Proposal for Wisconsin Collaboration on Secure

This “Email Security Whitepaper” is Copyright  2003 and 2004 by the HIPAA Collaborative of Wisconsin
(“HIPAA COW”). It may be freely redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is not
removed. It may not be sold for profit or used in commercial documents without the written permission of
the copyright holder. This “Email Security Whitepaper” is provided “as is” without any express or implied
warranty. This “Email Security Whitepaper” is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal
advice. If you require legal advice, you should consult with an attorney. HIPAA COW has not yet addressed
all state pre-emption issues related to Email Security.
Draft Version 2.1
January 13, 2005
Version 1.0 addressed the need for secure E-mail, defined business requirements, discussed four
approaches, and identified sample products. Version 2.0 adds a proposal for a collaborative,
standards-based approach to secure E-mail between organizations in Wisconsin. Version 2.1
includes an additional product summary.
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Within the past ten years, we have experienced a significant change to the way that we
communicate. We send electronic messages, referred to as e-mail, to communicate with friends
and family and for business purposes. E-mail is an abbreviation for the term electronic mail, a
way of transferring information electronically. E-mail users can send messages to others by
specifying E-mail addresses. The message will travel from the sender’s computer through an
internal computer network or for final delivery via the Internet.
Is E-mail Secure?
E-mail may be an efficient and cost effective way of transmitting data, but how secure is this
method of information distribution? Many e-mail messages contain information that could be
regarded as sensitive by either the sender or the receiver. In the case of the health care industry,
messages may even include Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI). ePHI is defined as
being individually identifiable information that is maintained in any form by a health plan,
clearinghouse, or provider and related to health condition, treatment, or payment.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires health care
institutions to comply with information privacy and security standards. Many of these
institutions have drafted policies that forbid the transmission of protected health information via
e-mail. Other institutions which have local area networks have permitted the transmission of
protected health information, but only to other employees on the institution’s local computer
network. While neither the HIPAA privacy nor security rule expressly requires it, most security
professionals believe secure Internet e-mail is a reasonable step for a health care institution to
take in order to abide by the HIPAA requirement to “ensure the integrity and confidentiality” of
What Risks Exist?
The most likely risk is that someone could mistakenly send information to the wrong individual.
This risk can be best addressed through properly communicated policies and a thorough training
program. Health care institutions have invested time and money on information privacy
awareness for employees for good reason.
Though a much slighter risk, e-mail sent over the Internet has the possibility of being read by
others in addition to the intended recipients, especially at relay points. Some of the inherent risk
of unencrypted e-mail is described below.
Internet e-mail is sent to relay servers, saved for a period of time on the local drive, then sent to
the final server of its intended recipient. Since the messages are sent unencrypted, they are also
stored unencrypted on the relay server. Anyone with access to the relay server has the capability
of reading the e-mail.
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Some relay servers store copies of the messages even after they have been sent off to the final
recipient. Again, anyone with access to the relay server could read the message. If the message
is stored on the system, it could remain in storage for months or years before someone actually
reads the message. If the messages were encrypted, however, an unauthorized user would not be
able to read the messages.
Relay servers are also targets of intruders trying to break into other networks. The SMTP service
which is used by a majority of mail programs is always listed on the SANS/FBI Top Twenty List
as a favorite target of hackers. Intruders breaking into a relay server have the ability to read any
messages that are stored on the system. Again, if the messages were encrypted, they could not
be read.
E-mail traverses the Internet through infrastructure equipment (routers, switches, hubs, etc).
Often an e-mail will flow through multiple network devices before reaching its final recipient.
Any e-mail that is sent unencrypted may be monitored while in transit. Encrypted messages are
not able to be read.
E-mail that is unencrypted could be intercepted, read, and altered at the junctures mentioned.
Motivated intruders could intercept the message and alter it before it reaches its final destination.
They could add or remove items in the message and then alter the original sender’s headers. A
person replying to the altered e-mail would actually be replying to the intruder; the original
sender would never receive the reply. The result is compromised critical protected health
information. As previously mentioned, encrypting the contents of the e-mail could prevent this.
What Are The Business Requirements For Secure Internet E-mail?
Secure e-mail basically means e-mail that is encrypted at a sufficiently robust level, usually at
least 128 bits. Most e-mail systems can encrypt e-mail in transit and at rest within the given
system. Encryption is a mathematical way to scramble (encrypt) and unscramble (decrypt)
digital information. Encryption helps ensure confidentiality
and privacy of information. Strong encryption (128-bit key length or greater) provides sufficient
assurance that e-mail transmitted over the Internet will not be disclosed to unauthorized third
parties. Encryption strength is relative and a function of key size and
encryption method. The bigger the number the longer it will take to crack the encryption code.
