminent danger to themselves or others. The minimum force necessary to prevent injury and maintain safety should be used and it should be proportionate to the circumstance. If, in spite of de-escalation techniques and other methods described above, a patient who also suffers from temporary incapacity has absconded from the ward and cannot be persuaded to return, reasonable force (e.g. blocking an exit or holding at arms length) can be used to return the patient to the ward. If a patient nevertheless leaves the hospital whilst suffering from incapacity and cannot immediately be persuaded to return, the patient needs to be accompanied and if necessary followed by 2 members of staff with training in behavioural management techniques and physical intervention. The two members of staff should be a member of nursing staff that is caring for the patient, ideally someone that has built a rapport with the patient, and at least one member of security staff. If the patient is female it is important that a female member of staff is present. In accompanying the patient the staff should endeavour to redirect the patient’s attention and focus to persuade him to return to the hospital. The degree of medical or physical intervention (restraint) should be sufficient to bring that emergency situation to an end, but no greater. In such situations staff have a duty of care to the patient themselves and other members of staff. The risk to the patient of accidental injury whilst absconding is generally accepted to be greater than the risk of using physical force. There is an ongoing duty of care to the patient. This duty of care extends to outside hospital grounds, if the patient lacks mental capacity. In such an emergency situation where a person’s health and safety are at risk, and that of other people, a person can be restrained and brought back to the ward with the help of the police. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 19 of 40 Whilst accompanying the patient, the staff should be provided with a mobile phone. If in spite of the above situation the patient cannot be persuaded to return to the hospital and a situation arises where the patient’s health and the health of staff as well as members of the public are at risk (such as if the patient insists on standing in the middle of the road and refuses to move and staff are of the opinion that physical restraint is likely to increase the aggression shown by the patient) – then the police should be called. However it may be necessary to use physical restraint whilst waiting for police assistance, if there is a serious risk to life of the patient and/or others. NB Where the patient is clearly expressing a wish to leave hospital ie not to be an inpatient any longer, consideration must be given to the patient’s human rights, under Article 5. Restrictive physical interventions involving the The use of restraint by staff not trained in actual physical restraint of a patient can only those methods presents a risk to both the be carried out by staff who have received the staff and the patient. relevant training. The use of tranquillisers or sedatives as a means of gaining control over a patient should not be used except in an emergency when there is a significant risk of personal injury. Even in an emergency, if force is required to administer a tranquilliser or a sedative, the force must be reasonable. The use of restrictive physical interventions should be minimised by the adoption of fully documented risk assessment and preventative strategies whenever it is foreseeable that the use of reasonable force may be required. Before using such restraint (even in an emergency) the person concerned should be confident that the possible adverse outcomes associated with the intervention (injury or distress) will be less severe than the adverse consequences which might have occurred without the use of such a physical intervention (Guidance for restrictive physical interventions, DoH 2002). In an emergency, restrictive physical interventions are permissible if they are necessary to prevent injury or serious damage to property (Guidance for restrictive physical interventions. DoH, July 02). Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 20 of 40 Intervention Rationale Restrictive physical interventions (employing reasonable force), where other strategies have been tried and found to be unsuccessful, should only be used where it is necessary, in the patient’s “best interests” and should be used as infrequently as possible, with everything done to prevent injury and maintain a person’s sense of dignity. If a significant degree of force is likely to be used on a regular basis, and/or the patient is likely to suffer undue distress, legal advice should be sought, to ensure that such intervention remains lawful. They need to be seen as part of a broader strategy, which addresses the needs of adults where behaviour poses a serious challenge to services (Guidance for restrictive physical interventions, Dept. of Health, July 02). Inappropriate use of restrictive physical interventions may give rise to criminal charges, action under civil law or prosecution under health and safety legislation (Guidance for restrictive physical interventions. Dept. of Health, July 02). Due consideration should be given to whether use of restraint on a repeated basis may amount to a violation of the patient’s human rights, in particular the right to liberty, under Article 5. Consider application for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (Appendix D) Family and Visitors Intervention The patient’s family should be informed of any intervention, subject to the demands of patient confidentiality. Rationale Families have a key role in helping a person to recover from their illness or injury. Consultation with the family will help to ensure that individual family members can, if appropriate, work in partnership with staff. Staff should offer visitors advice on how to interact with the patient and what to expect. Therapy goals and behavioural management strategies also need to be shared with family and visitors, as appropriate. A consistent approach in behavioural management requires consistency with all people with whom the patient interacts. Family members and visitors are expected to participate in behavioural management interventions after having been given adequate explanations, as far as is appropriate. The family should receive written information on the effects of the illness or injury on cognition and behaviour, subject to patient confidentiality. The number of visitors at any one time should ideally not exceed two people. The family has had to take in a lot of information. Written information is helpful in that a person can refer back to it as needed. The length of visiting time should be limited according to the patient’s individual clinical condition. If a person has short-term memory and attention deficits, a busy environment can be detrimental and lead to agitation. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 21 of 40 If a patient is tired or agitated, no visitors If a person is tired and/or agitated additional should be permitted (except if staff consider stimulation can lead to an escalation of this this helpful, having considered the patient’s behaviour. views). Staffing issues Intervention Staffing levels should be sufficient to allow time for taking a therapeutic approach in all interactions with the patient and to ensure patient safety. This is especially important when the ward has a number of patients whose behaviour is deemed as challenging. Rationale Consistent implementation of the above environmental and behavioural management guidance depends upon staff having the time to communicate and consult with other professionals and consider their own style of interaction with the patient. Nursing staff should be allocated to keep Adequate staffing levels will allow staff staff changes to a minimum. time to achieve this (Herbel 1990) Example: when nursing staff levels are adequate, a nurse will have time to act consistently with behavioural management guidance rather than acting to get a “quick fix”. Staff must be trained in dealing with Behavioural disturbance will be dealt with challenging behaviour. more effectively if staff are confident in their abilities to handle difficult situations. Orientation techniques should routinely be made available to all staff on the ward. Training is required to ensure that the patient receives the appropriate level of care and that the training is updated at an agreed time scale. Additional support from line managers should Staff confidence is likely to increase with be made available when required e.g. when explicit recognition from management of staff are concerned about a large number of the particular difficulties that they are patients presenting with challenging facing. Offers of extra resources at behaviours. difficult times may indicate further support to staff. When a ward is presented with particularly Standards for patients who require 1: 1 challenging patients 1: 1 Specialing may be nursing within neuroscience (Specialist required see Risk rating matrix and levels of Commissioning Guidelines for the observation in Pathway Pack for Acute Brain rehabilitation of patients with brain injury Injury Patient with Challenging Behaviour. A - definition 7). senior nurse should decide what level of special is required e.g. RGN/RMN/HCA. Time should be made available for Good communication with team members communication between team members to will serve to increase consistency in ensure that; everybody is up to date with any approaches with patients and provide patient developments, that consistency is support for staff members. maintained and for mutual support. The MDT meeting should be seen as an integral part of the work of all staff members. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 22 of 40 Clinical Neuropsychology should become involved when a patient’s behaviour is starting to obstruct clinical care and therapeutic work or is putting the patient or others at risk. The Clinical Neuropsychologist can advise on management based on the ABS and ABC forms (Appendix C & D) which need to be completed by the nurse caring for the patient on a shift basis. Staff should be offered access to a debrief session or counselling. The Clinical Neuropsychologist will undertake an assessment of the multitude of factors that contribute to the problem behaviour and help to identify key variables. Ensure mental welfare of staff. Pharmacological Management Intervention Prescribed medication must be reviewed on daily basis taking into account the following: The effectiveness Possible adverse effects Continuing need Rationale The clinical situation in the post-acute stage changes rapidly at varying rates. Patients are more sensitive to the adverse cognitive effects of sedating medication. Clonidine should be considered as first line medication for patients who are weaning from the ventilator. Consider a hypnotic if the patient has a disordered sleep /wake pattern. Zolpidem 10mgs at night is usually chosen because of its short half life, rapid action and reputed benefit in brain injury. The patient can have increased agitation if they have a disordered sleep/wake pattern Avoid major tranquillisers e.g. Haloperidol or Chlorpromazine. There is no clear rationale for their use in the management of agitation or aggression in the post acute period following acquired brain injury. They can cause an increase in confusion, which may exacerbate agitation. Other possible harmful effects include: adversely affect neuronal recovery reduction of the seizure threshold increased sensitivity to extra pyramidal effects increased risk of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. If it is necessary to use Haloperidol in an emergency situation where the patient poses a risk to himself or others. It should not be used for longer than 48 hours. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 23 of 40 If an immediate response is necessary a Benzodiazepine should be used. Lorazepam is the drug of choice at a dose 2mg - 4mg dependent upon response orally, via PEG/NG/OG or intra muscularly. Lorazepam is more rapidly effective than Diazepam and has a shorter duration of action. N.B. However be aware of potential respiratory depression and occasional paradoxical increase in agitation. In the presence of severe agitation, which may be potentially, harmful, where it is not possible to give intra muscular or oral medication, intranasal Midazolam (5-10mg of the parenteral preparation) is an alternative. Rapid action with no risk of needle stick injury (Cheng 1993, Knoester et al 2002). Anticonvulsant medication can be beneficial in reducing agitation and aggression in some situations. Carbamazepine is the most commonly prescribed; alternatively Sodium Valporate can also be used. Propanolol can also be used either alone or in combination with an anti-convulsant. Both these anti convulsants are effective mood stabilizers and it is likely that this is the mode of action following acquired brain injury (Fleminger et al 2002 and Foster et al 1989). If Benzodiazepines are ineffective or are contra-indicated, Valproate semisodium is an alternative. May be useful in patients who are alert labile, impulsive and disinhibited, who tolerate other treatments (Chatham et al 2000). Reduces the physiological reaction to anxiety which can perpetuate agitation. 6.0 Treatment process 6.1 Patients with capacity to consent to treatment Patients with capacity to consent to a specific form of treatment can validly give or withhold their consent to have that treatment. Such consent or refusal must be respected even if it appears to be an unwise or irrational decision to third parties. 6.2 Where a patient lacks capacity to consent to treatment No one can give or refuse consent to treatment on behalf of an incapacitated adult. Treatment can be authorised under the common law if, in the view of the responsible clinician, the treatment is in the patient's "best interests" (refer to MCA Policy TP199). Check whether a valid and applicable advance decision exists. If in doubt, seek further advice Consider whether patient’s human rights, particularly the right to liberty, are being adequately respected – see Deprivation of Liberty Code of Practice & pathway (Appendix D) Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 24 of 40 6.3 Where there is doubt about a patient’s capacity In the first instance, if there is any doubt about the capacity of a patient, it is recommended that a second opinion be sought. If the issue remains controversial, legal advice should be sought. It may be appropriate for the Trust to apply to the High Court for a formal declaration on the issue. 6.4 Patients with mental disorders Where a patient has a mental disorder, regardless of whether they have capacity to give consent, treatment may be authorised under certain provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983 (“The Act”). This will be given under the direction of the responsible medical officer who is usually a Consultant Psychiatrist. Treatment for the mental disorder only is authorised under the Act. If a patient with a mental disorder also suffers from a physical disorder, provided they have capacity to give or refuse consent, their wishes must be respected in terms of any treatment decisions made. If however that patient lacks capacity to give or refuse consent in relation to the physical disorder, treatment may be given under the common law provided it is in their "best interests". 6.5 Temporary Incapacity Mental incapacity may be due to temporary factors such as delirium, shock, pain or drugs. Where a patient has only temporarily lost their capacity to give or withhold consent to treatment, “best interests” must be considered carefully, particularly with regards to invasive treatment. If there is evidence that the patient, if they had capacity, would oppose the form of treatment proposed, this must be an important factor in establishing whether it is in their “best interests” to proceed. To the extent that the treatment is not strictly necessary it may be appropriate to await the return of the patient's capacity, provided there is no detriment to the patient’s health, as a result. The state of the patient's capacity should be kept under regular review and if the treatment becomes necessary over time, perhaps due to a change in the patient's state of health, treatment should go ahead. 6.6 Best Interests Please see the following extract from Section 4 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which sets out how “best interests” are to be assessed. (1) In determining for the purposes of this Act what is in a person’s best interests, the person making the determination must not make it merely on the basis of (a) (b) the person’s age or appearance, or a condition of his, or an aspect of his behaviour, which might lead others to make unjustified assumptions about what might be in his best interests. (2) The person making the determination must consider all the relevant circumstances and, in particular, take the following steps. (3) He must consider (a) Whether it is likely that the person will at some time have capacity in relation to the matter in question, and Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 25 of 40 If it appears likely that he will, when that is likely to be. (b) (4) He must, so far as reasonably practicable, permit and encourage the person to participate, or to improve his ability to participate, as fully as possible in any act done for him and any decision affecting him. (5) Where the determination relates to his life-sustaining treatment he must not, in considering whether the treatment is in the best interests of the person concerned, be motivated by a desire to bring about his death. (6) He must consider, so far as is reasonably ascertainable – the person’s past and present wishes and feelings (and, in particular, any relevant written statement made by him when he had capacity), the beliefs and values that would be likely to influence his decision if he had capacity, and the other factors that he would be likely to consider if he were able to do so. (a) (b) (7) He must take into account, if it is practicable and appropriate to consult them, the views of – (a) anyone named by the person as someone to be consulted on the matter in question or on matters of that kind, (b) anyone