Professor Robert Jackson Publications

Professor Robert Jackson Publications (updated 29 July 2013)
Books (25 at 2012)
Jackson, R., Rothgangel, M. and Jäggle, M. (Eds.) (forthcoming* 2014)
Religious Education at Schools in Europe, Part 2: Western Europe,
Vienna: Vienna University Press.
Arweck, E. and Jackson, R. (Eds.) (forthcoming*) Religion, Education
and Society: Young People, Religious Identity, Socialisation and
Diversity, London: Routledge.
Jackson, R. (Ed.) (2012) Religion, Education, Dialogue and Conflict:
Perspectives on Religious Education Research, London: Routledge.
Jackson, R., Ipgrave, J., Hayward, M., Hopkins, P., Fancourt, N.,
Robbins, M., Francis, L. J. and McKenna, U. (2010) Materials used to
Teach about World Religions in Schools in England, London: Department
for Children, Families and Schools. Research Report DCSF-RR197ISBN
978 1 84775 634 3 Available at:
(accessed 7 March, 2013)
Jackson, R., Ipgrave, J., Hayward, M., Hopkins, P., Fancourt, N.,
Robbins, M., Francis, L. J. and McKenna, U. (2010) Appendices:
Materials used to Teach about World Religions in Schools in England,
London: Department for Children, Families and Schools.
Ipgrave, J., Jackson, R. & O’Grady, K. (Eds) (2009) Religious Education
Research through a Community of Practice: Action Research and the
Interpretive Approach, Münster, Waxmann. ISBN 978-3-8309-2158-5
McKenna, U. Ipgrave, J. & Jackson, R. (2008) Inter Faith Dialogue by
Email in Primary Schools: An Evaluation of the Building E-Bridges
Project, Münster, Waxmann. ISBN 978-3-8309-1980-3
Jackson, R. and Fujiwara, S. (Eds.) (2008), Peace Education and
Religious Plurality: International Perspectives, London, Routledge.
ISBN 9780415442497
Jackson, R. Miedema, S. Weisse, W. & Willaime, J.-P. (eds.) (2007)
Religion and Education in Europe: Developments, Contexts and Debates,
Münster, Waxmann. ISBN 978-3-8309-1765-6
de Souza, M., Engebretson, K., Durka, G., Jackson, R., McGrady, A.,
(Eds). (2006). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and
Spiritual Dimensions of Education. (2 Vols) Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
Springer Academic Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4020-4803-6
Jackson, R. and McKenna, U. (eds) (2005) Intercultural Education and
Religious Plurality, University of Oslo, Oslo Coalition on Freedom of
Religion or Belief.
Jackson, R. (2005) Din Egitimi: Yorumlayýcý Bir Yaklaþým. Istanbul,
Deðerler Eðitimi Merkezi Yayýnlarý (Istanbul, DEM Publishing),
(Turkish translation of Religious Education: An Interpretive Approach)
ISBN 975-6324-13-9
Jackson, R. (2004) Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality: Issues
in Diversity and Pedagogy, London, RoutledgeFalmer.
Jackson, R. (ed) (2003) International Perspectives on Citizenship,
Education and Religious Diversity, London, RoutledgeFalmer.
Jackson, R. (1997) Religious Education: An Interpretive Approach,
London, Hodder and Stoughton.
Jackson, R., Barratt, M. and Everington, J. (1994) Bridges to Religions:
Teacher’s Resource Book, Oxford, Heinemann.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1993) Hindu Children in Britain, Stoke on
Trent, Trentham (240 pages).
Jackson, R. and Starkings, D. (eds) (1993) The Junior RE Handbook,
Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes.
Jackson, R & Killingley, D. (1991) Moral Issues in the Hindu Tradition,
Stoke on Trent, Trentham Books. ISBN 0-948080-50-7
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1990) Listening to Hindus, London, Unwin
Hyman. 0-0444-8121-7
Jackson, R. (1989) Religions Through Festivals: Hinduism, London,
Longman. ISBN: 0-582-31788-6
Jackson, R & Killingley, D. (1988) Approaches to Hinduism, London,
John Murray. ISBN 0-7195-4362-2
Jackson, R (Ed.) (1982) Approaching World Religions (ed), London, John
Murray ISBN 0-7195-3913-7
Jackson, R. and Kanitkar, H. A. (1982), Hindus in Britain, London,
University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies.
Jackson, R (Ed.) (1978) Perspectives on World Religions (ed), London,
University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies. ISBN
Articles in Refereed Journals
Jackson, R. (2013) Religioonide ja uskumuste õppimine: arengud
Euroopa poliitikas ja praktikas, Kristlik Kasvatus (Estonia) 1/2013, pp
Jackson, R. (2013 forthcoming) The Development of European Policy on
Religious Diversity and Education: the Work of the Council of Europe,
Journal of Beliefs and Values**.
Jackson, R. (2013) Learning about Religions and Non-religious
Worldviews: European Research Findings and Ongoing Policy
Development in the Council of Europe, Idee in form@zione (Italy), 1930.
Jackson, R. (2012) Issues in Religious Education within Public Education
in the United Kingdom, in Rivista di storia del cristianesimo 2012/1
(special issue: Insegnare a credere. Costruzione degli Stati nazionali e
insegnamento della religion nell’Europa contemporanea), 41-58.
Jackson, R. (2012) The Interpretive Approach to Religious Education:
Challenging Thompson's Interpretation, Journal of Beliefs and Values, 33
(1), 1-9
Jackson, R. (2011) The Interpretive Approach as a Research Tool: Inside
the REDCo Project, British Journal of Religious Education, 33 (2) 189208.
Jackson, R (2010) ‘Materials Used to Teach about World Religions in
Schools in England: A Summary’, Religion & Education, 37(2), 179-182.
Arweck, E; Nesbitt, E & Jackson, R (2008) ‘Educating the next
generation in universal values? Hindu-related new religious movements
and values education in the common school’, Journal of Religious
Education, (Australia) 56 (3), 32-39.
Jackson, R. (2008) Teaching about Religions in the Public Sphere:
European Policy Initiatives and the Interpretive Approach, Numen:
International Review for the History of Religions, 55 (2/3), pp 151–182.
Jackson, R. (2008) ‘Contextual Religious Education and the Interpretive
Approach’, British Journal of Religious Education, 30 (1), pp.13-24.
Jackson, R. (2007) ‘Study of religious diversity: a challenge for adult
education’, LLinE: Lifelong Learning in Europe, 4, 206-215.
Jackson, R. (2007) ‘Religionsundervisningens dannelsesopgave: set fra
Warwick’, Religionspædagogisk Forum, 1, 47-62. (translated into Danish
by Knud Rendtorff)
Jackson, R. and Fujiwara, S. (2007) ‘Towards religious education for
peace’, British Journal of Religious Education, 29 (1), 1-14.
Jackson, R (2006) ‘Promoting Religious Tolerance and Nondiscrimination in Schools: A European Perspective’, Journal of Religious
Education, 54 (3), 30-38.
