HAVERHILL FARMS MHJA REGULAR MEMBER SHOW HELD AT WIN-A-GIN MAY 28 – 30, 2010 USEF LOCAL MEMBER MAY 30, 2010 OFFICIALS: JUDGES: Bob Tweedlie – Carmel, IN Robin Bode – Fort Wayne, IN STEWARD: Rosemary Herman Metamora, MI SHOW MANAGER: CO-MANAGERS: Harry Klentner Tara Golaszewski ANNOUNCER: Alice Raden SECRETARYS: Kymm Goemaere COURSE DESIGNERS: Tara Golaszewski EMT: Janine Wells RULES/GRIEVANCES: Julie Agar, Mary Alder, Scott Alder, Suz Bates, Paula Berbaum, Jennifer Blades, Joylee Bridges, Dorothy Campbell, TJ Campbell, Sandi Carlton, Donna Caston, Paula Crampton, Diane Ferris, Jennifer George, Tara Golaszewski, Nerice Gulino, Jennifer Hallman, Cathy Johnson, Sally King, Gary King, Harry Klentner, Colleen Kollar, Rachel Kotowicz, Lisa Oberg, Cynthia Petherbridge, Debbie Proulx, Val Sammut, Joann Scheller, Debra Shinkle, Jenny Steinmetz, Courtney Vaive, Gerri Vindischman, Tim Wright Visit our website at www.haverhillfarms under competition dates for addition prize lists and entry forms or visit www.horseshowing.com RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Haverhill Farms/Win-A-Gin will not be responsible in any way for loss or damage to any person, animal, property and equipment. Each exhibitor shall assume all liability and hold harmless Haverhill Farms and Win-A-Gin for any loss, damage or injury to any person, animal or equipment that may be caused by any horse or pony entered by them or due to carelessness or negligence of the persons in charge of such horse/pony or any of their subordinates or superiors. 2. All entry forms must be signed and accompanied by remittance for all fees. Make checks payable to Haverhill Farms. STALL FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. A processing fee of $35.00, plus collection fees, will be made for any non-negotiable checks. 3. Horses entered may be scratched by written notice, presented or mailed to the horse show. No veterinarian’s certificate is required. This written notice must be in the possession of the show secretary one hour prior to the class or classes involved. When valid notice of a scratch is received, the entry fee will be refunded or credited to the entry. Once the class or classes have been started, horses, which are not shown, will forfeit their fees, except if a horse becomes ill or injured prior to the class or classes in which they have entered. In this case, a scratch sheet must be received by the secretary for a refund. EXHIBITORS-PLEASE DO YOUR OWN PAPERWORK. 4. Stall Fees are $85.00 per stall. Reservations are accepted on a “first pay, first serve basis”. Stalls will not be reserved without a check. Please call early; all stall reservations must be made no later than one week before a show. Stabling consists of 10x10 stalls with stall gates. Stalls will be available on Schooling Day at 9:00 AM. If you wish to arrive early, you must make arrangements with management, Sally King, by calling 248-628-2296. When making stall reservations, please indicate if shavings are needed and indicate amount, additional fees will be applied per bag. 5. ENTRIES CLOSE ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE SHOW. AFTER THOSE DATES, THERE WILL BE A LUMP SUM $25.00 POST ENTRY FEE APPLIED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. There is also a $5.00 “RODE NOT ENTERED” (RNE) fee applied for riders who add a class without filling out a add slip with the secretary. (You cannot add a class with the starter) Jeff Smith – Equine Excellence (810) 543-0766 6. The horse show office will be open one hour before the start of each show day and will open at 10:00 AM on Schooling Day. $18.00 PER CLASS $20.00 PER MHJA MEDAL CLASSES $85.00 PER STALL $6.00 PER HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION $17.00 PER RIDER ($7.00 Drugs & Medication / $8.00 USEF/ $2.00 USHJA) $30.00 $30.00 7. Entry fees are $18.00 per class, except for the MHJA Medal classes which are $20.00 per Medal class, and the USEF Medal and the ASPCA MaClay classes, which are $30.00. All prize money won will be deducted from entry fees. Prize money exceeding the amount of the entry fees due will be paid through the show office within 30 days following the horse show. 8. Sunday, May 30, 2010 is a USEF Local Member Show. Every class offered herin, which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF Rulebook, will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith. Ribbon placing will be through 8th place for all Hunter and Hunt Seat Equitation classes (GR1113.3). SPECIAL THANKS TO THE KING FAMILY AND WIN-A-GIN FARMS FOR HOSTING THE HAVERHILL FARM SHOW GREAT FOOD AVAILABLE AT THE “IN GATE” RESTAURANT!! 