CIP EIA: Specialist information requirements to be sourced from within the CSIR team Compiled by: Emma Gordge and Paul Lochner, CSIR Date: 21 August 2006 The information requirements provided by the specialist have been split into two lists: Information to be provided by Eskom and iGas (and their consultants) Information to the sourced from within the CSIR team (this list). The onus is on the specialists to source this information themselves and to request assistance from Paul Lochner (PL) or Emma Gordge (EG) when needed. PL and EG will assist specialists with obtaining information from third parties, such as CDC, where necessary. Water Consumption and Review of Integrated Water Management (Philip de Souza) No. 1 Information Water availability 2 Stormwater: Estimated volume of stormwater to be generated Expected stormwater quality (eg. analogous data) Potential pollutants of stormwater (spillages) 3 4 5 6 Up-to-date IDZ/site rainfall data Up-to-date IDZ stormwater plans Port stormwater plans Site groundwater/seawater infiltration/river considerations including surface water and groundwater quality (NPA, CDC, DWAF): Monitoring information and data 7 Air emissions impact on stormwater: What is released into the atmosphere which may end up in the stormwater? 8 Specific requirements for water use and wastewater discharge from: NPA CDC World Bank Other Response from PL PdS to source from DWAF and NMMM, to update info in CIP Env Screening Study (2004). PL to facilitate if necessary. Info on this has been requested from Eskom and iGas. However, PdS to supplement any responses with own info and analysis. PdS to obtain inputs from Sanjeev Raghubir (re: materials and waste) PdS to obtain from CDC PdS to obtain from CDC PdS to obtain from NPA PL to provide reports already held by CSIR. PdS to check with CDC if more recent reports available. PdS to source from Greg Scott. PdS to source. 1 Vulnerability study (Mike Oberholzer) No. 1 Information Meteorological Data: o wind roses o temperature o rainfall o stability class Response from PL Greg Scott (CSIR air specialist) to supply to Mike. Mike to liaise with Greg. Noise (Francois Malherbe) No. 1 Information Scaled maps showing location of noise sensitive receptors 2 Noise emission levels (sound power levels) for sources of noise during construction and operations Response from PL Info requested Eskom and iGas. FM to add based on own experience. FM to source from reference manuals. Visual (Alan Cave) No. 1 2 3 4 Information Land use plan of the IDZ – incl. height of proposed buildings (ideally box diagrams wire on Auto CAD) One set aerial stereo pair photos of study area, if available. Information from SANParks on camp positions, new boundaries One set orthophotos 1:10 000 indicating site’s position (for liquid fuels, LNG and CCGT components). Response from PL PL to provide (already requested from CDC and NPA). PL to ask CDC – done and sent to Alan. Johan van der Walt to source from meetings with SANParks in meeting (EG to confirm with JvdW) EG to source. 2