phrase approach

Question Bank
CS1402 – Object Oriented Analysis and Design
1. Write about the traditional development methodologies?
2. Define objects.
3. Give a brief note on object behaviour.
4. What is information hiding?
5.What is meant by inheritance/ Expalin with example.
6. Differentiate class and object.
7. Define class hierarchy.
8. What is polymorphism? Give example.
9. Explain object relationship and associations.
10. What do you mean by consumer-producer association?
11. Differentiate static and dynamic binding.
12. Define object persistence.
13. Define meta-classes.
14. What do you mean by software development process?
15. Give a note on waterfall approach.
16. Define collaboration.
17. What is 80-20 rule?
18. What is prototyping? Mention its types.
19. What is RAD?What is its task?
20. What is CBD?
21. What is horizontal, domain , analysis and vertical prototype?
22. What do you mean by layered architecture?
1. Explain in detail the macro processes in OOSD with a neat diagram.
2. What are the different kinds of relationships between classes?Discuss each
relationship with an example
3. How does the object oriented approach differ from the traditional top-down
4. Explain the waterfall software development process. What are the
advantages and disadvantages?
5. How does UML model the static and dynamic aspects of object oriented
6. Describe the OOSD life cycle.
1. What is OMT? What are the 4 phases of OMT?
2. What do you mean by object diagram?
3. What are the primary symbols used in Data Flow diagrams?
4. What are the diagrams used in Booch methodology?
5. Give the steps involved in Macro development process in Booch methodology.
6. Give the steps involved in Micro development process in Booch methodology.
7. Write briefly about use cases
8. What is Objectory?
9. What is meant by patterns
10. Define proto-patterns
11. Define pattern template
12. What is anti-patterns
13. Define pattern mining.
14. What is framework?
15. why do we go for unified approach?
16. Write short note on UA proposed Repository
17. Define model. Explain the types of model
18. What are the advantages of modeling
19. Define UML Give the 9 UML diagrams.
20. What is package?
21. What is a sequence diagram?
22. Compare sequence and collaboration diagram
23. What are the steps in macro and micro process
1. Describe the use of the following diagrams in UML with an example of a
video rental system.
Activity diagram
Class diagram
2. What are the elements of a class diagram? Explain with example.
3. Prepare a class diagram to show at least 10 relationships among the following
classes: expression, constant, variable, function argument list, relational
operator, term, factor, arithmetic operator, program, statement.
4. Explain the macro development process.
5. Explain five Booch diagrams.
6. Briefly explain about UML Dynamic modelling
Unit - III
1. Define Analysis.
2. What is the purpose of Analysis?
3. List out the tools involved in Analysis.
4. Why analysis is a difficult task?
5. Describe the basic activities in Object Oriented Analysis?
6. What is a Use Case Model? How it is useful in analysis?
7. Define Use Case.
8. What are the two types of use cases? Explain about it.
9. Who are Actors? How would you identify actors?
10. What is the difference between Users and Actors?
11. Why are Uses and Extends Associations useful in use case modeling?
12. Why documentation is is an important part of an Analysis? What is 80 – 20
13. What are the various approaches for identifying the classes?
14. Describe the Noun Phrase strategy for identifying tentative classes in a
15. Describe relevant, fuzzy, and irrelevant classes.
16. How do you select candidate classes for the list of relevant and fuzzy classes?
17. What criteria would you use to eliminate a class?
18. Why is developing a sequence / collaboration diagram a useful activity in
identifying classes?
19. What is generalization?
20. What are the two major properties of a – part – of relationship?
1. Describe the noun phrase approach .why is classes, responsibilities and
collaborations useful? Identify the 3 steps in CRC process.
2. What are the guidelines for defining attributes? How would you identify a
Supersub class structure?
3. Use the noun phrase approaches to identity the objects from the following
store problem.
A store wants to automate its inventory. It has point of sale terminals that can
record all of the items and quantities that a customer purchases. Another
terminal is also available for the customer service desk to handle returns. It has
a similar terminal in the loading dock to handle arriving shipments from
suppliers. The meat department and produce departments have terminals to
enter losses/discounts due to spoilage.
4. Discuss the guidelines for finding use cases.
5. Give an example of UML collaboration diagram.
6. How does a complex system is modeled?
7. What are the guidelines for developing effective documentation?
8. Describe the activity diagram for a banking system.
9. What is the difference between users and actors? How would you identify
10. Discuss the relationships and aggregation.
Unit –IV
1. Define corollary.
2. Define theorem.
3. What do you mean by axiom 1 and axiom 2.
4. Differentiate cohesion and coupling.
5. Define design pattern.
6. List the object oriented design corollaries.
7. Define public protocol and private protocol.
8. When does encapsulation leakage occurs?
9. List out the basic types of attributes.
10. What are the methods provided by a class?
11. How do design axiom help to avoid design pitfalls?
12. Define persistence.
13. What are the categories describe the life time of data?
14. What are the major tasks of the access layer?
15. What is transaction?
16. Distinguish reverse engineering and forward engineering.
17. What is DBMS?
18. What is DDL?
19. What is DML?
20. Define primary key and foreign key.
1. What is coupling? Tabulate types of coupling among objects or components.
2. What is meant by axioms? Explain two object oriented design axioms.
3. State 6 corollaries of O.O. Design. Explain any four of them in detail with suitable
4. Explain how objects are mapped with relational systems (tables).
5. What are OODBMS standards? Explain them briefly. When to use object
Unit- V
1.Why is user interface one of the most important components of any software?
2.What are the two major aspects that view layer objects responsible?
3.Name the four major activities of designing view layer classes?
4.Define Object-Oriented User Interface.(OOUI)
5.What are the two steps involved in view layer macro process?
6. List the testing strategies.
7. What kinds of error is encountered when a program is run?
8. Give a brief description :
a) error based testing
b) Scenario based testing
9. Describe the objective of testing.
10. What are the steps are needed to create a test plan?
11. Define regression testing.
12. Define a) Beta Testing
b) Alpha Testing
13. Define user-centered interface.
14. What are the modes used in user interface?
15. What are the steps used in UI design rule?
16. What is verification and validation?
17. Define Usability testing.
18. What are the guidelines for developing usability testing
19. What do you mean by user satisfaction test?
20. What are the objectives of user satisfaction test?
1. Discuss about designing view layer classes
2. Briefly explain about User Interface design rules
3. Explain Quality assurance tests in detail
4. Briefly explain testing strategies and impact of object orientation of testing
5. Write notes on the following
a. Test cases
b. Test plan
c. Mayor’s debugging principles
6. Explain the following
a. Usability testing
b. User satisfaction testing
7. Develop usability test plans and test cases for via net bank ATM system.