9. Footing in schooling ring is sand. Show rings are all weather and the sizes are 246x142 for the North Ring and 246x122 for the South Ring STABLE MANAGER: Sally King Win-A-Gin Phone Number: (248)-628-2296 VETERINARIAN: (ON CALL) Dr. Ryker and Associates (248) 627-2815 – ON CALL FARRIER: ENTRY FEES: MHJA MEDAL ENTRY FEE: STALL FEES: EMT FEES: USEF FEDERATION FEE: USEF MEDAL ENTRY FEE: ASPCA MACLAY ENTRY FEE: 10. All riders in medal classes must show their MHJA, USEF or ASPCA membership cards to the show secretary. If these cards are not in your possession, you will be required to sign an affidavit with the show secretary. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS: REGULAR MEMBER * All Classes will be judged on performance and soundness unless otherwise noted* 11. EMT fee is $6.00 per horse/rider combination. 12. Camper fee is $80.00 (Pay Win-A-Gin Directly) 13. There will be a $40.00 per horse, per day, grounds fee for horses showing or schooling out of trailers. HUNTER DIVISION: Course will simulate fences found in the hunting field such as: brush walls, in-and-outs, oxers, post and rails, aiken and panels. Extreme speed will be penalized. All under saddle classes will be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways in the ring. Light contact on the horse’s mouth is required and the horses must be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. Martingales are not permitted in any under saddle class. Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded convenient to the last class in each section according to MHJA rules. 14. Non-Showing horses will be charged a $45.00 fee, in addition to the stall fee. Warm-Up Classes: Open to all horses and riders. 15. No “hors Concurs” in any classes are allowed. USEF Federation fee is $17.00 per rider. ($7.00 drug & medication fee / $8.00 USEF fee/$2.00 USHJA fee) 16. Horses will be allowed in the show rings only during specified hours. Baby Green Hunter: Open to horses in their first year of showing over fences of any height at any recognized horse show. Horses may compete in Baby Green Hunter and Very Green Hunter divisions during the same year. Fence height 2’6” -2’9” 17. Management reserves the right to combine, divide or cancel classes if entries warrant or refuse any entry. 18. Protective Headgear: All riders must wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet while mounted anywhere on the show grounds. Haverhill Farms, Win-A-Gin and the MHJA and USEF make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, about any protective headgear, and cautions riders that serious injury may result despite wearing protective headgear as all equestrian sports involve an intrinsic element of risk. 19. No smoking laws will be enforced. Smoking is not allowed in any stabling area the indoor ring. including 20. Dogs must be kept on a leash or in your tack room at all times while on the show grounds. 21. In some classes, the “Courtesy Circle” area may be restricted by a mandatory line. This will be indicated on the course diagram and physically in the ring. 22. “Orders of Go” will be posted in all Medal classes 23. Competition management shall place a minimum of one sharps container per each competition, whether or not stabling is provided. Additionally, at least one sharps container per fifty occupied stalls for the disposal of needles and other disposable sharp instruments in convenient locations in barns housing competition horses. Competition management may fine any individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agents up to $100 for improper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments. YOUR SIGNATURE ON THE ENCLOSED ENTRY FORM CONSTITUTES THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT (1994 PUBLIC HOUSE BILL NO. 5006) WARNING! UNDER THE MICHIGAN EQUINE ACTIVITY LIABILITY ACT, AN EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN AN EQUINE ACTIVITY RESULTING FROM AN INHERENT RISK OF EQUINE ACTIVITY. EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT FEDERATION RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. First Year Green Hunter: A First Year Green Working Hunter is a horse of any age in its first year of showing over fences of any height. Horses may show in classes in which the fence height does not exceed 2’9” for one show year and still be eligible to compete in the first year green division the following show year. Horses may compete in under saddle classes and equitation on the flat classes without affecting their Green Status. Open to all riders. Fence height 3’ Second Year Green Hunter: A Second Year Green Working Hunter is a horse of any age in its second year of showing over fences of any height. Open to all riders. Fence height 3’3” Regular Working Hunter: Open to horses of any age regardless of their showing experience. Open to all riders. Fence height 3’6” Non-Professional Hunter: Open to all Adult and Junior riders. Not open to professionals. Fence height 3’ Junior Working Hunter: Open to all junior riders. Division is divided into 14 & under and 15-17 years. May be combined if entries warrant. (see Article 192) Fence heights 3’ to 3’3” Children’s Hunter: Open to all junior riders. This division is not open to any riders who have shown in classes which require the rider to jump 3’6” or higher. Competing in classes 3’6” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division. Riders in this division may cross enter into the MHJA Junior Hunter division (14 & under or 15-17 years) during the current show year, however riders then become ineligible to compete in the MHJA Children’s Hunter division the following show season. Fence Heights 2’9” to 3’ Open Adult Hunter: Open to adult riders. Riders may not cross enter into the Limit Adult Hunter Division at the same show. Not open to professionals Fence height 3” to 3”3” Low Hunter: Open to all riders, including professionals. Fence heights will be adjusted. Novice Ridden Junior Hunter: Open to junior and adult riders who have not won three blue ribbons over fences in hunter classes at MHJA Regular Member shows. In addition, riders may not have won 15 points in recognized hunter classes at USEF shows. (see Article 159) Riders winning 15 USEF points are immediately ineligible to compete in this division. Riders in this division may not cross enter into the Junior Working Hunter 14 & under or 15-17 years divisions. In addition, riders may not have shown in any classes that require riders to jump 3’3” or higher. Competing in classes 3’3” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division (EXCEPTION: Riders may compete in the Children’s Hunter division and Classic at USEF shows). Fence height 2’6” to 2’9” Limit Adult Hunter: Open to adult riders. Riders may not cross enter into the MHJA Open Adult Hunter division at the same horse show. In addition, riders may not show in any classes that require the rider to jump 3’3” or higher at the same horse show. Not open to Professionals. Fence height 2’9” to 3’ Novice Ridden Adult Hunter: Open to adult riders who have not won three blue ribbons over fences in hunter classes at MHJA Regular Member shows. In addition, riders may not have won 15 points in recognized hunter classes at USEF shows. (see Article 159) Riders winning 15 USEF points are immediately ineligible to compete in this division. Riders may not have shown in any classes that require the rider to jump 3’3” or higher. Competing in classes 3’3” or higher will make the rider immediately ineligible for this division (EXCEPTION: Riders in this division may cross enter into the Adult Amateur Hunter Division and Classic at USEF recognized shows). Riders in this division may not cross enter into the MHJA Open Adult Hunter Division. Not open to professionals. Fence height 2’6” to 2’9” Schooling Hunter: Open to all. JUMPER DIVISION: Courses in the jumper classes may consist of any combination of the following: Brush, gates, oxers, posts and rails, walls, panels and coops. Ties for other than first place will be decided by the time taken in the first round. A Champion and Reserve Champion title will be awarded to the two horses, which have acquired the most points in each jumper section. In an event of a tie, the award will be made jointly. To be judged table II unless otherwise noted. Training Jumper: Open to all Fence height 3’ (level 1) MHJA Low Children’s/Adult Jumper: Open to junior and adult riders. Riders