The global financial crisis and developing countries1 What can the EU do? Paper for informal EU Development Ministers’ meeting 29-30 January 2009, Prague, Czech Republic 20 January 2009 1 This paper was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The team is led by Dirk Willem te Velde and includes Nick Highton, Isabella Massa, Mareike Meyn, Jane Kennan and Jodie Keane. We are grateful to Stephany Griffith Jones, Simon Maxwell, Adrian Hewitt and Sheila Page and UK and Dutch officials for suggestions and contributions. Any views expressed are the responsibility of the authors and not of the UK or Dutch Governments or ODI. 1 Table of contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Links to the London G-20 Summit 4 3. Further action 3.1 EU instruments 3.2 EU – other regional or global initiatives 5 5 6 Appendix 1 The Global Financial Crisis: main areas of impact A1.1 Growth forecasts and expected output loss A1.2 Transmission mechanisms International capital flows, aid and remittances Trade A1.3 What effects are already visible? A1.4 Vulnerable countries: typologies 9 9 113 15 18 Appendix 2 The Global Financial Crisis: Main responses so far A2.1 Fiscal stimulus A2.2 Use of shock facilities IMF facilities The World Bank Group EU facilities A2.3 Additional finance or early disbursement 21 21 26 Appendix 3 The importance of the EU to developing countries 34 Appendix 4 - The economic impact of the global financial crisis on SubSaharan Africa 39 Appendix 5 The financial crisis and trade policies 40 2 30 1. Introduction The global financial crisis, its likely impact on developing countries and possible policy responses by the European Union (EU) will be discussed by EU Development Ministers at an informal meeting in Prague on 29-30 January 2009. This background note sets out in appendices the possible impact of the global financial crisis on developing countries and the responses so far, and in sections 2 and 3 looks ahead to the options available to the EU to respond to the global financial crisis and minimise the negative effects on developing countries. The paper focuses on what the EU (the European Commission and 27 EU member states) can do. The role of the EU as a trade and development partner is crucial in promoting well-being in developing countries2: The EU is the main trading partner for developing countries. In 2007 a fifth of exports from developing countries went to the EU. The EU is also a major sourcing market with 28% of imports coming from African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries (incl. South Africa). The EU is a major source of remittances for developing countries. The EU27 accounted for 30% of all global remittance outflows in 2007. The EU is a major provider of foreign direct investment (FDI) to developing countries. Around 27% of total FDI were destined for developing countries in 2007, and 57% of FDI outflows are accounted for by the EU (2007). The EU is the world’s largest provider of official development assistance (ODA). In 2007 the EU accounted for 53% of net ODA flows disbursed by Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors. Total net ODA to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) has nearly doubled in real terms over the last 10 years, reaching US$32.5 billion in 2007, representing one-third of total aid, more than half of which has been provided by the EU.3 The global financial crisis has put pressure on all of these important sources of revenues for developing countries, with potentially very significant consequences (detailed information on impacts are reviewed in appendix 1). It is still too soon to understand the precise effects, and the news is getting worse by the day. The shock, however, is likely to be significant, estimated to result in output losses of at least US$50 billion in Africa (US$ 353 billion in developing countries) over 2008-9 and a 2 percentage points slower output in 2009 in developed and developing countries, a loss which is more than five times the gains of a possible WTO settlement. Global financial flows to developing countries are expected to decline by 25-50% from USD 1 trillion to USD 550-750 billion over 2007-9. Trade finance is under pressure, global trade is forecast to fall by 2% in 2009, and exports in China, Taiwan and Korea were already down by 20% year-on-year in November 2008. India and China have each lost 10 million jobs, 14,000 jobs have gone in South African mining. Remittances are down by 40% in Kenya, tourism bookings by 40% in Cambodia and Kenya. While there have already been some policy responses (appendix 2), this may not be enough given the scale of the shock, and apart from the €1 billion Food Facility the EC has not yet responded. The EU can act in a number of ways. First, EU member states and the European Commission can act individually or through EU instruments. But they can also promote wider initiatives by regional or global partnerships or institutions. 2 3 See appendix 3 for further data. See 3 2. Links to the London G-20 Summit Poor developing countries have a direct interest in global financial stability even though they may not be the main actors. The G-20 summit of 15 November 2008 in Washington (which included the main developed and emerging economies) discussed the global financial crisis and produced a list of 40+ action points. The next discussions will take place in London on 2 April 2009. The substance of the London summit has yet to be announced, but it is expected there are three main strands to the 2 April 2009 agenda: Financial sector reforms; delivering progress on the Washington action plan to build better, and counter cyclical financial systems; and Economic and social policy responses; Economic recovery to restore jobs and growth; macroeconomic actions to revive the global economy, stimulate employment and review of measures taken and of further possible steps, including on the Doha Trade Round and social actions to protect the poorest from the downturn. Reform of international financial institutions (IFIs); speed, principles, priorities, process for reform of the IFIs, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Financial Stability Forum (FSF) and World Bank. There are discussions about what global financial rules are priorities, given that many rules have already been adopted e.g. by European regulators, and about what is in the interest of developing countries. For example: There is a discussion about the introduction of new accounting rules to reduce the pro-cyclicality of international capital flows and bank lending in particular. The debate is between academic thinkers (Charles Goodhart, Avinash Persaud) who favour a complete rewrite of the current Basel II financial rules versus practitioners and regulators suggesting that anti-cyclical elements could be included in the Basel II principles. It is key that capital adequacy ratios vary over the cycle and be linked to the growth in banking assets; they could be lower than 8% in bad times; and whether rules can be implemented to regulate the funding of assets (the crisis has taught us it matters whether mortgages are financed by deposits or short-term money markets). There are currently weak financial rules on tax havens, but it is completely unthinkable to bail out tax havens now. Countries have responded by safeguarding deposits and banking systems in their own county only. Transparency is back on the agenda (this could cover capital flight etc) which should cover tax havens some of which are close to “home”. IFI reform has been on the table for some time. Will the current crisis allow a greater voice and participation of developing countries? And could the G20 accelerate the Bank’s discussions on governance and strategic direction (see section 3.2). New global financial rules need to be supported by global action to provide global public goods (EU publication).4 Developed countries can smooth the impact of the crisis and volatility borne by developing countries by engaging in a co-ordinated fiscal response at 4 Morrissey, O., and D.W. te Velde. 2004. "Economic Policy and Global Action." The Courier ACP-EU 202. 4 home as well as abroad5. It might be easier to stimulate growth in developing countries, and the world economy has recently been growing on the basis of developing country demand recently. 3. Further action The EU development ministers can discuss a co-ordinated approach in individual responses6 and how EU instruments should respond to the crisis (section 3.1) but they can also promote other global and regional initiatives (section 3.2). 