COREOR Container Release Order Message Notes: Message Structure According to the EDILand message scenario, it is possible to put more than one container in a COREOR message. But at this moment ECT is not applying the processing of messages with more than 1 container. The main reason for this is because of the complexity in relation to the matching process of a COREOR order with a COPINO-pickup notice (both for the Shipping Line and for ECT). In order to start with the usage of release orders it is necessary to put one container in one message. It is possible hewever, to put multiple message in one interchange (file). ECT implementation: ONE Container in ONE Message Examples: Multiple containers, one message: One container in one message: UNB+ UNH+ BGM+ ... EQD+<container 1> ... EQD+<container 2> ... CNT+16:2 UNT+ UNZ UNB+ UNH+ BGM+ ... EQD+<container 1> ... CNT+16:1 UNT+ UNH+ BGM+ ... EQD+<container 2> ... CNT+16:1 UNT+ UNZ Recipient and Sender Id in the UNB segment The recipient Id in the UNB segment for the ECT Delta terminal is: NLRTMECTDCD3. The sender identification however has to be defined mutualy only once with the shipping line. ITIGG versus EdiLand The order processing application of ECT is LOV. This applications is based on the EdiLand functional guidelines. The EdiLand message scenario is based on several internationaly used edifact mesages (ITIGG COPARN, COREOR, IFTMIN, COPINO). These guidelines have already been approved by ITIGG. The EdiLand user manuals of the messages can be obtained at Port CommunITy Rotterdam (phone +31 10 4642323; According to the Ediland scenario the key references in the COREOR release order are: 157 Container release reference number; 59.1 Container sequence number Together, these two references should be a unique pointer to the individual container. It appears however, that parties have problems to apply the container sequence number in a consistent manner throughout the transport chain resulting into errors and mismatches of orders. ECT is going to neglect this container sequence number in the near future and will only process the main container EDILAND (D.95B) 1 June 21, 2002 release reference number. The EDILand recommendation is to use the release order number of the shipping line agent, under which the cargo is booked, as container release reference number. But this number might not be unique, since a release order often concerns more than one container and also depends on the way the carrier agent is working. So, ECT's recommendation is to always fill field (and/or EdiLand item) 157 with the reference obtained from the Shipping Line. There are two situations: 1. Reference is unique · One unique container release reference number for each container orderline. Further, the container sequence number (item 59.1 of EdiLand) has to be filled with '1'. · If the shipping line does not use own release reference numbers, they can fill the prefix and container number as release order number instead (item 157 of EdiLand). In this particular case the EdiLand item 59.1 (Container sequence number) has to be filled with '1'. 2. Reference is not unique This is one reference number for more than one container under the same release reference. If the shipping line is choosing for a non-unique container order identification principle (option 2), the containers can only be released with the non-unique release reference number AND the prefix and number of a specific container within the release order. Each container release order line has to be identified by the container sequence number (item 59.1 of EdiLand). When using a unique or non-unique release reference, the shipping line has to use this number (including the container sequence number: item 59.1 of EdiLand) throughout the whole transport chain, including in the EDI or fax transport order. The inland carrier has to refer to the shipping line release reference number in its pickup notice (COPINO message). Shipping Line ----------- Transport order ----------> Inland Carrier | RelRef = AB12 | | | Release order Pickup notice RelRef = AB12 RelRef = AB12 | | ------------------> ECT <--------------------Page No. 8 Pos. No. 0005 Seg. ID UNB Name Interchange Header 10 0010 UNH Message Header M M 1 11 0020 BGM Beginning of Message M M 1 12 0030 FTX Free Text C O 9 13 0040 RFF Reference C R 9 0050 15 Base Status M User Status M Max.Use 1 Segment Group 1: TDT-RFF-LOC-DTM M M 0060 TDT Details of Transport M M 1 0070 RFF Reference C X 9 0080 LOC Place/Location Identification C X 9 0090 DTM Date/Time/Period C X 9 Segment Group 2: NAD-CTA-RFF-DTM M M 0100 9 0110 NAD Name and Address M M 1 20 0120 CTA Contact Information C O 9 0130 RFF Reference C X 9 0140 DTM Date/Time/Period C X 9 Segment Group 3: GID-HAN-FTX-SG4MEA-PCI-SG5-SG6 C O EDILAND (D.95B) 2 Notes and Comments 1 18 0150 Group Repeat 999 June 21, 2002 22 0160 GID Goods Item Details M M 1 0170 HAN Handling Instructions C X 9 0180 FTX Free Text C X 9 0190 24 Segment Group 4: NAD-DTM-RFF C X 0200 NAD Name and Address M X 1 0210 DTM Date/Time/Period C X 9 0220 RFF Reference C X 9 0230 MEA Measurements C O 9 0240 PCI C X 9 0250 26 9 Segment Group 5: SGP-MEA C O 0260 SGP Split Goods Placement M M 1 0270 MEA Measurements C X 9 Segment Group 6: DGS-FTX-MEA C O 0280 999 9 28 0290 DGS Dangerous Goods M M 1 30 0300 FTX Free Text C O 9 0310 MEA Measurements C X 9 C O 0320 32 0330 EQD Segment Group 7: EQD-RFF-TSR-MEADIM-TMP-RNG-SEL-FTX-EQA-DTMSG8-SG9 Equipment Details 999 M M 1 37 0340 RFF Reference M M 9 0350 TSR Transport Service Requirements C X 9 0360 MEA Measurements C X 9 0370 DIM Dimensions C X 9 38 0380 TMP Temperature C O 9 39 0390 RNG Range Details C O 9 0400 SEL Seal Number C X 9 0410 FTX Free Text C O 9 0420 EQA Attached Equipment C X 1 0425 DTM Date/Time/Period C O 1 40 41 Segment Group 8: TDT-LOC-DTM C O 43 0430 0440 TDT Details of Transport M M 1 45 0450 LOC Place/Location Identification C O 9 0460 DTM Date/Time/Period C X 9 0470 9 Segment Group 9: NAD-DTM-CTA-COM C X 0480 NAD Name and Address M X 1 0490 DTM Date/Time/Period C X 1 0500 CTA Contact Information C X 1 0510 COM Communication Contact C X 1 47 0520 CNT Control Total M M 1 48 0530 UNT Message Trailer M M 1 49 0540 UNZ Interchange Trailer M M 1 EDILAND (D.95B) 3 9 June 21, 2002 EDILAND (D.95B) 4 June 21, 2002 EDILAND (D.95B) 5 June 21, 2002 EDILAND (D.95B) 6 June 21, 2002 EDILAND (D.95B) 7 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: UNB Interchange Header 0005 0 Mandatory 1 To start, identify and specify an interchange UNB+UNOB:1+<SenderId>+NLRTMECTDCD3+<YYMMDD>:<hhmm>+ <Interchange Id>++COREOR' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes S001 SYNTAX IDENTIFIER M M Identification of the agency controlling the syntax and indication of syntax level. 0001 Syntax identifier M a4 M Coded identification of the agency controlling a syntax and syntax level used in an interchange. UNOA UN/ECE level A UNOB UN/ECE level B 0002 Syntax version number M n1 M Version number of the syntax identified in the syntax identifier (0001). S002 INTERCHANGE SENDER M M Identification of the sender of the interchange. 0004 Sender identification M an..35 M Name or coded representation of the sender of a data interchange. 0007 Partner identification code qualifier C an..4 O Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers of interchanging partners. ZZZ Mutually defined 0008 Address for reverse routing C an..14 O Address specified by the sender of an interchange to be included by the recipient in the response interchanges to facilitate internal routing. S003 INTERCHANGE RECIPIENT M M Identification of the recipient of the interchange. 