

The diabetes team offer over 50 clinics per week; we see drop-ins, offer telephone advice and support to patients and provide specialist advice, education and support for ward staff and colleagues in primary care. We support inpatient diabetes care and we offer home visits for those unable to attend the hospital. We also offer an evening clinic for those unable to attend during the day. Clinics include:

New Patient Clinic (NPC)

Four, consultant-run NPCs each week (one in evening). NPC is for new referrals to the diabetes specialist team, approximately half of these patients have newly diagnosed diabetes and the rest require input from the team to improve their diabetes. Patients receive a full assessment and management plan and are either referred into a more specialist diabetes clinic or (more usually) discharged back to their GP.

Education Clinics (EC)

We offer a suite of education clinics in line with Department of Health

Guidance. There are 6 education clinics for patients with type 2 diabetes each week and 1 for patients with type 1diabetes run by a Diabetes Nurse

Specialist and a Dietitian. They are predominantly for patients with newly diagnosed diabetes or patients who have not received education previously. Patients attend weekly for four weeks.

Insulin Clinic (IC)

IC is for patients starting insulin for the first time or requiring a change of insulin regimen. The clinic is on Thursday mornings run by a Diabetes

Nurse Specialist and a Dietitian. Patients attend for four weeks for education regarding insulin and their diabetes and receive telephone support.

Improving Control Clinic (ICC)

ICC clinic is a nurse-led clinic to help patients to improve their blood sugar control; most patients attending this clinic are on insulin. There are four clinics per week. Patients typically attend four times (at six weekly intervals) and set their own goals and targets at the start of the programme.

Exenatide Clinic

This is a nurse-led clinic for patients who are going to start on a new treatment for type 2 diabetes called Exenatide. It runs on a Tuesday morning.

Discharge Assessment Clinic (DAC)

DAC is consultant-led and runs once a fortnight. It is for patients who came to NPC and need medical review prior to discharge.

Joint Ante-Natal Clinic (JANC) & Antenatal Support Clinic

JANC runs weekly (in maternity) and is a joint clinic with one of the consultants (Dr McNulty), a Diabetes Nurse Specialist (Phil Wilkinson), a dietitian (Claire Wesselingh) and a Consultant Obstetricain (Mr Nwosu) and midwife. Weekly there is also an Antental Support clinic run by Phil to help those planning pregnancy or those who are pregnant to achieve very tight glucose control.

Nephropathy Clinic

There are two Nephropathy Clinics per week run by Dr Hardy and Sarah

O’Brien for patients with Diabetic Kidney disease.

Neuropathy Clinic

There is a weekly Neuropathy Clinic run by Dr Hulme, this clinic is for patients with problematic painful or autonomic neuropathy.

Young Adults Clinic (YAC)

There is a twice weekly Young Adults clinic run by a Consultant (Dr

Furlong), Diabetes Nurse Specialist (Muriel Mangnall) and a Dietitian

(Claire Wesselingh), there is also psychologist time available. The clinic is for young people with diabetes (up to 26 years of age).

Diabetes Foot Ulcer Clinic (FC)

There is a twice weekly multidisciplinary FC for patients with problematic diabetic foot ulcers and diabetes-related foot disease. The clinic is run by a Consultant, Podiatrists, Nurse Consultant and Orthotist

(shoe specialist). The clinics run on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

Dietitian Support Clinics

There are weekly Dietitian-led clinics (Claire & Lara) for patients who need further support regarding dietary intake, patients attending may require dietetic support for weight loss, improving glucose control or kidney related problems.

Insulin Carbohydrate Education (ICE)

ICE is an intensive education programme for patients with type 1 diabetes wishing to learn how to adjust their insulin in relation to carbohydrate intake. The unit are members of a national type 1 network to share audit data from the programme and to ensure it meets national criteria. The programme last for four weeks (4 hour sessions) and is run by Nurse

Consultant (Sarah), Dietitian (Claire) and Consultant (Dr Furlong).

Home Visits

Weekly a small number of patients will be seen in their own home by a

DNS (Phil), for an assessment and management of their diabetes.


The hospital wards are visited every day by a DNS (Sue or Jan) to identify in-patients with diabetes and offer staff and patients support in managing their diabetes whilst in hospital.

Insulin Pumps

The team run two insulin pump clinics per week for patients wishing to use Insulin Pump therapy.
