Social Concern: has difficulty working effectively in a group situation



Concern: has difficulty working effectively in a group situation

Possible Interventions:

Tier I: interventions provided in class, during class on a weekly basis

Teacher Behavioral Strategies: A Menu o Offer choice: (see


Allow the student to join in the group after the activity has begun if he/she is unable to participate appropriately at the beginning of the group activity. Chart behavior.

Reinforce Cooperative Discipline practices

Allow student to have choice in which group he joins as long as group expectations have been set and are clear to the student and group.

Tier II: interventions provided in small group or one-on-one at least two times a week for an extended amount of time (30 minutes)

Contract—specify student expected behavior and what reinforcement will be made available when the terms of the contact have been met. In addition, develop a reinforce menu. (The Tough Kid Tool Box)

The Yes/No program (for small group or one on one) (The Tough Kid Tool Box)

Tier III: interventions provided in small group or one-on-one at least three times a week for an extended amount of time (30 minutes)

Student will work through role playing situations with counselor

Use of tier II Interventions will work, but intensity must be increased


Grade Level Counselor

OCBE Mental Health Consultant

OCBE School Psychologist

Cooperative Discipline Manual

Tough Kit Tool Box

Data Collection:

Frequent anecdotal notes discussing intervention and results

Use of connection sheets (Cooperative Discipline) and charting results

Tracking of self-monitoring/teacher monitoring sheets


Concern: inappropriate interactions with adults and peers (could include aggression)

Possible Interventions:

Tier I: interventions provided in class, during class on a weekly basis

Address the inappropriate interactions with student and parents. Communicate with the student’s parents to share information concerning their child’s progress. They could reinforce at home for acting appropriately. o Notes home o Phone calls o Email

Refer back to Cooperative Discipline/CHAMPS handbook and teach appropriate skill related to concern. (Connections sheets or Behavior Improvement Form )

Praise student for those instances when student is interacting appropriately with student or adult.

Tier II: interventions provided in small group or one-on-one at least two times a week for an extended amount of time (30 minutes)

Teach student acceptable ways to communicate displeasure, anger, frustration, etc.

Teach the student behaviors that promote self-control o Placing hand in appropriate place while walking through the halls o Making eye contact with person who is talking o Responding to adult or peer who greets you o Getting through the lunch line, walking in the halls appropriately, class transitions, etc.

Teach student to recognize signs of emotional upset and use “self-calming” strategies.

Monitor progress with use. (


Tier III: interventions provided in small group or one-on-one at least three times a week for an extended amount of time (30 minutes)

Have student participate through role playing appropriate interactions with adults/peers in small group or individually with counselor.

Use of tier II Interventions will work, but intensity must increase


Cooperative Discipline Manual

CHAMPS manual

Grade Level Counselor

OCBE School Psychologists

OCBE Mental Health Consultants

The Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management: 100 problems/500 Plans

Data Collection:

Anecdotal notes discussing contact with parents/student and result

Weekly anecdotal notes discussion intervention and result

Use of goal contract for appropriate behavior

Aggression Self-evaluation sheets. Chart results regularly

Behavior monitoring form. Chart results regularly

Appropriate/inappropriate reaction tally. Chart results regularly

Statement monitoring form. Chart results regularly

Tracking discipline via Infinite Campus


Concern: adhering to rules

Possible Interventions:

Tier I: interventions provided in class, during class on a weekly basis

Make certain the student in actively involved in the environment (e.g. give the student responsibilities, activities, and errands to run in order to provide purposeful behavior).

Talk ticket (


Refer to Cooperative Discipline Manual

Tier II: interventions provided in small group or one-on-one at least two times a week for an extended amount of time (30 minutes)

Teach problem-solving skills: o Identify the problem o Identify the goals and objectives o Develop a strategy/plan for action o Carry out the plan o Evaluate the results o Chart the results

Write a contract with the student specifying what behavior is acceptable and what reinforcement will be made available when the terms of the contract have been met.

Role play possible situations that would teach and reinforce appropriate behavior to adhering to the rules.

Tier III: interventions provided in small group or one-on-one at least three times a week for an extended amount of time (30 minutes)

Use of tier II Interventions will work, but intensity must increase.


Dodging the Power Struggle Trap: Ideas for Teachers (


Grade Level Counselor

OCBE Mental Health Consultant

OCBE School Psychologist

The Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management: 100 Problems/500 Plans

Cooperative Discipline Manual

Data Collection:

Tracking of self-monitoring/teacher-monitoring sheets

Frequent anecdotal notes discussing the intervention and result

Tracking progress through disciplinary referrals through Infinite Campus

Use of Connections Sheets (Cooperative Discipline) and charting results