in this division may not cross enter into the High Children’s/Adult division at the same show on the same horse. However, they may cross enter on a different horse at the same show. Riders may not cross enter into the Modified Jumper division on any horse. Not open to Professionals. Fence height 3’ (Level 0-1) MHJA High Children’s/Adult Jumper: Open to junior and adult riders. Riders may not cross enter into the Low Children’s/Adult Jumper at the same show on the same horse. However, they may cross enter on a different horse at the same show. Not open to Professionals. Fence height 3’3” to 3’6” (Level 2-3) Low Schooling Jumper: Open to all horses and riders. Open to all tables, recommended there be a Table V offered. Fence height 2’9” (Level 0) Schooling Jumper: Open to all horses and riders. Fences to be a maximum of 3’6” in the first round and maximum 3’9” in the final jump off. Spreads not to exceed 4’ (Level 2-3) Modified Jumper: Open to all horses and riders. Fence heights 4’ maximum with spreads not to exceed the height of the fence. (Level 4-5) Adult Hunter 36 & over: Open to adult riders age 36 & over. Riders may cross enter into the Novice Adult or Limited Adult Hunter Divisions, but not both. Riders may not cross enter into the Open Adult Hunter or the Open Adult Equitation divisions. In addition, riders may not enter any classes that require the rider to jump 3’3” or higher at the same horse show. Fence height 2’6” EQUITATION DIVISION: All classes to judged on seat, hands, guidance and control of the mount. Six ribbons awarded for each equitation class. Adult Hunter 18-35 – Open to adult riders 18-35 years of age. Riders may cross enter into the Novice Adult Hunter (if qualified), OR the Limit Adult Hunter divisions at the same show. However, they cannot compete in BOTH the Novice and Limit divisions at the same show. Riders MAY NOT cross enter into Open Adult Hunter or Open Adult Equitation divisions. They may NOT enter any class that requires the rider to jump 3’3” or higher at the same show. Fence height 2’6” Open Junior Equitation 15-17 Years: Open to all junior riders 15-17 years of age. Fence height not to exceed 3’3” Tests 1-19 (Rule XII) All tests must be on the flat. Beginner Adult Hunter: Open to Adult riders who have not won three blue ribbons in a recognized hunter class over fences at MHJA,MHSA or USEF shows prior to October 1 st of the preceding year, but do retain their Beginner status for the show year. Rider’s having won in the Beginner division will not lose their Novice status. Rider’s may NOT cross enter into classes that require jumping 2’6” or higher (class may be combined with the Beginner Junior division if warranted.) Fence height 2’0” to 2’3” Beginner Junior Hunter: Open to Junior riders who have not won three blue ribbons in a recognized hunter classes over fences at MHJA, MHSA or USEF shows prior to October 1 st of the preceding year, but do retain their beginner status for the show year. Rider’s having won in the Beginner division will not lose their Novice, Primary or Short Stirrup status. Rider’s may NOT cross enter into classes that require jumping 2’3” or higher. Fence height 2’0” to 2’3” Open Junior Equitation 14 & Under: Open to all junior riders 14 years and under. Fence height not to exceed 3’0” Tests 1-8 over fences, 1-5 ,8 on the flat (Rule XII) Limit Junior Equitation: Open to junior riders who have not won six blue ribbons in equitation classes over fences at MHJA Regular Member and USEF shows. (see Article 159). This division is not open to any riders who have shown in classes which require the rider to jump 3’6” or higher. Competing in classes 3’6” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division. Riders in this division may cross enter into the MHJA Open Equitation divisions. Fence heights 2’9” to 3’ No tests over fences, tests 1-5, 8 on the flat (Rule XII) Novice Junior Equitation: Open to all junior riders who have not won three blue ribbons in equitation classes at MHJA Regular member shows. In addition, they may not have won 15 points in recognized equitation classes at USEF shows. (see Article 159). Riders winning 15 USEF points will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division. This division is not open to any riders who have shown in classes that require the rider to jump 3’3” or higher. Competing