Jackson, R. (2005) ‘Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality: Issues
in Public Religious Education’, Religion & Education, 32 (1), 1-10.
Jackson, R (2005) How far can religious education contribute to
multicultural/intercultural education? Scriptura (International Journal for
Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa). 89:253-246.
Arweck, E; Nesbitt, E & Jackson, R (2005) Educating the next generation
in universal values? Hindu-related new religious movements and values
education in the common school. Scriptura (International Journal for
Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa). 89, 328-337.
Arweck, E, Nesbitt, E and Jackson, R. (2005) Common values for the
common school? Using two values education programmes to promote
‘spiritual and moral development’, Journal of Moral Education, 34 (3),
Jackson, R (2004) ‘Intercultural Education and Recent European
Pedagogies of Religious Education’, Intercultural Education. 15 (1), 314.
Jackson, R (2004) ‘Studying Religious Diversity in Public Education: An
Interpretive Approach to Religious and Intercultural Understanding’,
Religion & Education (USA), 1-20. ISSN 1056-7224
Jackson, R (2003) ‘Baþkalarýnýn Dünya Görüþlerini Anlama: Din
Eðitimine Yorumlayýcý Yaklaþýmlar’, Deðerler Eðitimi Dergisi (Journal
of Values Education, Turkey), 1 (3) 189-215. ISSN 1 303-880X
Jackson, R (2003) ‘Applying the Interpretive Approach in the Classroom:
School Based Research and Reflection on Practice’ Journal of Religious
Education (Australia), 51 (2), 10-13. ISSN 1442-018X
Jackson, R (2003) ‘Should the State Fund Faith Based Schools? A
Review of the Arguments’, British Journal of Religious Education, 25
(2), 89-102.
Jackson, R (2002) ‘Reflecting on the Interpretive Approach: Islam in
Non-Islamic Western Societies’, Journal of Religious Education
(Australia), 50 (2), 37-44. ISSN 1442-018X
Jackson, R (2002) ‘Social Plurality, Global Citizenship and Religious
Education’, Panorama: International Journal of Religious Education and
Values, 14 (1), 107-115. ISSN 0937 8219
Jackson, R (2001) ‘Reflections on Research in Religious Education’,
Aspects of Education (special issue on Developments in Religious
Education), pp 76-103. ISBN 85858 244 2
Jackson, R (1999) ‘The Warwick RE Project: An Interpretive Approach
to Religious Education’, Religious Education (USA), 94 (2) (Spring),
201-16. ISSN 0034-4087
Jackson, R (1999) ‘Multiculturalism and Religious Education: Some
Observations from Britain’ Canadian and International Education
(Canada), 28 (2), pp151-80. ISSN 0315-1409
Jackson, R (1999) ‘The Training of RE Teachers in England and Wales:
Some Observations about Power Relations’, Panorama: International
Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values (Germany), 11
(1/2), 80-86. ISSN 0937 8219
Jackson, R. (1998) ‘“Hinduismus” im Religionsunterricht in England and
Wales’, Braunschweiger Beiträge für Theorie und Praxis von Ru und Ku,
83 (1), 41-6.
Jackson, R. (1996) ‘The Construction of ‘Hinduism’ and Its Impact on
Religious Education in England and Wales’, Panorama: International
Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, 86-104.
Jackson, R. (1995) ‘Religious Education’s Representation of ‘Religions’
and ‘Cultures’, British Journal of Educational Studies, 43 (3), 272-89.
Nesbitt, E. and Jackson, R. (1995) ‘Sikh Children’s Use of “God”:
Ethnographic Fieldwork and Religious Education’, British Journal of
Religious Education, 17 (2), 108-20.
Nesbitt, E. and Jackson, R. (1994) ‘Aspects of Cultural Transmission in a
Diaspora Sikh Community’, Journal of Sikh Studies, 18 (1), 49-67.
Jackson, R. (1994) ‘Ethnography and Religious Education: A Research
Report’, Panorama: International Journal of Comparative Religious
Education and Values, 6 (1), 115-30.
Woodward, P. and Jackson, R. (1993) ‘RECP: An Outline of an
Ethnographic Study of the Religious Nurture of Jewish Children in an
English City’, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 7 (1), 153-60.
Nesbitt, E. and Jackson, R. (1992) ‘Christian and Hindu Children: Their
Perceptions of Their Own and Each Other’s Religious Traditions’,
Journal of Empirical Theology, 5 (2), 39-62.
Jackson, R. & Nesbitt, E. (1992) ‘Christian and Hindu Children: Their
Perceptions of Each Other’s Religious Traditions’, Journal of Empirical
Theology, 5 (2), pp39-62.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1992) ‘The Diversity of Experience in the
Religious Upbringing of Children from Christian Families in Britain’,
British Journal of Religious Education, 15 (1), 19-28.
Jackson, R. (1991/1992) ‘International Religious Education Associations
in Europe’, World Religions in Education 1991/1992, pp52-53.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘Edwin Cox and His Contribution to Religious
Education’, Hong Kong Journal of Religious Education, 3, pp13-16.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘Edwin Cox: a Tribute’, Panorama: International
Journal of Religious Eduction and Values, 3 (1), Summer, pp10-14.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Researching the Transmission of Religious Culture’,
Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religions 62, 13-5.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Ethnic Minority Religious Culture: The Community
Religions Project’, Panorama: International Journal of Comparative
Religious Education and Values, 2 (2), Winter, pp26-28.
Jackson, R. (1989) ‘Hinduism: from Ethnographic Research to
Curriculum Development in Religious Education’, Panorama:
International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, 1
(2), 59-77.
Jackson, R. (1989) ‘Priorities for the Shap Working Party’, Panorama:
International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, 1
(2), pp29-33.
Jackson, R. (1988)’Het onderwijs in wereldgodsdiensten in Engeland en
Wales’, Voorwerk, 4 (3), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, pp43-47.
Jackson, R., Jewel-Clark, R. & Rhodes, C. (1987) ‘“County Council
Religion” ? Agreeing on Religious Education in Warwickshire’,
Education 3-13, 15 (1), pp37-42.
Jackson, R. & Nesbitt, E. (1987) ‘Indian Children and Hindu Festivals in
England’ World Religions in Education, pp30-31.
Jackson, R. & Nesbitt, E. (1986) ‘Sketches of Formal Hindu Nurture:
Hindu Supplementary Schools in England’, World Religions in
Education, pp25-29.
Jackson, R. (1985) ‘Hinduism in Britain: Religious Nurture and Religious
Education’, British Journal of Religious Education, 7 (2), pp68-75.
Jackson, R.(1984) ‘The Concerns of Religious Education and the
Characterization of Hinduism’, British Journal of Religious Education, 6
(3) pp141-146.
Jackson, R. (1983) ‘Religious Education and the Teaching Unions’,
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 4 (2), pp1-5.