For example, a 40-bit key can be cracked in a matter of hours, while a 128-bit key will take
approximately 149 trillion years to crack, according to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology.1
Computer Security Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, “Advanced Encryption Standard,” URL: (January 28, 2002).
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B2B Focus
The focus of this paper is organizations rather than individuals. The primary business use of
Internet E-mail today is between organizations; thus the most pressing need is for a business-tobusiness (B2B) solution. Business-to-consumer (or client) (B2C) use of
E-mail is growing but currently less common. There is also greater immediate pressure for
secure B2B E-mail because B2C privacy concerns can be at least temporarily addressed by
obtaining client authorization for the use of E-mail. The requirements and preferred solutions for
these two kinds of use vary. Any solution for secure Internet
e-mail should first meet the B2B requirements but not be inconsistent with supporting B2C
E-mail System Integration
Most organizations have a legacy commitment to their e-mail systems and the messages within
them. E-mail systems are not going away anytime soon. The secure Internet
e-mail solution should recognize this commitment and work seamlessly with these existing
Simplicity of Use
The e-mail system integration requirement dovetails with another requirement: use of secure
Internet E-mail should be transparent to the user. The effective interoperability of most e-mail
systems today has accustomed users to a high ease-of-use standard. Sending, receiving, reading,
and storing secure Internet e-mail should be done through the organization’s current e-mail
system with minimal complexity and training for the user and little need for desktop support.
The secure Internet e-mail solution should help ensure that e-mail that should be secure actually
is. Rather than rely solely on the user at the desktop to always remember and to make correct
decisions about selecting the secure option for individual e-mail, some products can manage
encryption based on who the recipient or sender is or based on other business rules.
Continued Protection From E-mail-Borne Threats
It is nearly impossible to conduct virus checking or content filtering on encrypted e-mail. Some
secure e-mail solutions interfere with these key activities.
Record Management
Most e-mail systems store e-mail on the user’s desktop and/or the organization’s servers. The
organization thus controls the retention and disposition of these important records. Not all
secure Internet e-mail solutions support this control. Some vendor solutions store sent e-mail on
their servers, and sometimes recipients have no control over received
e-mail. Also, some solutions encrypt in such a way that organizations cannot access stored email of current or previous employees.
Among HIPAA security and privacy requirements, secure Internet e-mail is especially
challenging because an organization cannot implement it alone. Secure Internet e-mail by its
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nature requires collaboration between sending and receiving parties. Every organization has
multiple such parties. Solving secure Internet e-mail requires collaboration among business
partners. Regional voluntary organizations formed to help covered entities comply with HIPAA,
like the HIPAA Collaborative of Wisconsin (HIPAA COW), are well situated to promote such
One outcome of collaboration could be agreement for all members to use the same product. This
would be one approach to solving a continuing problem of limited interoperability of vendor
secure Internet e-mail solutions. A better approach is to encourage purchaser choice via
competition among multiple vendors with interoperability based on standards. Whether through
the HIPAA security rule or otherwise, the federal government does not appear to be establishing
a standard. Voluntary standards through vendor and purchaser collaboration will hopefully
provide the needed interoperability.
Future Requirements
The immediate requirement of secure Internet e-mail for HIPAA compliance is encryption to
avoid impermissible disclosure of ePHI. Some vendor solutions for secure Internet e-mail
provide capabilities for other requirements to which organizations will need to attend in the
future. One is authentication of sender and receiver of secure Internet e-mail. Related functions
are digital signatures, proof of receipt, and non-repudiation (eliminating the ability to deny the
identified party sent a valid message).
Is there a solid technology foundation?
Public key cryptography is a well-established technology that uses private and public “keys” to
encrypt and decrypt information. For example, if X wants to send Y an encrypted e-mail, X first
obtains Y’s public key. X encrypts his or her message with this public key and sends the
encrypted e-mail to Y. Y decrypts the e-mail using his or her own private key. X needs to
obtain a public key from everyone to whom he or she wants to send an encrypted e-mail. Y has
to do the same. After awhile, these keys expire. There has to be a source for valid keys. This
technology is sometimes called PKI for Public Key Infrastructure—all the technology and
administration involved in distributing and managing valid public keys.
This technology works well and is supported by most major e-mail systems today (with some
vendor interoperability issues). It also addresses the identification, digital signature and
nonrepudiation requirements. Most observers believe PKI will be the long-term solution for
secure Internet e-mail. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is the standard that
allows interoperability between e-mail systems. S/MIME (Secure MIME) is a standard on top of
MIME that allows interoperability for secure e-mail using PKI technology. The State of
Wisconsin has adopted S/MIME as a draft standard for secure e-mail for its agencies.
