Third Quarter Report 1999 - Wisconsin Coastal GIS Applications


Coastal GIS Applications Quarterly Report

David Hart

July to September 1999

General Support

Met with Mike Silich of Racine County to assist in translation of GenaMap GIS data to

ArcView shapefile format.

Reviewed a draft CD product “Helping Communites Determine and Prioritize Their

Vulnerabilities to Coastal Hazards” for the NOAA Coastal Services Center.

Met with staff of the City of Superior, Douglas County, and the Northwest Wisconsin

Regional Planning Commission to discuss development of a community hazards vulnerability GIS application based on a model developed by the NOAA Coastal Services

Center for New Hanover County, North Carolina.

Coastal GIS Applications

Shoreland Management. Continued preparations for a “Shoreland Management Using

ArcView” training course for October 15. Met with Mike Dresen of UW-Stevens Point and Tiffany Lyden of Vilas County to develop the course agenda.

Water Quality. Scheduled “Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling Using ArcView” training course for December 16. Communicated with John Penuska about the use of water quality models at DNR. Obtained a copy of the Better Assessment Science

Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) model, documentation, and data for

Region 5 from the EPA. Obtained documentation for the P8 Urban Catchment Model.

Installed Version 8 of the Source Loading and Management Model (SLAMM) urban nonpoint source pollution model. Communicated with Judy Wierl of USGS about use of the latest version of SLAMM.

Floodplain Management. Q3 Digital Floodplain Data from FEMA exist for 7 of 15

Wisconsin Great Lakes coastal counties: Bayfield, Brown, Manitowoc, Marinette,

Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and Racine. A web site is available to browse FEMA floodplain data ( Information about Q3

FEMA Floodplain data is available from the web site:

( Staff from the National Geodetic Survey

(Zilkoski and Mitchell) have expressed an interest in improving the linkage between

FEMA and state and local coastal managers, especially regarding the use of GPS for floodplain mapping and education about the relationships of various datums (NGVD29,

NAVD88, IGLC55 and IGLD85).

Shore Recession. Continued work with the WCMP Coastal Hazards Work Group to finalize the methodology to estimate shoreline recession on Lake Michigan. Continued work with Tracy Miller to visualize the impacts of coastal processes and coastal development in Ozaukee County.

GIS Training

 Conducted an “Introduction to ArcView” training course at LICGF on September 13-

14. 6 attending.

 Planning a “Shoreland Management Using ArcView” training course for October 15.

 Communicated with Tom Haight to plan a “Land Use Planning using ArcView” training course in Door County for November 4.

 Planning a Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling Using ArcView” class at

LICGF for December 16.

Visualization of Development Along Coastal Bluffs – Wisconsin Coastal

Management Program

The Wisconsin Coastal Management Program has funded a project to develop a threedimensional computer-based tool to visualize development along coastal bluffs and how bluff erosion may impact coastal structures. A web site for the project has been developed at:

Data Acquisition and Integration for Coastal Hazard Damage Assessment—Corps of Engineers, Detroit District

Obtained digital parcel data for the Town of Mt. Pleasant in Racine County and planimetric/topographic mapping for selected coastal areas in Racine County.

Continued follow-up on the outstanding data request for Manitowoc County. The previous contact left the county.

GIS Presentations

Gave a presentation on the COE Lake Michigan Coastal Data Integration Project at:

 URISA ’99 in Chicago on August 24. 50 attending.

Gave presentations on the status of the Wisconsin Coastal GIS Applications Project at:

 Coastal Zone ’99 in San Diego on July 27. 50 attending.

 URISA ’99 in Chicago on August 23. 20 attending

GIS Posters

Presented a poster on the COE Lake Michigan Coastal Data Integration Project at:

ESRI Users Conference in San Diego.

 Coastal Zone ’99 in San Diego.

 URISA ’99 in Chicago.


Participated in a meeting of the WCMP Coastal Hazards Technical Advisory Committee on August 10.

Participated in a joint meeting of the Wisconsin Land Council - Technical Working

Group and State Agency Resource Working Group on August 2.

Attended Coastal Zone ’99 Conference in San Diego from July 25-29.

Attended ESRI Users Conference in San Diego from July 25-29.

Attended Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Annual Conference in

Chicago from August 21-25.

Attended the WLIA Quarterly Meeting in Siren from September 9-10.

Attended Sea Grant Lake Superior Thematic Meeting in Superior on September 21.

Attended DNR GIS Expo in Madison on September 29.
