EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR THE SAFETY OF AIR NAVIGATION EUROCONTROL NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Edition Number : 0.4 Edition Date : 8 Jan 2013 Status : Working Draft Intended for : NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS TITLE NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Publications Reference: ISBN Number: Edition Number: 0.4. Document Identifier Edition Date: 8 Jan 2013 Abstract Authors Contact(s) Person Tel Asa Standar + 32 2 729 3186 Unit DSR/CMN/IM STATUS, AUDIENCE AND ACCESSIBILITY Status Intended for Accessible via Working Draft General Public Intranet Draft CND Stakeholders Extranet Proposed Issue Restricted Audience Internet ( Released Issue Electronic copies of this document can be downloaded from : Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 1 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD The following table records the complete history of the successive editions of the present document. EDITION EDITION NUMBER DATE 0.1 22 Feb 2011 REASON FOR CHANGE First working draft for review PAGES AFFECTED All Definitions included, restructuring of 0.2 21 Apr 2011 sections, revised NOTAM codes and Pg 7 -- 13 content, editorial changes Revised NOTAM content, editorial changes, 0.3 27 April 2012 insertion of NOTAM template for on-ground All volcanic ash on reported on runway Restructuring of sections in Ch 2, revised 0.4 8 Jan 2013 template for on-going eruptive phase, All inclusion of new Ch 3, editorial changes Page 2 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Contents DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................. 1 DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD ............................................................................... 2 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 5 CHAPTER 1 – Introduction ....................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Purpose of document.................................................................................................6 Structure of document ...............................................................................................6 Validation of NOTAM templates ................................................................................6 References ................................................................................................................7 CHAPTER 2 – NOTAM Templates ............................................................................ 8 2.1 General ......................................................................................................................8 2.1.1 Structure of NOTAM content ........................................................................8 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 Navigation warnings – Warnings (W) ........................................................................8 2.2.1 Type of operational impact/event ..................................................................8 2.2.2 Pre-eruptive volcanic activity ........................................................................9 2.2.3 Start of eruption or ongoing volcanic activity ................................................9 2.2.4 Reporting on areas of volcanic ash contamination .....................................10 2.2.5 Recovery phase ..........................................................................................11 Navigation warnings - Airspace restrictions(R)........................................................11 2.3.1 Type of operational impact/event ................................................................11 2.3.2 2.4 Aerodrome/Heliport closed for all traffic......................................................13 Restrictions on route portions/flight levels ...............................................................14 2.5.1 Type of operational impact/event ................................................................14 2.5.2 2.6 Temporary airspace restriction for confirmed volcanic activity ...................12 Aerodrome/heliport closure .....................................................................................13 2.4.1 Type of operational impact/event ................................................................13 2.4.2 2.5 Filling instructions and NOTAM codes ..........................................................8 Routes portion closure ................................................................................14 NOTAM reporting on-ground volcanic ash on the movement area .........................15 2.6.1 Type of operational impact .........................................................................15 2.6.2 On-ground volcanic ash ..............................................................................16 CHAPTER 3 – NOTAM Production rules ................................................................ 