Super Volcano Movie Worksheet


Super Volcano Movie questions


Science Movie Worksheets – 1

Hour __________ Score ____________

3:20 1. Where is one of the largest volcanoes in the world? _________________________________________

6:00 2. What are the chances of a volcanic explosion? ______________________________________________

8:00 3. What volcanic stone is the child talking about? a. Pumice b. Ash C. Granite (circle one)

10:15 4. What did the earthquake cause? a. A sinkhole b. A tsunami c. A massive lava flow

13:30 5. What evidence is there that past eruptions were real and catastrophic? ___________________________


14:20 6. In relation to other volcanic eruptions, how big will the Yellowstone eruption be? ___________________


14:30 7. When was the last super volcanic eruption? a. 74,000 years ago b. 2 million years ago

c. 7,400 years ago d. 40000 years ago

15:45 8. What is beneath Yellowstone National Park? _______________________________________________

20:30 9. How large is the Yellowstone volcanic caldera? ______km wide X ______km long X ______ km deep

20:45 10. What have the geologist placed in the ground? a. Tulips b. Seismographs c. Treasure

22:15 11. Place a small box locating precisely where Yellowstone Park is on the map below .

22:30 12. Draw in the circle representing Zone 1 of the Eruption Hazard Zones.

23:20 13. Draw in the circle representing Zone 5

Science Movie Worksheets –

23:30 14. Why would burying the Midwest in 5 cm of ash be so devastating?_____________________________


23:45 15. How would the East coast(zone 6) be affected by the ash cloud? ______________________________


24:15 16. When volcanic ash mixes with water what does it resemble?_________________________________

24:45 17. Is Yellowstone unstable enough to trigger a super volcano? __________________________________

26:00 18. What are some triggers for a volcanic eruption? ___________________________________________

32:45 19. What machine shows that harmonic tremors indicate moving magma? _________________________

33:30 20. How are individual personalities playing a part in del aying public warning? …. And how would you have handled it?



49:40 21. Speculate why the volcanic ash cloud seems to travel mostly from the West to East? _____________


53:00 22. What are some of the difficulties that would happen after the eruption that would inhibit the ability to

rescue people? (Give at least 2 examples)



1:24:00 23. Why do you think it was snowing on August 6 th ? ___________________________________________


24. From what you have seen, are volcanic eruptions easy to predict? a. yes b. no (circle one)

Why or why not?



