Related Issues 1: To what extent should globalization shape identity?
Opener: View “Earth From Above” Power Point Presentation
 Students/teacher respond to slides and engage informal discussion regarding issues, diversity, culture,
 Purpose is to build background and acknowledge the diversity of this planet. In essence before a student
can understand or explore globalization they need to be more familiar with global issues.
5, 6
Introduce Key Issue “To what extent does globalization influence my life?”
 Introduce: PowerPoint slides of “people” and discuss point of view and perspectives
 Write ““To what extent does globalization influence my life?” on the board. Have students discuss with a
partner what they understand the word “globalization” to mean.
 Read page 6 of text. Discuss as a class or in small groups Figure 1-1 (page 6).
 Further discussion:
o What are some of the obvious and not so obvious ways that globalization influences your life?
Other people’s lives?
o To what extent do you think globalization is an important topic for citizens in Canada? The
o To what extent do you think globalization is a positive, negative, or neutral force in your life, the
lives of other Canadians, or the lives of other people in the world?
o What are some of the key questions you now have about globalization? What do you hope to
learn about globalization through our study of it?
 Complete Skill Path: Brainstorm and Make a Concept Web
o Walk students through the steps in the skill path
 Complete brainstorming in groups and the concept webs individually
 See graphic organizer in T.G. RM 0.10 Organizing Ideas and Information for different
ways to web information
 Closure: View Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song” Video and listen to Ten Year’s After song “I’d love to
change the world” to show the contrast between the perspective of action and inaction with respect to
global issues.
Assessment: AM2 Generating and organizing ideas (Perhaps use as self and peer assessment)
Economic Aspects (Text pages 9 - 14)
 Read and discuss RM 11:2 A Positive view of Multinationals
 Vocabulary: multinational corporation, transnational corporation, retail operation (Short teacher
directed notes and Vocabulary Wall)
 Video: First 20 minutes of “Is Wal-mart good for America” and News reports on Wal-mart’s
positive action against child slavery and negative influence on small towns.
 Read and discuss text pages 9-14 (and articles…) & RM 11.3 The Dark Side of Economic Globalization
 Discuss perspectives
 Create a T/Chart (positives and negatives?)
 Write two paragraphs (In one support an argument for Wal-Mart and in the other support an argument
against Wal-Mart) (Handed in for formal assessment)
 Skill: Teach paragraph structure (argument + supporting details and specific examples + concluding
Assessment: Need to create rubric for assessing paragraphs (include outline in rubric) – Could use parts of
AM 1:Demonstrating understanding
Social Aspects (Text pages 14 – 19)
 Introduce by having students complete the following surveys individually:
o List your five favorite Internet sites
o List your five favorite T.V. programs
o List your five favorite movies
o List your five favorite musicians (singers/groups)
o List your five favorite clothing brands
 Put students into core groups and have them tally their results
 Create a master tally by having a student from each group record the groups results
 Discuss the results of the survey (e.g. How does globalization impact the social aspects of your life?)
o Did students’ responses fit with my hunches of what they might say?
o What conclusions can you draw from how influential globalization is in affecting social aspects of
students’ lives?
o How representative do you think your findings are of Canada in terms of gender, age, ethnicity,
and class?
o Do you think the answers would have been different if you had asked people of a different age
group? Why?
o What kinds of differences or similarities might you expect if you had surveyed your peers in
another region of the world? Why?
 Read and discuss pages 14 – 16 + excerpt on Marshall Mcluhan on p. 70 of Exploring Globalization
which underline the importance of global media in shaping culture.
 View: Barbie and Simpsons (2 X 2 minute excerpts), Second Life (Adrienne Arsenault) , Sesame Street
ml# , Live 8 CBC report, Al-Jazeera
 Students will then read pages 72-85 of Exploring Globalization and complete a T/Chart (What are the
pros and cons of globalization of the media?) and define all bold terms in their vocabulary section.