17 3.1 Pre-eruptive volcanic activity [volc.pre] ...................................................................17 3.1.1 Template .....................................................................................................17 3.1.2 3.2 Edition: 0. NOTAM Examples ......................................................................................18 Start of eruption or ongoing eruption of volcanic activity [volc.act] .........................19 3.2.1 Template .....................................................................................................19 Working Draft Page 3 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events 3.2.2 3.3 Reporting on areas of volcanic ash contamination [volc.ash] .................................22 3.3.1 Template .....................................................................................................22 3.3.2 3.4 NOTAM Example ........................................................................................32 NOTAM reporting on-ground volcanic ash on the runway [rwy.cont] ......................33 3.7.1 Template .....................................................................................................34 3.7.2 Page 4 NOTAM Example ........................................................................................30 Route portion closure ...............................................................................................31 3.6.1 Template .....................................................................................................31 3.6.2 3.7 NOTAM Example ........................................................................................25 Airport /Heliport closure [ad.cls] ...............................................................................26 3.5.1 Template .....................................................................................................26 3.5.2 3.6 NOTAM Examples ......................................................................................22 Temporary PRD - airspace for confirmed volcanic eruption [volc.prd] ....................23 3.4.1 Templates ...................................................................................................24 3.4.2 3.5 NOTAM Examples ......................................................................................20 NOTAM Example ........................................................................................34 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events SUMMARY This document provides draft proposals of NOTAM templates related to the operational impact and limited access of airspace and routes affected by volcanic ash, with reference to the action agreed by the AISAIM Study Group/3 (Action agreed 9/3 Aeronautical information dissemination related to volcanic ash. The templates are developed with the purpose to create harmonisation in management of NOTAM messages related to a volcano eruption, where enhancement in ICAO guidance material for NOTAM creation was proposed to the Study Group. The templates are providing a structured order of the information that shall be inserted in item E). The structure of the free text will create a harmonised output of the NOTAM, improving the readability of the message and processing of the data by the end user. The proposed structure is taking into account the on-going progress in the digital NOTAM developments, following the digital NOTAM Event Specification as developed by the dedicated Focus Group. Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 5 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events CHAPTER 1 – Introduction 1.1 Purpose of document As a consequence of the lessons learned by the European States AIS organisations regarding the need for harmonisation in management of NOTAM related to a volcano eruption events, the ICAO AISAIM Study group proposed that the ICAO guidance material be enhanced to include examples of a series of NOTAM related to the operational impact and limited access of airspace and routes affected by volcanic ash. The templates are intended to assist States in expediting the process of originating and issuing NOTAM for the different phases of volcanic activity, in order to harmonise the output in the messages and enhance the usability of the aeronautical information for the users. This document provides draft proposals of a series of NOTAM templates and examples, for consideration by the AISAIM Study Group for inclusion in ICAO AIS provisions. 1.2 Structure of document The document provides guidance for the full range of NOTAM examples required for warnings of volcanic activity and restrictions on airspace, airports and en route operations as a result of volcanic activity, including recommended NOTAM codes. The templates are as closely as possible based on the structured data format of the digital NOTAM specification and defined event scenarios. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the templates and NOTAM examples that are proposed to be moved forward for inclusion in ICAO Doc 8126. Chapter 3 provides a detailed description of the structure of the NOTAM templates and detailed instructions for how to insert the information in the templates, and again NOTAM examples. The NOTAM templates covers the following subjects: 1.3 airspace warnings airspace restrictions aerodrome/heliport closure route portion restriction/flight levels on-ground volcanic ash on the movement area Validation of NOTAM templates The NOTAM templates created for navigation warnings and temporary airspace restrictions in version v0.2 of the document were included in the exercise directives of the ICAO EUR/NAT Volcanic Exercise VOLCEX 11-01, 13-14 April 2011. Dissemination and reception of volcanic ash related NOTAM were part of the exercise objectives to ensure that NOTAM was issued in accordance with the provided templates by the participating States’ NOTAM Page 6 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Offices. Taking into account the evaluation of the effectiveness of the NOTAM issued during exercise VOLCEX 11-01, the templates were updated in v 0.3, as well as updates to reflect the terminology used by the International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF) in the delivery “ATM Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan Template”, for areas of contamination and phases of a volcanic event. Further evaluation of the updated templates in this version will be proposed for the ICAO EUR/NAT VOLCEX, planned for April 2013. 1.4 References ICAO Annex 15 ICAO Doc 8126 AIS Manual ICAO Doc 9426 Air Traffic Services Planning Manual EUROCONTROL Operating Procedures for AIS Dynamic Data (OPADD) ICAO Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan - EUR 019/NAT 006 Digital NOTAM Event Specification v 1.1 Volcanic Ash NOTAM Templates NATS UK ICAO Doc 9766 Airways Volcano Watch Handbook ICAO Doc 9691 Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds International Volcanic Task Force/3-PPT/04 Attachment –ATM01 Draft Pre-digital NOTAM Template document Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 7 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events CHAPTER 2 – NOTAM Templates 2.1 General 2.1.1 Structure of NOTAM content For each subject a short description is describing for which situation the templates can be used. It follows by a description of the structure of the NOTAM text, providing the sequence of the free text information to be inserted in item E). The structure follows as closely as possible the information elements that are defined for a dedicated digital NOTAM event scenario. A detailed instruction of how to insert the information following the structure is provided per event in Chapter 3. 2.1.2 Filling instructions and NOTAM codes The NOTAM examples include some instructions in completion of the qualifier line, the recommended NOTAM code and instruction in how to describe a published airspace in item E). 2.2 Navigation warnings – Warnings (W) 2.2.1 Type of operational impact/event These templates apply for the issuance of navigation warnings for volcanic activity providing as precise information as is available regarding the activity, for the pre-eruption, start of eruption, ongoing eruption and recovery phases. The examples cover elements such as the name and geographical position of the volcano, alert code indicating the activity, the horizontal extend and base/top of reported ash cloud of operationally significance, forecast direction of movement of the ash cloud and any operationally significant information additional to the foregoing. Page 8 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events . 2.2.2 Pre-eruptive volcanic activity NOTAM Examples Q) BIRD/QWWLW*/IV/NBO/W/000/999/6337N01901W010** A) BIRD B) 1002260830 C) 1002261100 E) PRE-ERUPTIVE VOLCANIC ACTIVITY AT KATLA 1702-03, 6337.5N 01901.5W, POSSIBLY INDICATING IMMINENT ERUPTION WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: CIRCLE WITH 10NM*** RADIUS CENTERED ON 6337N 01901W . VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD IS EXPECTED TO REACH FL500 FEW MINUTES FROM START OF ERUPTION. AIRCRAFT ARE ADVISED TO FLIGHT PLAN TO REMAIN CLEAR OF AREA AND MAINTAIN WATCH FOR NOTAM/SIGMET. F) GND G) UNL *) Recommended NOTAM code: QWWLW “Significant volcanic activity will take place…(specify)”. **) A radius shall be included in the qualifier line in a way that encompasses the total area of influence of the NOTAM. ***) Distance established by the Provider State and shall correspond to the radius in the qualifier line. Q) SKED/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/999/4031S00741W100 A) SKED B) 1210101250 C) 1210111250 E) PRE-ERUPTIVE VOLCANIC ACTIVITY AT 4031.2S 00741.1W, POSSIBLY INDICATING IMMINENT ERUPTION WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: 4033S 00745W – 4028S 00733W – 4027S 00747W – 4033S 00745W. ACFT ARE ADVISED TO FLIGHT PLAN TO REMAIN CLEAR OF AREA AND MAINTAIN WATCH FOR NOTAM/SIGMET. 2.2.3 Edition: 0. Start of eruption or ongoing volcanic activity Working Draft Page 9 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events NOTAM Examples Q) BIRD/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/500/6337N01901W010 A) BIRD B) 1002261000 C) 1002261300 VOLCANIC ERUPTION CONFIRMED AT KATLA 17-2-03, 6337.5N 01901.5W, WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: CIRCLE OF 10NM RADIUS CENTERED ON 6337N 01901W. ASH CLOUD EXTENT: 64N 020W - 64N 019W - 63N 019W - 63N 20W - 64N 020W, GND-FL500, MOVING SOUTH 10KT. ACFT ARE ADVISED TO REMAIN AT LEAST 20NM CLEAR OF VOLCANO. F) GND G) FL500 Q) SKED/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/400/4031S00741W130 A) SKED B) 1210101250 C) 1210111250 E) VOLCANIC ERUPTION CONFIRMED AT 4031.2S 00741.1W, WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: 4033S 00745W – 4028S 00733W – 4027S 00747W – 4033S 00745W. ALERT COLOR CODE YELLOW. 