Dear Parents - Hart Plain Junior School

Hart Plain Junior School
Hart Plain Ave, Cowplain, Waterlooville, Hants, PO8 8SA
Telephone: 023 9226 3200 Fax: 023 9226 9235
Headteacher: Mrs N Tettmar B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E
This letter is available in larger print format if required.
16th January 2014
Dear Parents
I am now in a position to give you exact details about the cost of the trip to the National Army Museum on the
Monday 3rd February 2014. . Apologies for the delay but we have had problems in obtaining the information
from Southern Line. The children will travel to London on the train and then walk from Victoria station to the
museum. There will be no need to use the underground. The cost of the trip is £8.55 per child to cover the cost of
the train. Due to the limited time can I please ask for this slip and contribution to be returned by Friday 24th
January 2014.
In line with the Governors’ Policy on charges for school visits, we are obliged to inform you that parents cannot
be required to make such a contribution, and that if they do not their child cannot be excluded from this activity.
However, we feel we need to point out that if as previously a significant number of parents are either unable or
unwilling to make a contribution towards the cost of this visit, then either this, or subsequent visits for this year
group may not be able to take place.
We are asking parents to meet us at Havant Leisure Centre and we will meet on the grass outside the leisure
centre. Parents are able to park in the leisure centre car park, in order to drop their children off. We will take
responsibility for the children here and we will bring the children back to the centre in order for them to be picked
up. We chose Havant station as there is a direct train through to Victoria. Having the leisure centre nearby also
offers us a safe place to contain the children while we wait for everyone to arrive.
The children will need to arrive at Havant Leisure Centre between 8:10 and 8:20am. The train arrives at 8:51 am
and we need to walk from Havant Leisure Centre to the train station and assemble on the platform. It is therefore
essential that your child arrives by 8:20am. We will be returning from London on the 3:32pm train, arriving at
Havant by 5:19pm, and the children will be available for collection from Havant Leisure Centre at 5:25pm. Please
note that the children will be dismissed by their class teacher and will not be able to leave the Leisure Centre until
a responsible adult has collected them directly.
The children will need to be dressed in school uniform and will require a rucksack or bag that they will be
comfortable carrying. They will need a packed lunch and a drink. A coat will be required, depending on the
weather. If your child is entitled to and requires a free school meal, please tick the appropriate box in the
permission slip below.
We will be visiting the shop at the museum. If your child would like to buy a souvenir, they are welcome to bring
up to £5 in a named wallet. They will be responsible for looking after their wallet for the duration of the day. If
you are able to offer another child a lift to Havant Leisure Centre, please tick the box below and indicate the
number of seats you have available. If you are unable to make arrangements for your child to arrive at Havant
Leisure Centre, please contact me on 023 92 263200 or email and we will
endeavour to find a way of ensuring every child is able to go on the trip.
Thank you if you have offered to help on the trip. The Year 6 teachers will be in contact with those who have
offered to help. Many thanks for your support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Charlotte Faithfull - Assistant Headteacher/ Upper School Leader
Hart Plain Junior School
Reply Slip
Yr 6 National Army Museum –February 3rd 2014
Child’s Name: …………………………………………………………….
Class: …………………..
I give permission for my child to go on the above school trip.
Signed: ……………….………………………………… (parent/guardian)
Please tick as appropriate:

I am willing to make a contribution of £8.55 and enclose the money along with this letter

I am willing to make a contribution and enclose £………….

My child is entitled to free school meals and will require a school packed lunch.
I have made arrangements for my child to arrive at Havant Leisure Centre between 8:10am and 8:20am.
My child will be picked up from Havant Leisure Centre at 5:25pm by
…………………………………………………………………. (name of responsible adult)
I am willing to offer another child a lift to Havant Leisure Centre. I have ………….. spare seats.
I am willing to offer my support on the trip to London and I hold a valid CRB/DBS certificate.
I confirm that I have parental responsibility for ………………………………………………………………...
He/she is in good health and I consider him/her capable of taking part in the activities detailed in your letter dated
December 13th 2013.
I consent to him/her taking part in the activities as detailed in your letter.
In the event of illness or an accident, I consent to any necessary medical treatment which might include the use of
Signed: ………………………………………………………………..………………….. (parent)
Tel: ………………………………………………………….
Please complete with any relevant information concerning your son’s/daughter’s health.
Please declare any known medical condition and any medication which he/she is receiving: ………………