Jackson, R.(1979) ‘The Place of Stories in Primary Religious Education’,
Journal of the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, Vol X No
1, pp16-20.
Jackson, R. (1978) ‘Why Teach about World Religions? The New Era, 59
(2), pp71-76.
Jackson, R. (1976) ‘Holi in North India and in an English City: Some
Adaptations and Anomalies’, New Community, 5 (3), pp203-210.
Editorials in the British Journal of Religious Education
Jackson, R. (2011) 'Religion, education, dialogue and conflict: editorial
introduction', British Journal of Religious Education, 33: 2, 105—109.
Jackson, R. (2010) Religious Education: Transnational Developments,
(Editorial), British Journal of Religious Education, 32 (3), pp185-187
Jackson, R. (2010) Looking back over the last year: some ups and downs
of 2009 (Editorial), British Journal of Religious Education, 32 (1), pp.13.
Jackson, R. (2009) The Council of Europe and Education about Religious
Diversity (Editorial), British Journal of Religious Education, 31 (2),
Jackson, R. (2008) The evolution of the British Journal of Religious
Education: 30th and 74th birthdays (Editorial), British Journal of Religious
Education, 30 (3), pp.183-186.
Jackson, R. (2007) Some recent developments in religions and education
(Editorial), British Journal of Religious Education, 29 (3), 213-215.
Jackson, R. and Fujiwara, S. (2007) Towards religious education for
peace, British Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 29 (1), 1-14.
Jackson, R. (2006) New European Union research on religious education,
British Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 28 (2), 111-113.
Jackson, R. (2005) Religious education research in an international
context, British Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 27 (3), 201202.
Jackson, R. (2004) Editorial, British Journal of Religious Education, 26
(3), 219-221.
Jackson, R. (2003) Religious education and plurality in the common
school, British Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 26 (1), 3-6.
Jackson, R. (2003) Religious education and intercultural education,
British Journal of Religious Education, 25 (3) (Editorial), 170-172.
Jackson, R, (2002) ‘Religious Education and Education for Citizenship’,
British Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 24 (3), 162-9.
Jackson, R. (2001) Faith Based Schools and Religious Education within
the State System in England and Wales (Editorial), British Journal of
Religious Education, 24 (1), 2-7.
Jackson, R. (2001) Research methods for religious education, British
Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 23 (3), 138-143.
Jackson, R. (2000) Research in religious education, British Journal of
Religious Education (Editorial), 23 (1), 2-4.
Jackson, R. (2000) Empirical research in religious education, British
Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 22 (2), 66-70.
Jackson, R. (1999) Editorial, British Journal of Religious Education, 21
(3), 130-132.
Jackson, R. (1999) Knowledge and attitudes, British Journal of Religious
Education (Editorial), 21 (1), 2-5.
Jackson, R. (1998) The national religious education festival, British
Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 20 (2), 66-69.
Jackson, R. (1997) Multiculture and cultural development, British
Journal of Religious Education (Editorial), 19 (3), 130-132.
Jackson, R. (1996) Editorial, British Journal of Religious Education, 19
(1), 2-4.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Jackson, R. (2013) Why Education about Religions and Beliefs?
European Policy Recommendations and Research, in Gareth Byrne and
Patricia Kiernan (Eds.) Toward Mutual Ground: Pluralism, Religious
Education and Diversity in Irish Schools, Dublin: Columba Press, 41-53.
Jackson, R. (2012) Religious Education and the Arts of Interpretation
Revisited, in Ina ter Avest (Ed.) On the Edge: (Auto)biography and
Pedagogical Theories on Religious Education, Rotterdam: Sense
Publishers, 57-69.
Jackson, R. (2012) Religious Instruction, Religious Symbols, and Prayer
in Public Schools in Europe, in James A. Banks et al. (Eds) Encyclopedia
of Diversity in Education, New York, Sage. (**Add page numbers)
Jackson, R. (2012) Religion, Education, Dialogue and Conflict: an
Introduction, in R. Jackson (Ed.) Religion, Education, Dialogue and
Conflict: Perspectives on Religious Education Research, London:
Routledge, 3-9.
Jackson, R. (2012) The Interpretive Approach as a Research Tool: Inside
the REDCo Project, in R. Jackson (Ed.) Religion, Education, Dialogue
and Conflict: Perspectives on Religious Education Research, London:
Routledge 84-102.
Dinham, A. and Jackson, R. (2012) Religion, Welfare and Education, in
L. Woodhead and R. Catto (Eds.) Religion and Change in Modern Britain
London, Routledge, 272-294.
Jackson, R. (2012) ‘European Developments', in P. Barnes (Ed) Debates
in Religious Education, London: Routledge, pp 168-179.
Jackson, R. (2011) Religious Education and Education for Democratic
Citizenship: the Contribution of the Council of Europe, in Ina ter Avest
(Ed.) Contrasting Colours: European and African Perspectives on
Education in a Context of Diversity, Amsterdam: Gopher B.V., pp 3049.
Jackson, R. 2011 The Interpretive Approach to Religious Education in a
Social Studies Context in Publicly Funded Schools in B. Schullerqvist
(Ed), Patterns of Research in Civics, History, Geography and Religious
Education, Studier i de samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik nr 14,
Karlstad: Karlstad University Press, pp 145-163.
Jackson, R. (2011) Religious Instruction, Religious Symbols, and Prayer
in Public Schools in Europe, in James A. Banks et al. (Eds) Encyclopedia
of Diversity in Education, New York, Sage.
Jackson, R. (2010) Phenomenology and Religious Education in F.
Kozyrev (Ed.) Religious Education as a Humanities Subject (St.
Petersburg: Russian Christian Academy for Humanities), pp. 272-282. (In
Russian translation)
Р. Джексон. Феноменология и религиозное образование //
Гуманитарное религиозное образование: Книга для учителей и
методистов / Ф.Н. Козырев – СПб: РХГА, 2010. - С. 272-282
Jackson, R. (2010) Religious Diversity and Education for Democratic
Citizenship: The Contribution of the Council of Europe, in K.
Engebretson, M. de Souza, G. Durka, and L. Gearon (Eds.) International
Handbook of Inter-religious Education, Volume 4: Religion, Citizenship
and Human Rights (Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Springer Academic
Publishers), pp1121-1151.
Jackson, R. (2009) The Interpretive Approach to Religious Education and
the Development of a Community of Practice in J. Ipgrave, R. Jackson &
K. O’Grady (Eds) (2009) Religious Education Research through a
Community of Practice: Action Research and the Interpretive Approach
(Münster, Waxmann), pp. 21-31.
Ipgrave, J. and Jackson, R. (2009) Reflecting on the Interpretive
Approach: Issues and Responses, in J. Ipgrave, R. Jackson & K. O’Grady
(Eds) (2009) Religious Education Research through a Community of
Practice: Action Research and the Interpretive Approach (Münster,
Waxmann), pp. 151-168.