The main reason S/MIME and PKI have not been widely adopted is the complexity of
administering the keys. As implemented in e-mail systems, keys are managed by the individual
users at their desktops. Most users find the process confusing. Managing revoked and expiring
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certificates (which contain the keys and support the “trust model” needed to ensure that a public
key belongs to whom it says it does) is a significant task for individuals and organizations.
What approaches are there?
There are four principal approaches to securing Internet e-mail.
A. End-to-end (desktop) encryption
Desktop-to-Desktop (End-to-End)
This approach uses S/MIME or other standards such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Each
individual user has a digital certificate/key. The e-mail is encrypted at the sending desktop and
remains encrypted until it is decrypted at the receiving desktop. Technically this can work well,
but it has several disadvantages.
Managing the keys is burdensome.
Keys are no more secure than the desktops through which they are administered.
Because users can store e-mail encrypted with their personal key, management can lose
control over these records, finding it extremely difficult if not impossible to decrypt
messages deleted by employees or to access e-mail of separated employees.
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It is nearly impossible to conduct virus or content filtering on encrypted messages.
The Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS) is currently piloting S/MIME
desktop encryption with a few Medicaid HMOs. It is using GroupWise version 6 desktop clients
to encrypt and decrypt e-mail. A few additional HMOs that wanted to pilot could not because
their e-mail system versions were too old or did not support S/MIME at all. Due to the small
number of users in each organization and the small number of organizations that are involved,
the key management burden on users has been acceptable. Once keys are exchanged, sending
and receiving secure e-mail is little different from those that are unencrypted.
Other communities, including the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the New Zealand
government, have attempted pilots of desktop S/MIME and have abandoned intentions to use the
technology for broad-based deployment.
Below is a short list of the many commercial products available that implement this approach to
secure e-mail:
MailMarshal Secure
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B. Gateway-to-gateway (domain or server level) encryption
E-mail Filtering,
server anti-virus,
etc services
This approach uses similar technology to desktop encryption but performs the encryption and
decryption at a server rather than at a desktop client. Rather than assign each user a digital
certificate/key, the keys are assigned at an organizational level. This has several differences
from the desktop approach.
There are radically fewer keys to manage.
Users are not burdened with key management.
Messages are encrypted over the Internet between organizations but can be decrypted within
the organization.
E-mail is stored on the servers of sending and receiving organizations and remains under
their control.
Management retains control over its records.
Virus checking and content filtering are possible.
Applications can use gateways to send or receive messages.
“Trust” is established at the organizational rather than the individual level.
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This approach can work seamlessly with legacy e-mail systems—the user sends, receives,
manages e-mail within their e-mail client. Administration is simpler, user burden is reduced, and
organizational control over e-mail is retained. A major potential drawback is that identification
occurs at the organization level rather than specific to individuals. For most business purposes,
however, establishing “trust” at the organizational level should be sufficient. With this approach,
business partners trust each other to manage their internal affairs such that specific users within
each organization are reliably identified with means other than unique digital certificates (e.g., email addresses).
New Zealand’s SEE Mail initiative is a gateway encryption environment deployed in over 40
agencies, and Massachusetts has completed a pilot program that demonstrated the potential of
this approach.
A number of commercial products employ encryption of e-mail at the server level with some
being deployed on an internal server, others on a third-party gateway. A few of these are listed
Tovaris SecureMail Gateway
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C. Secure Web Mail
Secure Web Mail
3- send
with url
1- send
as usual
2- set clue
Web Mail
Secure Web Mail
accesses secure
provides clue
and passphrase
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Web Mail
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In this approach, the sender posts a sensitive message to a secure Web site using an encrypted
transmission.2 An unencrypted e-mail that points to an obscure URL is then sent to the recipient.
The recipient accesses the sensitive message at the URL using a secured session. The recipient
uses an ID and password to access the secure session. The password is provided through a
separate contact such as a telephone call or through self-registration by the recipient.
This approach has the following advantages and disadvantages:
The recipient only needs a Web browser and Internet access.
Users and organizations do not need to manage keys (beyond those used for session
Messages cannot be sent, read, or managed through existing E-mail systems.
The message resides on the provider’s server and
 can be removed at any time by the sender.
 in many systems cannot be downloaded, stored, or managed by the recipient except by
cutting and pasting the text or saving the HTML page.
Users must manage IDs and passwords for each partner with whom they conduct e-mail this
Strong user identification, nonrepudiation and proof of receipt may be less rigorously
Cannot perform virus scanning and content security checks due to use of SSL sessions for
viewing and downloading.