in classes 3’3” or higher will make the rider immediately ineligible for this division (EXCEPTION: Riders may enter into the Children’s Hunter Division & Classic at USEF shows). Riders in this division may enter the Limit Equitation division. Riders in this division may not cross enter into the Open Equitation divisions (14 & under, 15-17 years and Open Medal). Riders may enter the young Riders Medal. Fence heights 2’6” to 2’9” No tests over fences, tests 1-5, 8 on the flat (Rule XII) Open Adult Equitation: Open to all adult riders. Not open to professionals. Fence height 3’ Tests 1-9 (Rule XII) Limit Adult Equitation: Open to adult riders who have not won six blue ribbons in equitation classes over fences at MHJA Regular Member and USEF shows. (see Article 159). This division is not open to riders who have shown in classes that require the rider to jump 3’6” or higher. Competing in classes 3’6” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible to compete in this division. Riders in this division may cross enter into the MHJA Open Equitation divisions. Not open to professionals. Fence height 2’9” No tests over fences, tests 1-5, 8 on the flat (Rule XII) Novice Adult Equitation: Open to adult riders who have not won three blue ribbons in equitation classes at MHJA Regular member shows. In addition, they may not have won 15 points in recognized equitation classes USEF shows. (see Article 159). Riders winning 15 USEF points are immediately ineligible to compete in this division. This division is not open to any riders who have shown in classes that require a rider to jump 3’3” or higher. Competing in classes 3’3” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division (EXCEPTION: Riders may enter into the Adult Hunter division & Classic at USEF shows). Riders may not cross enter into the Open Equitation divisions. Riders may cross enter into the Limit Equitation division. Not open to Professionals. Fence height 2’6” to 2’9” No tests over fences, tests 1-5, 8 on the flat. (Rule XII). Beginner Junior Equitation: Open to Junior rider’s who have not won three blue ribbons in a recognized equitation class at MHJA, MHSA or USEF shows prior to October 1 st of the preceding year, but riders do retain their Beginner status for the current year. Rider’s who have won will not lose their Novice, Primary or Short Stirrup status. Rider’s having won 3 blue ribbons in Beginning Equitation on the flat is still eligible to compete in the Beginning Equitation over fences classes. This division is not open to any riders who have shown in any Open Hunter or Equitation divisions at MHJA, MHSA or USEF Pony or Regular Member shows. Open Divisions include: MHJA, MHSA and USEF Pony Medals, Small, Medium, or Large Pony hunter divisions, Pony Equitation 11 & Under or 12 – 17 years, junior and any Adult Hunters, Junior Equitation 14 & Under or 15-17 years or any Adult Equitation, MHJA Open Junior or any Adult Medal, and USEF Medals. Riders may NOT cross enter into any classes that require jumping 2’6” or higher at any MHJA Regular Member or USEF shows. Jumping 2’6” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division. Fence heights 2’0” to 2’3” No Oxers or In and Outs, Single jumps only on the Diagonal. Beginner Adult Equitation: Open to Adult rider’s who have not won three blue ribbons in a recognized equitation class at MHJA, MHSA or USEF shows prior to October 1 st of the preceding year, but riders do retain their Beginner status for the current year. Rider’s who have won will not lose their Novice, Primary or Short Stirrup status. Rider’s having won 3 blue ribbons in Beginning Equitation on the flat is still eligible to compete in the Beginning Equitation over fences classes. This division is not open to any riders who have shown in any Open Hunter or Equitation divisions at MHJA, MHSA or USEF Pony or Regular Member shows. Open Divisions include: MHJA, MHSA and USEF Pony Medals, Small, Medium, or Large Pony hunter divisions, Pony Equitation 11 & Under or 12 – 17 years, junior and any Adult Hunters, Junior Equitation 14 & Under or 15-17 years or any Adult Equitation, MHJA Open Junior or any Adult Medal, and USEF Medals. Riders may NOT cross enter into any classes that require jumping 2’6” or higher at any MHJA Regular Member or USEF shows. Jumping 2’6” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division. Fence