Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy 4th year, winter term 2009/10 Time schedule: Lecture – every Wednesday 8.25 – 10.10 hrs, Kalinčiakova, 4th floor, No 407 Seminar - every Thursday 13.00 – 14.45 hrs, Kalinčiakova, 4th floor, No 407 ____________________________________________________________ 1st week (16.-18.9.09) Lecture: Introduction to the study of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy. Clinical Pharmacy. Seminar: Organization of seminars. Basic pharmacological knowledge for understanding of clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy. Doc. Račanská 2nd week (21.-25.9.) Lecture: Preclinical evaluation of drugs. The preclinical stages. Toxicological studies in preclinical evaluation of drugs. Doc. Račanská Seminar: Methodology of preclinical evaluation of drugs. Preclinical disease models. Alternative models in drug discovery and development. Doc. Račanská 3 rd week (28.9.-2.10.) Lecture: Clinical evaluation of drugs. Clinical development. Monitoring of new drugs in clinical practice. Placebo – its importance and clinical use. Prof. Švec Seminar: Basic pharmacokinetic parameters in clinical practice. Dr. Holub 4ht week (5.-9.10.) Lecture: European drug policy, EMEA, orphan drugs Doc. Kuželová Seminar: Summary Product Characteristic (SPC) and Patient Information Leaflet (PIL). Doc. Kuželová 5 th week (12.-16.10.) Lecture: Harmful effects of drugs (hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, carcinogenity, unexpected side effects…). Unwanted effects of drugs. Prof. Švec Seminar: Racional pharmacotherapy – pharmacotherapeutical risk. Pharmacotherapeutical failure. Doc. Kuželová 6 th week (19.-23.10.) Lecture: Chronopharmacology and its importance in pharmacotherapy. Doc. Kuželová Seminar: Pathophysiological status influencing drug response. Influence of disease on the effects of drugs. Dr. Ondriašová 7th week (26.-30.10) Lecture: Drug interactions. Types of interactions, their characteristic, isoenzymes CYP and their clinical importance. Doc. Račanská Seminar: Practical examples of some typical interactions in therapeutical practice. Dr. Račanská 8th week (2.-6.11.) Lecture: Gene therapy. Technical and therapeutic aspects. Importance of pharmacogenetics for the racional pharmacotherapy. Doc. Kyselovič Seminar: Basis of the medical examination. Basic physical examination -, palpitation, percussion, auscultation. Prof. Švec 9th week (9.-13.11) Lecture: Individual variability in pharmacotherapy I. Specificity of pharmacotherapy in pregnancy. Doc. Kuželová Seminar: Over the counter drugs. Their advantages and disadvantages. Dr. Patráš Doc. Račanská 10th week (16.-20.11.) Lecture: Individual variability in pharmacotherapy II. Specificity of pharmacotherapy in neonatal and pediatric patients. Doc. Kuželová Seminar: Abdominal pain – basic evaluation and first aid. Chest pain and back pain – diagnosis and first aid. Dr. Foltánová 11th week (23.-27.11.) Lecture: Pharmacovigilance Basic terms for drug risk evaluation. Monitoring of unwanted effects in clinical practice. Dr. Patráš Doc. Račanská Seminar:. Generic substitution Dr. Adameová 12th week (30.11-4.12.) Lecture: Humans rights and medicine. Ethic problems and non-proved therapeutical approaches Prof. Švec Seminar: FINAL TEST for getting credits. Doc. Račanská 13th week (7.-11.12) Tests and course evaluation, getting credits. Doc. Račanská 14th week (14.-18.12.) Reserve. Credits requirements: Minimum 80% presence rate! To prepare one seminar presentation. To pass final test for minimum 60% rate.