This approach has the noted disadvantages compared to approaches that preserve an integration
with existing e-mail systems. On the other hand, its main advantage is that such systems are not
needed. This approach is the best alternative for business-to-client (B2C) secure Internet e-mail.
Some of its disadvantages are lessened where many of the recipients (such as patients) will
conduct secure Internet e-mail with only a few partners (such as doctors). It also works
reasonably where one party (e.g., a doctor) conducts secure Internet e-mail with many others
(e.g., patients). Where this works less well is where many parties conduct secure Internet e-mail
with many other parties.
One such solution that utilizes a secure Web site for the retrieval of e-mail is EnsuredMail.
Session encryption uses either Secure Socket Layers (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS), both of which use a server level digital
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D. HTML Attachment Approach
In this approach, the message and any attachments to be secured are encrypted and placed in an
HTML attachment to an unsecured e-mail. Java code in the attachment requires authentication
of the recipient before it allows the attachment to be opened, decrypted, and the secured
information read. The unsecured message is received by the recipient through his or her usual email system and can be stored and later managed by the recipient in his or her Inbox. To access
the secure information, the recipient opens the attachment which launches his or her browser and
activates the Java code. This approach has several significant advantages and a couple serious
The recipient needs no additional software beyond a browser.
The recipient uses his or her existing e-mail system to receive, open, and manage received
The recipient does not need a commercial e-mail system but can use Web services such as
Hotmail (so this solution also works relatively well for B2C).
Proof of receipt can be supported in certain vendor products.
Through the Java code, senders can control the message after delivery, restricting access to
the sender only or removing access after a predetermined period of time.
Because of the above sender controls, the recipient and his or her organization can lose
control over the received message.
This is primarily a one-way mechanism, and each partner must establish its own method of
HTML Attachment
identifying info
1-send Email as
3-Appliance encrypts
in HTML attachment
and sends as normal Email
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sending secure e-mail.
This approach is particularly proprietary, with different vendors using different encryption
formats and algorithms.
Virus checking and content security checks cannot be performed on these encrypted
What is the Secure Messaging Gateways (SMG) Initiative?
The most pressing need, at least for health care organizations, is for a current capacity for secure
Internet E-mail between organizations (B2B). If possible, the current solution should be
consistent with the longer-term answer and provide a ready migration course to it. The long term
secure E-mail answer appears to be based on digital certificates and the S/MIME standard, and
will eventually offer individual authentication whether it is desktop based or not. For now, the
best approach for inter-organization secure Internet E-mail seems to be the gateway-to-gateway
option. The Gartner Group recognizes that “the market is moving toward a preference for serverside approaches”3. Giga “recommends S/MIME solutions with an option of Web-based or
HTML-attachment delivery”.4 (Both advisory firms believe desktop S/MIME will be the long
term standard).
A specific type of gateway-to-gateway secure Internet E-mail holds special promise: Secure
Messaging Gateways (SMG). SMG is an emerging protocol for server-to-server encryption
using S/MIME. S/MIME provides the protocol and format for such encryption, but SMG
provides additional conventions for organization-level certificates instead of individual
At the March 2001 HealthKey Summit in Chicago, five vendors demonstrated the
interoperability of their Secure Messaging Gateways. The Massachusetts Health Data
Consortium (MHDC) is currently finalizing the SMG protocol and is piloting its production use
in Massachusetts, where interoperability remains somewhat an issue.
The Open Group ( is a voluntary organization that promotes open standards
and operates a product certification service for protocols such as UNIX, WAP, and LDAP. The
MHDC is currently collaborating with the Open Group to establish a product certification
program for the SMG protocol. Their targets are to finish the SMG protocol5 and begin
certifying products in the spring of 2004. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and members of
the MHDC are ready to purchase these products once they are identified. Several major vendors
are currently involved in this effort.6
“Management Update: Tips on How to Implement Secure Messaging”; October 8, 2003.
“Secure E-Mail Creates New Model and Minimum Requirement for EBPP”; July 3, 2002.
The protocol will consist of a Gateway Message Profile of S/MIME Version 3.1 Message Specification, containing
a standards message format, message processing conventions, and simple mechanism for Domain Certificate
Brute Squad Labs, BT Global Services, Syntegra, MailQube, Mitre Corp, Nexor, Novell, PostX, Sigaba, Tovaris,
and Tumbleweed.
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How can we achieve secure Internet E-mail in Wisconsin?
As noted earlier, secure Internet e-mail is not a challenge individual organizations can solve
themselves. Instead, cooperation between business partners is necessary. Collaboration is
needed between and among using organizations and vendors. Such collaboration can lead to
consumer choice between competing vendor products, with interoperability assured by
certification based on standards.