3.1 EU instruments So far the EU’s stimuli have bypassed developing countries, there is little evidence that its shock facilities are delivering, and EU institutions have yet to respond in full to the global financial crisis which is having large financial and economic effects (apart from the €1 billion Food Facility). It is time for a wake up call. What can the EU do? Keep aid commitments - At Gleneagles 2005, the G8 committed to increase aid to USD 130 billion in 2010 (at constant 2004 prices). Currently it is around $100 billion. There is no simple relationship between downturns and changes in aid (notice e.g. what happened in the period 2000-2002: aid did not decline while growth did), but some countries did reduce aid in past downturns; and France, Spain and Italy may now reduce increases in aid or cut aid. The case for aid is as strong as it was before, and even stronger. More aid would be needed in countries to manage the downturn and ensure that development success stories are not compromised7. The EU target in the 2008 EU Agenda for Action aims to reach an aid target of 0.56% of gross national income or EUR 66 billion. As GNI is declining, so might aid. However, the Agenda for Action did not take the global financial crisis into account. Early disbursements of EDF – if the effects become worse, there might be a case for early disbursement. This requires frontloading of EU Member state spending, and new rules to quicken disbursements (which are needed with or without a crisis). More resources for the EU’s FLEX (part of EDF) but only with quicker disbursements rules to ensure anti-cyclicality. This is a tall order since the ACP suggest that FLEX in its current format does not seem to work adequately and that they have lost a compensatory mechanism (after losing other mechanisms such as STABEX which were not very effective) If more resources are made available for FLEX (and initial allocation were small8)to deal with shocks in 2009 it would need to be accompanied by new disbursement rules and/or include some automaticity of support. So far developing countries have revealed little interest. More generally, the EU could consider a relaxation of EDF disbursement rules to deal with crisis and ensure that existing EU bilateral and EDF supported budget support instruments are 5 Part of the stimulus abroad would come back to the home country: we estimate that every $6 of increased (untied) aid would lead to increased exports of $1 6 Increased bilateral aid and fiscal stimuli, and encouarge bilateral Development Finance Institutions to be anti-cyclical (not all can, e.g. the CDC is expecting fewer income streams). 7 Massa, I. and D.W. Te Velde (2008), The global financial crisis: will successful African countries be affected?, see 8 Griffith-Jones, S. and J.A. Ocampo (2008), Compensatory Financing for Shocks: What Changes are Needed?, draft paper for UN. 5 as flexible and responsive as possible. For example the EU should allow for the possibility to address possible Balance of Payments problems quickly as and when they occur, not months and years later when the impact has already been felt. Budget support could be appropriate. Encourage the EIB to respond to the crisis – for instance, it could think about engaging in debates on trade finance (where there are market failures, ie by preventing crowding out of the private sector when the situation improves), and acting on the challenges, by fast tracking projects that promote growth directly (e.g. infrastructure funding), and further encourage the local private financial sector. In fact part of a fiscal stimulus could be provided in the form of increased support to accelerate growth policies such as the provision of good quality and appropriate infrastructure. This could be in the form of output based aid mechanisms rather than interest-rate subsidies. The EU (i.e. its member states) can implement and improve a co-ordinated fiscal stimulus, and part of this stimulus should go to developing countries in the form of grants and loans. The EU countries should not increase the financial burden and economic challenges they already pass on to developing countries (appendix 1), and improve their commitments on aid and development finance as the case for aid is stronger now than it was before. 3.2 EU – other regional or global initiatives Is the scale and speed of responses: is the current shock architecture up to scratch? A basic requirement of the shock-response architecture is that it needs to provide sufficient counter cyclical resources in terms of volume and flexibility. At present, modalities for providing liquidity are ad hoc and inadequate to address the problems associated with systemic instability - certainly on the scale currently being experienced. Efforts to provide increased liquidity for past shocks have been unsatisfactory, and often depended on ad hoc arrangements with the IMF’s large shareholders - which as creditors have important interests to protect. The IMF has taken several steps to strengthen its capacity to provide financing in crises, but none of the facilities has been backed by additional money and rely on the existing resources of the Fund. This leaves a key part of the architecture fundamentally constrained in its ability to respond. Proposals have been made to allow the Fund to issue Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to provide international liquidity. This would require an amendment of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement and would face opposition from some major industrial countries. An argument against resorting to new issues of SDRs concerns its potential inflationary consequences. Available evidence suggests that the effects on inflation would be small or non existent however. A positive advantage is that SDRs would help avoid the need for developing country governments to maintain high conventional reserves invested in low profit assets. There is a high degree of consensus that shock financing needs to be speedy to be effective (an important point also made with respect to EU instruments). A difficulty is that bilateral donors typically cannot reorient flows quickly. The IMF facilities, though more capable of acting quickly, are disparate and tend to carry excessive conditionality. Low or no conditionality is appropriate in view of the exogenous nature of the shock now facing developing countries. As with other forms of development financing, a higher degree of concessionality is appropriate for LICs. In the case of low-income countries, there is a clear case for the international community to provide grants for a significant proportion of the long-term effects 6 of shocks. If grant financing e.g. via existing multi donor budget support programmes, cannot be disbursed quickly, then concessional funds provide a second best alternative. In the short term, flexible funds should be made available for countries that have successfully approved annual Art IV consultations, thus reflecting reasonable macro-economic policies. In the longer term a practical way of building greater speed of response to shocks into existing IMF lending facilities is to build alternative scenarios into all Fund programmes. Thus, programmes could include provisions that lending would automatically increase and should certain levels of deterioration of terms of trade or reversals of capital flows occur, while programmes are otherwise on track. The EU could therefore support further anti cyclical action by the World Bank Group (IDA, IFC) and IMF (as long as it is provided without conditionalities) and press for streamlining of low conditionality IMF facilities - possibly supplemented by an SDR issue. As surveyed in appendix 2, the World Bank Group (IBRD) Loans will triple from US $13.5 billion to US $35 billion in the current fiscal year up to US $100 billion over the next three years. IDA has $42 billion for 2008-2011, which it could frontload (e.g. using the IDA Fast Track Facility which would speed approval processes) and US $2 billion available to help hardest hit poorest countries. The IFC has facilities for US $30 billion over the next three years, which involve a doubling in the trade finance programme to US $3 billion, provide a new bank recapitalisation fund to recapitalise distressed banks, provide a new infrastructure crisis facility to provide roll-over financing and help recapitalise existing, viable, privately-funded infrastructure projects facing financial distress The EU can support the UN process. There is a UN commission on the international monetary system which is meeting again in March 2009 (see Box 1) and there will be a high level UN conference later this year. Box 1: The Commission of Experts of the President of the United Nations Genera l Assembly on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System, This unprecedented global financial and economic crisis requires an unprecedented global response from the entire international community, the G-192. The Commission held its first meeting in New York on January 4 through January 6, and recommendations include It is imperative that all the developed countries take strong and effective actions to stimulate their economies, and consider consequences on other countries. Additional assistance to developing countries may be required to offset these effects. There are large asymmetries in global economic policies—countercyclical policies are pursued by developed countries, while most developing countries pursue pro-cyclical policies. It is imperative that developing countries be provided with funds to enable them to undertake comparable policies, to stimulate their economies, to provide social protection, and to ensure a flow of liquidity to their firms, including maintenance of trade credits. While there is a need for long discussed reforms in their governance, in the short run the creation of a new credit facility, perhaps within the IMF, the World Bank, or regional or sub-regional development banks, should be considered, with stronger representation for developing countries. While funds within the International Financial Institutions are limited, it is imperative that more funds be provided, and that they be provided without the usual conditionalities, especially those that force these countries to pursue pro-cyclical policies or to adopt the kinds of monetary and regulatory policies which contributed to the current crisis. Additional funding could be provided by a large issuance of Special Drawing Rights. The Commission noted several regional efforts at cooperative responses to the crisis, including providing needed liquidity, and urged the consideration of their expansion. The crisis highlights how policies and institutions in developed countries can have global systemically significant effects. The Commission urged greater transparency on the part of all parties in responding to the crisis. While a successful completion of the Doha trade round would be welcome, certain actions could be implemented immediately, namely the opening of markets in advanced economies to least developed countries’ exports. The next plenary meeting will be held in Geneva on March 8-10. 