Jackson, R. (2009) Is Diversity Changing Religious Education? Religion,
Diversity and Education in Today’s Europe, in G. Skeie (Ed) Religious
Diversity and Education: Nordic Perspectives (Münster, Waxmann), pp.
Jackson, R. (2009) Der Beitrag religiöser Bildung im Schulunterrricht zur
Demokratieerzihung in Europa und darüber hinaus Ergebuisse des
REDCo-Projektes, in D.-P. Jozsa, T. Knauth and W. Weisse (Eds)
Religionsunterricht, Dialog und Konflikt: Analysen im Kontext Europas,
(Münster, Waxmann), 429-434.
McKenna, U., Neill, S. and Jackson, R. (2009) Personal Worldviews,
Dialogue and Tolerance: Students’ Views on Religious Education in
England, in Pille Valk, Gerdien Bertram-Troost, Markus Friederici and
Céline Beraud (Eds.) Teenagers' Perspectives on the Role of Religion in
their Lives, Schools and Societies: A European Quantitative Study
(Münster, Waxmann), pp. 49-70.
Neill, S. and Jackson, R. (2009) Commentary on Options beside “and no
Religion too”: Perspectives of Estonian Youth, in Pille Valk, Gerdien
Bertram-Troost, Markus Friederici and Céline Beraud (Eds.) Teenagers'
Perspectives on the Role of Religion in their Lives, Schools and Societies:
A European Quantitative Study (Münster, Waxmann), pp. 127-129.
Jackson, R. (2008) Hermeneutics and Religious Education: The
Interpretive Approach in relation to the work of Jürgen Lott, in Christa
Dommel and Gordon Mitchell (Eds.) Religion Education. On the
Boundaries between Study of Religions, Education and Theologies:
Jürgen Lott and the Bremen Approach in International Perspective
(Bremen: Kleio Humanities), pp. 189-208.
Jackson, R. (2008) Internationale Trends und lokale Vorgehensweisen in
der Religionspädagogik Entwicklungen in England und in Hamburg, in
W. Weisse (Ed.) Dialogischer Religionsunterricht in Hamburg:
Positionen, Analysen und Perpektiven im Kontext Europas, (Münster:
Waxmann), pp 189-199.
Jackson, R. (2008) Living with difference through religious and
citizenship education: Interpretive and dialogical approaches, in Omori,
H. Rebuilding Morals Education (Tokyo: Kyo-Bun-Kan: Research
Institute of Aoyama Gakuin University editions) (in Japanese), pp230259.
Jackson, R. and Fujiwara, S. (2008) Towards religious education for
peace, Editorial Introduction, R. Jackson and S. Fujiwara (Eds.), Peace
Education and Religious Plurality: International Perspectives, (London,
Routledge), vi-xix..
Jackson, R. (2008) The Emergence and Development of the Interpretive
Approach, in H. Streib, A. Dinter, K. Söderblom (Eds.) Lived Religion –
Conceptual, Empirical and Practical-Theological Approaches: Essays in
Honour of Hans-Günter Heimbrock (Leiden, Brill), pp. 309-322.
Jackson, R. (2007) La diversité religieuse et culturelle: quelques concepts
clés (pp37-51); l’approche phénoménologique (pp83-87); l’approche
interprétative (pp89-101) in Keast, J. (Ed.) Diversité Religieuse et
Éducation Interculturelle: Manuel de Référence à l’usage des Écoles,
(Strasbourg: Editions du Conseil de l’Europe).
Jackson, R. (2007) European Institutions and the Contribution of the
Study of Religion to General Education in the Public Sphere in in İlyas
Çelebi, Mustafa Sinanoğlu, Seyfi Kenan and Ahmet Kavas (Eds.) Avrupa
Birliği Sürecinde Dini Kurumlar ve Din Eğitimi (Religious Institutions
and Education in the Process of European Union: Comparative Analysis
of Religious Institutions and Education in the European Union and
Turkey), (Istanbul: Ensar Nesriyat & ISAV), pp.79-118.
Jackson, R. (2007) Avrupa’da Kurumlar ve Din Öğretimi-Öğreniminin
Kamusal Alandaki Genel Eğitime Katkısı, (Turkish translation, Seyfi
Kenan) in İlyas Çelebi, Mustafa Sinanoğlu, Seyfi Kenan and Ahmet
Kavas (Eds.) Avrupa Birliği Sürecinde Dini Kurumlar ve Din Eğitimi
(Religious Institutions and Education in the Process of European Union:
Comparative Analysis of Religious Institutions and Education in the
European Union and Turkey, (Istanbul: Ensar Nesriyat & ISAV), pp.119158.
Jackson, R. (2007) ‘Religious and Cultural Diversity: Some Key
Concepts’, in J. Keast (Ed.) Religious Diversity and Intercultural
Education: A Reference Book for Schools (Strasbourg, Council of Europe
Publishing), pp31-44. (also in Norwegian and Greek translation)
Jackson, R. (2007) ‘The Phenomenological Approach’, in J. Keast (Ed.)
Religious Diversity and Intercultural Education: A Reference Book for
Schools (Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing), pp73-75. (also in
Norwegian and Greek translation)
Jackson, R. (2007) ‘The Interpretive Approach’, in J. Keast (Ed.)
Religious Diversity and Intercultural Education: A Reference Book for
Schools (Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing), pp 79-85. (also in
Norwegian and Greek translation)
Jackson, Robert (2007) ‘Yorumlayıcı Din Eğitiminin Devlet Okullarında
Ahlak Eğitimi, Kültürlerarası Eğitim ve Vatandaşlık Eğitimine Katkısı’ in
R Kaymakcan, et al. (Eds) Değerler ve Eğitimi Uluslararası Sempozyumu
Bildirileri, İstanbul: DEM Yayinları, pp. 469-490.
Jackson, R. (2007) ‘Religion in the Educational system of England and
Wales: law, policy and representation’, in John R. Hinnells (Ed.)
Religious Reconstruction in the South Asian Diasporas: From one
generation to another, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 192-219.
Jackson, R. (2007) European institutions and the contribution of studies
of religious diversity to education for democratic citizenship, in Jackson,
R. Miedema, S. Weisse, W. & Willaime, J.-P. (Eds.) Religion and
Education in Europe: Developments, Contexts and Debates, Münster,
Waxmann, 27-55.
Jackson, R. & O’Grady, K. (2007) Religions and education in England:
social plurality, civil religion and religious education pedagogy, in
Jackson, R. Miedema, S. Weisse, W. & Willaime, J.-P. (Eds.) Religion
and Education in Europe: Developments, Contexts and Debates,
Münster, Waxmann, 181-202.
Jackson, R. (2006) Understanding religious diversity in a plural world:
the interpretive approach, in: M. de Souza, K. Engebretson, G. Durka, R.
Jackson and A. McGrady (Eds), International Handbook of the Religious,
Moral and Spiritual Dimensions of Education (Dordrecht, the
Netherlands, Springer Academic Publishers), 399-414.
