Mobile IP

Reading List
Introduction & Survey
Yousefi S., Siadat Mousavi M., Fathy M., “Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
(VANETs): Challenges and Perspectives.” 6th International Conference on ITS
Telecommunications Proceedings, 2006.
Mithail L. Sichitiu, Maria Kihl, “Inter Vehicle Communication System: A
Survey.” Communications Survey & Tutorials, IEEE, 2ND Quarter 2008, Volume
10, No.2
Mauve, M., Widmer, A., Hartenstein, H. “A Survey on Position-Based Routing in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.” Network IEEE, Volume 15, Nov-Dec. 2001.
Toor, Y., Muhlethaler P., Laouiti Y., “Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks: Applications and
Related Technical Issues.” Communications Survey & Tutorials, IEEE, Volume
10, Third Quarter 2008.
Kharaev V., “Comparative analysis of mobile telecommunication technologies
for intelligent transport systems,” IEEE Region 8 International Conference on
Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(SIBIRCON), 2010.
Hua Zhu, Ming Li, Chlamtac I., Prabhakaran B., “A survey of quality of service
in IEEE 802.11 networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 11, 2004.
 DSRC & MAC Layer
1. Fan Bai, Hariharan Krishnan, “Reliability Analysis of DSRC Wireless
Communication for Vehicle Safety Applications.” Intelligent Transportation
Systems Conference, 2006. ITSC ’06. IEEE.
2. Kezhu Hong, Daniel Xing, Vinuth Rai, “Characterization of DSRC Performance
as a Function of Transmit Power.” International Conference on Mobile Computing
and Networking, ACM.
3. Hamid Menouar and Fethi Filali, “A Survey and Qualitative Analysis of MAC
Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.” Wireless Communications, IEEE,
Volume 13, October 2006.
4. Y. L. Morgan, “Notes on DSRC & WAVE Standards Suite: Its Architecture,
Design, and Characteristics,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, VOL.
12, No. 4 FOURTH Quarter 2010.
5. Yangqing Hu, Wei Zhang, Yang Li, and Peng Xiong, “The Research of WAVE
Architecture Based vehicles to vehicles communication technology of Intelligent
Transport System,” International Conference on Power Electronics and
Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS), 2009.
6. “IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems – Local and metropolitan area networks –
Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and
Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment 7: Extensions to Direct-Link
Setup (DLS),” IEEE Std 802.11z-2010
7. “IEEE Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area
networks--Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control
(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 6: Wireless Access
in Vehicular Environments,” IEEE Std 802.11p-2010
8. Eichler S., “Performance Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11p WAVE Communication
Standard,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2007 Fall), 2007.
9. Gallardo, J.R., Makrakis, D., and Mouftah, H.T., “Performance Analysis of the
EDCA Medium Access Mechanism over the Control Channel of an IEEE 802.11p
WAVE Vehicular Network,” IEEE International Conference Communications
(ICC‘ 09), 2009.
 Analysis & Characteristic
1. Yang Yang, Jun Xu, Da Cheng, Li-hua Wu, Peng-ju Tan, Lin-tao Yang, “VANET
Link Characteristics and Analysis in Urban and Suburban Scenarios.”
Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2008. ICCCAS 2008. International
Conference on.
2. Jens Mittag, Florian Thomas, Jerome Harri, Hannes Hartenstein, “A Comparison
of Single- and Multi-hop Beaconing in VANETs.” International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM.
3. Juan Angel Ferreiro-Lage, Cristina Pereiro Gestoso, Oscar Rubinos, Fernando
Aguado Agelet, “Analysis of Unicast Routing Protocols for VANETs.”
Networking and Services, 2009. ICNS ’09. FiFth International Conference on.
4. Sadaf Momeni, Mahmood Fathy, “VANET’s Communication.” Spread Spectrum
Techniques and Applications, 2008. ISSSTA ’08. IEEE 10th International
Symposium on.
Relate Issues
Thimas Aure and Frank Y. Li, “Load-balancing in Multi-homed OLSR Networks
using Airtime Metric and Radio-aware Path Selection: Implementation and
Song Haibin, Meng Qi, Men Aidong, “P2P Computing in Design of VANET
Routing Protocol.” Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile
Computing, 2007, WiCom 2007. International Conference on.
Vivian Prinz, Robert Eigner, Wolfgang Woerndl, “Car Communicating Over
Publish/Subscribe in a Peer-to-Peer Vehicular Network.” IWCMC ’09,
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications
and Mobile Computing: Connecting the World Wirelessly, ACM.
