Unit 8A Crossword

2. Nickname for towns built by homeless people during the great depression (in packets only)
4. Roosevelt’s method of trying to get the Supreme Court to pass his ideas: court ________________ (in packets only)
5. _________________ Roosevelt was a leader of social reforms and did a lot to help the country (742)
7. People who give out news and information to a large audience: _____________ _____________ (718)
8. Roosevelt promised a ________ _________ to all Americans (734)
11. Belief that what it says in the Bible is the way people were “created” – not by evolution (716)
13. The ____________ ____________ crash ruined many people in the late 1920’s (731)
16. Famous Harlem night club: The ____________ _______(720)
18. People who favor less government control and more individual economic freedoms (749)
20. Place that had a great dust bowl in the 1930’s (739)
24. The __________ _________ was a depression era book written about people’s lives “spinning out of control” (721)
26. Babe ________ was the most famous athlete of his time (and best baseball player ever?) (718)
27. This group had as many as 5 million members in the 1920’s (716)
29. Idea that people and/or the U.S. should keep to itself and remain independent and self-reliant (731)
33. Amelia ___________ was famous for her courage, her independence, and for being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic (719)
34. This is a government National Labor Relations Board which oversees labor unions, management, and workers (748)
36. Herbert Hoover did not believe in social _____________ for people (731)
38. The “roaring twenties” is also sometimes called the ______ ______ (717)
40. The ________ ______ caused all kinds of problems for people living in Oklahoma (and other states) in the 20’s (739)
42. The ______________ Renaissance symbolized a rebirth of hope for African Americans in the 1930’s (720)
43. The ___________ _________ Act was passed to give people unemployment insurance and retirement benefits (737)
45. Many people were upset that FDR used ____________ spending to pay for many of his programs (738)
46. The three “r’s” of the new deal (734)
48. The _____________ line helped make products faster and cheaper (711)
49. The Jazz Age is also sometimes called the _____________ twenties (713)
50. This Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protects people’s money in banks (737)
51. The _______________ is a group which helps protects the rights and promotes opportunities for African Americans (715)
1. One _____________ days often gives people a first impression of how good a president may be (in packets only)
3. One of many special musicians / band leaders during the Jazz Age: Duke __________________ (720)
4. A _____________ is money set aside for when you retire (748)
6. Americans began to have a lot more _____________ time during the 1920’s (717)
9. Louis ____________was a 20’s jazz musician (720)
10. The ___________ __________ Tariff was one of the biggest ever presidential mistakes (for its high import taxes) (in packets only)
12. Most people didn’t know it, but FDR suffered from the effects of __________ (735)
14. Today it’s easier to call him this – than Franklin Delano Roosevelt (734)
15. This government Public Works Administration gave people jobs building highways, bridges, and other public works (737)
16. The sudden drop in stock prices on Black Tuesday is often called the ________ of 1929 (731)
17. ____________ _________ may have been the worst day ever in stock market history (731)
18. Charlie ________ was one of America’s favorite movie actors of the 20’s and 30’s (718)
19. Charles ______________ was America’s greatest hero of the first half of the 1900’s (for flying across the Atlantic) (712)
21. People who favor government action to bring about social and economic reforms (749)
22. FDR’s ________ _______ gave him advice on how to best help the country and the economy during the great depression (in packets only)
23. A great way for people to “escape” in the 20’s (and enjoy themselves at the same time) (718)
25. Most popular form of 1920’s entertainment (718)
28. Al ____________ was the most ruthless crime boss of the prohibition era (715)
30. In the 1920’s people began buying on credit and making monthly payments called _______________ buying (712)
31. These were the symbol of the 1920’s modern American woman (714)
32. The __________ ____________________ affected millions of people around the world (731)
35. The time where having, making, selling, or transporting alcohol was prohibited and illegal (715)
37. Roosevelt’s ______________ chats were meant to re-assure the nation he was doing all he could, and everything would be alright (734)
39. This government Civilian Conservation Corps hired young men to plant tress, build dams, and work on conservation projects (737)
41. This government Works Progress Administration established work programs to help create jobs (737)
44. Herbert _____________ was not very well liked as a president and many blamed him for the Great Depression (729)
47. The ________ _______ation was filled with resentment, saw little hope for the future, and saw the 20’s as a time of despair (720)