Jackson, R. (2006) Religious Education and Debates about Plurality and
Culture, in: M. de Souza, K. Engebretson, G. Durka, R. Jackson and A.
McGrady (Eds), International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and
Spiritual Dimensions of Education (Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Springer
Academic Publishers), 295-306.
Jackson, R. (2006) ‘Promoting Religious Tolerance and Nondiscrimination in Schools’ in Volker Elsenbast, Peter Schreiner and
Friedrich Schweitzer (Eds.) Europa - Bildung - Religion. Demokratische
Bildungsverantwortung und die Religionen, (Münster: Waxmann), pp211225.
Jackson, R (2005) ‘Intercultural Education, Religious Plurality and
Teaching for Tolerance: Interpretive and Dialogical Approaches’, in R.
Jackson and U. McKenna (eds) Intercultural Education and Religious
Plurality, University of Oslo, Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or
Belief, pp5-13.
Jackson, R. (2005) ‘Intercultural Education and Religious Education: A
Changing Relationship’, in Bates, D, Durka, G and Schweitzer, F (eds)
Education, Religion and Society: Essays in Honour of John M Hull,
London, Routledge, pp 49-61. ISBN 0-415-36562-7.
Jackson, R. (2005) ‘Education interculturelle et diversité religieuse:
Approches fondées sur l’interpretation et le dialogue: l’exemple de la
Grande-Bretagne’ in Council of Europe (ed) La Dimension Religieuse de
l’éducation Interculurelle, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 4355.
Jackson, R (2005)’L’évolution vers un enseignement religieux
multiconfessionnel en Grande-Bretagne’, in J-P Willaime and S Mathieu
(eds) Des Maîtres et des Dieux. Ecoles et Religions en Europe pp. 10111, Paris: Belin.
Jackson, R. (2005) ‘L’éducation interculturelle et la diversité religieuse:
les approches interprétatives et dialogiques en Angleterre’ in Fernand
Ouellet (ed.) Quelle formation pour l’education a la religion?
Quebec, Les Presses de l’Universite Laval.
Jackson, R. (2005) ‘L’approche interprétative en enseignement religieux:
une pédagogie de la compréhension interculturelle’ in Fernand Ouellet
(ed.) Quelle formation pour l’education a la religion? Quebec, Les
Presses de l’Universite Laval.
Jackson, R. & Steele, K (2005) ‚Citizenship Education and Religious
Education: A European Perspective’, in R. Jackson and U. McKenna
(eds) Intercultural Education and Religious Plurality, University of Oslo,
Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief pp53-62.
Jackson, R. and Steele, K. (2005) ‘Das Verhältnis von Citizenship
Education und religiöser Erziehung in Europa’ in C. Bizer, R. Degen, R.
Englert, H. Kohler-Spiegel, N. Mette, F. Rickers und F. Schweitzer (eds)
Lernen durch Begegnung: Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik Vol. 21,
Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener-Verlag, 160-174. ISBN 3-7887-2124-3
Jackson, R (2004) ‘Representing and Interpreting Religions’, in L.
Blaylock (ed) Representing Religions, Birmingham, RE Today Services.,
pp 4-8.
Jackson, R (2004) ‘La Place de la Religion dans l’enseignement en
Angleterre’, Revue Internationale d’Éducation (Sevres), 36, pp 37-48.
ISSN 1254-4590; ISBN 2-85420-561-8
Jackson, R (2004) ‘Current Issues in Research in Religious Education’
in R. Larsson and C. Gustavsson (eds) Towards a European Perspective
on Religious Education, Stockholm, Artos & Norma. 19-35.
Miedema, S, Schreiner, P, Skeie, G and Jackson, R (2004) ‘The
European Network for Religious Education through Contextual
Approaches (ENRECA): Its Policy and Aims’, in U Nembach, H
Rusterholz and P Zulehner (eds) Informationes Theologiae Europae:
Internationales Õkumenisches Jahrbuch für Thelogie, Volume 13,
Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 227-32 and Panorama: International
Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values, 16
(Summer/Winter 2004), 10-14.
Jackson, R (2004) ‘Intercultural Education and Religious Diversity:
Interpretive and Dialogical Approaches from England’ in Council of
Europe (Ed), The Religious Dimension of Intercultural Education,
Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, pp39-50. ISBN 92 871 5622-0
Jackson, R. (2003) ‘Citizenship, Religious and Cultural Diversity and
Education’, in R Jackson (Ed) International Perspectives on Citizenship,
Education and Religious Diversity, London: RoutledgeFalmer, 1-28.
Jackson, R. (2003) ‘Citizenship as a Replacement for Religious
Education or RE as a Contributor to Citizenship Education?’, in R
Jackson (Ed) International Perspectives on Citizenship, Education and
Religious Diversity, London: RoutledgeFalmer, 67-92.
Jackson, R (2002) Intercultural Education and the Challenge of Religious
Diversity and Dialogue: A Response, Report for Head of Educational
Policies and European Dimension Division in the Directorate of School,
Out of School and Higher Education, Strasbourg, Council of Europe.
(available on Council of Europe website)
Jackson, R (2002) ‘Can School Education in Religion Facilitate the
Promotion of Tolerance and Non-discrimination with regard to Freedom
of Religion or Belief?’ in L Larsen and I. T. Plesner (eds) Teaching for
Tolerance and Freedom of Religion or Belief, Oslo: University Oslo/The
Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, pp 18-27.
Jackson, R. (2001) ‘Creative Pedagogy in Religious Education: Case
Studies in Interpretation’, in H-G Heimbrock, P Schreiner and C Sheilke
(eds) Towards Religious Competence: Diversity as a Challenge for
Education in Europe, Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 34-52.
Jackson, R (2001) ‘Religionspädagogik: England und Wales’, N Mette
and F Rickers (eds) Lexicon der Religionspädagogik, Vol 1, Hamburg,
Neukirchener Verlag, 406-410. ISBN 3-7887-1745-9
Jackson, R (2000) ‘What Knowledge Should Be Communicated in
Religious Education? Issues in the Representation of Religions’, in G.
Gunnarsson, (ed) Kundskab og Oplevelse, Reykjavik, Islands
Paedagogiske Universitet, 87-116. ISBN 9979 847 44 1
Jackson, R (2000) ‘Religious Education and Reflexivity: A
Hermeneutical Approach to Religious Education’ in G Gunnarsson, (ed)
Kundskab og Oplevelse, Reykjavik, Islands Paedagogiske Universitet,
120-152. ISBN 9979 847 44 1
Jackson, R. (2000) ‘Law, Politics and Religious Education in England
and Wales: Some History, Some Stories and Some Observations’ in M.
Leicester, C. Modgil and S. Modgil (eds), Spiritual and Religious
Education, London, Falmer. [Education, Culture and Values (Vol 5)], 8699.
Jackson, R. (2000) ‘The Warwick Religious Education Project: The
Interpretive Approach to Religious Education’ in M H Grimmitt (ed),
Pedagogies of Religious Education: Case Studies in the Research and
Development of Good Pedogogic Practice in RE, Great Wakering,
McCrimmons, 130-152.