40S 007W - 40S 004W - 41S 004W - 40S 007W, GND-FL400, MOVING SOUTHEAST 5KT. ACFT ARE ADVISED TO REMAIN AT LEAST 130NM CLEAR OF THE VOLCANO. F) GND G) FL400 2.2.4 Page 10 Reporting on areas of volcanic ash contamination Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events NOTAM Examples Q) EIAA/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W /000/200/xxxxNxxxxxE (orW)/xxx*) A)EIAA B) 1005190700 C) 1005191300 E) VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION AREA AS FOLLOWS: 5243N 00853W - 5330N 00618W - 5150N 00829W - 5243N 00853W**) MOVING EAST F)SFC G) FL200 Q) EGPX/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/350/5708N00443W083 A) EGPX B) 1005182300 C) 1005190500 E) VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION AREA AS FOLLOWS: 5812N 00611W - 5718N 00216W - 5552N 00426W - 5629N 00652W - 5812N 00611W, MOVING SOUTH 10KT. F) GND G) FL350 *) The geographical reference (coordinates lat/long) shall represent the approximate centre of a circle whose radius encompasses the whole area of influence. A radius shall be included in a way that encompasses the total area of influence of the NOTAM. **) Definition of the area should be done by radius/circle or coordinates only. Definition of airspace by the use of geographical or administrative features such as State borders, rivers, sea shores etc) is not supported by the digital NOTAM event scenario and is therefore not recommended. If operational necessary, this can be defined by providing a simplified polygon larger than the area and excluding a neighbouring FIR, for example. Coordinates defining the lateral limits of the area (polygon) should be enumerated in clockwise order, each point separated by space-hyphen-space. The last and the first points of the list shall be the same. 2.2.5 Recovery phase NOTAMC shall be issued cancelling the active NOTAM and a new NOTAM (NOTAMN) shall be promulgated to update the situation for volcanic ash as soon as the volcano has reverted to its pre-eruptive status, no further eruptions are expected and no ash cloud is detectable or reported from the FIR concerned. 2.3 Navigation warnings - Airspace restrictions(R) 2.3.1 Type of operational impact/event These templates apply for established temporary airspace restrictions for areas affected by volcanic activity: a) Edition: 0. temporary airspace restrictions for the volcanic eruption response phases, Working Draft Page 11 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events b) temporary airspace restrictions based on volcanic ash contamination areas spread and movement 2.3.2 Temporary airspace restriction for confirmed volcanic activity NOTAM Examples Q) BIRD/QRTCA*/IV/NBO/W/000/500/6337N01901Wxxx** A) BIRD B) 1103260800 C) 1103261200 E) TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA*** DUE TO SIGNIFICANT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY VOLCANO KATLA 1702-03 ICELAND-S (6337.5N 01901.5W) AS FOLLOWS: CIRCLE WITH CENTRE 6337N 01901W AND RADIUS OF XXXNM**** VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD REPORTED REACHING FL500. AIRCRAFT ARE REQUIRED TO REMAIN CLEAR OF AREA AND MAINTAIN WATCH FOR NOTAM/SIGMET. F) SFC G) FL500 Q) WAAF/QRDCA/IV/NBO/000/100/0141N12810E090 A) WAAF B) 1203310830 C) 1204010830 E) TEMPORARY DANGER AREA ESTABLISHED DUE TO SIGNIFICANT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY VOLCANO DUKONO 0608-01, 0141N 012753E AS FOLLOWS: 90NM CENTERED ON 0141N 012810E . F) GND G) FL100 Q) SKED/QRPCA/IV/NBO/W/000/400/4031S00741W010 A) SKED B) 1210101250 C) 1210111250 E) TEMPORARY PROHIBITED AREA ESTABLISHED DUE TO SIGNIFICANT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY AT 4031.2S 00741.1W AS FOLLOWS: 10NM CENTERED ON 4031S 00741W . F) GND G) FL400 *) Recommended NOTAM code: QRTCA “Temporary restricted area activated”, QRDCA “Danger area activated” and QRPCA “ Prohibited area activated”, based on States decision on established restriction. **) A radius shall be included in the qualifier line in a way that encompasses the total area of influence of the NOTAM. Page 12 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events ***)” Temporary Danger Area” and “Temporary Prohibited Area” can also be inserted, based on States decision on established restriction ****) Distance established by the Provider State and shall correspond to the radius in the qualifier line Q) EGGN/QRTCA/IV/NBO/W/000/350/xxxxNxxxxxExxx A)EGPX B)1005182300 C)1005190500 E) TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA ESTABLISHED FOR VOLCANIC ASH AREA OF CONTAMINATION AS FOLLOWS: 5812N 00611W - 5718N 00216W - 5552N 00426W 5629N 00652W - 5812N 00611W**) F)SFC G) FL350 Q) BIRD/QRDCA/IV/NBO/W/000/250/xxxxNxxxxxExxx A) BIRD B) 1011301214 C) 1011301814 E) TEMPORARY DANGER AREA ESTABLISHED FOR VOLCANIC ASH AREA OF CONTAMINATION AS FOLLOWS: 7134N 00843W - 7134N 00801W - 6931N 00508W - 6606N 00732W - 6208N 01334W 6254N 01419W - 6823N 00925W - 7134N 00843W**) F)SFC G)FL250 2.4 Aerodrome/heliport closure 2.4.1 Type of operational impact/event These templates cover the event of a temporary closure of an airport/heliport. The closure can be total (any traffic is forbidden) or partial (with the exception of particular operations, flight or aircraft categories). 