7 The EU could help to improve global financial rules and reduce pro-cyclicality of accountancy rules on banking. This is the time to kick-start discussions amongst regulators, banks and finance experts. G-20 and IFI reform – the EU can encourage governance reform of the IFIs and ensure better representation of poorer countries. The EU could be thinking of a co-ordinated view. But IFI reform is also about the role of the IMF in times of crises – vis-à-vis regional banks and initiatives. Further, the G20 Leaders called for reform of the World Bank’s governance, its mandate and financing. The G20 can move forward discussions on governance reform planned for the coming two-three years and discussions on strategic directions at the Bank’s Annual Meeting in October 2009. The EU could ask Sovereign Wealth Funds to act counter cyclical. SWFs have played a stabilising role by providing the funds that have helped to stabilise the global banking system during the current world financial turbulence, and have generated an important opportunity to increase financial cooperation amongst developing countries9. The EU should ensure that any schemes are undertaken following consultation with the private sector as new aid fund need to leverage in private resources, and not crowd these out (an issues which might become important in a recovery, but less so in a recession). The EU could also promote the establishment of a national crisis response task force in each developing country10, building on existing institutions for state-business relations11, tasked with tracking the impact of the crisis and responding to it. Beyond shock facilities and international monetary issues, the EU can support respect for current WTO rules, even in the absence of a Doha settlement, and avoid taking protectionist measures, such as the recently announced resumption of export subsidies to dairy products (FT 16 Jan 2009). Such measures break the commitment of the November 2008 G20 meeting not to take protectionist measures as a response to the crisis. At the least the EU itself should not become more protectionist and needs to refrain from raising tariffs or reinstating dairy export subsidies. 9 Griffith-Jones, S. and J.A. Ocampo (2008), Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Developing Country Perspective, draft Te Velde, D.W. (2008), paper for conference on the global financial crisis in Berlin 8 December 2008, . 11 K. Sen and D.W. te Velde, State-Business Relations and Economic Growth in sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming. 10 8 Appendix 1 The Global Financial Crisis: main areas of impact The financial crisis that emerged in the financial sector in developed countries and then spread to developed countries’ real sectors has also affected confidence in the financial markets of emerging economies and has begun to affect the real economies of developing countries. While some effects are already visible, it is expected that major impacts in developing countries will become much worse throughout the year. This section discusses: growth forecasts in the light of the crisis; transmission mechanisms; effects of the crisis so far; aspects of vulnerability. A1.1 Growth forecasts and expected output loss Growth forecasts have been revised downwards in rapid succession. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) had already downgraded its forecasts for world growth significantly in October 2008 and now expects growth of just 2.2% for 2009, with an equal downgrading for developed and developing countries. The latest forecasts are more pessimistic. The World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects released in December expected world growth of 1.9% for 2009 (compared to 4.9% in 2007). Growth in developing countries was expected to slow from 7.9% in 2007 to 6.3% in 2008 and 4.5% in 2009. The Asian Development Bank downgraded its forecasts for growth in developing Asia in mid-December 2008 and expects 5.8% in 2009, down from 9% in 2007. EU economies are hardly growing or even shrinking. Spain and Italy expect a fall in the rate of economic growth by 1%; the UK expects that its economy will shrink by between 0.75% and 1.25%, with some private institutions forecasting a 2% decline; and France admits that its growth prospects of 0.2-05% might be overoptimistic.12 Table 1 shows detailed growth forecasts by the IMF for 2008 and 2009 at three points in time. It is now acknowledged that even this is too optimistic. For example, China might grow by only 5-6% this year, not the 8% suggested in the table. Chart 1 shows that emerging and developing countries have grown much faster than developed countries in this decade. Many suggested that this was evidence of a decoupling in growth rates. As the chart shows, growth in both developed and developing countries will slow down, but while developed countries’ growth will shrink, developing countries will still continue to grow. 12 Der Spiegel (08/01/09): “ Deutsche Exporte stürzen ab wie seit 15 Jahren nicht mehr.“ Available online at:,1518,600067,00.html. 9 Table 1: GDP annual percentage change projections April 3.7 2008 October 3.9 November 3.7 April 3.8 2009 October 3.0 November 2.2 Advanced economies United States Euro area Germany France Italy Spain Japan United Kingdom Canada Other advanced economies Newly industrialized Asian economies 1.3 0.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.3 1.8 1.4 1.6 1.3 3.3 4.0 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.9 0.9 -0.1 1.4 0.7 1.0 0.7 3.1 4.0 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.7 0.8 -0.2 1.4 0.5 0.8 0.6 2.9 3.9 1.3 0.6 1.2 1.0 1.2 0.3 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.9 3.4 4.4 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.5 -0.1 1.2 2.5 3.2 -0.3 -0.7 -0.5 -0.8 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.2 -1.3 0.3 1.5 2.1 Emerging and developing economies Africa Sub-Sahara Central and Eastern Europe Russia Commonwealth of Independent States Developing Asia China India ASEAN-5 Middle East Western Emisphere Brazil Mexico 6.7 6.3 6.6 4.4 6.6 5.2 5.5 4.2 6.8 6.9 8.3 9.7 7.8 5.4 6.1 4.5 5.2 1.9 6.6 6.4 6.7 4.3 7.0 8.2 9.3 7.9 5.8 6.1 4.4 4.8 2.0 6.9 5.9 6.1 4.5 7.0 7.2 8.4 9.8 7.9 5.5 6.4 4.6 5.2 2.0 6.5 8.4 9.5 8.0 6.0 6.1 3.6 3.7 2.3 6.1 6.0 6.3 3.4 5.5 5.7 7.7 9.3 6.9 4.9 5.9 3.2 3.5 1.8 5.1 4.7 5.1 2.5 3.5 3.2 7.1 8.5 6.3 4.2 5.3 2.5 3.0 0.9 European Union 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.7 0.6 -0.2 World Sources: IMF’s World Economic Outlook, April and October 2008, and World Economic Outlook Update, November 2008. Chart 1: Real GDP growth slowing in developed and developing countries 9 Emerging and developing economies 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Developed economies 1 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 -1 1980 0 Source: IMF’s World Economic Outlook Update, November 2008. Assuming that most of the revisions in forecasts produced in July and November for 2008 and 2009 is due to the global financial crisis, it is possible to estimate possible output losses over the period 2008-2009, expressed in 2007 US dollars. Charts 2–4 show projected output in constant prices for the world, developing countries and Africa. Table 2 suggests that the 10 output loss over 2008-2009 is expected to be close to 1.4 trillion 2007 US dollars for the world; the decline in 2009 alone will be more than five times a successful Doha Round settlement estimates (some suggest thus is around US$80 billion) is expected to gain. The costs would be US$50 billion for Africa alone. Chart 2: World GDP, US$ 2007 (July, October and November 2008 projections) 60000.0 58743 59000.0 58122.7 58000.0 57560.2 57000.0 56538 56429.8 56321.1 56000.0 55000.0 54312 54311.6 54311.6 54000.0 53000.0 52000.0 2007 2008 2009 Sources: IMF’s World Economic Outlook Database; and authors’ calculations. Note: the yellow bar stands for July projections, the blue bar stands for October projections, and the red bar stands for November projections. Chart 3: Emerging and developing countries GDP, US$ 2007 (July, October and November 2008 Projections) 17500.0 17315.3 17217.9 17007.8 17000.0 16500.0 16228.0 16228.0 16182.5 16000.0 15500.0 15180.6 15180.6 15180.6 15000.0 14500.0 14000.0 2007 2008 2009 Sources: IMF’s World Economic Outlook Database; and authors’ calculations. Note: the yellow bar stands for July projections, the blue bar stands for October projections, and the red bar stands for November projections. 