Jackson, R. (2000) ‘What Knowledge Should Be Communicated in
Religious Education? Issues in the Representation of Religions’, in G.
Gunnarsson (ed) Kundskab og Oplevelse, Reykjavik, Islands
Paedagogiske Universitet, 87-116.
Jackson, R. (2000) ‘Religious Education and Reflexivity: A
Hermeneutical Approach to Religious Education’, in G Gunnarsson (ed),
Reykjavik, Islands Paedagogiske Universitet, 120-152.
Jackson, R. (1999) ‘The Inter-relatedness of Subject, Pedagogy and
Research Approaches: Theology, Religious Studies and Religious
Education in England and Wales’ in D. Chidester, J. Stonier and J. Tobler
(eds) Diversity as Ethos: Challenges for Interreligious and Intercultural
Education, Cape Town, Institute for Comparative Religion in Southern
Africa, 84-101.
Jackson, R. (1998) ‘Problems and Possibilities for Phenomenological
Approaches to Religious Education’ in Hans-Günter Heimbrock (ed)
Religionspädagogik und Phänomenologie: Von der Empirischen
Wendung zur Lebenswelt, Weinheim (Germany), Deutscher Studien
Verlag, 47-74.
Jackson, R. (1998) ‘Hindu Festivals’ in P Woodward (ed) Festivals in
World Religions, Norwich, Religious and Moral Education Press, 60-75.
Jackson, R. (1997) ‘Ethnographic Studies of Children and Interpretive
Methods for Religious Education’ in Trees Andree, Cok Bakker and Peter
Schreiner (eds) Crossing Boundaries: Contributions to Interreligious and
Intercultural Education, Münster, Comenius Institut, 65-73.
Jackson, R. (1997) ‘Ethnographic Studies of Children and Interpretive
Methods for Religious Education’, in Nils G. Holm (ed) The Familiar
and the Unfamiliar in the World Religions: Challenges for Religious
Education Today, Åbo (Finland), Åbo Akademi University, 79-94.
Jackson, R. (1997) ‘L’expérience Britannique en Enseignement
Religieux: Structures Institutionnelles et Débats Politiques’ in Micheline
Milot and Fernand Ouellet (eds) Religion, Education et Démocratie: Un
Enseignement Culturel de la Religion est-il Possible?, Montreal,
Harmattan, 51-75.
Jackson, R. (1997) ‘La Nouvelle Éducation Religieuse en GrandeBretagne: Bilan Partiel de Trente Années de Recherche’ in Micheline
Milot and Fernand Ouellet (eds) Religion, Education et Démocratie: Un
Enseignement Culturel de la Religion est-il Possible?, Montreal,
Harmattan, 183-217.
Jackson, R. (1997) ‘The Law and Politics of Multifaith Religious
Education in Britain’ in Trees Andree, Cok Bakker and Peter Schreiner
(eds) Crossing Boundaries: Contributions to Interreligious and
Intercultural Education, Münster, Comenius Institut, 75-87.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1997) ‘Studying British Hindu Children and
Representing Them in School Texts’, in Nils G. Holm (ed) The Familiar
and the Unfamiliar in the World Religions: Challenges for Religious
Education Today, Åbo (Finland), Åbo Akademi University, 26-45.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1997) ‘From Fieldwork to School Text:
Studying and Representing British Hindu Children’ in Trees Andree, Cok
Bakker and Peter Schreiner (eds) Crossing Boundaries: Contributions to
Interreligious and Intercultural Education, Münster, Comenius
Institut, 89-99.
Jackson, R. (1996) ‘Ethnographic Research and Curriculum
Development’, in L. Francis, W. Kay and W. Campbell (eds) Research in
Religious Education, Leominster, Gracewing, 145-62.
Jackson, R. (1996) ‘“Hinduismus” im Religionsunterricht in England und
Wales -Ergebnisse eines Forschungprojecktes’, in M. Kwiran, P.
Schreiner and H. Schultze (eds) Dialog der Religionen im Unterricht,
Münster, Comenius-Institut, 211-21.
Jackson, R. (1996) ‘Re-examining “Religions” and “Culture” in Religious
Education’, in W. Weisse (ed) Interreligious and Intercultural Education:
Methodologies, Conceptions and Pilot Projects in South Africa, Namibia,
Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany, Münster, ComeniusInstitut, 11-26.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1996) ‘Orthodoxy and Openness: the
Experience of Hindu Children’ in B.E. Gates (ed) Freedom and Authority
in Religions and Religious Education, London, Cassell, 1996, 138-48.
Jackson, R. (1993) ‘Religious Education and the Arts of Interpretation’ in
D. Starkings (ed) Religion and the Arts in Education: Dimensions of
Spirituality, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 157-66.
Jackson, R. (1992) ‘The Misrepresentation of Religious Education’, in M
Leicester and M Taylor (eds), Ethics, Ethnicity and Education, London,
Kogan Page, pp100-113.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Exclusiveness and the Relationship between Religion
and Education’ in A. Brown and K. Gossmann (eds) Fundamental
Conditions for the Study of World Religions, Münster, Comenius Institut,
pp 62-73.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Religious Studies and Developments in Religious
Education in England and Wales’ in U. King (ed) Turning Points in
Religious Studies, Edinburgh, T and T Clark, , pp102-116.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘The Twentieth Year is Well-Nigh Past’ in V. Barnett,
R. Howarth and P. Williams (eds) World Religions in Education
Yearbook 1990/1991, London, Hobsons, 38-9.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Religious Education after the Reform Act’ in R.
Jackson and D. Starkings (eds) The Junior RE Handbook, Cheltenham,
Stanley Thornes, 3-13.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Children as Ethnographers’ in R. Jackson and D.
Starkings (eds) The Junior RE Handbook, Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes,
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1990) ‘An Overview of Hinduism’ in R.
Jackson and D. Starkings (eds) The Junior RE Handbook, Cheltenham,
Stanley Thornes, 51-6.
Nesbitt, E. and Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Drawing on the Religious Experience
of Children’ in R. Jackson and D. Starkings (eds) The Junior RE
Handbook, Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes, 208-13.
Jackson, R. (1989) ‘Religious Education: from Ethnographic Research to
Curriculum Development’ in R J Campbell and V Little (eds) Humanities
in the Primary School, Lewes, Falmer Press, pp171-191.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1989) ‘British Hindu Children and Their
Traditional Festivals’ in A. Wood (ed) Religions In Education: The Shap
Working Party 1969-1989, London, British and Foreign Schools Society,
Chapter 16.
Jackson, R. (1987) Religious Education - A Middle Way? in A. Brown
(ed), The Shap Handbook on World Religions in Education, London,
Commission for Racial Equality, pp17-19.