0010 Recipient identification M an..35 M Name or coded representation of the recipient of a data interchange. NLRTMECTDCD3 for ECT Delta Terminal 0007 Partner identification code qualifier C an..4 O Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers of interchanging partners. ZZZ Mutually defined 0014 Routing address C an..14 O Address specified by the recipient of an interchange to be included by the sender and used by the recipient for routing of received interchanges inside his organization. S004 DATE AND TIME OF PREPARATION M M Date and time of preparation of the interchange. 0017 Date of preparation M n6 M Local date when an interchange or a functional group was prepared. 0019 Time of preparation M n4 M Local time of day when an interchange or a functional group was prepared. 0020 INTERCHANGE CONTROL REFERENCE M an..14 M Unique reference assigned by the sender to an interchange. S005 RECIPIENTS REFERENCE PASSWORD C O Reference or password as agreed between the communicating partners. EDILAND (D.95B) 8 June 21, 2002 0022 0025 0026 0029 0031 0032 0035 EDILAND (D.95B) Recipient reference/password M an..14 M Unique reference assigned by the recipient to the data interchange or a password to the recipient's system or to a third party network as specified in the partners interchange agreement. Recipient reference/password qualifier C an2 O Qualifier for the recipient's reference or password. APPLICATION REFERENCE C an..14 O Identification of the application area assigned by the sender, to which the messages in the interchange relate e.g. the message identifier if all the messages in the interchange are of the same type. COREOR PROCESSING PRIORITY CODE C a1 O Code determined by the sender requesting processing priority for the interchange. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUEST C n1 O Code determined by the sender for acknowledgement of the interchange. COMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT ID C an..35 O Identification by name or code of the type of agreement under which the interchange takes place. TEST INDICATOR C n1 O Indication that the interchange is a test. 9 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: UNH Message Header 0010 0 Mandatory 1 A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Container release order message is COREOR. Note: Container release order messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 COREOR 0052 D 0054 95B 0051 UN UNH+<Message Reference Number>+COREOR+D+95B+UN+INT10' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER M an..14 M Unique message reference assigned by the sender. S009 MESSAGE IDENTIFIER M M Identification of the type, version etc. of the message being interchanged. 0065 Message type identifier M an..6 M Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency. COREOR Container release order message 0052 Message type version number M an..3 M Version number of a message type. D Draft version 0054 Message type release number M an..3 M Release number within the current message type version number (0052). 95B Release 1995 - B 0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M Code identifying the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type. UN UN/ECE/TRADE/WP.4, United Nations Standard Messages (UNSM) 0057 Association assigned code C an..6 O Code, assigned by the association responsible for the design and maintenance of the message type concerned, which further identifies the message. INT10 Coreor Release 0068 COMMON ACCESS REFERENCE C an..35 X Reference serving as a key to relate all subsequent transfers of data to the same business case or file. S010 STATUS OF THE TRANSFER C X Statement that the message is one in a sequence of transfers relating to the same topic. 0070 Sequence message transfer number M n..2 X Number assigned by the sender indicating that the message is an addition or change of a previously sent message relating to the same topic. 0073 First/last sequence message transfer indication C a1 X Indication used for the first and last message in a sequence of the same type of message relating to the same topic. EDILAND (D.95B) 10 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: BGM Beginning of Message 0020 0 Mandatory 1 A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit identifying number and the further specification of the message type (in data element 1001: Document/message name, coded), such as Container release order. BGM+12+<155 RF Message Reference>+<88 IS Message Function>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME C O Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. Code preferred. 1001 Document/message name, coded C an..3 O Document/message identifier expressed in code. Document/Message name, coded [12] for the EDILand scenario as "Transport Cargo Release Order" 'Order to release cargo or items of transport equipment to a specified party' 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 X Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 X Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 1000 Document/message name C an..35 X Plain language identifier specifying the function of a document/message. 1004 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NUMBER C an..35 O Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer. Ediland Item 155 (R) RF Message Reference 1225 MESSAGE FUNCTION, CODED C an..3 O Code indicating the function of the message. Ediland Item 88 (R) IS Message Function: The possible items for ECT are:3, 4 and 9 (resp. Delete, Change and Create). 3 Deletion 4 Change 5 Replace 9 Original 31 Copy 33 Change in heading section 4343 RESPONSE TYPE, CODED C an..3 O Code specifying the type of acknowledgement required or transmitted. AB Message acknowledgement EDILAND (D.95B) 11 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: FTX Free Text 0030 1 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information, such as: special instructions FTX+HAN++<83 IS Additional Instruction>' FTX+CHG+++<101 IS Change Information Text>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 4451 TEXT SUBJECT QUALIFIER M an..3 M Code specifying subject of a free text. CHG Change information HAN Handling instructions 4453 TEXT FUNCTION, CODED C an..3 X Code specifying how to handle the text. C107 TEXT REFERENCE C O Coded reference to a standard text and its source. 4441 Free text, coded M an..3 M Free text in coded form. Ediland Item 83 (O) IS Additional Instruction: 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 X Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 X Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. C108 TEXT LITERAL C O Free text; one to five lines. 4440 Free text M an..70 M Free text field available to the message sender for information. Ediland Item 101 (C) IS Change Information Text: Mandatory by ECT for change-messages (Ediland Item 88) 4440 Free text C an..70 O Free text field available to the message sender for information. 4440 Free text C an..70 O Free text field available to the message sender for information. 4440 Free text C an..70 O Free text field available to the message sender for information. 4440 Free text C an..70 O Free text field available to the message sender for information. 