2.4.2 Edition: 0. Aerodrome/Heliport closed for all traffic Working Draft Page 13 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events NOTAM Example: Q) EDWW/QFALC/IV/NBO/000/999/5348N00959E005 A) EDDH B) 1203230900 C) 1203231500 E) AD* CLOSED DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION. FOR FURTHER INFO CALL AD TRAFFIC CENTER 04050572599. *) If the designator concerns a heliport, the word “HELIPORT” shall be included. 2.5 Restrictions on route portions/flight levels 2.5.1 Type of operational impact/event This template covers the event of a temporary closure of one or more route portions (could be on different routes) due to a common cause, such as the activation of a temporary restricted area. If more than one route portion is concerned, the eventual vertical layers and schedules specified by the data originator are assumed to apply identically to all route portions (routes); if one route portion has different layers or schedules, it shall be considered a separate event and a separate NOTAM shall be issued. : 2.5.2 Page 14 Routes portion closure Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events NOTAM Examples Q) ENOR/QANLC/I/NBO/E/285/400/6230N00300E085 A)ENOR B) 1004151200 C) 1004151400EST E) RNAV ROUTE SEGMENTS CLOSED UM 996 ISVIG – VIGRA DVOR/DME (VIG) UL727 ISVIG – FLORO DVOR/DME (FLO) UP607 INGAL – FLORO DVOR/DME (FLO) FROM FL285 TO FL400 DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH AREA OF CONTAMINATION Q) EDWW/QARLC/IV/NBO/W/000/245/5420N00900W180 A) EDWW B) 1103260800 C) 1103270800 E) ATS ROUTE SEGMENTS CLOSED: P999 AMRAK - SOMPO GND - FL245 P992 ATTUS - LBE GND - FL245 L619 DHE - OSTOR GND - FL245 P615 EKERN - LBE GND - FL245 T905 EKERN - BOGMU GND - FL245 M852 EKERN - HAM GND - FL245 . 2.6 NOTAM reporting on-ground volcanic ash on the movement area 2.6.1 Type of operational impact This template covers the event where volcanic ash is reported as a contaminant on the movement area and may be a hazard for flight operations. Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 15 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events 2.6.2 On-ground volcanic ash NOTAM Example Q) PAZA/QMRXX*/IV/NBO/A/000/999/6110N14959W005 A) PANC B) 1307141500 C) 1307151500EST E) RWY 07L/25R CONTAMINATION 10 MM VOLCANIC ASH *) Recommended NOTAM code: QMRXX “Runway (specify runway) plain language Page 16 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events CHAPTER 3 – NOTAM Production rules 3.1 Pre-eruptive volcanic activity [volc.pre] 3.1.1 Template volcano name (1) insert the name of the volcano if it is named volcano number (2) insert the number of the volcano if it is numbered volcano coordinates (3) insert the latitude and longitude of the expected eruption volcano location (4) insert volcano radial and distance from navaid area of influence insert the geographical area influenced by the volcano eruption and subject to the warning, as either: - a circle with centre position (6) defined in latitude and longitude and the appropriate radius (5) in NM or - the lateral limits of the area (polygon) by using coordinates (7) in latitude and longitude. The coordinates should be enumerated in clockwise order, each point separated by space-hyphen-space. The last and the first points of the list shall be the same. airspace activity annotation (8) Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 17 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events forecasted eruption activities, advices for pilots etc. 3.1.2 NOTAM Examples Example 1 Q) BIRD/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/999/6337N01901W010 A) BIRD B) 1002260830 C) 1002261100 E) PRE-ERUPTIVE VOLCANIC ACTIVITY AT KATLA 1702-03, 6337.5N 01901.5W, POSSIBLY INDICATING IMMINENT ERUPTION WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: 10NM RADIUS CENTERED ON 6337N 01901W . VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD IS EXPECTED TO REACH FL500 FEW MINUTES FROM START OF ERUPTION. AIRCRAFT ARE ADVISED TO FLIGHT PLAN TO REMAIN CLEAR OF AREA AND MAINTAIN WATCH FOR NOTAM/SIGMET. F) GND G) UNL Example 2 Q) SKED/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/999/4031S00741W100 A) SKED B) 1210101250 C) 1210111250 E) PRE-ERUPTIVE VOLCANIC ACTIVITY AT 4031.2S 00741.1W, POSSIBLY INDICATING IMMINENT ERUPTION WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: 4033S 00745W – 4028S 00733W – 4027S 00747W – 4033S 00745W. ACFT ARE ADVISED TO FLIGHT PLAN TO REMAIN CLEAR OF AREA AND MAINTAIN WATCH FOR NOTAM/SIGMET. Page 18 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events F) GND G) UNL 3.2 Start of eruption or ongoing eruption of volcanic activity [volc.act] 3.2.1 Template volcano name (1) insert the name of the volcano if it is named volcano number (2) insert the number of the volcano if it is numbered volcano coordinates (3) insert the latitude and longitude of the volcano volcano location (4) insert volcano radial and distance from navaid area of influence insert the geographical area influenced by the volcano eruption and subject to the warning, as either: - a circle with centre position (6) defined in latitude and longitude and the appropriate radius (5) or - the lateral limits of the area (polygon) by using coordinates (7) in latitude and longitude. The coordinates should be enumerated in clockwise order, each point separated by space-hyphen-space. The last and the first points of the list shall be the same. Level of alert