The initial interest of this whitepaper was to take the first educational step toward the
interchange of secure e-mail (often containing protected health information) between major
health care business partners in Wisconsin:
county and municipal agencies.
public and private health care providers.
other public and private payers including Medicaid and Medicare.
A limited but growing need to securely transmit e-mail to participants in programs and members
of the general public is currently a lesser concern to secure business-to-business e-mail.
The second purpose of this whitepaper is to facilitate a consensus approach to secure e-mail
between a majority of health care business partners in Wisconsin.
A Wisconsin Forum for Collaboration
The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) was a principal behind the creation of
HIPAA. WEDI encourages regional collaboration among entities covered by HIPAA through
the Strategic National Implementation Program (SNIP). The nonprofit HIPAA Collaborative of
Wisconsin (COW) is a WEDI SNIP affiliate serving private and public parties impacted by
HIPAA COW is an ideal forum to establish a consistent approach to secure Internet e-mail in
Wisconsin, based on the health care core that must address secure Internet e-mail for HIPAA
compliance. An endorsement of the SMG approach by HIPAA COW and voluntary commitment
by its participating organizations to acquiring products from SMG certified vendors can provide
the necessary foundation for an interoperable solution in Wisconsin. Once organizations acquire
certified products, their interoperation could be monitored by HIPAA COW and success
heralded through it.
A Core of Government Procurement
Wisconsin state government agencies are currently consolidating IT resources. The Department
of Administration has issued a bid for consolidated E-mail services for 40,000 users and 50
agencies. A mandatory requirement is that the solution must support server to server message
encryption using the S/MIME Gateway Profile defined by The Open Group.
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Not only will this consolidation establish a large Wisconsin user base for SMG, but as is
common with state contracts, the winning vendor has the option of extending the contract terms
to municipalities and other public bodies having authority to award public contracts. The state
contract will be a boost to at least one vendor that has obtained SMG certification and will
support the national effort by adding another participating state.
This “Email Security Whitepaper” is Copyright  2002 by the HIPAA Collaborative of Wisconsin
(“HIPAA COW”). It may be freely redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is
not removed. It may not be sold for profit or used in commercial documents without the written
permission of the copyright holder. This “Email Security Whitepaper” is provided “as is” without
any express or implied warranty. This “Email Security Whitepaper” is for educational purposes
only and does not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice, you should consult with an
attorney. HIPAA COW has not yet addressed all state pre-emption issues related to Email Security.
Therefore, this form may need to be modified in order to comply with Wisconsin law.
Ted Ohlswager, Department Health and Family Services
Michael Pynch, Wipfli
Larry Boettger, Inacom Information Systems
Richard Bucheger, Department Health and Family Services
Ralph Chapman, AEBS
Bob Diehl, Department Health and Family Services
Hema Vadodaria, MPC Solutions
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Appendix A
E-mail Security Product Pricing
End-to-end encryption
Encryption software built into Microsoft Office environment as a plug-in.
Contents of e-mail encrypted prior to being sent across the Internet. E-mail cannot be
copied (copy and paste or screen capture), printed, and can be set to be destroyed on a
specific date. Message can be prevented from being read before the selected date.
Message can be prevented from being forwarded to third party.
Encryption – 448 bit BLOWFISH algorithm
Secure key generation and management
List Price
The product costs $350 per user/computer. Volume discounts exist for 25 or more users.
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Gateway-to-gateway encryption
Encryption using the widely recognized BLOWFISH algorithm.
The unregistered version of A-LOCK is limited to 56-bit encryption. The USA and
Canada registered version allows passwords up to 448 bits (56 characters).
Works with all e-mail programs.
List Price
2 - 10
11 – 25
26 – 50
51 – 100
Very large quantity
Custom quote
License is a one-time charge. Web site handles all automatically:
1. Purchaser can pay by credit card and Web site sends out a URL for the quantity of
registrations purchased.
2. User visits the URL and enters the “client code” along with the Product Code and
the e-mail address.
3. Web site sends a registration code until it reaches the quantity purchased.
Alternate method of payment via Purchase Order or by check. Similar URL is
For very large quantities, can package specifically with a set registration code.
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End-to-end encryption
 E-mail attachments are encrypted and can only be opened by the intended recipient.
Security is managed via two factor authentication, a password, and a USB token
(Authenex A-Key).
 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
 User must know the ESN number of the sender’s token in order to decrypt an e-mail’s
 Difficult to use with third parties who do not own an Authenex A-Key.
 Contents of e-mail are not encrypted.
List Price
Contact Vendor for pricing.