 Multi-channel allocation (IEEE 1609.4)
1. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Huai-De Huang, “An Effective
Channel Utilization Scheme for IEEE 1609.4 Ptotocol,” Ubiquitous Information
Technologies & Applications (ICUT ‘09), 2009.
2. Qing Wang, Supeng Leng, Huirong Fu, Yan Zhang, and Hesiri Weerasinghe, “An
Enhanced Multi-channel MAC for the IEEE 1609.4 based Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM, 2010.
3. Qi Chen, Jiang, D, and Delgrossi, L, “IEEE 1609.4 DSRC multi-channel
operations and its implications on vehicle safety communications,” IEEE
Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2009.
4. Hong, Kezhu, Kenney, Johm B., Rai, Vinuth, Laberteaux, and Kenneth P.,
“ Evaluation of Multi-Channel Schemes for Vehicular Safety Communications,”
IEEE Vehucular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), 2010.
1. Alasmary W., Weihua Zhuang, “The Mobility Impact in IEEE 802.11p
Infrastructureless Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
Fall (VTC 2010-Fall), 2010.
2. Wang, K.H.; Baochun Li; , "Group mobility and partition prediction in wireless
ad-hoc networks," Communications, 2002. ICC 2002. IEEE International
Conference on , vol.2, no., pp. 1017- 1021 vol.2, 2002
3. Biao Zhou; Kaixin Xu; Gerla, M.; , "Group and swarm mobility models for ad hoc
network scenarios using virtual tracks," Military Communications Conference,
2004. MILCOM 2004. IEEE , vol.1, no., pp. 289- 294 Vol. 1, 31 Oct.-3 Nov.
 Network Layer (Routing)
1. Fan Li, Tu Wang, “Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey.” Vehicular
Technology Magazine, IEEE, Volume 2, June 2007.
2. Valery Naumov, Thomas R. Gross, “Connectivity-Aware Routing (CAR) in
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.” INFOCOM 2007, 26th IEEE International
Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE.
3. Hamid Menouar, Massimiliano Lenardi, Fethi Filali, “Improving Proactive
Routing in VANETs with the MOPR Movement Prediction Framework.”
Telecommunications, 2007. ITST ’07. 7th International Conference on ITS.
4. Wenjing Wang, Fei Xie and Mainak Chatterjee, “An Integrated Study on Mobility
Models and Scalable Routing Protocols in VANETs.” Mobile Networking for
Vehicular Environments 2007.
5. G. Hosein Mohiani, Farid Ashtiani, Adel Javanmard and Maziyar Hamdi,
“Mobility Modeling, Spatial Traffic Distribution, and Probability of Connectivity
for Sparse and Dense Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.” Vehicular Technology, IEEE
Transactions on, Volume 58, May 2009.
6. Shahzad Ali, Sardar M Bilal, “An Intelligent Routing Protocol for VANETs in
City Environments.” Computer, Control and Communication, 2009. IC4 2009. 2th
International Conference on.
7. Christian Lochert, Martin Mauve, Holger Fubler, “Geographic Routing in City
Scenarios.” Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 9, Number
8. Taleb T., Sakhaee E., Jamalipour A., Hashimoto K., Kato N., Nemoto Y., “A
Stable Routing Protocol to Support ITS Services in VANET Networks.” Vehicular
Technology, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 56, Nov. 2007.
9. Lee, K.C.; Lee, U.; Gerla, M.; , "Geo-opportunistic routing for vehicular networks
[Topics in Automotive Networking]," Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.48,
no.5, pp.164-170, May 2010
10. Jing Zhao; Guohong Cao; , "VADD: Vehicle-Assisted Data Delivery in
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on ,
vol.57, no.3, pp.1910-1922, May 2008
11. Tonghong Li; Yuanzhen Li; Jianxin Liao; , "A Contention-Based Routing Protocol
for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments," Distributed Computing
Systems Workshops, 2009. ICDCS Workshops '09. 29th IEEE International
Conference on , vol., no., pp.482-487, 22-26 June 2009
12. Jin Zhang; Qian Zhang; , "Cooperative Routing in Multi-Source Multi-Destination
Multi-Hop Wireless Networks," INFOCOM 2008. The 27th Conference on
Computer Communications. IEEE , vol., no., pp.2369-2377, 13-18 April 2008
13. Jin Zhang; Qian Zhang; , "Contention-Aware Cooperative Routing in Wireless
Mesh Networks," Communications, 2009. ICC '09. IEEE International Conference
on , vol., no., pp.1-5, 14-18 June 2009