colour code (8) Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 19 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Status of activity of volcano Level of alert colour code Volcano is in normal, non-eruptive state. or, after a change from a higher alert level: Volcanic activity considered to have ceased, and volcano reverted to its normal, non-eruptive GREEN ALERT YELLOW ALERT Volcano is experiencing signs of elevated unrest above known background levels. or, after a change from higher alert level: Volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase. ORANGE ALERT Volcano is exhibiting heightened unrest with increased likelihood of eruption. or, Volcanic eruption is underway with no or minor ash emission [specify ashplume height if possible]. RED ALERT Eruption is forecasted to be imminent with significant emission of ash into the atmosphere likely. or, Eruption is underway with significant emission of ash into the atmosphere [specify ash-plume height if possible]. horizontal extent of the volcanic ash cloud (9) insert the lateral limit of the volcanic ash cloud (polygon) by using coordinates in latitude and longitude in whole degrees. The coordinates should be enumerated in clockwise order, each point separated by space-hyphen-space. The last and the first points of the list shall be the same. vertical extent (10) insert the vertical limits of the base/top of the volcanic ash cloud direction (11)insert the forecasted direction of the ash cloud speed (12) insert the moving speed of the ash cloud source (13) insert the source of the information e.g. “special air-report” or “volcanological agency” etc. note (14) insert any operationally significant additional information to the foregoing 3.2.2 NOTAM Examples The examples in this section apply the template defined in the previous section. Page 20 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Example 1 Q) BIRD/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/500/6337N01901W010 A) BIRD B) 1002261000 C) 1002261300 VOLCANIC ERUPTION CONFIRMED AT KATLA 17-2-03, 6337.5N 01901.5W, WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: CIRCLE OF 10NM RADIUS CENTERED ON 6337N 01901W . ALERT COLOR CODE ORANGE. ASH CLOUD EXTENT: 64N 020W - 64N 019W - 63N 019W - 63N 20W - 64N 020W, GND-FL500, MOVING SOUTH 10KT. ACFT ARE ADVISED TO REMAIN AT LEAST 20NM CLEAR OF VOLCANO. F) GND G) FL500 Example 2 Q) SKED/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/400/4031S00741W130 Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 21 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events A) SKED B) 1210101250 C) 1210111250 E) VOLCANIC ERUPTION CONFIRMED AT 4031.2S 00741.1W, WITHIN AREA AS FOLLOWS: 4033S 00745W – 4028S 00733W – 4027S 00747W – 4033S 00745W. ALERT COLOR CODE YELLOW. 40S 007W - 40S 004W - 41S 004W - 40S 007W, GND-FL400, MOVING SOUTHEAST 5KT. ACFT ARE ADVISED TO REMAIN AT LEAST 130NM CLEAR OF THE VOLCANO. F) GND G) FL400 3.3 Reporting on areas of volcanic ash contamination [volc.ash] 3.3.1 Template area of ash contamination insert the geographical area of ash contamination as either: - a circle with centre position (2) defined in latitude and longitude and the appropriate radius (1) or - the lateral limits of the area (polygon) by using coordinates (3) in latitude and longitude. The coordinates should be enumerated in clockwise order, each point separated by space-hyphen-space. The last and the first points of the list shall be the same. moving direction (4) insert the geographic moving direction of the ash cloud like “NORTH” or “SOUTHEAST” etc. speed (5) insert the moving speed 3.3.2 NOTAM Examples The examples in this section apply the template defined in the previous section. Example 1 Page 22 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Q) EIAA/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W /000/200/5220N00840W030 A) EIAA B) 1005190700 C) 1005191300 E) VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION AREA AS FOLLOWS: CIRCLE OF 30NM RADIUS CENTERED ON 5220N 00840W, MOVING EAST 5KT. F) SFC G) FL200 Example 2 Q) EGPX/QWWLW/IV/NBO/W/000/350/5708N00443W083 A) EGPX B) 1005182300 C) 1005190500 E) VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION AREA AS FOLLOWS: 5812N 00611W - 5718N 00216W - 5552N 00426W - 5629N 00652W - 5812N 00611W, MOVING SOUTH 10KT. F) GND G) FL350 3.4 Temporary PRD - airspace for confirmed volcanic eruption [volc.prd] The following production rule defines the information elements that are used in order to compose the text item E of the NOTAM announcing the establishment of a temporary prohibited, restricted or danger area caused by volcanic activity. For Digital NOTAM encoding, this is supported by the [SAA.NEW] scenario with minor deviations. Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 23 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events 3.4.1 Templates type (1) The area type shall be included according to the following decoding table: Type Text recommended for item E Q codes P "PROHIBITED AREA" QRPCA R "RESTRICTED AREA" QRTCA D "DANGER AREA" QRDCA reason (2) Insert here the reason for the restrictions as follows: SIGIFICANT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD name (3) insert the name of the volcano if it is named number (4) insert the number of the volcano if it is numbered coordinates (5) insert the coordinates of the eruption (latitude, longitude) geometry insert here horizontal projection of the area as either: - a circle with centre position (6) defined in latitude and longitude and the appropriate radius (7) or - the lateral limits of the area (polygon) by using coordinates (8) in latitude and longitude. Page 24 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events The coordinates should be enumerated in clockwise order, each point separated by space-hyphen-space. The last and the first points of the list shall be the same. controlling unit note(9) If available, insert information about controlling unit. note(10) Any other additional information. 3.4.2 NOTAM Example The examples in this section apply the template defined in the previous section Example 1 Q) WAAF/QRDCA/IV/NBO/000/100/0141N12810E090 A) WAAF B) 1203310830 C) 1204010830 E) TEMPORARY DANGER AREA ESTABLISHED DUE TO SIGNIFICANT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY VOLCANO DUKONO 0608-01, 0141N 012753E AS FOLLOWS: 90NM CENTERED ON 0141N 012810E . F) GND G) FL100 Example 2 Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 25 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Q) EDWW/QRTCA/IV/NBO/W/000/245/5420N00900W110 A) EDWW B) 1103260800 C) 1103270800 E) TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA ESTABLISHED DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD VOLCANO KATLA 1702-03, 6337.5N 01901.5W AS FOLLOWS: 5454N 00822E - 5411N 01215E - 5336N 00642E - 5454N 00822E. BREMEN RADAR. F) GND G) FL245 Example 3 Q) SKED/QRPCA/IV/NBO/W/000/400/4031S00741W010 A) SKED B) 1210101250 C) 1210111250 E) TEMPORARY PROHIBITED AREA ESTABLISHED DUE TO SIGNIFICANT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY AT 4031.2S 00741.1W AS FOLLOWS: 10NM CENTERED ON 4031S 00741W . F) GND G) FL400 3.5 Airport /Heliport closure [ad.cls] 3.5.1 Template The following production rule defines the information elements that are used in order to compose the text in item E in the NOTAM that announces the airport/heliport closure due to volcanic ash contamination. For Digital NOTAM encoding, this is supported by the [AD.CLS] scenario. Although a few items are used for the event of volcanic ash contamination, for completeness or the template, all items and explanations defined for the digital NOTAM encoding for airport/heliport closure are included. In the NOTAM examples, only the items needed are used. After the closure reason which is always “DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION”, all other items can be skipped to go directly to “note”, if such exists. Page 26 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events (1) If we have an ICAO location indicator, then ignore element (2a/b) “name” or “ARP” and start the first line with “type” name (2a) If we do not have an ICAO location indicator, insert name of the airport. ARP(2b) If we don’t have an ICAO location indicator or name of the airport, then insert the text “LOCATED AT” followed by ARP coordinates. type(3) Insert the type of airport decoded as follows: Text recommended for item E Q code “AD” QFALC/QFALT “HELIPORT” QFPLC/QFPLT “LANDING SITE” QFALC/QFALT As reason for closure: DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION should always be inserted usage operations (4) Insert usage operations as follows: text to be inserted “FOR LANDING” “FOR TAKE-OFF” “FOR TOUCH AND GO” “FOR PRACTICE OF LOW APPROACHES” Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 27 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events “AS ALTN” “FOR ACFT PARTICIPATING IN AIRSHOW” “FOR” flight characteristics (5) Insert flight characteristics as follows: a. by type text to be inserted “OAT” “GAT” “OAT/GAT” plain text b. by flight rule text to be inserted “IFR FLT” “VFR FLT” “IFR/VFR FLT” plain text c. by status text to be inserted “HEAD OF STATE” “STATE ACFT” “HUMANITARIAN FLT” “HOSP FLT” “SEARCH AND RESCUE FLT” “EMERGENCY FLT” “STATE/HUM/HOSP/SEARCH AND RESCUE/EMERGENCY FLT” plain text d. by category text to be inserted “MIL ACFT” “CIVIL ACFT” “CIVIL/MIL ACFT” plain text e. by origin text to be inserted “DOMESTIC FLT” “INTL FLT” “HOME BASED ACFT” Page 28 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events “DOMESTIC/INTL FLT” plain text f. by purpose text to be inserted “SCHEDULED FLT” “UNSCHEDULED FLT” “PRIVATE FLT” ”TRAINING FLT” “AERIAL WORK” “PARTICIPATING ACFT” “SCHEDULED/UNSCHEDULED/PRIVATE/ TRAINING/AERIAL WORK/PARTICIPATING ACFT” plain text aircraft type (6) If more than one aircraft type is affected, insert commas between consecutive types. It is allowed to insert following values: a. types text to be inserted “LANDPLANES” “SEAPLANES” “AMPHIBIANS” “HELICOPTERS” “GYROCOPTERS” “TILT WING ACFT” “SHORT TAKE-OFF AND LANDING ACFT” “GLIDERS” “HANG-GLIDERS” “PARAGLIDERS” “ULTRALIGHT ACFT” “BALLOONS” “UAS” “ALL ACFT TYPES” plain text b. engine text to be inserted “JET ACFT” “PISTON ACFT” “TURBOPROP ACFT” “ALL ENGINE TYPES” plain text Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 29 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events c. wingspan text to be inserted “ACFT WITH WINGSPAN LARGER THAN” “ACFT WITH WINGSPAN EQUAL OR LARGER THAN” “ACFT WITH WINGSPAN EQUAL OR “SMALLER THAN” “ACFT WITH WINGSPAN SMALLER THAN” plain text d. weight text to be inserted “ÄCFT MASS HEAVIER THAN” “ACFT MASS EQUAL OR HEAVIER THAN” “ACFT MASS EQUAL OR LIGHTER THAN” “ACFT MASS LIGHTER THAN” plain text (7) If there are more than one flight characteristics or aircraft type, select and decode each. PPR (8) Insert here value of the prior permission attribute as follows: text to be inserted “HOURS” “MINUTES” “SECONDS” plain text If there exists annotation regarding PPR, insert as addition “REMARK” followed by appropriate text. (9) If more than one usage elements exist, decode additional ones starting each time on a new line. note (10) Any other additional information. 