Jackson, R. (1987) Changing Conceptions of Hinduism in Timetabled
Religion, Chapter 11, R Burghart (ed), Hinduism in Great Britain: The
Perpetuation of Religion in an Alien Cultural Environment, London,
Tavistock, pp201-223.
Jackson, R. (1986) Hindu Festivals, in A Brown (ed), Festivals in World
Religions, London, Longman, ch6, pp104-139.
Jackson, R.(1984) Unions in J M Sutcliffe (ed), A Dictionary of Religious
Education, SCM Press, pp351-2.
Jackson, R.(1982) Commitment and the Teaching of World Religions in
R. Jackson (ed) Approaching World Religions, London, John Murray,
Chapter 8, pp89-100.
Jackson, R.(1981) The Shree Krishna Temple and the Gujarati Hindu
Community in Coventry in D. G. Bowen (ed), Hinduism in England,
Bradford, Chapter 4, pp61-85.
Jackson, R. (1981) The Place of Hinduism in Religious Education in D.
G. Bowen (ed), Hinduism in England, Bradford, Chapter 7, pp110-117.
Jackson, R.(1978) The World Religions Debate in R. Jackson (ed)
Perspectives on World Religions, University of London, School of
Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Chapter 1, pp3-32. ISBN
Forewords to books
Jackson, R. (2013 forthcoming*) ‘Foreword’ in Bråten, O. M. H.
Towards a Methodology for Comparative Studies in Religious Education:
A study of England and Norway, (Münster: Waxmann).
Jackson, R. (2011) ‘Foreword’ in Hunter-Henin, M (Ed.) Law, Religious
Freedoms and Education in Europe, (Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate),
Jackson, R. (2010) ‘Foreword’ in Sporre, Karin and Mannberg, Jan (Eds.)
Values, Religions and Education in Changing Societies, (Dordrecht, the
Netherlands): Springer.
Jackson, R. (2010) ‘Foreword’ in Schihalejev, Olga, From Indifference to
Dialogue? Estonian Young People, the School and Religious Diversity,
(Münster: Waxmann), pp. 5-10. ISBN 978-3-8309-2288-9
Articles in Professional Journals and Newspapers
Jackson, R (2012) In Praise of Nonspecialists, RE Today, 29 (3), 42–43.
Jackson, R. and Gent B. (2010) Warwick Research on Materials Used to
Teach about World Religions, REsource, 33 (1), 13-16.
Jackson, R (2009) Quick, More Cicadas! (Geoff Marshall-Taylor's
Contribution to RE), AREIAC News, Summer
Jackson, R. (2008) Experiencing Religious Diversity and Education in an
International Context British Association for the Study of Religions
Bulletin, 112, May 2008, pp10-14.
Jackson, R (2002) ‘RE and Global Citizenship’, RE Today, 20, 1, 20-21.
ISSN 0226 7738.
L Blaylock, R Jackson and G Marshall-Taylor (2002) ‘Image and
Imagination: Religious Education at the BBC’, RE Today, 19, 3, 28-29.
ISSN 0226 7738
Blaylock, L, Jackson, R and Marshall-Taylor, G (2002) ‘Image and
Imagination: Religious Education at the BBC’, RE Today, 19 (3), 28-9.
Copley, T, Hull, J M and Jackson, R (1999)’The Essence of Religious
Education’, Proceedings, RE : Essence and Development, St Gabriel’s
Centenary Conference, Abingdon, Culham College Institute, 9-19.
Jackson, R (1999) ‘How Far Does RE Understand ‘Culture and
Religion’?’, in T Copley (ed) RE Futures, Derby, Professional Council
for Religious Education, 14-15.
Jackson, R (1999) ‘Farmington Fellowships at the University of
Warwick’, Bulletin of the Farmington Institute for Christian Studies.
Jackson, R (1999) ‘Why Should We Teach RE?’ Proceedings, RE:
Essence and Development,St Gabriel’s Centenary Conference, Abingdon,
Culham College Institute, 65-68.
Jackson, R. (1998) ‘Working with Religious Diversity: Developing the
Skills of Interpretation in RE’, RE Today, Autumn, 39.
Jackson, R. (1997) ‘Seas of faith flow together’ T.E.S.2, October 24th,
Jackson, R. (1993) ‘The Agreed Syllabus’, Leicestershire Education, 17,
Spring, 22-4.
Jackson, R. (1992) ‘The Integrity of Religious Education’, Broadly
Christian, April, 2-8.
Jackson, R. Nesbitt, E. and Woodward, P. (1992) ‘British Children’s
Experience of Religion’ in RE Today, 9 (2), 34-5.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘The Religious Education and Community Project,
Education in Religion: The Journal of the Scottish Working Party on
Religions of the World in Education, April, 59-62.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘Religion, Children and Ethnography’, World Faiths
Insight, 28, June, 25-26.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘Collective Worship? An Act of Interpretation’, The
Guardian, eG supplement, 22 January, 22.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘A Biblical Muddle’, The Guardian, eG supplement,
16 April, 23.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘What is Collective Worship?’ Home and School, 15,
Spring, 61-63.
Jackson, R. (1991) ‘What did the DES Really Say about RE?’ Hindu
Today, June, 16.
Jackson, R. & Nesbitt, E. (1991) ‘Hindus in Britain’ Hindu Today,
February, pp5-6.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1991) ‘The Hindu Experience in Britain’, eG,
The Guardian, 16 July, 6-7, reprinted 1993 in (1993) The Faiths: eG
Religions Source Book: An Exploration of the World’s Faiths as Featured
in the Pages of the Guardian’s Tuesday Educational Supplement, 14-15.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E.(1991) ‘Religious Education from the
Community’, RE News, Spring, 3.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1991) ‘Addysg Gredyddol A’r Gymaned’,
Newyddion AG, 29, Spring, 3.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1991) ‘Learning from the Experience of
Children’, The Religious Education and Commuity Project, Links 17 (1),
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1990) ‘Britain’s Hindu Children’ Home and
School, 4, Winter, 56-7.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1990) ‘Across the Threshold’, Times
Educational Supplement, December 21.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Multifaith RE and the Education Reform Act’, Home
and School, 14, 54-5.
Jackson, R. (1990) ‘Caught in the Act’, The Guardian, eG supplement, 20
November, 18.
Jackson, R. (1990)’Religious Education and Religious Studies at
Warwick University’, Broadly Christian, December, pp. 6-7.
Jackson, R. (1989) ‘Achieving Goals: Six Elements of RE’, Junior
Education, 13 (12), December, 24-6.
Jackson, R. (1989) ‘Fortifying Religious Education’, Resource, 11 (3), 56.
Nesbitt, E. and Jackson, R. (1988) ‘Growing up in the Hindu Tradition:
The Hindu Nurture in Coventry Project’, Resource, 10 (2), 4-5.