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End-to-end encryption
CipherPack creates a single Windows executable (.EXE) file which contains the
decryption and decompression code as well as the encrypted file itself. The user just runs
it, and when the correct key is supplied, the file decrypts. Without the correct key, the
original file contents can never be seen.
CipherPack Pro contains all the features and advantages of CipherPack but with even
greater encryption strength by implementing the industry recognized and approved
SHA-1 secure hashing algorithm and the Federal Information Processing (FIPS)
Advanced Encryption Standard FIPS-197 (AES).
CipherPack Pro also includes a secure file wipe option.
List Price
CipherPack without media is $39.99
CipherPack with media is $49.99 + $5 Worldwide Airmail
CipherPack Pro without media is $69.99
CipherPack Pro with media is $79.99 + $5 Worldwide Airmail
Please contact CipherPack for corporate pricing details (Orders of over 10 units)
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End-to-end encryption
Protects e-mails and attachments through the application of encryption and digital
signatures, providing confidentiality, guaranteed message integrity, authenticity, and
 Ensure client confidentiality is met
 Protect sensitive or confidential mail
 A secure channel between sender and recipient
 Guarantee e-mail authenticity
 Seamless integration with popular e-mail clients
 Encryption and digital signature technology without the administration headache
 Tracking and audit reports to guarantee delivery
 Move large files with ease
DespatchBox combines PKI technology (Baltimore Technologies as standard) with a
hybrid end-to-end encryption capability. All of the cryptography that secures the
file/message occurs on the client machine through the use of a client plug-in. (MS
Outlook, Lotus Notes, or Web based).
This plug-in is a digitally signed, scriptable COM object that uses 1024 bit keys or larger
and Triple DES encryption to create a wrapper around each file/message. Each
file/message is signed and encrypted using a public/private key system so that the data is
completely confidential. Only the recipient can decrypt the message at their client
List Price
Contact Vendor for pricing.
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End-to-end encryption
E-mail enhancement service for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 that provides a secure
method for e-mail communication.
Strong security and encryption options. 1024 bit encryption.
(Was unable to find description of exact encryption used.)
Destroy your e-mail after a set date, after a number of days after the message was
first read, or after a specific number of times the message was read.
The ability to password-protect an encrypted e-mail message.
Works with the computer's existing e-mail program. Other e-mail programs
besides your primary e-mail program can also be specified to work with MailX3.
Optional message tracking.
List Price
Contact Vendor for pricing.
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Secure WebMail
EnsuredMail by Critical Mass Mail, Inc.
E-mail Encryption Gateway:
Enables secure messages, attachments, and replies.
EnsuredMail software products provide peace of mind for clients ranging from small
businesses to Fortune 500 companies to the United States Air Force and the ATF. The
company has corporate customers in the US and the UK and end-users in over 70
Currently Ensuredmail’s patent-pending software is one of only a handful of security
products to be awarded the US Government’s most stringent security certification (FIPS
EnsuredMail provides federally certified security and reliable read-receipts, covering two
of the most critical needs for HIPAA compliance:
 Encrypt confidential patient information easily and effectively, in accordance
with new laws
 Track e-mails sent and the identities of parties accessing them
 Comply with new regulations to avoid large fines and punitive measures
 Sign e-mail messages with industry standard X.509 digital signatures
List Price
Licensing for the product is generally based upon the number of people initiating
encrypted e-mail. It is sold as a one-time purchase with software maintenance being the
only ongoing expense.
Many of our customers license software for only a portion of their employees. For
example, it is fairly common for us to see a company of a few thousand people only need
a few hundred licenses for our Gateway. Despite the fact that external recipients can
securely reply with or without attachments, they have no impact on the licensing cost.
Our typical minimum licensing cost is $10,000 for a 100-user perpetual license, but we
will sometimes sell a 50-user license for $5,000. Maintenance is an additional 15%.
Installation services can be done by the end-customer, but are generally done by
EnsuredMail or one of our resellers. A typical installation requires 2-3 man days of
professional services, including the time for advance preparation and administrator
education. The installation itself is generally done in one day. The per-user licensing
cost drops substantially after the first 100 users. For installations over a few thousand
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seats, we switch over to a site license.
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Secure Web Mail
MOVEit DMZ by Standard Networks, Inc.
MOVEit DMZ is a web based, secure messaging and file transfer system. It resides on a
secure server in your "de-militarized zone" attached to your firewall. This enables it to
be accessed through the firewall from both inside and outside of your network. MOVEit
DMZ improves productivity and collaboration between employees, partners and patients
by enabling easy and secure messages or file transfers. It is easy to implement as there is
no buying user licenses, installing client software, managing encryption keys, burdening
e-mail systems with files, or allowing e-mail attachments through firewalls.