3.5.2 NOTAM Example The example in this section apply the template defined in the previous section Example: Page 30 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Q) EDWW/QFALC/IV/NBO/000/999/5348N00959E005 A) EDDH B) 1203230900 C) 1203231500 E) AD CLOSED DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH CONTAMINATION. FOR FURTHER INFO CALL AD TRAFFIC CENTER 04050572599. 3.6 Route portion closure 3.6.1 Template The following production rule defines the information elements that are used in order to compose the text in item E of the NOTAM announcing a temporary closure of a route portion. For Digital NOTAM encoding, this is supported by the [RTE.CLS] scenario. route availability status(1) If route or route segment has non-permanent status (non-permanent ATS route), than we have to enter value CDR (1, 2 or 3). Otherwise insert ATS. (2) Identify the route portions concerned and repeat steps from 3 to 5 for each route portion. To identify the route portions, order the route segments associated with the Event: first sort by the designator prefix, designator second letter, designator number, Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 31 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events multiple identifier of the Route that is referred to by the route formed property; second order by identical values of start point choice or end point choice with another segment of the same Route. Attention that it is possible to have two distinct portions of the same route associated with the Event. route name(3) Insert here route name (designator prefix, designator second letter, designator number, multiple identifier). start point (4) Insert here the point designator or the Navaid designator or the Airport/Heliport designator that was identified as start of a route portion at point (2) above. end point(5) Insert here the point designator or the navaid designator or the airport/heliport designator that was identified as end of a route portion at point (2) above. levels(6) If any route segment with status "CLSD" has either lower level different from "FLOOR" or upper level different from "CEILING" (the segment is not completely closed on the vertical), then insert the exact values. note (7) Any other additional information. 3.6.2 NOTAM Example The examples in this section apply the template defined in the previous section Example Page 32 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Q) EDWW/QARLC/IV/NBO/W/000/245/5420N00900W180 A) EDWW B) 1103260800 C) 1103270800 E) ATS ROUTE SEGMENTS CLOSED: P999 AMRAK - SOMPO GND - FL245 P992 ATTUS - LBE GND - FL245 L619 DHE - OSTOR GND - FL245 P615 EKERN - LBE GND - FL245 T905 EKERN - BOGMU GND - FL245 M852 EKERN - HAM GND - FL245 N850 MIC - BOGMU GND - FL245 A905 MIC - HAM GND - FL245 P605 AMICH - LUB GND - FL245 G99 MIC - RAMAR GND - FL245 N872 DEGUM - KUBAT GND - FL245 M873 WELGO - JUIST GND - FL245 Z212 DHE - JUIST GND - FL245 DUE TO VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD. 3.7 Edition: 0. NOTAM reporting on-ground volcanic ash on the runway [rwy.cont] Working Draft Page 33 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events 3.7.1 Template The following production rule defines the information elements that are used in order to compose the text in item E of the NOTAM announcing temporary closure of an airport/heliport. (1) If there is ICAO location indicator in item A, ignore element (2a/b) “name” or “ARP” and start the first line with “RWY” name (2a) If there is no ICAO location indicator, insert name of the airport . ARP (2b) If there is no ICAO location indicator or name of the airport, insert the ARP coordinates. If type and name or type and ARP are used, insert a line feed. type(3) Insert the type of airport decoded as follows: Text recommended for item E Q code “AD” QMRXX/QMRLT “HELIPORT” QMRXXQMRLT “LANDING SITE” QMRXX/QMRLT UNPAVED (4) This element is only used in that case where there are two RWY with the same designator but different surface (for instance RWY 07/25 once concrete and the second gravel or grass). designator (5) If more than one runway is associated with the event, than insert the designator of each additional runway direction, preceded by “/” mean depth (6) Insert the mean depth of deposit (volcanic ash) in millimetres. 3.7.2 NOTAM Example The examples in this section apply the template defined in the previous section Example Page 34 Working Draft Edition: 0.4 NOTAM templates proposals for volcanic ash events Q) BIRD/QMRXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/6517N01424W005 A) BIEG B) 1209121455 C) 1209130830 E) RWY 04/22 CONTAMINATION 14MM VOLCANIC ASH . Edition: 0. Working Draft Page 35