 From the chart students complete the following:
o What are the five most important ways media influences an individual’s identity
 “What types of Controls has Canada implemented to protect its unique Canadian identity?” - Have
students read pages 53 – 58 & p. 62 of text and make notes
 Debrief notes and discuss the question “How important is it for a country/culture to protect its uniqueness
from outside influences?”
Assessment: AM 9 Group Work rubric (needs to be adapted to self-assessment/peer assessment – Could
also use AM 4 Considering Multiple Perspectives & Viewpoints Rubric or A 14 Analyzing & Addressing Issues
Rating Scale
Political Aspects
 Opener Students will read pages 20-21 and through teacher led discussion define and give examples of
global networks.
 Students will explore a case study of East Timor by reading pages 21-23 and the web site to complete the following in groups.
1. Brainstorm other types of networks in today’s world.
2. Speculate on what global networks led from the Santa Cruz massacre to independence for the
east Timorese.
3. Make a list of other situations similar to East Timor that are happening in the world today.
4. Describe a situation that would inspire you to speak up using a global network.
5. Are networks effective in having a positive impact on situations similar to East Timor that are
happening in the world today.
6. Critical Challenge How important was the role of networks in the eventual achievement of
independence for East Timor.
 Closing –Videos and illustrating APEC summit in Canada and
Canadians protesting in China.
Assessment: Choose from AM 1, AM 2, AM 3 and AM 5
Issue Reflect (Complete #1 on page 24)
o Create a summary of your learning that ties back to everything you have learned so far.
Begin creating an electronic folder or paper booklet of important terms, concepts and issues
you encountered in the text and during our discussions. Start by looking through this chapter
and choosing 10 concepts that you feel are necessary to achieve a solid understanding of
chapter issues. You can check for definitions in the text, in the glossary for this book, or a
dictionary. You will be able to review and revise the contents of your folder as you come
across the terms and concepts again during the course of your study.
Project Proposal for an identity project
 Students are going to create a project which illustrates your unique individual identity
 Using either chapter 2 (29 – 43) of Perspectives on Globalization or pages 19 – 31 of Exploring
Globalization students make a list of all the factors that have shaped identity.
 As class students will share their lists.
 Individually students brainstorm and list/web all of the factors that have affected their own unique identity.
 Communicate expectations re. assignments must have a visual and written component
 Parameters
o Content (must include social (culture, religion, language, etc.), historical, economic, and political)
o Presentation (must engage reader/viewer, must be appropriate, and musts be “polished”
 Students will hand in their assignments individually to the teacher with no name or picture of themselves.
Teacher then randomly displays student work and allows students the opportunity to guess who is who.
Challenges to Identity
“To what extent should we respond to the challenges that globalization poses to identity?”
 Jot the following terms on the board:
o assimilation, monoculture, homogenization, migration, assimilation, language, youth
 Have students read pages 73-79 individually and use the above vocabulary to guide note-taking
 Introduction: View video clip “Fight to Save Cree Language” (2:30 mins). Use as a springboard to
introduce the following jigsaw activity
 Jigsaw Activity
o Expert Groups: Assign each of the following to for expect groups
1. Challenges of marginalization (p. 81-86)
2. Accommodation and integration(p. 86-95)
Put in this order for presentations
3. Acculturation (95-101)
4. How different groups have responded (p. 104-110)
Each expect group must come up with two questions that address the level of understanding
of their section? (as a class need to establish the criteria for a good question – use Roland
Case example)
Each group:
 Reads the assigned pages
 Creates a concept web (all group members should draw and complete the web and each
group needs to create a blank which will be photocopied for when the experts return to
their home groups
o Home Groups
 Each expert teaches others in their group the key ideas from their section and each
group member is responsible for completing the blank webs for each section. Presenters
need to present their sections without notes.
 Individual students answer the questions created by each expert group and return their
answers to the expert. Each expert collects the responses to his/her question and them
responds with descriptive feedback (why).
A for L: Assessment – Students complete a response that answer the question “To what extent should we
respond to the challenges that globalization poses to identity?
Culminating Activity – Inquiry issue
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