3453 LANGUAGE, CODED C an..3 O Code of language (ISO 639-1988). EDILAND (D.95B) 12 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: RFF Reference 0040 1 Conditional (Required) 9 A segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message, such as: - release order reference number - container announcement reference number RFF+REO:<157 RF Reference Release/Booking Order>' For ECT its important that the message reference is given both the same as from the shipping line as from the inland carrier in the COPINO-pickup notice. Here for the release number can be filled in with a release number or a container prefix and number if a release number in not known by the shipping line which will be also communicated to the inland carrier. Herewith the Ediland Item <59.1 Container Reference Sequence Number> can filled in with "1" Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes C506 REFERENCE M M Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 M Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. ACW Reference number to previous message REO Release Order Reference SMA Smartcard Id number 1154 Reference number C an..35 O Identification number the nature and function of which can be qualified by an entry in data element 1153 Reference qualifier. Ediland Item 157 (R) RF Reference Release/Booking Order Ediland Item 163 (D) RF Reference Former Order: This item is not supported in ECT's order processing system. 1156 4000 EDILAND (D.95B) Ediland Item 141.1 (O) PA Executive Road Haulier Driver Identification: (CargoCard Id) Line number C an..6 X Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference number. Reference version number C an..35 X To uniquely identify a reference by its revision number. 13 June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: TDT Segment Group 1: Details of Transport 0050 1 Mandatory 1 A group of segments to identify vessel and voyage details relevant to the instruction. Segment Summary M Pos. No. 0060 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID TDT Req. Des. M Name Details of Transport 14 Max. Use 1 Group: Repeat June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: TDT Details of Transport 0060 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 1 (Details of Transport) Mandatory 1 Mandatory 1 A segment to indicate the main carriage stage of the transport, such as carrier/liner service; also inland transport details can be specified. TDT+20+<Conveyance Reference Number>+<Mode of Transport>++ <Carrier Identification>:172:20+++<Callsign>:103::<Id. of Means of Transport>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 8051 TRANSPORT STAGE QUALIFIER M an..3 M Qualifier giving a specific meaning to the transport details. 20 Main-carriage transport 30 On-carriage transport 8028 CONVEYANCE REFERENCE NUMBER C an..17 O Unique reference given by the carrier to a certain journey or departure of a means of transport (generic term). C220 MODE OF TRANSPORT C O Method of transport code or name. Code preferred. 8067 Mode of transport, coded C an..3 O Coded method of transport used for the carriage of the goods. 1 Maritime 9 Mode unknown 8066 Mode of transport C an..17 X Method of transport used for the carriage of the goods. C228 TRANSPORT MEANS C O Code and/or name identifying the type of means of transport. 8179 Type of means of transport identification C an..8 O Code defining the type of the means of transport being utilized. 8178 Type of means of transport C an..17 O Description of the type of the means of transport being utilized. C040 CARRIER C O Identification of a carrier by code and/or by name. Code preferred. 3127 Carrier identification C an..17 O Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. Ediland Item 20 (R) BO Shipping Line Id 1131 3055 EDILAND (D.95B) Ediland Item 139 (O) PA Inland Carrier Identification: This item is not supported in ECT's order processing system. Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 172 Carrier code Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) 87 Assigned by carrier 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) 15 June 21, 2002 3128 8101 C401 8457 8459 7130 C222 8213 1131 3055 8212 8453 8281 EDILAND (D.95B) Carrier name C an..35 O Name of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. TRANSIT DIRECTION, CODED C an..3 X Identification of the point of origin and point of direction. EXCESS TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION C X To provide details of reason for, and responsibility for, use of transportation other than normally utilized. Excess transportation reason, coded M an..3 X Indication of reason for excess transportation. Excess transportation responsibility, coded M an..3 X Indication of responsibility for excess transportation. Customer authorization number C an..17 X Customer provided authorization number to allow supplier to ship goods under specific freight conditions. This number will be transmitted back to customer in the dispatch advice message. TRANSPORT IDENTIFICATION C O Code and/or name identifying the means of transport. Id. of means of transport identification C an..9 O Identification of the means of transport by name or number. Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 103 Call sign directory 146 Means of transport identification Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) 87 Assigned by carrier 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) Id. of the means of transport C an..35 O Identification of the means of transport by name or number. Nationality of means of transport, coded C an..3 O Coded name of the country in which a means of transport is registered. TRANSPORT OWNERSHIP, CODED C an..3 X Code indicating the ownership of the means of transport. 16 June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: NAD Segment Group 2: Name and Address 0100 1 Mandatory 9 A group of segments to identify a party and related contacts. Segment Summary M O Pos. No. 0110 0120 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID NAD CTA Req. Des. M C Name Name and Address Contact Information 17 Max. Use 1 9 Group: Repeat June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: NAD Name and Address 0110 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 2 (Name and Address) Mandatory 1 Mandatory 1 A segment to identify the party's name and address, and function, such as: - message recipient - message sender - carrier or agent - ordering customer - ordering customer agent NAD+MS+<114 PA Message Sender Id>' NAD+MR+8713755000059' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 3035 PARTY QUALIFIER M an..3 M Code giving specific meaning to a party. CA Carrier MR Message recipient MS Document/message issuer/sender OY Ordering customer C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS C O Identification of a transaction party by code. 3039 Party id. identification M an..35 M Code identifying a party involved in a transaction. Ediland Item 114 (R) PA Message Sender Id: The unique identification of the sender of the message. In the EDILand scenario the parties are identified by a so called EAN number (unique all over the world). These EAN numbers can be obtained at Port Community Rotterdam (Phone +31 (0)10 4642323, Ediland Item 123 (R) PA Message Recipient Id: The unique identification of the receiver of the message. In the EDILand sceanrio the parties are identified by a so called EAN number (unique all over the world). These EAN numbers can be obtained at Port Community Rotterdam (Phone +31 (0)10 4642323, EAN number of the ECT Delta terminal is: 8713755000059 Ediland Item 131 (R) PA Ordering Party Id 1131 3055 EDILAND (D.95B) Ediland Item 141 (O) PA Executive Inland Carrier Identification Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 100 Enhanced party identification 160 Party identification 172 Carrier code Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 7 CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique) 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 10 ODETTE 16 DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) 