engaged in caring for the person or interested in his welfare, (c) any donee of a lasting power of attorney granted by the person, and (d) any deputy appointed for the person by the Court, as to what would be in the person’s best interests and, in particular, as to the matters mentioned in subsection (6). (8) The duties imposed by subsections (1) to (7) also apply in relation to the exercise of any powers which – (a) are exercisable under a lasting power of attorney, or (b) are exercisable by a person under this Act, where he reasonably believes that another person lacks capacity. (9) In the case of an act done, or a decision made, by a person other than the Court, there is sufficient compliance with this section if (having complied with the requirements of subsections (1) to (7)) he reasonably believes that what he does or decides is in the best interests of the person concerned. (10) “Life-sustaining treatment” means treatment which in the view of a person providing health care for the person concerned is necessary to sustain life. (11) “Relevant circumstances” are those – (a) of which the person making the determination is aware, and (b) which it would be reasonable to regard as relevant. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 26 of 40 7.0 Monitoring and Review The progress of patients through the pathway, and the effectiveness of the intervention provided, is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Monitoring, evaluation and review takes place at two levels. Level 1 - Effectiveness of behavioural interventions This is evaluated on an ongoing basis with the use of the Agitated Behaviour Scale The scale has been specifically designed for the assessment of agitation following traumatic brain injury. It has been used extensively in the evaluation of interventions and their effectiveness, both pharmacological and behavioural. It is based on behavioural observations of the patient, easy to use, and can be administered by any member of staff including health care assistants. Level 2 - Identification of Adverse Incidents Adverse incidents are defined as deviations from the policy, which have led or could lead to adverse outcomes for the patient. These will be brought to the attention of the Neuroscience Clinical Governance Group. The following have been defined as being adverse outcomes: inappropriate and excessive use of physical restraint such as manual handling when there is no immediate risk to the patient or others inappropriate and excessive use of medication such as the use of sedation as a first choice of treatment and applied in isolation Non-adherence to environmental and behavioural intervention strategies, resulting in an escalation of challenging behaviour delayed discharge occurring as a result of non adherence to the guidelines delayed response by health care professionals responsible for assessment and treatment, resulting in escalation of behaviour leading to inappropriate and excessive use of sedation and physical restraint. persistent failure to address staffing problems within the wider system, resulting in problems with the implementation of the policy 8.0 Equality Impact Assessment Screening Equality Impact Assessment is attached in Appendix E 9.0 Links to other Trust Policies Mental Capacity Act Policy TCP199 Consent to Examination or Treatment TCP 074 Physical Intervention Policy CO28 Health and Safety Policy and General Safety Policy Management of Violence and Aggression Against Staff Policy on Support Arrangements for Staff Involved in Potentially Traumatic/Stressful Work Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy Caring for Adult Patients with a Leaning Disability in the Acute Hospital Privacy and Dignity Policy TCP172 Manual Handling of Patients and Other Loads Policy Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 27 of 40 10.0 Associated Documentation Pathway Pack for Acute Brain Injury Patient with Challenging Behaviour 11.0 References Alderman N. (2003). Contemporary approaches to the management of irritability and aggression following traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation; 13: 211 – 240. British Psychological Society (1998). Assessment and management of patients presenting a risk to others - Core mini guides Bogner JA, Corrigan JD, Stange M, Rabold D (1999). Reliability of the Agitated Behaviour Scale. J Head Trauma Rehabilitation; 14 (1) 91 - 96. Chatham Showalter PE, Kimmel DN (2000). Agitated symptom response to divalproex following acute brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2000; 12 (3): 395 -7 Cheng ACK. (1993) Intranasal Midazolam for rapidly sedating an adult patient. Anaesth Analg; 76: 904 Consent Policy Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust Corrigan JD (1989). Development of a scale for assessment of agitation following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology; 11 261 - 277 Corrigan JD, Mysiw WJ, Gribble M, Chock S (1992). Agitation, cognition and attention during posttraumatic amnesia. Brain Injury; 6 155 - 160 Fleminger S, Greenwood RJ, Oliver DL (2002). Pharmacological management for agitation and aggression in people with acquired brain injury. In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2002 Foster HG, Hillibrand M, Chi CC (1989) Efficacy of Carbamazepine in assaultive patients with frontal lobe dysfunction. Prog Neuropshychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry; 13 (6): 865 - 74 Gervasio AH and Matthies BK (1995). Behavioural management of agitation in the traumatically brain injured person. Neurorehabilitation; 5 309 - 316 Good practice in consent implementation guide: consent to examination or treatment. Department of Health Guidance for Restrictive Physical Interventions (2002). Department of Health Herbel K, Schermerhorn L, Howard J (1990) Management of agitated head injury patients: A survey of current techniques. Rehabilitation Nursing: 15 (2) 66 - 69. Kaschel R, Zaiser-Kaschel H, Shiel A, Mayer K (1995) Reality orientation training in an amnesic: a controlled single case study. Brain Injury, 9(6), 619 -633 Knoester PD, Jonker DM, Van der Hoeven RT et al (2002). Pharmacokinetics of midazolam administered as a concentrated intranasal spray. A study in healthy volunteers. Br. J. Clin Pharmacol; 53: 501 -507 La Vigna GW and Donnelan AM (1986) Alternatives to punishment: Solving Behaviour problems with nonaversive strategies. New York, NY.Irvington Publishers. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 28 of 40 Making decisions. Helping people who have difficulty deciding themselves. Lord Chancellor’s Department May 2003 Martin and Pear (1998) Behaviour Modification: What it is and How to do it. Pearson US Matthies B K, .Kreutzer J S and West D D (1997) Behaviour Management Handbook. A practical approach to patients with neurological disorders. Therapy Skill Builders; The Psychological Corporation, London Meagher D (2001) Delirium: The role of psychiatry. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment; 7 433 - 443. Sandel E and Mysiw J (1996). The agitated brain injury patient. Part 1: Definitions, Differential Diagnosis and Assessment. Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation ; 77 617 - 623. Sohlberg McKay M. and Mateer A C (2001) Cognitive Rehabilitation. An integrative neuropsychological approach. The Guilford Press. Specialist commissioning guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with brain injury. Definition 7. Department of Health. Yuen HK and Benzing P (1996). Guiding of behaviour through redirection. Brain Injury Rehabilitation; 10 (3) 229 - 238. UKCPA: Detection, prevention and treatment of delirium in critically ill patients. 200? Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 29 of 40 Appendix A Sedation Assessment Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale Score +4 Term Combative Description Overtly combative, violent, immediate danger to staff +3 Very Agitated Pulls or removes tube(s) or catheter(s); aggressive +2 Agitated Frequent non-purposeful movement, fights ventilator +1 Restless Anxious, but movements not aggressive vigourous 0 -1 Alert and calm Drowsy -2 Light sedation Briefly awakens with eye contact to voice (≤ 10 seconds) -3 Moderate sedation Movement or eye opening to voice (but no eye contact) -4 Deep sedation No response to voice, but movement or eye opening to physical stimulation -5 Unarousable Not fully awake but has sustained awakening (eye opening/eye contact) to voice (≥ 10 seconds) No response to voice or physical stimulation Verbal stimulation Physical stimulation If RASS is -4 or -5 then stop and reassess patient at later time If RASS is above -4 (-3 through to +4) then consider withdrawal syndrome and follow Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 30 of 40 Appendix B Withdrawal Syndrome It is very common for the patient recovering from brain trauma and/or brain surgery to become agitated and can be aggressive. The UKCPA guidelines for the Detection, Prevention and Treatment of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients (2006) highlight some of the affects of the drug therapy that is commonly prescribed in ITU which may contribute to the development of delirium. A summary of the common ones used in the neurosciences ITU are shown below, for the complete list and details see the full UKCPA guidelines. Prompt cessation of medication that is no longer required can help minimise the occurrence of delirium. Drugs that have been shown to be deleriogenic: Codeine Fentanyl Morphine Phenytoin Prochlorperazine Atenolol Dopamine Dexamethasone Hydrocortisone Thiopental Ranitidine It is important to try and establish a day night cycle but some of the commonly used drugs in ITU can affect sleep. A summary of the common ones used in the neurosciences ITU are shown below, for the complete list and details of the sleep disorder see the full UKCPA guidelines. Benzodiazepines Opioids Clonidine Norepinephrine/ Epinephrine Corticosteroids Phenytoin • A change in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is one area that can be disrupted by drug therapy. Patients who have had significant suppression of REM sleep by pharmacological agents are at risk of REM rebound upon withdrawal of the drug. REM rebound is characterised by tachycardia, hypertension, apnoeas, ventilatory depression and nightmares. Critically ill patients weaning from mechanical ventilation may be particularly prone to the adverse effects of REM rebound. When patients are weaning from mechanical ventilation it is also important to consider the acute withdrawal effects of commonly used drugs such as benzodiazepines and opioids. Avoid abrupt discontinuation of drugs known to suppress REM sleep where possible. Symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal Psychiatric symptoms Acute anxiety states Phobias Perceptual disorders Irritability Aggression Somatic symptoms Parasthesia Tremors Muscle pains Blurred vision Seizures Ataxia Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 31 of 40 Consider the following to try and minimise withdrawal effects: Continue or re-commence any antipsychotics or long term antidepressants that the patient may have been taking previously particularly if the patient has a long psychiatric history. Other factors exacerbating withdrawal syndromes (e.g. alcohol, nicotine) and treat if appropriate. Withdrawal can be achieved by reducing the administration of benzodiazepine over a period of many days to weeks. This can be facilitated by changing to a longer acting agent such as lorazepam, whichhas the additional advantage of allowing enteral administration or sublingual administration. Adaptation of protocols to individual circumstances is required due to wide variation in response between patients. Example withdrawal regime using lorazepam which may be a useful guide Calculate the daily infused dose of midazolam and divide by 12 to give an approximate total daily dose of lorazepam Prescribe one quarter of the daily dose of lorazepam at a frequency of six hourly, rounding down to a convenient dosage unit After the second oral dose of lorazepam, reduce the midazolam infusion by 50% After the third oral dose of lorazepam, reduce the midazolam infusion by a further 50% After the fourth oral dose of lorazepam, discontinue the midazolam