Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL DATA NAME AND SURNAME POSITION PHONE E-MAIL DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH INGRID IVANČIĆ RESEARCH ASSOCIATE ++385-52-804-743 27.04.1956. ROVINJ, CROATIA WORK EXPERIENCE (CHRONOLOGICALLY) DATE (FROM – UNTIL) INSTITUTION OCCUPATION OR POSITION 15.7.2003.-... RUĐER BOŠKOVIĆ INSTITUTE, CENTER FOR MARINE RESEARCH RESEARCH ASSOCIATE HELD WORK FIELD DATE (FROM – UNTIL) INSTITUTION OCCUPATION OR POSITION ORGANIC PHOSPHOROUS CYCLING, THE ROLE OF THE ENZYMES COMMUNITIES SUPPLY IN INORGANIC NUTRIENTS 1.12.1995.-14.7.2003. IN MICROBIAL RUĐER BOŠKOVIĆ INSTITUTE, CENTER FOR MARINE RESEARCH SENIOR ASSISTANT HELD WORK FIELD DATE (FROM – UNTIL) INSTITUTION OCCUPATION OR POSITION MECHANISMS OF EUTROPHICATION AND LONGTERM CHANGES IN HYDROGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS OF THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC 1.4.1985. -30.11.1995. RUĐER BOŠKOVIĆ INSTITUTE, CENTER FOR MARINE RESEARCH ASSISTANT HELD WORK FIELD DATE (FROM – UNTIL) INSTITUTION OCCUPATION OR POSITION INORGANIC NUTRIENTS DETERMINATION ADRIATIC ECOSYSTEM 15.11.1980.-31.3.1985. AND THEIR CYCLING IN THE NORTHERN RUĐER BOŠKOVIĆ INSTITUTE, CENTER FOR MARINE RESEARCH JUNIOR ASSISTANT HELD WORK FIELD INORGANIC NUTRIENTS DETERMINATION PRIMARY PRODUCTION PROCESSES IN THE AND ROLE OF ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS IN NORTHERN ADRIATIC ECOSYSTEM EDUCATION (CHRONOLOGICALLY) DATE PLACE INSTITUTION TITLE OF 17.11.1995. ZAGREB FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS PHD IN CHEMISTRY QUALIFICATION AWARDED DATE PLACE INSTITUTION TITLE OF 26.3.1985. ZAGREB FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS MSC IN OCEANOGRAPHY QUALIFICATION AWARDED DATE PLACE INSTITUTION TITLE OF 26.05.1980. ZAGREB FACULTY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY BSC IN CHEMISTRY QUALIFICATION AWARDED 1 LANGUAGES MOTHER TONGUE CROATIAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING WRITING READING ENGLISH VERY GOOD VERY GOOD VERY GOOD OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGES LANGUAGE SPEAKING WRITING READING LANGUAGE SPEAKING WRITING READING ITALIAN EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT FRENCH VERY GOOD GOOD VERY GOOD TEACHING (CHRONOLOGICALLY; UNDERGRADUATE, GRADUATE, POSTGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMMES) Undergraduate: Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Methods; Cycle of organic matter and eutrophication; Methods and techniques in oceanography ; Nutrient cycle VISITS TO FOREIGN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (CHRONOLOGICALLY; ONLY VISITS LONGER THAN 3 MONTHS) - ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES (CHRONOLOGICALLY; ORGANISATIONAL OF HOME AND INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE EVENTS ) Organization and coordination of the field work Organization of experiments and experimental design OTHER IMPORTANT SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES - use of diverse software packages: Paradox, Systat, Surfer, Grapher PAPERS (CHRONOLOGICALLY; RESEARCH BOOKS, HOME AND INTERNATIONALS RESEARCH JOURNALS ) Ivančić, I, Fuks, D, Radić, T, Lyons, DM, Šilovic, T, Kraus, R, Precali, R. Phytoplankton and bacterial alkaline phosphatase activity in the northern Adriatic Sea. Marine Environmental Research. 