MOVEit DMZ includes important capabilities that low-cost secure ftp servers lack, and
for far less money than high-end e-mail encryption solutions charge.
Secure Messaging enables authorized users to exchange messages, with or
without attachments, using their existing Web browsers.
E-mail notifications can automatically alert users that specific files and messages
have arrived or been viewed/deleted/downloaded.
MOVEit DMZ allows users to securely transfer files up to 4 gigabytes in size.
Most organizations have restrictions on the size of e-mail file attachments they
Supports web browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera,
and Safari via HTTPS (HTTPS Secure). Use of Java, ActiveX, plugins, or thirdparty encryption apps such as PGP are not required.
An optional, free, MOVEit Wizard can be used to provide advanced file transfer
capabilities, including integrity checking for file non-repudiation.
Secure Storage. Files are encrypted while at rest using built-in US government
FIPS certified 256-bit AES encryption. Secure ftp servers typically store files 'in
the clear' meaning anyone hacking the server can read the file. MOVEit DMZ
automatically re-encrypts all the files and messages it receives, before writing
them to disk, eliminating the need to use PGP.
Failover and Scalability to provide the same high availability in multi-server loadbalanced environments that MOVEit DMZ has earned a reputation for on single
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Automatic File Compression reduces file transfer times by 50% on average when
using MOVEit clients.
Automatic Resume supports MOVEit and third-party file transfer clients that are
able to automatically resume interrupted transfers (aka Checkpoint Restart).
NAT-friendly Encrypted FTPS to and from networks using Network Address
Firewall-friendly passive FTPS using as few as 4 open firewall ports, not the
typical 64,000 ports.
Supports secure web form data collection and management, including data
conversion to CSV and XML file formats.
Has comprehensive audit trails in a built-in ODBC accessible database contains
each user, file, message, web form posting, and administrative action.
Has built in reporting capabilities (audit data can be easily exported for use by
third party report and tracking applications).
Authorization: MOVEit DMZ enables administrators to set specific authorizations
on a per user basis that govern which folders on MOVEit DMZ an end-user can
access, and what actions they can and cannot take in regard to the files in each
Authentication: MOVEit DMZ requires a valid user name and password in order
to log in. The user name and password are tied to the authorizations listed above.
MOVEit DMZ offers a variety of password management options to the
administrator, including aging, length, characters, and an old password history
file. These can be used to force users to adopt robust passwords.
Supports external authentication options with LDAP, Secure LDAP, RADIUS
Server, and ODBC databases.
Session Aging: MOVEit DMZ can be set to automatically logout users whose
sessions have not been active for a configurable period of time. This means users
need to re-authenticate/login again.
Caching: MOVEit DMZ restricts the browser from caching MOVEit DMZ pages.
List Price
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MOVEit DMZ with Secure Messaging licensing is $12,000-$15,000 depending on the
customer’s requirements. This price includes maintenance and support and unlimited
users, messages, file transfers, and storage. MOVEit DMZ runs on a dedicated Windows
2003 Server or Windows 2000 Server.
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Gateway-to-gateway encryption
HushMail uses industry standard algorithms as specified by the OpenPGP standard (RFC
The Hush Encryption Engine™, gives the company exclusive ownership of a
revolutionary process that combines PKI with secure roaming capability. In addition, the
Hush Encryption Engine™ automates the exchange of public and private keys, thus
eliminating the complexities associated with traditional PKI transactions.
Hush Key Server Network is a global distribution of networked servers and is the
repository for the management of Hush Key records. A Hush Key record includes a Hush
Key pair, which is the digital identity of the user, required for encryption, decryption,
digital signing and verification along with the user sign-up information. Hush
Communications will command a fee for the management of these records.
Different e-mail services: HushMail, HushMail Private Label, and HushMail Professional
List Price
Account Type
32MB Storage
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5MB Storage
Additional Features
customize the mail client with your logo, colors
retrieve usage statistics, administer
e-mail accounts within your domain
* one-time fee
** monthly fee per account
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Gateway-to-gateway encryption
IronMail by CipherTrust
E-mail gateway appliance
Anti-Spam – Control volume of unwanted, offensive, and constantly evolving
Anti-Virus – block known and unknown viruses and worms before they get to the
mail server
Web-enabled e-mail protection prevents intercept, redirect, or modification of
Web-based e-mail
Secure Delivery - Create a trusted e-mail network beyond the firewall with serverto-server and server-to-client encryption
Secure Platform - Detect and block suspicious, mischievous, or unauthorized
activities within the mail system and secure the entire e-mail infrastructure
Policy enforcement – possible to define, monitor and enforce, e-mail policies
List Price
$15,500 direct; software, support, and licensing for first year, 500 users, $9,575
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End-to-end encryption
MailMarshal Secure
Uses industry standard S/MIME protocols, making it compatible with encryption
capable desktop applications including Microsoft Outlook and other S/MIME
compatible gateways
Offers a variety of encryption options up to and including the industry
recommended 168-bit triple DES
Also supports RC2 (40 or 128 bit) and DES (56 bit) encryption
Provides signing authentication, confirming the sender’s identity
Allows separate encryption of messages for Escrow archiving (proof of sending)
Supports SHA1 and MD5 signing algorithms
Detects whether the content of a signed or encrypted e-mail has been altered
Can retrieve certificates from a remote store through LDAP
List Price
Contact Vendor for pricing.