11 Chart 4: Africa GDP, US$ 2007 (July, October and November 2008 Projections) 1250.0 1236.6 1226.2 1203.1 1200.0 1162.2 1156.8 1149.1 1150.0 1092.3 1100.0 1092.3 1092.3 1050.0 1000.0 2007 2008 2009 Sources: IMF’s World Economic Outlook Database; and authors’ calculations. Note: the yellow bar stands for July projections, the blue bar stands for October projections, and the red bar stands for November projections. Table 2: Cumulative output loss, 2008-09 Estimated output loss US$ 2007 billion World 1400 Emerging and developing countries 353 13 47 Africa Sources: Implied by revisions to the IMF’s growth rates; and authors’ calculations. Of course, the cumulative output loss will grow and the situation may prove to be worse than current forecasts. It might be of interest to compare the expected output loss with that in previous crises by measuring the difference in output levels between actual and potential output. Table 3 measures the cumulative difference between projected potential output and actual output over the years, starting from the first year in which each crisis started. There are two things to note: The costs of previous global financial crises in individual developing countries are very large compared to the effects of the current financial crisis (with the possible exception such as Iceland). The current crisis is in developed countries which can respond, while the other crises started in developing countries themselves. However there is a big difference between past crises and the current financial crisis. The current crisis is a global phenomenon with much bigger global effects than was the case for past crises, even though individual outfalls have so far been limited. Table 3: Comparative cumulated output loss during a financial crisis Country 13 12 Period Output loss Billions of Billions of GDP in 2002 (US$ bn) Output loss as a share of GDP GDP pre crisis (US$ bn) By comparison: In 2007 FDI inflows to SSA amounted to about US$25 billion. Remittance flows to SSA increased from a value of US$1.7 billion in 1995 to a value of US$19 billion in 2007 ODA flows to SSA reached a net value of US$40 billion in 2006. (in 2002 data) 1989 US$ 2002 US$ Argentina 2002 25.6 37.1 102 36 Brazil 1999-2002 96.7 140.1 506 28 586.7 (1999) Indonesia 1997-2002 238.6 345.9 195.7 177 215.8 (1997) Korea, Rep. 1997-2002 122.9 178.1 546.9 33 516.3 (1997) Malaysia 1997-2002 60.6 87.8 95.2 92 100.2 (1997) Mexico 1995-2002 78.1 113.2 649.1 17 286.7 (1995) Thailand 1997-2002 210.5 305.2 126.9 241 150.9 (1997) Turkey 2001-2002 29.0 42.1 232.7 18 196 (2001) Total 862.0 1,249.6 2454.4 50 Source: Adapted from Griffiths-Jones and Gottschalk (2004); World Development Indicators. Note that output losses are cumulated (so two years of halved output compared to potential could show up as a 100% output loss A1.2 Transmission mechanisms The main transmission mechanisms of the global financial crisis to developing countries include: international capital flows (FDI, portfolio flows and bank lending); remittances; aid; and trade. International capital flows, aid and remittances Calì, Massa and te Velde (2008) discusses the possible implications for financial flows to developing countries. Table 4 provides a summary overview of the type of flows under pressure, the baseline flows in 2007 and the expected drop during the current financial crisis. Calì, Massa and te Velde (2008) suggests that international financial resources to developing countries fall by some US $300 billion, or a drop of a quarter. This assumption is in part based on the following observations: the level of FDI flows to developing countries fell by around one-third in the previous downturn (2000-2002); forecasts for international bank lending indicate a drop of one-third to two-fifths; previous financial crises show that remittances could drop by around one-fifth; It is assumed that Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) increase finance and that aid is stable – as aid is a policy not behaviour. 13 Table 4: Gross financial resources to developing countries, latest year available, US$ billion Baseline financial flows in 2007 Foreign Direct Investment (gross) International bank lending (net) US $499 billion (UNCTAD) Possible new estimate for 2008/9 (assuming a 2% drop in GDP over 2008-2009 due to the crisis) US $350 billion (own estimate) US $400 billion (IIF) US $250 billion (estimate for 2008 by IIF) Portfolio equity flows (net) US $-6 billion Zero or negative net flows Remittances (gross) Aid (gross) US $251 billion US $210 billion US $100 billion US $100 billion Development Finance Institutions (gross) US $50 billion (2005/6), not including IMF US $75 billion (in 2008, assuming trend growth) Sum of above Around US Around US $1000 billion $1.3 trillion Source: Calì, Massa and te Velde (2008). Expected fall Examples one-third Xstrata pulled out of a US $5 billion deal in South Africa; drop of net FDI by 40% in Turkey. one-third to two-fifths International bank cross-border claims (world wide) fell by US $862 billion in the second quarter of 2008. Investors in Korea have withdrawn US $45 billion, US $6.1 billion during the year in South Africa, and US $16 billion in India in 2008. one-fifth Annual decreases of 12% in Mexico, and 38% in Kenya. No change Governments in France, Italy, (assumption, but and Spain could be planning to acknowledge pressures freeze or cut aid budgets. on aid and other budgets) Increase (assumption) New facilities (IFC, IMF US $200-250 billion); IMF deals with Ukraine (US $16.5 billion), Hungary (US $12.5 billion) and possibly Pakistan. Decrease of US $300 billion (fall by 25%) The World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects published a month later than ODI’s forecasts suggests an ever-greater drop in net international financial flows to developing countries, from around US$1 trillion to US$530 billion. Trade The World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects forecasts a fall in trade volumes by 2% in 2009, the worst for several decades. However, the World Bank also assumes that global trade recovers soon, growing at 6% in 2010. Many suggest these are too optimistic, certainly in the light of more recent data (see Section 2.3). Chart 5: Growth in trade volumes 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 1981 1985 1989 1993 -4 Source: World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects (2009). 14 1997 2001 2005 2009 A1.3 What effects are already visible? There are already signs of withdrawals of capital and export losses in developing countries. Data: the crisis has led to declines in FDI, for example FDI to Turkey has already fallen by 40% over the year 2008 and FDI to India dropped by 40% in the first six months of 2008; FDI to China was US$6.6 billion in September 2008, a 20% fall from the first nine month average of 2008; Examples: mining investments in South Africa and Zambia have been put on hold Other forecasts: the World Association of Investment Promotion Agenciesforesees a 15% drop in FDI for 2009. . The crisis has led to a drop in bond and equity issuances and the sell-off of risky assets in developing countries. The average volume of bond issuances by developing countries was only US$6 billion between July 2007 and March 2008, down from US$15 billion over the same period in 2006. Between January and March 2008, equity issuance by developing countries stood at US$5 billion, its lowest level in five years. As a result, World Bank research suggests some 91 International Public Offerings have been withdrawn or postponed in 2008. There is already financial contagion and stock markets have fallen around the world, with the largest losses since the 1930s. This has triggered entrenchment by investors, with reports that they have withdrawn US$45 billion from Korea, US$6.1 billion from South Africa, and US$16 billion from India over 2008. Turnover on the nascent stock market in Uganda has fallen by 60% in 2008. Stockmarkets are down everywhere, including in Africa in Egypt the CASE 30 index fell by 57% in the period 31 July–2 December 2008; in South Africa the JSE All Share Index fell by about 28% from end July to 2 December 2008; in Nigeria the All Share index has declined by 45.3% since March 2008. Remittances have also declined: in the first eight months of 2008, remittances to Mexico (which depend almost exclusively on migrants to the USA) decreased by 4.2%, with the strongest declines in August; remittances to Kenya (which also depend on the US economy) have been hit even harder, with the Central Bank estimating around a 40% year-to-year drop in August 2008. There are also concerns about trade finance:14 14 Concern about the shortage of trade finance led the Brazilian government to use a portion of its reserves to provide trade financing for exporters and to transfer US$2.2 billion to Brazil’s National Development Bank (BNDES), also for trade financing. • In the Asian crisis of the 1990s the value of trade finance from banks outstanding in Indonesia fell from US $13 billion in 1997 to US$ 3 billion in 1999. 