69 (2010), 2; 85-94 Ivančić, I, Radić, T, Lyons, DM, Fuks, D, Precali, R, Kraus, R. Alkaline phosphatase activity in relation to nutrient status in the northern Adriatic Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 378 (2009), 27-35. Radić, T, Ivančić, I, Fuks, D, Radić, J. Marine bacterioplankton production of polysaccharidic and proteinaceous particles under different nutrient regimes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 58 (2006), 3; 333-342. Degobbis, D, Precali, R, Ferrari, CR, Đakovac, T, Rinaldi, A, Ivančić, I, Gismondi, M, Smodlaka, N. Changes in nutrient concentrations and ratios during mucilage events in the period 1999-2002. Science of the Total Environment. 353 (2005), 1-3; 103-114. Cozzi, S, Ivančić, I, Catalano, G, Đakovac, T, Degobbis, D. Dynamics of the oceanographic properties during mucilage appearance in the Northern Adriatic Sea: analysis of the 1997 event in comparison to earlier events. Journal of Marine Systems. 50 (2004), 3-4; 223-241. 2 Supić, N, Grbec, B, Vilibić, I, Ivančić, I. Long-term changes in hydrographic conditions in northern Adriatic and its relationship to hydrological and atmospheric processes. Annales Geophysicae. 22 (2004), 733-745. Ivančić, I., Degobbis, D., Pečar, O., Fuks, D., Manganelli, M., Kraus, R., Djakovac, T., Precali, R., Scenati, R. Northern Adriatic mesocosm experiment Rovinj 2003: Nutrient dynamics. Periodicum Biologorum. 106 (2004), 1; 17-22. Djakovac, T., Supić, N., Degobbis, D., Kraus, R., Precali, R., Ivančić, I., Svetličić, V., Smodlaka, N. Northern Adriatic mesocosm experiment Rovinj 2003: Oceanographic conditions at the sampling station Periodicum Biologorum. 106 (2004), 1; 7-15. Kraus, R., Ivančić, I., Djakovac, T., Smodlaka, N. Northern Adriatic mesocosm experiment Rovinj 2003: Changes in the microphytoplankton community. Periodicum Biologorum. 106 (2004), 1; 31-37. Supić, N., Ivančić, I. Hydrographic conditions in the northern Adriatic in the relation to surface fluxes and the Po river discharge rates (1966-1992). Periodicum Biologorum. 104 (2002), 2; 203-209. Najdek, M, Degobbis, D, Mioković, D, Ivančić, I. Fatty acid and phytoplankton composition of different types of mucilaginous aggregates in the northern Adriatic. Journal of Plankton Research. 24 (2002), 5; 429-441. Degobbis, D, Precali, R, Ivančić, I, Smodlaka, N, Fuks, D, Kveder, S. Long-term changes in the northern Adriatic ecosystem related to anthropogenic eutrophication. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 13 (2000), 1-6; 495-533. Tičina, V., Ivančić, I., Emrić, V. Relation between the hydrographic properties of the northern Adriatic Sea water and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) population schools. Periodicum Biologorum. 102 (2000), suppl. 1; 181-192. Degobbis, D., Precali, R., Ivančić, I., Smodlaka, N., Kveder, S. The importance and problems of nutrient flux measurements to study eutrophication of the northern Adriatic. Periodicum Biologorum. 99 (1997), 2; 161-167. Degobbis, D., Ivančić, I. Recent improvements of ammonium and total phosphorus analysis in sea water. Oebalia, 17 (1991), 221-235. Ivančić I, Degobbis D. Mechanisms of production and fate of organic phosphorus in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Marine Biology 94 (1987), 117-125. Degobbis D, Donazzolo R, Ivančić I, et al. Nutrient analyses in natural waters - A critical revision. Annali di Chimica. 76 (1986), 5-6; 179-194 Ivančić I, Degobbis D. An optimal manual procedure for ammonia analysis in natural waters by the indophenol blue method. Water Research. 18 (1984), 9; 1143-1147 3