18 June 21, 2002 C058 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 C080 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3045 C059 3042 3042 3042 3164 3229 3251 3207 EDILAND (D.95B) 87 Assigned by carrier 163 US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) NAME AND ADDRESS C O Unstructured name and address: one to five lines. Name and address line M an..35 M Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 O Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 O Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 O Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 O Free form name and address description. PARTY NAME C O Identification of a transaction party by name, one to five lines. Party name may be formatted. Party name M an..35 M Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 O Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 O Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 O Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 O Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name format, coded C an..3 X Specification of the representation of a party name. STREET C O Street address and/or PO Box number in a structured address: one to three lines. Street and number/p.o. box M an..35 M Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 O Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 O Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. CITY NAME C an..35 O Name of a city (a town, a village) for addressing purposes. COUNTRY SUB-ENTITY IDENTIFICATION C an..9 O Identification of the name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental agencies. POSTCODE IDENTIFICATION C an..9 O Code defining postal zones or addresses. COUNTRY, CODED C an..3 O Identification of the name of a country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166. 19 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: CTA Contact Information 0120 Segment Group 2 (Name and Address) Mandatory 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to identify a person or department for contact purposes, such as: information contact CTA+IC+:<113 PA Message Sender Contactname>' CTA+IC+:<122 PA Message Receiver Contactname>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 3139 CONTACT FUNCTION, CODED C an..3 O Code specifying the function of a contact (e.g. department or person). IC Information contact C056 DEPARTMENT OR EMPLOYEE DETAILS C O Code and/or name of a department or employee. Code preferred. 3413 Department or employee identification C an..17 X Internal identification code. 3412 Department or employee C an..35 O The department or person within an organizational entity. Ediland Item 113 (O) PA Message Sender Contactname: This Item will not be registrated in ECT's ordering system. Ediland Item 122 (O) PA Message Receiver Contactname: This Item will not be registrated in ECT's ordering system. EDILAND (D.95B) 20 June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: GID Segment Group 3: Goods Item Details 0150 1 Conditional (Optional) 999 A group of segments to identify details relating to the cargo in a container, together with information on handling requirements. Segment Summary M O Pos. No. 0160 0230 0250 0280 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID GID MEA Name Goods Item Details Measurements Segment Group 5: Split Goods Placement Segment Group 6: Dangerous Goods 21 Req. Des. M C C C Max. Use 1 9 Group: Repeat 999 9 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: GID Goods Item Details 0160 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 3 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 1 Mandatory 1 A segment to identify a goods item. A goods item can be identified by a goods item number. GID+1' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 1496 GOODS ITEM NUMBER C n..5 O Serial number differentiating each separate goods item entry of a consignment as contained in one document/declaration. Ediland Item 72 (D) GO Sequence Number Goods: For ECT this Item has always to be filled in with the number of goods in the container. C213 NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C O Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. 7224 Number of packages C n..8 O Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. 7065 Type of packages identification C an..17 O Coded description of the form in which goods are presented. 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 X Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 X Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 7064 Type of packages C an..35 O Description of the form in which goods are presented. C213 NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C X Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. 7224 Number of packages C n..8 X Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. 7065 Type of packages identification C an..17 X Coded description of the form in which goods are presented. 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 X Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 X Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 7064 Type of packages C an..35 X Description of the form in which goods are presented. C213 NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C X Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. 7224 Number of packages C n..8 X Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. 7065 Type of packages identification C an..17 X Coded description of the form in which goods are presented. 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 X Identification of a code list. EDILAND (D.95B) 22 June 21, 2002 3055 7064 EDILAND (D.95B) Code list responsible agency, coded C Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. Type of packages C Description of the form in which goods are presented. 23 an..3 X an..35 X June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: MEA Measurements 0230 Segment Group 3 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to a goods item, such as: - gross weight MEA+AAE+G+KGM:<65 GO Goods Gross Weight Total>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 6311 MEASUREMENT APPLICATION QUALIFIER M an..3 M Specification of the application of the physical measurement used. AAE Measurement C502 MEASUREMENT DETAILS C O Identification of measurement type. 6313 Measurement dimension, coded C an..3 O Specification of the type of dimension to be measured. G Gross weight 6321 Measurement significance, coded C an..3 X Code specifying the significance of a measurement value. 6155 Measurement attribute, coded C an..3 X Code used to specify non-discrete measurement values. 6154 Measurement attribute C an..70 X To specify non-discrete measurement values. C174 VALUE/RANGE C O Measurement value and relevant minimum and maximum tolerances in that order. 6411 Measure unit qualifier M an..3 M Indication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed. KGM Kilogram 6314 Measurement value C n..18 O Value of the measured unit. Ediland Item 65 (O) GO Goods Gross Weight Total 6162 Range minimum C n..18 X Minimum of a range. 6152 Range maximum C n..18 X Maximum of a range. 6432 Significant digits C n..2 X To specify the number of significant digits. 