15 While EU27 imports data appear with a time-lag of around 3 months, and trade data are noisy, with marked fluctuations, we can already see a decline in EU27 trade volumes over the year (Chart 6). The smoothed growth rates15 for September show that the EU already imported some 3% less than a year ago. Chart 6: Growth in EU27 imports from developing countries (Jan 2001–September 2008), volumes 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Jan. 2001 -2% Jan. 2002 Jan. 2003 Jan. 2004 Jan. 2005 Jan. 2006 Jan. 2007 Jan. 2008 -4% -6% -8% -10% Source: Eurostat (year-on-year, moving average of growth rate in last few months) Chart 7: Growth in UK imports from developing countries (Jan 2001–October 2008), SITC 616 volumes (manufactures classified chiefly by material) 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Jan. 2001 Jan. 2002 Jan. 2003 Jan. 2004 Jan. 2005 Jan. 2006 Jan. 2007 Jan. 2008 -20% -40% Source: Eurostat (year-on-year, moving average of growth rates in last few months). The EU’s biggest economies, Germany, UK and France, recorded import volume declines in food and live animals (SITC 0) of around 30% comparing October 2007 to October 2008. This decline in demand has so far been offset by price/exchange rate gains. Thus, there were still positive value growth rates on a monthly 2007-08 comparison. 15 See Appendix for detailed data 16 SITC – Standard International Trade Classification. 16 Export values and production are shrinking throughout the world.17 The value of UK exports declined by 3.7 per cent in November against the previous month. Germany, Europe’s largest economy, experienced a 10.9% fall in exports and a 5.6% decline in imports in November 2008 (from the previous month). This decline is the worst since the early 1990s mainly owing to declines in intra-EU trade.18 Germany’s industrial production shrank by 6.4% (after a 3.7% decline in October). In Spain, industrial production in November 2008 shrank by 15.1% compared to November 2007.19 US imports fell by 12% month-on-month in November 2008, exports fell by 6%. Export growth in Asia remained surprisingly buoyant until the last quarter of 2008. Dramatic reductions in (annualised) export growth rates were reported as of November 2008 in a number of Asian economies: o 18% decline in Korea; o 2.2% decline in China; o 23.3% in Taiwan.20 China’s imports declined by 18% and exports by 2.2.% in November 2008 (compared to November 2007). Letters of credit are posited as financing 70% of China’s exports, but imports also need to be financed. The latest data for China, in December 2008, suggest that trade continued this weak performance, with exports falling by 2.8% and imports by 21.3% compared to December 2007. Export revenues are falling rapidly for many countries. Zambia has been affected with the price of copper falling by 40% since July 2008. Tourism bookings are down by 40% in Cambodia comparing 2008 to 2007 figures. And visitor arrivals in (and revenues to) Kenya fell 30% over the first 9 months of 2008. UK internet searches for holiday packages were down by 40% in December and flight are being withdrawn. The global financial crisis has already had significant effects on employment.21 Job losses in China’s export industry have led to fears about millions of migrants who left the land for the cities. 10 million people have been laid off as a result of the crisis. Indian exporters suggested that labour-intensive export industries could see the loss of up to 10 million jobs over the next three months. In South Africa, mining companies have so far revealed plans to axe 14,000 jobs. Am official in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s main mining region suggested that the sector would have shed 300,000 jobs by the end of 2008. Mining companies in Zambia have shed jobs. Growth and employment effects would increase poverty. According to the World Bank, a 1% reduction in growth increases the number living in poverty by 20 million, so the expected 2% reduction due to the crisis this year would increase poverty by 40 million. 17 18 19 20 21 This section has to be based on anecdotic evidence quoted in newspapers due to the time lack of data availability. At the time of writing (mid-January 2009) Eurostat data for EU27 were only available up to September 2008 on an aggregated level and up to October 2008 on a country level. Der Spiegel (08/01/09): “Deutsche Exporte stürzen ab wie seit 15 Jahren nicht mehr“, available online at,1518,600067,00.html. Manager-Magazin (09/01/09): “Industrieproduktion schrumpft rapide”, available online at,2828,600268,00.html. See Jessop (2008). Financial Times, 10 and 14 January 2009. 17 A1.4 Vulnerable countries: typologies Some types of country face higher risks than others. We list these below. Countries with a significant share of exports to crisis-affected countries such as the USA and EU (either directly or indirectly): Mexico is a good example and the tourism sector in Caribbean and African countries will be hit. Countries exporting products whose prices are affected (Table 5 and Appendix 6) or products with high income elasticities: Zambia will eventually be hit by lower copper prices, Table 5: Commodity dependence and commodity prices, examples Country Commodity exports as % of GDP (WEO 2006) 5 – 10% 5 – 10% Kenya Mali Mozambique Rwanda Senegal Tanzania Uganda Source: IMF and own judgement. 5 – 10% 2.5 – 5% 5 – 10% 5 – 10% 5 – 10% Key commodity exports (2000) Commodities experiencing price declines (Oct over July 2008) -24% (Coffee) -19% (cotton) Coffee, tea, green beans Cotton, groundnuts, animals, wood Fisheries, nuts, fuels Tea, coffee, hides Fisheries, cotton, palm oil Coffee, tobacco, fisheries Coffee, fisheries -10% (fish and nuts) -2% (tea) -19% (cotton) -24% (Coffee) -24% (Coffee) Countries heavily dependent on remittances will be affected due to a volume effect (and also a value effect) (Table 6). Table 6: Remittance-dependent countries, remittances (in US$ million) Region 2004 2005 2006 Tajikistan ECA 252 467 1,019 Moldova ECA 705 920 1,182 Lesotho SSA 355 327 361 Honduras LAC 1,175 1,821 2,391 Lebanon MNA 5,591 4,924 5,202 Guyana LAC 153 201 218 Jordan MNA 2,330 2,500 2,883 Haiti LAC 932 985 1,063 Jamaica LAC 1,623 1,784 1,946 Kyrgyz Republic ECA 189 322 481 El Salvador LAC 2,564 3,030 3,485 Nepal SAS 823 1,212 1,453 Armenia ECA 813 940 1,175 Nicaragua LAC 519 616 698 Philippines EAP 11,471 13,566 15,251 Guatemala LAC 2,627 3,067 3,700 Albania ECA 1,161 1,290 1,359 Bangladesh SAS 3,584 4,314 5,428 Sierra Leone SSA 25 2 50 Dominican Rep. LAC 2,501 2,719 3,084 Cape Verde SSA 113 137 137 Morocco MNA 4,221 4,590 5,451 Senegal SSA 633 789 925 Togo SSA 179 193 229 Guinea-Bissau SSA 28 28 28 Sri Lanka SAS 1,590 1,991 2,185 Dominica LAC 23 25 25 Vietnam EAP 3,200 4,000 4,800 Uganda SSA 311 323 665 Note: e. Estimates based on data until October 2008. Source: World Bank (2008) based on IMF Balance of Payment Statistics 18 2007 2008e 1,691 1,498 443 2,625 5,769 278 3,434 1,222 2,144 715 3,711 1,734 1,273 740 16,291 4,254 1,071 6,562 148 3,414 139 6,730 925 229 29 2,527 26 5,500 849 1,750 1,550 443 2,820 6,000 278 3,434 1,300 2,144 715 3,881 2,254 1,300 771 18,669 4,472 1,071 8,893 150 3,575 139 6,730 1,000 229 30 2,720 30 5,500 875 Share in GDP (2007) 45.5% 38.3% 28.7% 24.5% 24.4% 23.5% 22.7% 20.0% 19.4% 19.0% 18.4% 15.5% 13.5% 12.1% 11.6% 10.6% 10.1% 9.5% 9.4% 9.3% 9.2% 9.0% 8.5% 8.4% 8.3% 8.1% 8.0% 7.9% 7.2% Countries heavily dependent on FDI, portfolio and DFI finance to finance their current account problems. Countries with sophisticated stock markets and banking sectors with weakly regulated markets for securities. The number of stock markets in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), though still small, has increased significantly over time – from five in 1989 to 16 currently, including those recently established in Ghana, Malawi, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia. Some stock markets in SSA, such as those in Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and Mauritius, have experienced an extraordinary performance over the past few years, thus attracting an increasing share of portfolio inflows, but this is now at risk. The financial sector in most poor countries has not been affected as much as in developed countries. Countries with a high share of foreign-owned banks might be more at risk than those with few (Chart 8). Chart 8: Share of banking assets in SSA held by foreign banks with majority ownership, 2006 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% Swaziland Madagascar Mozambique Zambia Uganda Botswana Rwanda Cote d'Ivoire Burkina Tanzania Ghana Niger Cameroon Mali Angola Zinbabwe Namibia Congo Senegal Kenya Burundi Mauritius Malawi Seychelles Nigeria Togo Ethiopia South Africa 0% Note: A bank is said to be foreign owned if 50% or more of its shares in a given year are held directly by foreign nationals. Source: World Bank’s Global Development Finance, 2008. Countries with a high current account deficit with pressures on exchange rates and inflation rates. South Africa cannot afford to reduce interest rates as it needs to attract investment to address its current account deficit. India has seen a devaluation as well as high inflation. Import values in other countries have already weakened in the current account. Large current account surpluses and reserve holdings may provide insurance against a sudden shift in private capital flows reducing the adverse shocks of the financial turmoil. For this reason, Emerging Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries that have huge current account surpluses are expected to suffer less from a sudden reversal in foreign financing than Emerging Europe countries, where the current account deficit is high and increasing (see Table 7). Table 7: Current account balance in emerging Region 2006 Emerging Europe 21.50 Emerging Asia 289.30 Latin America 54.00 Africa/Middle East 14.90 GCC Countries 210.60 market economies, by region (2006-2008) 2007 2008e -23.60 -34.60 421.80 365.90 26.60 14.00 11.00 33.00 206.10 377.40 Note: Amounts in billions of US $; e = estimate. Source: Institute of International Finance (IIF), October 12, 2008. 