G3A Bachelor of Economics–Bachelor of Science as at 14th May, 2002 Bachelor of Economics–Bachelor of Science Abbreviation: BEc-BSc Course code: G3A Course contact (faculty or school) Economics: (03) 6226 2160/2308 Science: (03) 6226 2125 Introductory comments (Offered subject to Council approval) This four-year (minimum), 10-year (maximum) full-time, internal full-time or part-time course is offered at the Hobart and Launceston campuses and at the North-West Centre. The first-year only is available at Launceston (subject to approval being granted to introduce the first year of BSc at Launceston), and at the North-West Centre where a limited number of units will be available. Admission & prerequisites Satisfaction of the University’s minimum entry requirements for degree courses plus Satisfactory Achievement result or better in MT843 Mathematics Stage 3 or MT841 Mathematics Stage 2 or MT730 Mathematics Applied, AND one of: *IT862 Computer Science; *CH856 Chemistry; *GG833 Geography or EV846 Environmental Science; *GL876 Geology; *PH866 Physics; *BY826 Biology; and *SC786 Physical Sciences if neither *PH866 Physics nor *CH856 Chemistry counted. Course objectives The objectives of the combined degree course are consistent with those of the Bachelor of Economics and the Bachelor of Science. Professional recognition It is anticipated that this combined degree will be recognised by the professional bodies that recognised the programs in the BEc. No formal arrangements for professional recognition have been made or are anticipated for the BSc component. Course structure The qualify for the Bachelor of Economics–Bachelor of Science, students must successfully complete 400% from Groups 1, 2 and 3 of the BCom and BSc schedules. Articulation Credit for units included in the schedules for BCom, BEc, and BSc will be awarded to students who transfer to the combined degree. Up to one year of credit for TAFE programs will be awarded for the BSc component on the same basis as for the single degree. Articulation arrangements already in place for the BCom and BEc will apply to the BEc component of the course. Sample course structure Unit title Year 1 Economics Economics for campus-sem weight code H1~L1~B1 12.5% BEA110 ________________________________________ University of Tasmania course details February 17, 2016, 19:26 PM, page –1 G3A Bachelor of Economics–Bachelor of Science as at 14th May, 2002 Business Foundations of Economic Policy Elective Quantitative Methods 1 Science First year core First year core H2~L2~B2 12.5% BEA130 H3/2~L2~B2v 12.5% 12.5% BEA140 Total Economics and Science = 100% Year 2 Economics Intermediate H1 Microeconomics Either BEA241 or BEA242 Research Methods H3/2 for Finance Introduction to H1 Econometrics Either BEA210 or BEA235 Australian Political H1 Economy Thinking [na] Strategically: The Competitive Edge Elective Science Second year core Second year core Total Economics and Science = 100% Year 3 Economics Economics unit 1 Economics unit 2 Economics unit 3 Elective 25% 25% 12.5% BEA200 12.5% BEA241 12.5% BEA242 12.5% BEA210 12.5% BEA235 12.5% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% Total Economics = 50% Year 3 and 4 Science Third-year Major 50% Electives or second 50% [a] major [a] comprising: Maximum 25% Group 1, Maximum 25% Group 2, Maximum 25% Group 3 Total Science years 3 and 4 = 100% ________________________________________ University of Tasmania course details February 17, 2016, 19:26 PM, page –2 G3A Bachelor of Economics–Bachelor of Science as at 14th May, 2002 Year 4 Economics Economics unit 4 Economics unit 5 Elective Elective Total Economics = 50% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% v=video-link Majors total Students may complete any Economics major (100%) and other units to total a further 100%. A Science major (100%) and Science electives or a second major (100%). Science majors may be chosen from Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, Geology, Mathematics, Microbiology/Immunology, Physics, Plant Science, Psychology, and Zoology. Note: The following information is NOT included in the printed edition of the Course and Unit Handbook Additional Information The following information answers some frequently asked questions. Note, however, details should be confirmed with the appropriate authority Responsible faculty or school | Faculty of Commerce | Faculty of Science and Engineering Campus(es) offered | Hobart Mode of delivery | Full time | Part time Course duration | 4 years minimum (8 semesters) | 10 years maximum (20 semesters) ________________________________________ University of Tasmania course details February 17, 2016, 19:26 PM, page –3