infusion Reduce daily lorazepam intake by 500micrograms-1mg a day until weaned completely. Alternatively prescribe small doses of lorazepam (e.g. 500micrograms), which can be given as often as needed during the first few days after the benzodiazepine infusion has been stopped. This can be used to calculate a regular baseline dose which can then be tailed off over several days to weeks. Benzodiazepine withdrawal in head injured patients Head injured can be very difficult to manage for the following reasons: Patients can be heavily sedated +/- paralysed for a long period of time (sometimes weeks) to maintain stable ICPs and CPPs. Large doses of hypnotics are required to achieve the desired level of sedation. Tolerance can quickly occurs, resulting in rapid dose escalation followed by a pronounced withdrawal syndrome. Once the neurological parameters are stable, there is often pressure to completely stop sedation to facilitate neurological assessment. It can be difficult to assess which symptoms are due to drug withdrawal and which are due to the sequelae of the patients’ original injury. Use the minimum amount of sedative agents as possible, and wean slowly Opioid withdrawal Opioid withdrawal reactions can occur as a result of prolonged opioid infusions whilst critically ill, or because of a prior history of opioid use or abuse. Signs and Symptoms Sweating Rhinorhoea Lacrimation Yawning Tremor Weakness Insomnia Feeling hot and cold Flushing Restlessness Irritability Abdominal cramps Nausea Vomiting Diarrhoea Mydriasis Tachycardia Piloerection Example withdrawal regime (opioid infusion tailing): - Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 32 of 40 Calculate the daily infused quantity of opioid (day 0). Reduce the infusion rate by 20% on day 1. Reduce the infusion rate by 10% of the original dose on a daily basis until weaned completely. Pragmatic rounding off of doses will be required to allow appropriate prescribing and administration. Alcohol withdrawal Alcohol dependence is relatively common and patients presenting to critical care may experience alcohol withdrawal syndromes. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal delirium can occur rapidly after cessation of alcohol intake, but typically take two to three days to develop and last for a further two to three days or occasionally longer. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include autonomic hyperactivity (e.g. sweating, pulse rate > 100/min), increased hand tremor, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, transient visual, tactile or auditory hallucinations, anxiety, psychomotor agitation, seizures. The alcohol withdrawal delirium can present in a similar way to the individual recovering from a neurological insult. Alcohol dependence can be particularly common in patients who sustain head trauma. The common features of alcohol withdrawal delirium include a reduced clarity of awareness of environment, with reduced ability to focus, sustain or shift attention and cognitive deficits. Treatment should be primarily with sedative hypnotics but careful assessment is necessary to distinguish between alcohol withdrawal delirium and the effects of the neurological insult or whether there is a combination of factors. For more information on drugs and dosage see the full UKPA guidelines. Nicotine withdrawal Signs and Symptoms Bradycardia Irritability Anxiety Dysphoria Depressed mood Slowed cognition Sleep disruption Anger Difficulty concentrating Increased appetite Impatience Craving Constipation Increased sensitivity to pain Nicotine replacement The evidence base for the use of nicotine replacement therapy on the critical care unit is extremely limited. Given the clear somatic symptoms experienced by patients with a strong history of smoking in the context of a poor evidence base, it is prudent to consider nicotine replacement therapy after all other potential factors have been either identified and treated or discounted, and where the thrombosis risk is accepted. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 33 of 40 Appendix C Sections 5(2) and 5(4) of the Mental Health Act 1983 Under section 5(1) of the Act, if the registered medical practitioner (RMP) in charge of a patient’s care considers the patient may be liable for admission for assessment or treatment (ie under Section 2 or 3 of the Act), an application for admission, under one of these sections, should be made in the usual way. Section 5(2) This provides interim measures to keep the patient in hospital against their will for sufficient time to enable the paperwork for the application for admission to hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983 to be completed. A patient can be held on an emergency holding order (section 5.2) if the medical practitioner responsible for the patient (the RMP) is of the view that an application may need to be made to detain the patient under Section 2 or Section 3 of the Mental Health Act. The medical practitioner must state his reasons in his report under section 5.2 for believing that an application under section 2 or 3 ought to be made. The RMP should provide this report to the hospital managers. From the time of furnishing this report, the patient may be detained for up to 72 hours, pending completion of the paperwork to effect detention under either Section 2 or Section 3 of the Act. As soon as the power is invoked, arrangements should be made for the patient to be assessed by a psychiatrist. The practice of using consecutive Section 5(2) applications, where the initial 72 hour period has not allowed enough time to complete the assessments, is likely to be unlawful and is to be discouraged. The report to be furnished under Section 5.2 can be completed by the medical practitioner responsible for the patient but a psychiatrist should see the patient as soon as possible thereafter, to determine whether he is liable to be detained further. The purpose of section 5.2 is to allow time to make an application under section 2 or 3 of the Mental Health Act, where it is considered likely that the patient will discharge himself prior to an application being made. The section cannot