Children`s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes

E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
Learning Outcomes
The table below lists the Bromley Children’s and Adult Safeguarding courses with their learning outcomes and
average time of completion. (Universal courses in green)
No Course title
Learning Outcomes
Assessment and Planning
Supporting Transitions
What an assessment is
The assessment process
The skills needed for and the basic principles of effective assessment
Why planning is important
What makes a good plan
The principles and tools of person-centered and solution focused planning
Understand what transition means in relation to children and young people you work
Understand significant milestones, which mark transition in the lives of children and
young people you work with
Transitions for children and young people with learning difficulties or disabilities
Transitions for asylum seeking children and refugees
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
Background to Safeguarding
If You Have Concern
Responding to a Disclosure
Child Abuse Introduction
Emotional Abuse
Learn the background and legal basis for Safeguarding
Understand the origins and core functions of Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards
Know what is meant by Safeguarding
What to do if you have concerns about a child
How to respond to a disclosure
What information to record
Learn what children want in order to feel safe
Learn what to do and what not to do if a child tells you about abuse
Know your personal responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of children
Provide advice to parents
Learn the definition of Child Protection and Child Abuse
Understand the concept of Significant Harm
Learn the key principles of Child Protection
Know what to do if Child Abuse is suspected
Learn the definition of Emotional Abuse
Know who emotionally abuses children
Know the signs and symptoms of Emotional Abuse
Learn the points to consider where Emotional Abuse is suspected
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
Physical Abuse
10 Sexual Abuse
11 Safeguarding Disabled Children
12 Information Sharing
Learn the definition of Neglect
Know who neglects children
Know the signs and symptoms of Neglect
Learn the points to consider where Neglect is suspected
Learn the definition of Physical Abuse
Know who physically abuses children
Know the signs and symptoms of physical abuse
Learn the points to consider where Physical Abuse is suspected
Learn the definition of Sexual Abuse
Know who sexually abuses children
Understand how Sexual Abuse can start
Know the signs and symptoms of Sexual Abuse
Recognise the points to consider where Sexual Abuse is suspected
Learn the definition of disability
Know why disabled children are more vulnerable to abuse
Understand the challenges faced where abuse of a disabled child is suspected
Understand why information sharing and obtaining consent is important
Know the seven golden rules for information sharing
Know who can give consent and when to share information without consent
Know the questions they should ask themselves when they are asked to or wish to
share information
Know how to share information using a variety of communication methods e.g. by post
and email
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
13 Difficult Relationships and
14 Data Protection and Human
15 Child in Need and Child
16 Framework of Assessment
Learn the reasons for conflict within and between agency teams.
Learn a strategy to resolve conflict
Understand our own behaviour in conflict situations
Understand the types of difficult behaviour people display in order to gauge which
approach to take
The purpose and principles of the Data Protection and Human Rights Acts in relation to
sharing information
The principles concerning Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights
What constitutes fair and lawful processing of data
The guidance around ‘subject access requests’
Child in Need and Child Protection processes
Understand the Child in Need and Child Protection timescales
Know who should use the Framework and why
Understand the important principles that underpin the Framework
Know what is required to assess children’s needs
Understand the ‘Domains’ and ‘Dimensions’ of the Framework
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
17 Domestic Abuse
18 Mental Capacity Act
The nature of domestic abuse
Who is affected
How the law can help
What the police can do
The range of situations victims might experience
The effect the abuse can have
How victims think about their abuse and the abuser
The effect it can have on the children living in
The abuser’s explanation of their behaviour
How the abuser sees the world
Society’s role
The contributing factors
What treatment is available
How abuse can be prevented
The risk assessment tools: CAADA-DASH and DV-RAM
The people the Mental Capacity Act concerns
The Five Key Principles
Assessing lack of capacity
Best interests
Attorneys and deputies
The Courts and legal protection
Advance decisions
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
19 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards 
What the deprivation of liberty safeguards are
The background and the law to the safeguards
Who the safeguards apply to
What deprivation of liberty is
When a person can be deprived of their liberty
The difference between restraint and deprivation of liberty
Situations which can lead to deprivation of liberty, and
Strategies to help prevent deprivation of liberty
The process of identifying risk and requesting authorisation
The ‘standard’ and ‘urgent authorisation process
The requirement to keep good records
The six assessments
The role of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate
What happens when the assessments are completed and the requirements are not met
/ met
The relevant person’s representative
Authorisation and review
Applications to the Court of Protection
The role of the Care Quality Commission
Unauthorised deprivation of liberty
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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E Learning Courses:
Safeguarding Children and
Adults at Risk
20 Safeguarding Adults
Be aware of national policies, local systems and existing employer’s procedures that
relate to protection from harm and abuse
Be aware of your own role and responsibility in safeguarding individuals
Be aware of reports into serious failures to protect individuals from harm and abuse
Understand what constitutes adult abuse
Know the main types of abuse and their signs and symptoms: physical abuse, emotional
abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, financial abuse, discrimination, financial abuse,
institutional abuse, self-neglect, neglect by others
Be aware of factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to harm
or abuse
Be aware of the sources of information and advice about your role and responsibility in
preventing harm and abuse and protecting individuals from it
Be aware of how the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by: working with personcentred values; promoting empowerment; managing risk; prevention
Be aware of the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the
likelihood of abuse
Know the actions you must take and who to contact if you suspect an individual is being
harmed or abused
Know the actions you must take if an individual discloses that they are being harmed or
Know what you must do if you suspect a child, young person or adult (met in any
circumstances) is being abused or neglected
Children’s and Adult Workforce Courses – Learning Outcomes
London Borough of Bromley
Last Updated: 17 February 2016
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