heights 2’0” to 2’3” No Oxers or In and Outs, Single jumps only on the Diagonal Low Adult Equitation: Open to Adult riders who have not shown in classes that require the rider to jump 3’3” or higher at the same show. Riders may NOT cross enter into the Open Adult Equitation or Open Adult Hunter at the same show. Fence height 2’6” , No tests MEDALS General: Open to all current MHJA Junior and Adult members in good standings. To qualify For the final medal ride-off a rider must win one blue ribbon in the qualifying class or two red ribbons in the qualifying class (riders may continue to compete). A rider who wins the final medal ride off class two times in no longer eligible to compete in that medal except for the Young Rider’s Medal and Open Adult Medal. Ribbons won in Medal classes does not affect a rider’s eligibility in equitation classes. Winning a Limit Medal Ride-Off class does not automatically eliminate a rider from the Limit Equitation division, unless this is the riders’ sixth blue ribbon. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. Only one rider per horse. To fill a class, four competitors must complete the course. MHJA Open Junior Medal: Open to all current MHJA junior members. Fence heights not to exceed 3’3” Test 1-19 (Rule XII) MHJA Limit Junior Medal: Open to current MHJA Junior members who fulfill the same requirements as outlined in article 181. Riders may cross enter into the Open Junior Medal. Not open to professionals. Fences not to exceed 3’0”Test 1-8, 10-11 (Rule XII) MHJA Young Riders Medal: Open to current MHJA Junior riders 14 years of age and under. Riders may compete on ponies, but the course will not be adjusted. Fence heights not to exceed 2’9” Tests 1-8, 10 (Rule XII) MHJA Open Adult Medal: Open to all current MHJA adult members. No professionals. Fence heights not to exceed 3’ Tests 1-19 (Rule XII) MHJA Limit Adult Medal: Open to current MHJA adult members who fulfill the same eligibility requirements as outlined in Article 185. Riders may cross enter into the MHJA Open Adult Medal. Not open to professionals. Fence height 2’9” Tests 1-8, 10 (Rule XII) MHJA Adult/Junior Mini Medal: Open to Junior/Adult riders who have not won 3 blue ribbons in a recognized Equitation class at MHJA, MHSA, or USEF shows prior to October 1, of the preceding year. Riders may not have shown in any Open Hunter or Equitation divisions at MHJA, MHSA, or USEF Pony or Regular Member shows. Riders MAY NOT cross enter into any divisions that require jumping 2’6” or higher. Jumping 2’6” or higher will make a rider immediately ineligible for this division. Fence Height: 2’0” Test 1-6, (No Oxers/ In& Outs) Will not be combined with any other medal classes. ASPCA Horsemanship Class: See USEF Rule Book for Specifications. PESSOA/USEF Medal: See USEF Rule Book for Specifications. Haverhill Farms would like to give a very special “Thanks” to the following sponsors: Rochester Hills Stable and Tack Amberway Stable Select Underwriters Wyldewood Tack and Trailer The Sporthorse Saddlery Arizona Saddlery of Clarkston Fritz Eeden Studio Diana Hadsall Photography Devoucoux Saddles Equine Gatherings Debra Matthews, artist FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable-casts, or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Motorized Vehicle Statement In accordance with GR1301.7: Minors who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. HAVERHILL FARMS – REGULAR MEMBER SHOW AT WIN-A-GIN Friday North Ring 12:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Schooling Jumper II 2.2(b) 2’9” Training Jumper II 2.2(b) 2’9” – 3’ Low Children/Adult Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’ High Children/Adult Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’3” – 3’6” Schooling Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’6” Modified Jumper II 2.2(b) 4’ Friday North Ring – Not Before 3:00 PM 7. Warm-Up 3’ 8. Junior Equitation 14 & Under O/F 3’ 9. Junior Equitation 14 & Under - Flat 10. Junior Equitation 15 – 17 years - Flat 11. Junior Equitation 15 – 17 years O/F 3’3” Friday South Ring 8:00 AM 12. Special Hunter O/F 2’6” 13. Baby Green Hunter O/F 2’6” 14. Baby Green Hunter O/F 15. Low Hunter O/F 3’ *Open Thru Class 23 * 16. 1st Year Green Hunter O/F 3’ 17. 1st Year Green Hunter O/F 18. 1st Year Green Hunter U/S 19. 2nd Year Green Hunter O/F 3’3” 20. 