7383 SURFACE/LAYER INDICATOR, CODED C an..3 X Code indicating the surface or layer of a product that is being described. EDILAND (D.95B) 24 June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: SGP Segment Group 5: Split Goods Placement 0250 Segment Group 3 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 999 A group of segments to specify the distribution of a goods item among the containers. Segment Summary M Pos. No. 0260 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID SGP Req. Des. M Name Split Goods Placement 25 Max. Use 1 Group: Repeat June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: SGP Split Goods Placement 0260 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 5 (Split Goods Placement) Conditional (Optional) 2 Mandatory 1 A segment to identify a container in which goods are transported. SGP+<64 GO Container Prefix and Number>+<Number of Packages>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes C237 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION M M Marks (letters and/or numbers) identifying equipment used for transport such as a container. 8260 Equipment identification number C an..17 O Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device. Ediland Item 64 (O) GO Container Prefix and Number 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 X Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 X Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 3207 Country, coded C an..3 X Identification of the name of a country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166. 7224 NUMBER OF PACKAGES C n..8 O Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. EDILAND (D.95B) 26 June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: DGS Segment Group 6: Dangerous Goods 0280 Segment Group 3 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A group of segments to specify dangerous goods details related to the goods item. One goods item may be in different dangerous goods classes. Segment Summary M O Pos. No. 0290 0300 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID DGS FTX Req. Des. M C Name Dangerous Goods Free Text 27 Max. Use 1 9 Group: Repeat June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: DGS Dangerous Goods 0290 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 6 (Dangerous Goods) Conditional (Optional) 2 Mandatory 1 A segment to indicate the dangerous goods regulations for the corresponding mode of transport, class of dangerous goods, additional dangerous goods code, UN-number and shipment flash point. DGS+IMD+<76 GS Hazard Code Identification (IMO)>:<74 GS Dangerous Goods Additional Code>+<79 GS Dangerous Goods UN Number>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 8273 DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS, C an..3 O CODED Code indicating the regulation, international or national, applicable for a means of transport. Ediland Item 78 (D) GS Dangerous Goods Regulations: For ECT mandatory if applicable. IMD IMO IMDG code C205 HAZARD CODE C O The identification of the dangerous goods in code. 8351 Hazard code identification M an..7 M Dangerous goods code. Ediland Item 76 (D) GS Hazard Code Identification (IMO): For ECT mandatory if applicable. 8078 Hazard substance/item/page number C an..7 O Number giving additional hazard code classification of a goods item within the applicable dangerous goods regulation. 8092 Hazard code version number C an..10 O The version/revision number of date of issuance of the code used. C234 UNDG INFORMATION C O Information on United Nations Dangerous Goods classification. 7124 UNDG number C n4 O Unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried. Ediland Item 79 (D) GS Dangerous Goods UN Number: For ECT mandatory if applicable. 7088 Dangerous goods flashpoint C an..8 X Lowest temperature, in the case of dangerous goods, at which vapour from an inflammable liquid forms an ignitable mixture with air. C223 DANGEROUS GOODS SHIPMENT C O FLASHPOINT Temperature at which a vapor according to ISO 1523/73 can be ignited. 7106 Shipment flashpoint C n3 O Temperature in centigrade determined by the closed cup test as per ISO 1523/73 where a vapour is given off that can be ignited. 6411 Measure unit qualifier C an..3 O Indication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed. CEL Celsius FAH Fahrenheit 8339 PACKING GROUP, CODED C an..3 O Identification of a packing group by code. EDILAND (D.95B) 28 June 21, 2002 8364 8410 8126 C235 8158 8186 C236 8246 8246 8246 8255 8325 8211 EDILAND (D.95B) EMS NUMBER C an..6 O Emergency procedures for ships carrying dangerous goods. MFAG C an..4 O Medical first aid guide. TREM CARD NUMBER C an..10 O The identification of a transport emergency card giving advice for emergency actions. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION C O Identification of the Orange placard required on the means of transport. Hazard identification number, upper part C an..4 O The id. number for the Orange Placard (upper part) required on the means of transport. Substance identification number, lower part C an4 O The number for the Orange Placard (lower part) required on the means of transport. DANGEROUS GOODS LABEL C O Markings identifying the type of hazardous goods and similar information. Dangerous goods label marking C an..4 O Marking identifying the type of hazardous goods (substance), Loading/Unloading instructions and advising actions in case of emergency. Dangerous goods label marking C an..4 O Marking identifying the type of hazardous goods (substance), Loading/Unloading instructions and advising actions in case of emergency. Dangerous goods label marking C an..4 O Marking identifying the type of hazardous goods (substance), Loading/Unloading instructions and advising actions in case of emergency. PACKING INSTRUCTION, CODED C an..3 X Code defining the quantity and the type of package in which a product is allowed to be shipped in a passenger or freight aircraft. CATEGORY OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT, C an..3 X CODED Identification of the type of means of transport determined to carry particular goods, not necessarily being hazardous. PERMISSION FOR TRANSPORT, CODED C an..3 X Code giving evidence that transportation of particular hazardous cargo is permitted and identifies the restrictions being put upon a particular transport. 29 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: FTX Free Text 0300 Segment Group 6 (Dangerous Goods) Conditional (Optional) 3 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify supplementary details related to the dangerous goods, such as: dangerous goods technical name - dangerous goods additional information FTX+AAC+++<73 GS Dangerous Goods Additional Information >' FTX+AAD+++<75 GS Dangerous Goods Chemical/Technical Name >' Data Element Summary Data Component Base Element Element Name Attributes 4451 TEXT SUBJECT QUALIFIER M an..3 Code specifying subject of a free text. AAC Dangerous goods additional information AAD Dangerous goods, technical name 4453 TEXT FUNCTION, CODED C an..3 Code specifying how to handle the text. C107 TEXT REFERENCE C Coded reference to a standard text and its source. 4441 Free text, coded M an..3 Free text in coded form. 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. C108 TEXT LITERAL C Free text; one to five lines. 4440 Free text M an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. Ediland Item 73 (O) GS Dangerous Goods Additional Information 4440 4440 4440 4440 3453 EDILAND (D.95B) Ediland Item 75 (D) GS Dangerous Goods Chemical/Technical Name Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. LANGUAGE, CODED C an..3 Code of language (ISO 639-1988). 