just be used to detain a patient who is absconding from the ward in hospital or who repeatedly absconds. It is a misuse of section 5.2 if it is used as a means of restraining the patient from leaving the hospital in circumstances where the medical practitioner does not consider that an application ought to be made under section 2 or 3. The holding power will automatically lapse when either the patient is detained under the Mental Health Act, or, following assessment, it is determined that he does not require to be detained under the Mental Health Act. Section 5(3) This section allows the RMP to nominate one (but not more than one) RMP on the staff of the hospital to act for him, as his “deputy” in relation to the powers under Section 5(2) above, in his absence. Section 5(4) This section allows nurses of a prescribed class to invoke a “holding power” for up to six hours in respect of inpatients who are receiving treatment for their mental disorder on an “informal” basis. This can only be invoked where it appears to the nurse that the patient is Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 34 of 40 1) suffering from a mental disorder “to such a degree that it is necessary for his health or safety or for the protection of others for him to be immediately restrained from leaving hospital”; and 2) it is not possible to secure the immediate attendance of a practitioner for the purpose of providing a report under Section 5(2) The nurse must record the fact that the two conditions above are met, and at that point the “holding power” becomes active and the six hours time limit runs from the point in time when this information is recorded. The holding power will lapse upon arrival of the medical practitioner who is to consider whether it is appropriate to provide a report under Section 5(2). In other words, the nurse’s holding power only lasts until the doctor arrives to take over. If the doctor has not arrived by the end of the six hour period, the holding power will automatically lapse. A nurse invoking this provision is entitled to “use the minimum force necessary” to prevent the patient from leaving the hospital, (Code of Practice para 9.6) Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 35 of 40 Appendix D Identify Need for Authorisation of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard in the Agitated, Confused Acute Brain Injury Patient: Agitated / confused brain injury patient identified Is he/she attempting to leave the hospital and/or refusing treatment/care? NO Continue to monitor YES Note at this stage if a person lacks capacity and it is believed that the person is at risk of serious harm if he leaves hospital and/or refuses care/treatment then according to Section 6 of the mental capacity act you can use reasonable and proportionate restraint if it is in the patient’s best interest. Section 6 states that someone is using restraint if they: use force or threaten to use force to make someone do something that they are resisting, or restrict a person’s freedom of movement whether they are resisting or not. For more information see Mental Capacity Act Sections 4, 5 &6 Refer to Trust Mental Capacity Act Policy TP199 Explain reasons for remaining in hospital and for treatment (ensure information is presented in a way that is easy to understand using appropriate aids if necessary). Implement environmental strategies; communication strategies and/or behavioural strategies. Discuss with family/carers. Commence managing agitation following acute brain injury pathway. Refer to managing agitation guidelines and flowchart YES Despite the above measures is the patient still attempting to leave, refusing treatment and care and requiring consistent one to one care that could be considered a deprivation of liberty? NO Continue to monitor YES Assessing capacity: Does the patient have an impairment of the mind or brain, or is there some sort of disturbance affecting the way their mind or brain works? (It doesn’t matter whether the impairment or disturbance is temporary or permanenet) If so, does the impairment or disturbance mean that the person is unable to make the decision in question at the time it needs to be made? A person is unable to make a decision if they cannot: A. understand the relevant information B. retain that information C. use/weigh that information in reaching a decision D. communicate the decision For everybody in a hospital who lacks capacity, the following questions should be asked: Following assessment is it believed that the patient does not have the capacity to make decisions regarding treatment/ care/discharge? YES Is it believed that this is not a mental health issue? NO Refer to psychiatry for mental health assessment. NO Review management plan with MDT, patient and patients family/ carer. Make decision based on patient’s/ family/carers views and in best interest of patient. Document the decision process in the medical notes. YES Is it in the best interests of the patient to detain in hospital to avoid serious harm? YES Does the care or treatment being provided take away the person’s freedom to do what they want to such an extent that it amounts to a deprivation of their liberty? Do you believe that the care or treatment being provided is in the person’s best interests? Discuss with MDT and family. If the patient can be detained under the MCA then document decision process in medical notes. If it is believed that the restrictions in place to detain the patient amount to a deprivation of liberty then consider applying for an urgent authorisation of deprivation of liberty safeguard and a standard authorisation of deprivation of liberty safeguard. Follow Authorisation of Deprivation of Liberty flowchart and complete Deprivation of Liberty safeguard checklist. Documentation for deprivation of liberty can be found on the DoH website or on the HWP network in the data folder. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 36 of 40 Application for an Authorisation of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard Before applying for an authorisation you should always think about providing care or treatment in ways which avoid depriving someone of their liberty. It is also important to understand that an MCA DOLS authorisation does not, in itself, authorise care or treatment. Any care or treatment still needs to be carried out under the wider “best interests” provision of MCA The MCA DOLS should be used for people who lack the capacity to make their own decisions and where personal freedoms needs to be restricted in the patient’s best interests, to the extent that it amounts to a deprivation of liberty. Agitated confused brain injury patient identified who requires an authorisation of DOLS Assessments should include best interests, capacity and mental health issues. Refer to Trust Mental Capacity Act Policy TCP199 available on the intranet. Decisions must be made in accordance with section 4, Best Interests, Section 5 Acts in connection with care or treatment and Section 6, Limitations of the MCA. Following all the relevant assessments has the MDT in collaboration with the family/carer/ IMCA agreed that an authorisation of DoLS is required? YES Is the need to deprive the person of their liberty urgent? YES The six assessments required for a standard authorisation include: Age assessment No refusals assessment Mental Capacity Assessment Eligibility assessment Best interests assessment More details can be found in the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Code of Practice NO A managing authority (The Trust) can give an urgent authorisation for deprivation of liberty if the need to deprive the person of their liberty is so urgent that there is not time for the standard authorisation to be processed or the standard authorisation is being processed but the need to deprive the person of their liberty becomes so urgent that it needs to commence before the request is dealt with. All steps taken to involve family/carers/IMCA should be documented in the medical notes. The ultimate decision will need to be based on a judgement of what is in the patient’s best interests and all relevant information that indicates how the decision was made should be documented in the medical notes. An urgent authorisation should only be applied for if there is a reasonable expectation that the six qualifying requirements for a standard authorisation are likely to be met. The decision for an urgent DoLS should be made at a senior level within the Trust. Complete the urgent authorisation form 1 and the standard authorisation form 4. These forms should be sent to the relevant PCT (See details below). A copy of the documentation should be filed in the patient’s medical records and a copy sent to The Trust Medicolegal Services Manager. Urgent authorisation lasts for a maximum of 7 days. During this time the assessments for a standard authorisation should be carried out by the supervisory body (PCT) NO Review case with MDT and family and plan management without DoLS Complete the standard authorisation form 4 This form should be sent to the relevant PCT (See details below). A copy of the documentation should be filed in the patient’s medical records and a copy sent to The Trust Medico-legal Services Manager. The supervisory body (PCT) will commission the assessments which are used to authorise a deprivation of liberty Form 1 Urgent Authorisation & Form 4 Starndard Authorisation are available on the DoH website The Trust Intranet: go to working here, then learning zone, then clinical training, then mental capacity act. or HWP network in the data folder Urgent authorisations can never be made without a simultaneous application for a standard authorisation. Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 37 of 40 Affix patient label or enter details: Trust ID No.: Surname (BLOCK LETTERS): Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard Checklist For more information please refer to the Trust Mental Capacity Act Policy available on the Trust intranet First name: D.O.B.: Date 1 Has the Matron (or Clinical Site Manager in the absence of the Matron) been informed about the possible need to apply for a DoLS under the MCA or to section the patient under the MHA? 2 Does the patient have a previous mental health history or is it believed that this is a mental health issue now? If yes arrange assessment by mental health team regarding the appropriateness of detaining the patient under the mental health act. 3 Has the patient been assessed as lacking capacity and details documented in medical notes? Note: This must be assessed specifically in relation to the care or treatment that is deemed to be in their best interest but is causing disagreement or resistance by the patient to an extent that we feel the need to deprive this person of their liberty. 4 In the opinion of the MDT is it believed that the person’s liberty is being deprived beyond that which is supported by the MCA? 5 Has the decision to apply for an authorisation of DoLS been discussed with the MDT and with the family or significant others? If there are any concerns or queries regarding the process please contact the relevant PCT to discuss (see details below) 6 If indicated has an Urgent Authorisation for DoLS form been completed? This must be sent in with a Standard Authorisation for DoLS. 7 Has a Standard Authorisation for DoLS form been completed? 8 Have the forms been faxed to the relevant PCT (see details below) 9 Has a copy of the documentation been filed in the patient’s medical notes? Time Has a copy of the documentation been sent to the Trust Medico-legal Services Manager? Has the patient and family/carer been given the relevant information and 11 documentation? Please note an authorisation for a deprivation of liberty does not, in itself, authorise care or treatment. 10 Print Name………………………………………. Signature ……………………………………………… Brighton & Hove DoLS Office Tel: 01273 295555 Fax: 01273 296372 West Sussex DoLS Office Tel: 01903 738900 Fax: 01903 738956 East Sussex DoLS Office Tel: 01273 336820 Fax: 01273 482776 Guidelines for the management of behavioural disturbance and cognitive impairments following acute brain injury. HPNC CG01 Page 38 of 40 Appendix E Impact Assessment Please add the full policy title, the TCP number The date of the next review and page X of Y