2nd Year Green Hunter O/F 21. 2nd Year Green Hunter U/S 22. Regular Working Hunter O/F 3’6” 23. Regular Working Hunter O/F 24. Regular Working Hunter U/S Friday South Ring – Not Before 3:00 PM 25. Non Professional Hunter O/F 3’ 26. Jr. Hunter 14 yrs & Under O/F 3’ to 3’3” 27. Jr. Hunter 15 – 17 yrs O/F 3’ to 3’3” 28. Junior Hunter 15-17 years U/S 29. Junior Hunter 14 years & Under U/S 30. Non Professional Hunter U/S EXHIBITOR PARTY HELD AT IN “IN GATE” SATURDAY AT 5:00PM Saturday North Ring 8:00 AM Sunday North Ring 8:00 AM 31. Warm-Up 2’9” – 3’ *Open Thru Class 35 * 32. Limit Adult Equitation O/F 2’9” 33. Limit Adult Equitation – Flat 34. Open Adult Equitation – Flat 35. Open Adult Equitation O/F 3’ 36. MHJA Open Junior Medal 3’3” 37. MHJA Open Adult Medal 3’ 38. MHJA Limit Junior Medal 3’ 39. MHJA Limit Adult Medal 2’9” 40. MHJA Young Rider Medal 2’9” 41. Low Schooling Jumper II 2.2(b) 2’9” 42. Training Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’ 43. Low Children/Adult Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’ 44. High Children/Adult Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’3” 45. Schooling Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’6” 46. Modified Jumper Ii 2.2(b) 4’ 77. Low Schooling Jumper II 2.2(b) 2’9” 78. Training Jumper II 2.2(b) 2’9” – 3’ 79. Low Children/Adult Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’ 80 High Children/Adult Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’3” – 3’6” 81. Pessoa USEF Hunter Seat Medal 82. Schooling Jumper II 2.2(b) 3’6” 83. Modified Jumper II 2.2(b) 4’ 84. ASPCA Maclay Horsemanship Class 85. Warm-Up 2’6” – 2’9” 86. Novice Adult Equitation O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 87. Novice Junior Equitation O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 88. Limit Junior Equitation O/F 2’9” – 3’0” 89. Low Adult Equitation O/F 2’6” 90. Beginner Junior Equitation O/F 2’0” – 2’3” 91. Beginner Adult Equitation O/F 2’0” – 2’3” 92. MHJA Junior/Adult Mini Medal 93. Novice Adult Equitation – Flat 94. Low Adult Equitation - Flat 95. Novice Junior Equitation – Flat 96. Limit Junior Equitation – Flat 97. Beginner Junior Equitation - Flat 98. Beginner Adult Equitation - Flat Saturday South Ring 8:00 AM 47. Special Hunter O/F 2’6” 48. Baby Green Hunter O/F 2’6” 49. Baby Green Hunter U/S 50. Low Hunter U/S 51. Low Hunter O/F 3’ *Open Thru Class 56 * 52. 1st Year Green Hunter O/F 3’ 53. 2nd Year Green Hunter O/F 3’3” 54. Regular Working Hunter O/F 3’6” 55. Non Professional Hunter O/F 3’ 56. Non Professional Hunter O/F 57. Special Hunter O/F 2’9” – 3’ * Open Thru Class 66* 58. Open Adult Hunter O/F 3’3” 59. Limit Adult Hunter O/F 2’9” – 3’ 60. Limit Adult Hunter O/F 61. Children’s Hunter O/F 2’9” – 3’ 62. Children’s Hunter O/F 63. Novice Junior Hunter O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 64. Novice Adult Hunter O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 65. Adult Hunter 36 & Over O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 66. Adult 18-35 Hunter O/F 2’6” 67. Special Hunter O/F 2’0” – 2’3” * Open Thru Class 69 * 68. Beginner Junior Hunter O/F 2’0” – 2’3” 69. Beginner Adult Hunter O/F 2’0” – 2’3” 70. Open Adult Hunter U/S 71. Adult Hunter 36 & Over U/S 72. Adult 18-35 Hunter U/S 73. Novice Adult Hunter U/S 74. Novice Junior Hunter U/S 75. Beginner Junior Hunter U/S 76. Beginner Adult Hunter U/S Sunday South Ring 8:00 AM 99. Special Hunter O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 100. Novice Junior Hunter O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 101. Novice Junior Hunter O/F 102. Novice Adult Hunter O/F 2’6” – 2’9” 103. Novice Adult Hunter O/F 104. Adult Hunter 36 & Over O/F 2’6” 105. Adult Hunter 36 & Over O/F 106. Adult 18-35 Hunter O/F 2’6” 107. Adult 18-35 Hunter O/F 108. Limit Adult Hunter O/F 2’9” – 3’ 109. Children’s Hunter O/F 2’9” – 3’ 110. Beginner Junior Hunter O/F 2’0” – 2’3” 111. Beginner Junior Hunter O/F 112. Beginner Adult Hunter O/F 2’0” – 2’3” 113. Beginner Adult Hunter O/F 114. Children’s Hunter U/S 115. Limit Adult Hunter U/S 116. Low Hunter O/F 3’ 117. Open Adult Hunter O/F 3’ – 3’3” 118. Open Adult Hunter O/F 119. Junior Hunter 15 – 17 years O/F 3’ – 3’3” 120. Junior Handy Hunter 15 – 17 years O/F 121. Junior Hunter 14 years & Under O/F 3’3” 122. Junior Handy Hunter 14 years & Under O/F