19 Chart 9 also shows which countries have a low level of reserves (measured by months of imports) and which countries have high commodity dependence. Given the drop in commodity prices, countries in the top left are in danger Chart 9: Countries with low reserves and high commodity dependence are more at risk 120sudan mozambique nigeria Commodity dependence jamaica sierra leone congo rwanda ethiopia tanzania 100 guyana zambia malawi uganda ghana 80 kyrgyz rep. kenya indonesia 60 south africa vietnam 40 20 afghanistan india nepal pakistan cambodia 0 0 yemen china bangladesh 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Reserves in months of imports 20 Countries with high government deficits. For example, India has a weak fiscal position which means that it cannot put public spending in place. Countries dependent on aid. There might be volume effects if aid is scaled down and there might be exchange rate effects. For example, UK aid to Mozambique was hit especially because of a the UK£ depreciation Appendix 2 The Global Financial Crisis: Main responses so far The immediate response of many countries directly hit by the global financial crisis was to engage in significant bank rescue packages worth at least US$3 trillion ( EU and US). These were crucial measures to save the banking sector from collapse but have also increased future risks in terms of higher public debt. There have been three other types of response: fiscal stimulus by developed countries; the use of shock facilities in the international financial institutions and aid agencies; additional finance or early disbursement mechanisms. A2.1 Fiscal stimulus The financial crisis has led to a contraction in aggregate demand. Consumers cut their consumption in order to increase precautionary saving because of a decrease in real and financial wealth, tighter credit conditions and a high degree of uncertainty. Firms reduce or postpone their investments because of lower actual and expected demand. When monetary policy is not working, governments can take fiscal action in order to increase demand among consumers and firms. The tools available to implement a fiscal stimulus package are spending increases, targeted tax cuts and transfers (e.g. unemployment benefits, increases in earned income tax credits, safety nets, write-down of mortgages, etc.), and, to a lesser extent, general tax cuts (e.g. VAT decreases) or subsidies directed to consumers or firms. Fiscal sustainability is one challenge to implementing a fiscal package; it may have to be compromised in uncertain and unprecedented times. Many countries have already unveiled stimulus packages focusing on supporting productive investment (i.e. corporate cash flows and public infrastructure) and consumption. Tables 8 to 10 (below) summarise the main economic stimulus packages that have been announced so far in EU and non-EU developed, emerging and developing countries. On average, developed and developing countries are implementing stimulus packages ranging from 1 to 2 percent of GDP. Just to provide some remarkable examples, Spain and China have announced significant stimulus packages of €38 billion and US $586 billion respectively. Moreover, the United States has launched a massive stimulus package of US $800 billion. On 26 November 2008, the European Commission called for an ambitious stimulus plan (i.e. the European Economic Recovery Plan) totalling €200 billion (see Table 8). 21 Table 8: European Commission EU Economic Recovery Plan Stimulus package amount 26 November 2008 €200 billion (1.5% of 27 EU nations’ GDP) Description €170 billion (around 1.2% of EU GDP) provided by member states through tax cuts and higher public spending. Additional €30 billion (0.3% of EU GDP) provided by the EU budget. Suggested measures: cuts in VAT and income tax for the lower paid; higher public spending on infrastructure such as broadband, research and "green" products. Extra €5 billion in EU cash to the European car industry, €1 billion to the construction industry and €1 billion to manufacturers. EU subsidies for infrastructure projects in member states. Table 9 highlights measures proposed by EU governments and includes help for troubled companies and households, support for unemployed people, public aid for the automobile sector, credit for public infrastructure projects, and changes in the tax system like decreases in the VAT. Table 9: Stimulus Plans in individual EU27 countries Country Belgium France Germany Stimulus package amount December 2008 €2 billion (0.6% of GDP)a December 2008 €26 billion (1.3% of GDP) November 2008 €32 billion over two years (1.3% of GDP) December 2008 €50 billion over two years (up to 2% of GDP) Italy Netherlands November 2008 €80 billion (5% of GDP) 21 November 2008 €6 billion (1% of GDP) Portugal 15 December 2008 €2.2 billion (1.25% of GDP) Spain Over the last six months €38 billion until 2012 (3.6% of GDP)a Sweden 4 December 2008 15 billion Swedish crowns 22 Description Tax cuts. Increased benefits for laid-off workers. €10.5 billion for infrastructure, research and support for local authorities, including: * €4 billion to investment for state-owned rail, energy and postal companies; * €4 billion to sustainable development, higher education and military industries. Help for the ailing auto industry. Additional €11.5 billion of credits and tax breaks on investment in 2009 to companies. Includes tax rebates, soft loans and handouts. €20 billion, mainly cuts in payroll levies (October 2008). €12 billion, mainly in tax rebates for new-car buyers and soft loans (5 November 2008). Approved rise from €10.5 billion to €18.5 billion in government net new borrowing in 2009. Approved on 12 January, 2009. May include investments in schools, public works and energy efficiency; income tax cuts; lower health insurance contributions. Under discussion a bonus for families with children, increased payments for reduced hours and incentives to help Germany's ailing car industry. Temporary freeze on regulated energy prices and road tolls. €2.4 billion in tax breaks for poorer families. Mainly recycling of existing funds. Includes fiscal measures aimed at improving companies’ liquidity. Tax deduction to companies that make large investments. Companies are allowed to write down investments earlier than usual. Companies also receive temporary financial support from an unemployment fund to pay employees who cut their working hours. Creation of a government program to find jobs for the unemployed. €1.3 billion is funded by national budget; the rest comes from European funds. €800 million on fiscal incentives, including credit lines to support exporters. €500 million for schools. €250 million for energy infrastructure. €580 million for employment programs. €6 billion in tax cuts. €4 billion to credit-strapped companies and households. On 27 November 2008: €11 billion for 2009-10 including €8 billion for local government investment, and €3 billion for specific industrial sectors and projects: €800 million for the automotive industry; €500 million for environmental projects; €500 million for research and development; €400 million to upgrade police and civil guard stations. Permitted budget deficits from 0.05% to 0.5% of GDP. Country United Kingdom Stimulus package amount (US $1.8 billion) (0.4% GDP) a 24 November 2008 £20 billion (US $31 billion) until 2010 (1% of GDP) Hungary November 2008 1.4 trillion forint (US $6.9 billion) over two-years (5.0% of GDP) a Poland December 2008 91.3 zlotys (US$31.4 billion) (7.5% of GDP) a Description VAT reduction from 17.5% to 15% from December 1 to end-2009. Increase from 21% to 22% in the small-firm corporation-tax rate planned for 2009 was postponed until April 2010. £2.5 billion of additional capital expenditure projects from 2010-11. £60 payment to every pensioner. Earlier increase in child benefit. Postponed increases in vehicle excise duties. Borrowing up to 8% of GDP (£118 billion) in 2009-10. Debt up to 57% of GDP in 2012-13. New 45% tax rate for the rich from 2011. Half-point increase in national-insurance contribution rates for both employers and employees from April 2011. Does not involve new spending. Includes a regrouping of existing funds to support business. 680 billion forints for lending guarantees mainly to SMEs. 260 billion forints to provide liquidity for lending. Note: (a) As percentage of 2007 GDP. Chart 10 shows the stimulus packages by type of demand in the EU’s six largest economies stressing that the priorities in all these countries are productive investment and infrastructure expenditure. Chart 10: European stimulus packages by type of demand (billion euros) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Residential construction Public infrastructure Germany Productive investment France UK Consumption Consumption Public of durables of non-durables consumption Italy Spain Netherlands Source: Natixis, December 2008. In Latin America, Chile is putting forward a bigger package than its neighbour Argentina ― 2.4 percent of GDP compared to the 1.4 percent of GDP that Argentina is committing to tackle the crisis. Mauritius recently introduced a package. It has been forward-looking, and in order to shore up the country resilience, it has unveiled two stimulus packages totalling Rs 19.7 billion since May 2008 (see Box 1). Whilst many poor countries cannot afford a fiscal stimulus, it is worth noting the flexibility and preparedness demonstrated by Mauritius. 