Jackson, R. (1987)’Thematic Approaches to Many Faiths’, Times
Educational Supplement, 6th March, p51.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E.(1988)’Growing Up in the Hindu Tradition’,
Resource, 10 (2), Spring, pp2-4.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1987) ‘Indian Children and Hindu Festivals
in England’, World Religions in Education, The Journal of the Shap
Working Party, 30-1.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E.(1987)’British Hindu Children and Their
Religious Tradition : The Hindu Nurture in Coventry Project’, Interlink,
2, Spring, pp8-9.
Jackson, R. and Nesbitt, E. (1986) ‘Sketches of Formal Hindu Nurture’,
World Religions in Education, The Journal of the Shap Working Party,
Jackson, R. (1984) ‘Bar Mitzvah as an Initiation Ceremony’, Religious
Education News and Events, The York Religious Education Centre,
Spring, pp19-31.
Jackson, R. (1983) ‘Getting Hold of Hinduism’, Religious Education
News and Events, The York Religious Education Centre, Spring, pp7-14.
Jackson, R. (1982) ‘Hinduism’, Festival of India Review, July, p3.
Book Reviews (from 2012)
Jackson, Robert (2013) review of Derek H Davis and Elena
Miroshnikova (Eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Religious
Education, 2012, 424 pages, in British Journal of Religious Education,
35:3, 342-344.
Jackson, Robert (2013) review of Nektaria Palaiologou and Gunther
Dietz (Eds.) Mapping the Broad Field of Multicultural and Intercultural
Education Worldwide: Towards the Development of a New Citizen,
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2012, Hardback,
xv + 553 pages, in Journal of Religious Education, 61 (1) 2013, 58.
Jackson, Robert (2012) review of Michael Grimmitt (Ed.) Religious
education and social and community cohesion: an exploration of
challenges and opportunities, Great Wakering, McCrimmons, 2010, 336
pp., in British Journal of Religious Education, 34:1, 101-104
Scripts for Educational Broadcasts
Christianity as a World Religion, (written and presented: introducing five
programmes made in Atlanta, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Florence and
Leicester) BBC 2, first transmitted February 1992. Also published as a
BBC video.
Radio 4
Contributions to four INSET programmes on religious education and
collective worship transmitted Autumn 1989 on BBC Radio 4 and
Autumn 1991 on BBC Radio 5.
A Day in the Life of a Hindu Family (with J. Burridge), BBC Education,
Radio 4, 14th November, 1988.
Jackson, R. and Marshall-Taylor, G. (1987) Celebrating Navratri, BBC
Education, January and April.
Jackson, R. and Marshall-Taylor, G. (1987) Hindus and Sikhs in Britain,
BBC Education, Radio 4, January and April.
Celebrating Diwali (with G. Marshall-Taylor), BBC Education, Radio 4,
January and April 1987.
Celebrating Navratri (with G. Marshall-Taylor), BBC Education, Radio
4, January and April 1987.
Hindus and Sikhs in Britain, (with G. Marshall-Taylor), BBC Education,
Radio 4, January and April 1987.
A Spring Celebration, ‘Contact’, BBC Radio 4, 22nd March, 1983.
Holi, a Hindu Festival, a programme for primary schools, BBC Radio 4
on 15th, 22nd and 29th January, 1982.
A West Indian Community in Britain in the series Religion and Life, BBC
Radio 4, (Schools) transmitted 25th October and 1st November, 1979.
A Hindu Community in Britain in the series Religion and Life, BBC
Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted 11th October and 1st November, 1979.
Death Customs - a programme about the ritual and beliefs associated with
death and funerals in traditional Chinese religion (Hong Kong) and in
Anglican Christianity. BBC Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted 16th March,
Marriages in Britain a programme about two weddings, one Sikh and one
Christian which took place in 1978. BBC Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted
2nd March, 1979.
Initiation - a programme about the Jewish ceremony of Bar Mitzvah,
BBC Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted 9th February, 1979.
You’re All in Charge of Each Other, a programme about the work of the
World Studies Project, BBC Radio 4 (schools) transmitted 28th October
and 4th November, 1977.
A Festival of Nine Nights, a programme about the celebration of an
Autumn Hindu festival, BBC Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted 26th October
and 2nd November, 1977.
The Festival of Holi, BBC Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted 23rd February,
Coventry’s Square Mile (2) - Radiovision - a profile in sound and vision
(36 slides) of the worship of four religious communities in Coventry.
Transmitted 9th March, 1976.
Coventry’s Square Mile (1) a profile of the beliefs and values of three
different ethnic and religious communities in Coventry, with special
reference to young people in their late teens. BBC Radio 4 (Schools)
transmitted 1975.
Festivals - Hindu (with Jill Burridge), BBC Radio 4 (Schools) transmitted
6th February, 1975.
Web-based publications
Jackson, R (2011) Studying Religions: The Interpretive Approach in
Jackson, R (2010) Antiracist Education, Multicultural Education and the
Interpretive Approach
Jackson, Robert (2009) ‘Understanding the religions and worldviews of
others’, Alliance of Civilizations Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 6 April 2009
Jackson, R. (2008) ‘Education, Democratic Citizenship and the Religious
Dimension Summing up of the morning interventions by Professor
Robert Jackson’, 118th Session of the Committee of Ministers, Council of
Europe, 2008 Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural
dialogue (held in Strasbourg, 8 April 2008) CM Documents CM(2008)
62, pp. 9-10
Jackson, R (2008) The Contribution of Teaching about Religions and
Beliefs to Education for Democratic Citizenship in Europe and Beyond:
Consequences of the REDCo-project in Weisse W., Jackson, R., Rudelt,
C. & Willaime, J-P. (2008) Religion in Education – a Contribution to
Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict? The REDCo-project: Presentation in
the European Parliament available online at
s/REDCo_Brussels_Doc_2.pdf pp30-36.
Weisse W., Jackson, R., Rudelt, C. & Willaime, J-P. (2008) Religion in
Education – a Contribution to Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict? The
REDCo-project: Presentation in the European Parliament available
online at
Multi-media Publications
Byram, M., Barrett, M., Ipgrave, J., Jackson, R. and Mendez Garcia, M.
(2009) Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters, Strasbourg, Language
Policy Division, Council of Europe (booklet and DVD published in
French and English)
Audio-visual publications
Visual material from WRERU was used on a Compact Disk Interactive as
part of Eggshells and Thunderbolts, a multimedia resource produced by
the BBC with Culham College Institute (1993) and as part of Living
Stones (1995), a CD Rom on Christianity in Britain produced by the
Culham College Institute.
Hindu Festivals, Pictorial Charts Educational Trust, 1982 (four wall
charts and teachers’ notes).
Who Is My Neighbour? - Slides and notes on a Hindu festival in Britain,
Rickett Encyclopaedia of Slides S. 1079, 1976. Published in conjunction
with Raymond Trudgian, Who Is My Neighbour? Denholm House Press,
Something After Death? - Slides and notes on beliefs and customs
associated with death in world religions, Rickett Encyclopaedia of Slides
S. 1077, 1976. Published in conjunction with Professor E G Parrinder,
Something After Death? Denholm House Press, 1976.