Kinda Nice to Know: (Metaphysics Test) Introductory note meaning of the term “metaphysics” “Is There a God?” – Two World Views (note): chapter 8 Rod Liddle: “The Trouble With Atheism”: chapter 8 Aquinas: Christian Aristotelianism (handout): chapter 8 Various proofs for the existence of God Ontological (Anselm) The “Five Ways” (esp. the “modern” Cosmological argument: note) Pascal’s wager God & Science: jigsaw activity: chapter 8 The Probability of God (Unwin): chapter 8 Podcast/handout (questions) The Problem of Evil: arguments vs. God’s existence The problem of Freedom & Determinism (notes): chapter 8 Arguments for Freedom Arguments for Determinism “The Dilemma of Determinism” (James) The problem of change (handout) Heraclitus & Cratylus Parmenides & Zeno Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus Plato & Aristotle: matter & form – jigsaw activity The problem of the Person: chapter 7 Human nature (ch. 2) Criteria of personhood (note) Positive/negative views of human nature (BLM Intro-3) Arguments vs. “essentialism: Buddhist Feminist Scientific Existentialist Blade Runner Artificial Intelligence (Turing Test, Chinese Room) The “Mind-Body Problem” (handout) Idealists vs. materialists Key Words metaphysics idealist realist materialist dualist monist determinism (“hard” & “soft”) deism theism polytheism pantheism panentheism atheism nihilism essentialism Turing Test Chinese Room anthropic principle intelligent design scientific explanation essential explanation personal explanation