23 24 Box 1: Mauritius: A pre-emptive strategy against the financial crisis After a period of weak economic growth and external shocks in 2005, Mauritius has become a more resilient economy thanks to a series of effective reforms launched over the last three years and to its robust financial system as recognized by the IMF. These two elements have played a key role in the context of the current crisis. The reforms have allowed Mauritius to build resilience to weather the storm of the global financial and economic crisis. Further, thanks to its financial regulation and absence of derivative products in the financial system, the country has not been exposed to financial contagion, with the only exception of few corrections in the stock market due to the spread of fear among investors all over the world. In spite of this, Mauritius was aware that no country might have been immune to one of the worst global crisis in many decades. Therefore, rather than waiting to be officially in a recession to launch a stimulus plan, in May 2008 the first stimulus package worth Rs 9.3 billion (over 3.4% of GDP) has been announced even if the country GDP growth rate at that time was forecasted to be over 5.5%. Then, in December 2008, the government unveiled an additional stimulus package totalling to Rs 10.4 billion, equivalent to about 3% of GDP. The Prime Minister set up two Ministerial Committees in November. First, a Committee on ‘Nurturing Resilience’ headed by the Prime Minister and supported by a Technical Committee chaired by the Secretary to Cabinet. The second Committee, on ‘Human Capacity, Solidarity and Physical Infrastructure’ is presided by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and its Technical Committee is chaired by the Financial Secretary. Source: Ministry of Finance website Table 10: Stimulus plans in other non-EU developed countries Country EUROPE Switzerland ASIA Australia Japan South Korea Taiwan AMERICA Canada United States Stimulus package amount Description December 2008 890 million Swiss francs (US$ 732 million) (0.2% of GDP) a Government spending of 340 million francs on flood defence, natural disasters and energy-efficiency projects. Spending up to 1 billion francs on roads and railways. 550 million francs as tax breaks to 650 firms for job creation programmes. 14 October 2008 AU $10.4 billion (US $6.8 billion) (1% of GDP) AU $4.8 billion for pensioners. AU $3.9 billion for low and middle-income groups. AU $1.5 billion in additional support measures for first-time home buyers. AU $187 million for a labor-skills program. 20 December 2008 5 trillion yen (US $53 billion) (1.2% of GDP) a 3 November 2008 KR W14 trillion (US $9.37 billion) (1% of GDP) a November 2008 NT$500 billion (US $14.9billion) January 2009 $33 billion over one year (2.1% of GDP) January 2009 US $800 billion (6% of GDP) a KR W3 trillion in tax cuts. KR W11 trillion in addition fiscal spending, mainly on public infrastructure projects. Eased restrictions on residential construction and industrial activity. T$122.6 billion of subsidies and tax cuts. T$58.3 billion of infrastructure spending. Eye-catching shopping voucher scheme. $12.4 billion to strengthen the employment-insurance system and to provide income support for low-income seniors, children and the working poor. $14.7 billion to strengthen and build municipal infrastructure and affordable housing, invest in child care, post-secondary education, and honour the First Nations Kelowna Accord negotiated by the former Liberal government. $5.8 billion investment in green infrastructure, training and education, and energy retrofits. Does not include any broad-based tax cuts. US $300 billion in tax cuts. Tax breaks for people earning less than US $200,000 a year. One-year tax credit costing US $40-50 billion for companies hiring new workers. US $500 tax cuts for most workers. US $1000 tax cuts for couples. More than US $100 billion tax breaks for companies. Incentives for business investment in new equipment. Note: (a) As percentage of 2007 GDP. 25 Table 11: Stimulus plans in other non-EU emerging and developing countries Country EUROPE Russia AFRICA Mauritius Stimulus Package Amount 20 November 2008 US $20 billion (1.5% of GDP) a Cut in profit tax from 24% to 20%. New depreciation mechanism allowing firms to reduce the profit tax further. Sanctioned state-run banks to support industry with billions of dollars of soft funding. May 2008 Rs 9.3 billion (3.4% of GDP) Rs 6 billion to invest in airport expansion, modernisation and funds. Rs 1.5 billion implementing the PRB in full in one year. Rs 1.8 billion provision for contingencies. Rs 2.5 billion in pending on public infrastructure. Rs 2.6 billion new investments in public infrastructure Rs 487 million for infrastructure development in local authorities. Rs 50 million to support infrastructure development in Rodrigues. Rs 500 million to upgrade public infrastructure in education, health etc. Accelerating private sector investment. New private sector investment. Building human resources capacity. Supporting vulnerable sectors. Measures for tourism, agriculture, ICT, seafood, financial services, etc. 20 December 2008 Rs 10.4 billion (US $329.1 million) (3% of GDP) ASIA China 9 November 2008 4 trillion yuan (US $586 billion) over the next two years (14% of GDP) India 7 December 2008 Rs 31,000 crore 2 January 2009 Indonesia 5 January 2009 72 trillion rupiah (US $6.5 billion) Thailand 26 December 2008 300 billion baht (US $8.7 billion) in 2009 4 November 2008 RM 7 billion Malaysia SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Chile 26 Description 4 December 2008 US $3.8 billion (1.45% of GDP) a 5 January 2009 US $4 billion (2.4% of GDP) a Investment in 10 major areas, such as low-income housing, rural infrastructure, water, electricity, transportation, the environment, technological innovation and rebuilding from several disasters. Reform in value-added taxes. Commercial banks' credit ceilings will be abolished to channel more lending to priority projects, rural areas, smaller enterprises, technical innovation and industrial rationalization through mergers and acquisitions. Rs.20,000 crore of additional plan expenditure. Across-the-board cut of 4% in value added tax Sector-specific measures. Liberalised overseas borrowing norms. Restored benefits to exporters. Set up an alternative channel of finance for non-banking finance companies. State-run India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL) allowed to issue additional tax-free bonds. To increase spending in infrastructure and other projects. 51.3 trillion rupiah of unspent funds carried over from the 2008 budget may be used for further stimulus measures. Additional 30 trillion rupiah to provincial government to be spent on infrastructure. Increased lending from government banks for agriculture projects. Direct lending to local governments for infrastructure projects. Low-cost loans to farmers, automakers and other exporters mainly from state-run banks and assets that the government pulled in from the takeover of the country’s 10 largest private pension funds in November. Announced additional tax breaks. Announced US $21 billion public works program. Funded from copper windfall earnings saved in sovereign wealth funds as well as through a bond issuance. US $1.5 billion increase in public spending, with $700 million of that destined for public works projects. Handouts to most vulnerable families. Income tax rebates. Temporary cancellation of a stamp duty. Lower employer contributions for small and medium-sized companies. Country Stimulus Package Amount Description US $1 billion capitalization for state copper giant Codelco. Note: (a) As percentage of 2007 GDP. A2.2 Use of shock facilities The World Bank, IMF and EC are responding to the crisis with additional resources and new facilities, but a question is whether this is enough to help offset reduced export earnings and private investment. There is a variety of instruments to deal with external shocks linked to trade (see detailed information in Table 12). These include: The IMF’s Compensatory Financing Facility (CFF), PRGF (LICs) and External Shock Facility (ESF) for LICs. The IMF’s trade-related balance of payments adjustment facility, TIM, available to all member countries, and the Supplementary Reserve Facility (SRF) the Contingent Credit Line (CCL) set up in the wake of the Asia crisis . The World Bank Group: IBRD loans, IDA and IFC. The European Commission's FLEX programme for ACP countries IMF facilities The IMFs Compensatory Financing Facility (CFF) goes back to the 1960s and was designed to enable countries to borrow when export earnings and financial reserves were squeezed, and to repay during upturns. Flexibility to extend arrangements in the event of shocks of unexpectedly long extended duration was an important design feature. The CFF operated relatively effectively – extending 45 % of total IMF credit to developing countries between 1976 and 1980. The original CFF was amended in 2000 with tighter conditionality. Despite several ensuing shocks (e.g. September 11, 2001) the revised facility – like the CCL – has remained unutilised - in large part because of its stringent conditionality. After the Asia crisis the IMF introduced two new [trade related] facilities: the Supplementary Reserve Facility (SRF) and the