30 User Attributes M X O M X X O M O O O O X June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: EQD Segment Group 7: Equipment Details 0320 1 Conditional (Optional) 999 A group of segments to specify details relating to the containers to be released. Segment Summary M M O O O O Pos. No. 0330 0340 0380 0390 0410 0425 0430 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID EQD RFF TMP RNG FTX DTM Name Equipment Details Reference Temperature Range Details Free Text Date/Time/Period Segment Group 8: Details of Transport 31 Req. Des. M M C C C C C Max. Use 1 9 9 9 9 1 Group: Repeat 9 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: EQD Equipment Details 0330 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 1 Mandatory 1 A segment to specify a container, container size and type, and full/empty indication. Normally, the Ediland Coreor release order message is meant for the release of full containers, but ECT accepts also the Ediland Coreor release order for empty container. EQD+CN+<59 Container Prefix and Number>+<Size Type>:102:5+++<Full/Empty Indicator>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 8053 EQUIPMENT QUALIFIER M an..3 M Code identifying type of equipment. CN Container C237 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION C O Marks (letters and/or numbers) identifying equipment used for transport such as a container. 8260 Equipment identification number C an..17 O Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device. Ediland Item 59 (R) CO Container Prefix and Number :At ECT it's mandatory for Import/Transhipment, except when Ediland Item 185.3 is used. ECT also needs the exact prefix and number whitout a blank space between the prefix and number. 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 1 CCC (Customs Co-operation Council) 2 CEC (Commission of the European Communities) 3 IATA (International Air Transport Association) 4 ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 6 UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) 7 CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique) 8 EDIFICE 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 10 ODETTE 11 Lloyd's register of shipping 12 UIC (International union of railways) 13 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) 14 ICS (International Chamber of Shipping) 15 RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance Network) 16 DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) 17 S.W.I.F.T. 18 Conventions on SAD and transit (EC and EFTA) 19 FRRC (Federal Reserve Routing Code) 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) 21 Assigned by transport company 22 US, ISA (Information Systems Agreement) EDILAND (D.95B) 32 June 21, 2002 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 EDILAND (D.95B) FR, EDITRANSPORT AU, ROA (Railways of Australia) EDITEX (Europe) NL, Foundation Uniform Transport Code US, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) EDITEUR (European book sector electronic data interchange group) GB, FLEETNET GB, ABTA (Association of British Travel Agencies) FI, Finish State Railway PL, Polish State Railway BG, Bulgaria State Railway RO, Rumanian State Railway CZ, Tchechian State Railway HU, Hungarian State Railway GB, British Railways ES, Spanish National Railway SE, Swedish State Railway NO, Norwegian State Railway DE, German Railway AT, Austrian Federal Railways LU, Luxembourg National Railway Company IT, Italian State Railways NL, Netherlands Railways CH, Swiss Federal Railways DK, Danish State Railways FR, French National Railway Company BE, Belgian National Railway Company PT, Portuguese Railways SK, Slovacian State Railways IE, Irish Transport Company FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) IMO (International Maritime Organisation) US, DOT (United States Department of Transportation) TW, Trade-van TW, Chinese Taipei Customs EUROFER DE, EDIBAU Assigned by party originating the message Assigned by carrier Assigned by owner of operation Assigned by distributor Assigned by manufacturer Assigned by seller or seller's agent Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent AT, Austrian Customs AT, Austrian PTT AU, Australian Customs Services CA, Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise CH, Administration federale des contributions CH, Direction generale des douanes 33 June 21, 2002 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 EDILAND (D.95B) CH, Division des importations et exportations, OFAEE CH, Entreprise des PTT CH, Carbura CH, Centrale suisse pour l'importation du charbon CH, Office fiduciaire des importateurs de denrees alimentaires CH, Association suisse code des articles DK, Ministry of taxation, Central Customs and Tax Administration FR, Direction generale des douanes et droits indirects FR, INSEE FR, Banque de France GB, H.M. Customs & Excise IE, Revenue Commissionners, Customs AEP project US, U.S. Customs Service US, U.S. Census Bureau US, UPC (Uniform product code) US, ABA (American Bankers Association) US, DODAAC (Department Of Defense Active Agency Code) US, ANSI ASC X12 AT, Geldausgabeautomaten-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. SE, Svenska Bankfoereningen IT, Associazione Bancaria Italiana IT, Socieata' Interbancaria per l'Automazione CH, Telekurs AG CH, Swiss Securities Clearing Corporation NO, Norwegian Interbank Research Organization NO, Norwegian Bankers Ass. FI, The Finnish Bankers' Association US, NCCMA (Account Analysis Codes) BE, Belgian Bankers' Association BE, Belgian Ministry of Finance DK, PBS (Pengainstitutternes Betalings Service) DE, German Bankers Association GB, BACS Limited GB, Association for Payment Clearing Services GB, CHAPS and Town Clearing Company Ltd. GB, The Clearing House GB, Article Number Association (UK) Limited AT, Verband oesterreichischer Banken und Bankiers FR, CFONB (Comite francais d'organ. et de normalisation bancaires) UPU (Universal Postal Union) CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-01 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-B-1 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXXIV NZ, New Zealand Customs NL, Netherlands Customs SE, Swedish Customs DE, German Customs BE, Belgian Customs ES, Spanish Customs IL, Israel Customs 34 June 21, 2002 3207 C224 8155 1131 3055 8154 8077 EDILAND (D.95B) 150 HK, Hong Kong Customs 151 JP, Japan Customs 152 SA, Saudi Arabia Customs 153 IT, Italian Customs 154 GR, Greek Customs 155 PT, Portuguese Customs 156 LU, Luxembourg Customs 157 NO, Norwegian Customs 158 FI, Finnish Customs 159 IS, Iceland Customs 160 LI, Liechtenstein authority 161 UNCTAD (United Nations - Conference on Trade And Development) 162 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XIII-D-5 163 US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) 164 US, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) 165 US, DCI (Distribution Codes, INC.) 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association 167 US, AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) 168 US, FIPS (Federal Information Publishing Standard) 169 CA, SCC (Standards Council of Canada) 170 CA, CPA (Canadian Payment Association) 171 NL, Bank Girocentrale BV 172 NL, BEANET BV 173 NO, NORPRO 174 DE, DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung) 175 FCI (Factors Chain International) 176 BR, Banco Central do Brazil 177 AU, LIFA (Life Insurance Federation of Australia) 178 AU, SAA (Standards Association of Australia) 179 US, Air transport association of America 181 Edibuild 182 US, Standard Carrier Alpha Code (Motor) 183 US, American Petroleum Institute 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) ZZZ Mutually defined Country, coded C an..3 X Identification of the name of a country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166. EQUIPMENT SIZE AND TYPE C O Code and/or name identifying size and type of equipment used in transport. Code preferred. Equipment size and type identification C an..10 O Coded description of the size and type of equipment e.g. unit load device. Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 102 Size and type Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Equipment size and type C an..35 O Plain language description of the size and type of equipment e.g. unit load device. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER, CODED C an..3 X 35 June 21, 2002 8249 8169 EDILAND (D.95B) To indicate the party that is the supplier of the equipment. EQUIPMENT STATUS, CODED C an..3 Indication of the action related to the equipment. 1 Continental 2 Export 3 Import 6 Transhipment FULL/EMPTY INDICATOR, CODED C an..3 To indicate the extent to which the equipment is full or empty. 4 Empty 5 Full 36 O O June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: RFF Reference 0340 Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Mandatory 9 A segment to specify a reference number relevant to the container, such as: - release number - reference at the place of collection RFF+SQ:<59.1 CO Container Reference Sequence number>' RFF+BT:<185.3 RF Reference Batch/Lot Number>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes C506 REFERENCE M M Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 M Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. BT Batch number/lot number SQ Container sequence number 1154 Reference number C an..35 O Identification number the nature and function of which can be qualified by an entry in data element 1153 Reference qualifier. Ediland Item 59.1 (R) CO Container Reference Sequence number 1156 4000 EDILAND (D.95B) Ediland Item 185.3 (O) RF Reference batch/Lot Number Line number C an..6 X Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference number. Reference version number C an..35 X To uniquely identify a reference by its revision number. 37 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: TMP Temperature 0380 Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify the transport temperature setting of a container. TMP+2+<168 TM Container Settings Temperature>:<171 TM Container Temperature Unit>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 6245 TEMPERATURE QUALIFIER M an..3 M A code giving specific meaning to the temperature. 2 Transport temperature C239 TEMPERATURE SETTING C O The temperature under which the goods are (to be) stored or shipped. 6246 Temperature setting C n3 O The actual temperature value in degrees Celsius (e.g. 008, 020). Ediland Item 168 (D) TM Container Setting Temperature 6411 Measure unit qualifier C an..3 O Indication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed. Ediland Item 171 (D) TM Container Temperature Unit: Mandatory for ECT with Ediland Items 168 and 168.1 EDILAND (D.95B) 38 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: RNG Range Details 0390 Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify the transport temperature range setting of the container. RNG+5+<171 TM Container Temperature Unit>:<168.1 TM Container Range Temperature Minimum/Maximum>:<168.1 TM Container Range Temperature Minimum/Maximum> Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 6167 RANGE TYPE QUALIFIER M an..3 M Identification of the type of range. 5 Temperature range C280 RANGE C O Range minimum and maximum limits. 6411 Measure unit qualifier M an..3 M Indication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed. CEL Celsius FAH Fahrenheit 6162 Range minimum C n..18 O Minimum of a range. Ediland Item 168.1 (D) TM Container Range Temperature Minimum/Maximum 6152 Range maximum C n..18 O Maximum of a range. Ediland Item 168.1 (D) TM Container Range Temperature Minimum/Maximum EDILAND (D.95B) 39 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: FTX Free Text 0410 Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify processable supplementary information associated with the container, such as: - loading instructions (seagoing vessel) - special instructions (related to inland transport) FTX+HAN++<83 IS Additional Instruction>+<84 IS Additional Instruction Text>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base Element Element Name Attributes 4451 TEXT SUBJECT QUALIFIER M an..3 Code specifying subject of a free text. AAI General information HAN Handling instructions 4453 TEXT FUNCTION, CODED C an..3 Code specifying how to handle the text. C107 TEXT REFERENCE C Coded reference to a standard text and its source. 4441 Free text, coded M an..3 Free text in coded form. Ediland Item 83 (O) IS Additional Instruction 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 Identification of a code list. 130 Special handling ZZZ Mutually defined 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) C108 TEXT LITERAL C Free text; one to five lines. 4440 Free text M an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. Ediland Item 84 (O) IS Additional Instruction Text 4440 Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. 4440 Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. 4440 Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. 4440 Free text C an..70 Free text field available to the message sender for information. 3453 LANGUAGE, CODED C an..3 Code of language (ISO 639-1988). EDILAND (D.95B) 40 User Attributes M X O M O O O M O O O O X June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: DTM Date/Time/Period 0425 Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 1 To specify date, and/or time, or period. DTM+ULR:<179 TS Ultimate Release Date/Time>:203' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD M M Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 M Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period. ULR Ultimate Release Date/Time 2380 Date/time/period C an..35 O The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation. Ediland Item 179 (O) TS Ultimate Release Date/Time 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier C an..3 O Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time or of a period. 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM EDILAND (D.95B) 41 June 21, 2002 Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: TDT Segment Group 8: Details of Transport 0430 Segment Group 7 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A group of segments to specify details of the inland transport relevant to the collection of the container. Segment Summary M O Pos. No. 0440 0450 EDILAND (D.95B) Seg. ID TDT LOC Name Details of Transport Place/Location Identification 42 Req. Des. M C Max. Use 1 9 Group: Repeat June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: TDT Details of Transport 0440 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 8 (Details of Transport) Conditional (Optional) 2 Mandatory 1 A segment to specify details of the inland transport associated with the collection of the container. TDT+30++<181 VM Transport Mode Inland>++<Inland Carrier Code:172+++:::<182.1 VM Inland Transport Means Name>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 8051 TRANSPORT STAGE QUALIFIER M an..3 M Qualifier giving a specific meaning to the transport details. 30 On-carriage transport 8028 CONVEYANCE REFERENCE NUMBER C an..17 X Unique reference given by the carrier to a certain journey or departure of a means of transport (generic term). C220 MODE OF TRANSPORT C O Method of transport code or name. Code preferred. 8067 Mode of transport, coded C an..3 O Coded method of transport used for the carriage of the goods. Ediland Item 181 (R) VM Transport Mode Inland: Mostly, the inland mode of transport is unknown at the shipping line or agent office. Therefore ECT accepts the 'unknown' mode of transport (code 9). 