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End-to-end encryption
Exchange secure e-mail and control access and retention with suppliers, customers,
and partners – independent of their e-mail systems.
Control access to company confidential e-mail and prevent forwarding of sensitive
Enforce e-mail retention policies and enable compliance with complex retention policies.
 Encryption during delivery and authentication after delivery secures the message
over its lifecycle.
 Preventing forwarding, copying, printing, and/or expiring, the message ensures
post-delivery confidentiality.
 Preventing deletion even by the sender for pre-set periods helps meet internal or
mandated retention policies.
 Policy enforcement is extended to include offline and wireless handheld access.
List Price
Contact Vendor for pricing.
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End-to-end encryption
(developed and solely owned by Dr. Bootz GmbH, Germany)
6144bit Text and E-mail Encryption Software
Make up a 32-character symmetric key
Enter the text you wish to encode
Attach secure ShyFile to your e-mail
Recipient simply uses a browser to decode
That's it. No fuss. No Trusted Third Party. No Public Key.
Keep your current e-mail settings.
Any recipient of a harmless HTML file encoded by ShyFile containing your text
does NOT need to have the software installed to be able to decode.
List Price
$59 Per User
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Gateway-to-gateway encryption
Tovaris SecureMail Gateway
A network appliance e-mail proxy positioned at the e-mail server level, it performs
encryption and decryption of e-mail and attachments for users.
List Price
Tovaris' solution suite integrates into existing IT infrastructures. Therefore, capital
commitments are low, implementation costs are small, and end users require very little, if
any, training.
One (1) SMG-1000X appliance*
Up to 250 user seats
Remote installation/training services (6 hours)
List Price: $9,995 (* w/ redundant server: $14,995)
Two (2) SMG-1000X appliances
Up to 1,000 user seats
Remote installation/training services (6 hours)
List Price: $27,995
Two (2) SMG-2000X appliances
Up to 2,500 user seats
On-site installation/training services (1 day)
List Price: $49,995 + T/E
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End-to-end AND Gateway-to-gateway encryption
ZipLip provides the most comprehensive suite of secure delivery methods in the market,
providing solutions for all of the following types of users with a full range of options for
senders and recipients of enterprise e-mail.
ZipLip supports both desktop or gateway software for senders of secure e-mail.
By providing both PKI and Non-PKI mechanisms for secure delivery, the ZipLip Secure
E-mail Gateway provides as much security as is necessary for organizations with or
without PKI in place. Moreover, based on industrial security standards, J2EE and Web
services (SAML, S/MIME v.3, x.509.v.3 certificates, XKMS, PKCS #7, PKCS #12,
LDAP, etc.), ZipLip interoperates and leverages any existing PKI deployment or
certificate authority.
Secure Storage
The security architecture of ZipLip is built on top of the Java Security and the Java
Cryptography Engines (JCE). The two main modules within this framework are the
Symmetric Security framework and Encryption Service Provider (ESP) framework.
Policy-Based Storage
Each application can provide policy-based storage by having a storage router that routes
user data to appropriate storage unit based on parameters such as account type, type of
application data (secure mail, insecure mail, etc.), and user domain. The storage unit
enforces the policy on the data and stores it appropriately.
List Price
+1000 Users = $50,000 Yearly
>500 Users = $32,000 Yearly
>50 Users = $10,000 Yearly
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End-to-end encryption
Offers a portfolio of secure e-messaging encryption and protection services
Compliant to existing systems: available as a stand-alone application or integrates with
existing Internet or Intranet confidentiality as a point-to-point desktop encryption service
that ensures that a message arrives unaltered and unable to be opened by anyone but the
intended recipient.
Authentication and non-repudiation with third party time stamping.
Currently used by a number of health organizations, including Humana.
(Was unable to find description of exact encryption used.)
Also ZixWorks :
address all your e-messaging needs, from secure e-mail to integrated anti-virus, antispam, content scanning, and archiving.
List Price
$50 Per User or
Custom Price for Gateway = Averages $30 Per User
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