1 Maritime 2 Rail 3 Road 8 Inland Water 9 Mode Unknown 8066 Mode of transport C an..17 X Method of transport used for the carriage of the goods. C228 TRANSPORT MEANS C O Code and/or name identifying the type of means of transport. 8179 Type of means of transport identification C an..8 O Code defining the type of the means of transport being utilized. 1 Barge chemical tanker 2 Coaster chemical tanker 3 Dry bulk carrier 4 Deep sea chemical tanker 5 Gas tanker 9 Exceptional transport 11 Ship 12 Ship tanker 13 Ocean vessel 21 Rail tanker 22 Rail silo tanker 23 Rail bulk car 25 Rail express 31 Truck EDILAND (D.95B) 43 June 21, 2002 8178 C040 3127 1131 3055 3128 8101 C401 8457 8459 7130 C222 8213 1131 3055 8212 8453 8281 EDILAND (D.95B) 33 Road silo tanker 35 Truck/trailer with tilt Type of means of transport C an..17 O Description of the type of the means of transport being utilized. CARRIER C O Identification of a carrier by code and/or by name. Code preferred. Carrier identification C an..17 O Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 172 Carrier code Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) 87 Assigned by carrier 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) Carrier name C an..35 O Name of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. TRANSIT DIRECTION, CODED C an..3 X Identification of the point of origin and point of direction. EXCESS TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION C X To provide details of reason for, and responsibility for, use of transportation other than normally utilized. Excess transportation reason, coded M an..3 X Indication of reason for excess transportation. Excess transportation responsibility, coded M an..3 X Indication of responsibility for excess transportation. Customer authorization number C an..17 X Customer provided authorization number to allow supplier to ship goods under specific freight conditions. This number will be transmitted back to customer in the dispatch advice message. TRANSPORT IDENTIFICATION C O Code and/or name identifying the means of transport. Id. of means of transport identification C an..9 O Identification of the means of transport by name or number. Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. Id. of the means of transport C an..35 O Identification of the means of transport by name or number. Ediland Item 182.1 (O) VM Inland Transport Means Name Nationality of means of transport, coded C an..3 O Coded name of the country in which a means of transport is registered. TRANSPORT OWNERSHIP, CODED C an..3 X Code indicating the ownership of the means of transport. 44 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: LOC Place/Location Identification 0450 Segment Group 8 (Details of Transport) Conditional (Optional) 3 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify a place/port associated with the inland transport, such as: - place of departure - place of arrival LOC+88+NLRTM+DCD Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 3227 PLACE/LOCATION QUALIFIER M an..3 M Code identifying the function of a location. 88 Place of receipt C517 LOCATION IDENTIFICATION C O Identification of a location by code or name. 3225 Place/location identification C an..25 O Identification of the name of place/location, other than 3164 City name. Ediland Item 11 (R) AD Place of Loading Inland Terminal Code: For ECT NLRTM 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. 139 Port 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 6 UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 112 US, U.S. Census Bureau 3224 Place/location C an..17 O Name of place/location, other than 3164 City name. C519 RELATED LOCATION ONE IDENTIFICATION C O Identification the first related location by code or name. 3223 Related place/location one identification C an..25 O Specification of the first related place/location by code. Ediland Item 11 (R) AD Place of Loading Inland Terminal Code: For ECT DCD 1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 O Identification of a code list. BER Berths CNE Consignee's Premises CNR Consignor's Premises GAT Gates PAC Packing/Unpacking Facilities REP Repair Facilities STO Storage Facilities TER Terminals WAR Warehouses WHA Wharves 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 O Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) EDILAND (D.95B) 45 June 21, 2002 3222 C553 3233 1131 3055 3232 5479 EDILAND (D.95B) 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) ZZZ Mutually defined Related place/location one C an..70 Specification of the first related place/location by name. RELATED LOCATION TWO C IDENTIFICATION Identification of second related location by code or name. Related place/location two identification C an..25 Specification of a second related place/location by code. Code list qualifier C an..3 Identification of a code list. BER Berths CNE Consignee's Premises CNR Consignor's Premises GAT Gates PAC Packing/Unpacking Facilities REP Repair Facilities STO Storage Facilities TER Terminals WAR Warehouses WHA Wharves Code list responsible agency, coded C an..3 Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) ZZZ Mutually defined Related place/location two C an..70 Specification of a second related place/location by name. RELATION, CODED C an..3 To specify the relationship between two or more items. 46 O O O O O O X June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: CNT Control Total 0520 0 Mandatory 1 A segment to specify the number of containers in the message, explicitly given by the sender. CNT+1:1' CNT+16:<25 CO Number of Containers in Message>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes C270 CONTROL M M Control total for checking integrity of a message or part of a message. 6069 Control qualifier M an..3 M Determines the source data elements in the message which forms the basis for 6066 Control value. For ECT this value is always '1' see chapter 'Message structure' 1 Algebraic total of the quantity values in line items in a message 16 Total number of equipment 6066 Control value M n..18 M Value obtained from summing the values specified by the Control Qualifier throughout the message (Hash total). Ediland Item 25 (O) CO Number of Containers in Message 1 Dummy Value (if 6069 = 1) 6411 Measure unit qualifier C an..3 X Indication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed. EDILAND (D.95B) 47 June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: UNT Message Trailer 0530 0 Mandatory 1 A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message. UNT+<Number of segmentsin the message including UNH and UNT>:<Same refference as in 0062 in UNH>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base Element Element Name Attributes 0074 NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN A MESSAGE M n..6 Control count of number of segments in a message. Number of segments in the message including UNH and UNT. 0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER M an..14 Unique message reference assigned by the sender. Same reference as in 0062 in UNH EDILAND (D.95B) 48 User Attributes M M June 21, 2002 Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes: UNZ Interchange Trailer 0540 0 Mandatory 1 To end and check the completeness of an interchange. UNZ+1+<Same refference as in 0020 in UNB>' Data Element Summary Data Component Base User Element Element Name Attributes Attributes 0036 INTERCHANGE CONTROL COUNT M n..6 M Count either of the number of messages or, if used, of the number of functional groups in an interchange. 0020 INTERCHANGE CONTROL REFERENCE M an..14 M Unique reference assigned by the sender to an interchange. EDILAND (D.95B) 49 June 21, 2002