Contingent Credit Line (CCL). The SRF provides resources to relieve exceptional short terms balance of payments difficulties caused by changes affecting the capital account or availability of reserves. Credits are very limited, and are regarded as insufficient to defeat speculative pressure. The CCL is designed to limit contagion to other countries, as occurred during the Asia crisis, in a preventative manner and has relatively onerous eligibility requirements - to date it has not been used however. The original CFF was amended in 2000 with tighter conditionality. Despite several ensuing shocks (e.g. September 11, 2001) the revised facility – like the CCL – has remained unutilised - in large part because of its stringent conditionality. In practice an important IMF vehicle for supporting low-income countries hit by shocks in recent years has been through augmentation of PRGFs. In practice the total amount of PRGF augmentation actually provided has been low (below 200 million SDRs between 2005 and early 2008), though the system proved reasonably workable. A second window, called the ESF (External Shocks Facility), was created in 2005 to extend short term facilities to countries without a PRGF. The ESF has the advantage that it applies to a variety of different shocks (with the exception of an increase in import prices, such as 27 food). The main disadvantage is that a high level conditionality is involved (e.g. an IMF verified poverty reduction strategy) and that resources available are – again – very limited. There is an annual limit of 25 per cent of quota (and a total limit of 50 per cent quota for the facility) which the Fund itself accepts as less than adequate to address the estimated impact of various shocks. Until recently, no use had been made of ESF; higher quotas on softer terms are required. In 2004 the IMF introduced the Trade Integration Mechanism (TIM) to mitigate situations where WTO agreements give rise to strictly temporary balance of payment difficulties (e.g. erosion of tariff preferences in export markets, removal of textile quotas). It works by increase the predictability of resource availability under existing facilities rather than providing a new mechanism. A key advantage of TIM is that it does not normally involve additional conditionality, and builds in possible deviations from the IMFs usual baseline scenarios which help to provide a greater degree of certainty. In this respect it could provide a model for dealing with trade related shocks The main disadvantage is that resources available to the scheme are very limited. Proposals have been put forward to establish a low conditionality ‘stability and growth facility’ that would be automatically available to countries though Article IV consultations, and managed by the IMF and the World Bank. This would have the advantage of overcoming of lack of demand and also working with the grain of the existing system. 28 Table 12: Shock Facilities: IMF and World Bank Group Shock Facility 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Country Examples INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Short-Term Liquidity Facilities (SLF) directed Ukraine (5 November 2008): 2-year Stand-By Arrangement for US to emerging markets with a track record of $16.4 billion. sound policies, access to capital markets and Hungary (6 November 2008): 17-month Stand-By Arrangement for US sustainable debt burdens. Financing is made $15.7 billion. available without the standard phasing, Serbia (17 November 2008): 15-month Stand-By-Arrangement for US performance criteria, monitoring, and other $518 million. conditionality of a Fund arrangement. Iceland (19 November 2008): 2-year Stand-By Arrangement for US However, borrowers are expected to continue $2.1 billion. their commitment to maintain a strong macroeconomic policy framework. Pakistan (24 November 2008): 23-month Stand-By Arrangement for US $7.6 billioon. Exogenous Shock Facilities (ESF) directed to low-income countries facing exogenous Latvia (23 December 2008): 27-month Stand-By Arrangement for shocks which are eligible for the Poverty US$2.35 billion. Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) but do Belarus (31 December 2008): 15-month stand-By Arrangement for US not have a PRGF in place. Components: (1) $2.5 billion to be approved on January 2009. rapid-access component, (2) high-access component. Conditionality: under (1) to commit to appropriate policies to address the Malawi (3 December 2008): 1-year loan for US $77.1 million. shock, and, in exceptional cases, to take Kyrgyz Republic (10 December 2008): 18-month loan for US $100 targeted up-front measures; under (2) an million. economic program of the same standard as programs under the PRGF is needed. WORLD BANK GROUP IBRD Loans triple from US $13.5 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries (13 October 2008): IBRD US $35 billion in the current fiscal year up to additional funding to sustain jobs, social gains and inject liquidity. US $100 billion over the next three years. Indonesia: postponed draw-down loan to help the government to meet current spending plans. India (18 December 2008): US $3 billion of increased investment to reduce the shock the financial crisis has on private financing. IDA donor contributions for US $42 billion Colombia (18 December 2008): US $1.2 billion to support strategic over the next three years. government programs to cope with the effects of the global economic crisis. IDA Fast Track Facility (9 December 2008) to speed approval processes for money Ukraine (22 December 2008): US $500 million for structural reforms to from the IDA 15 fund for 78 of the world’s reduce the impact of the financial crisis. poorest countries. US $2 billion available to help hardest hit poorest countries by supporting public spending on infrastructure, education, health, and social safety net programs. Coordinated financial assistance. Pakistan: US $1.4 billion, US $600 million for investment and US $800 million for budget support (14 October 2008) Hungary: US $1.3 billion (November 2008). IFC facilities for US $30 billion over the next Latvia: up to US $550 million, subject to agreement on a strong program of reforms in the financial and social sectors (19 December three years: 2008). Double trade finance program to US $3 Sub-Saharan Africa billion; New bank recapitalization fund to recapitalize distress banks. US $1 billion invested by IFC over three years plus US $2 billion provided by other investors. New infrastructure crisis facility to provide roll-over financing and help recapitalize existing, viable, privatelyfunded infrastructure projects facing financial distress. US$300 million invested by IFC over three years and US$1.5-US$10 billion mobilized from other sources. Improved IFC advisory services. EUROPEAN UNION 1. Coordinated financial assistance. 2. Increased overall medium-term financial assistance ceiling to EU countries’ BoP (Regulation 332/2002) from €12 billion to €25 billion (November 2008). 3. European Economic Recovery Plan (26 November 2008). Hungary: balance of payment loan for €6.5 billion (US $8.1 billion, November 2008). Latvia: medium-term loan up to €3.1 billion (8 January 2009). 29 The World Bank Group The World will make available crisis related financing on IDA terms for 78 of the world’s poorest countries though through a new Fast -Track Financial Crisis Response (FTCR) facility (under the umbrella of the Vulnerability Financing Facility (VFF)). This would operate within the current IDA 15 framework which is geared to provide $42 bn to poor countries during FY2009-11. US $2 billion is available to help hardest hit poorest countries. No additional resources will be made available under the FTCR however. The VFF also embraces the Energy for the Poor Initiative, designed to improve access to energy in the wake of recent high oil prices, and the Food Price crisis response facility. FTCR will be designed to provide quick technical and budgetary financial assistance (up to $2 billion of the $ 42 billion IDA15 resources, subject to further review) to support a degree of fiscal stimulus, strengthen safety nets and maintain basic services, subject to Board approval. No additional macro conditionality is envisaged beyond an up to date IMF assessment. The World-Bank would work closely with the IMF and donors providing budget support. Depending on the degree of front loading judged necessary, the overall share of Development Policy Lending in total IDA commitments in FY2009 could exceed the originally anticipated 30 percent, in which case further guidance from the Board will be sought. It is hoped that the FTCR facility will help leverage parallel donor financing. The upfront analytical work to be carried out by World Bank country teams should serve as basis for donors to make rapid assessments of the situation and help facilitate follow up on their part. In short, World Bank Group (IBRD) Loans will triple from US $13.5 billion to US $35 billion in the current fiscal year up to US $100 billion over the next three years. IDA has $42 billion for 2008-2011, which it could frontload. The IDA Fast Track Facility (9 December 2008) would speed approval processes for money from the IDA 15 fund for 78 of the world’s poorest countries. US $2 billion available to help hardest hit poorest countries. The IFC has facilities for US $30 billion over the next three years, which will be used to : Double the trade finance programme to US $3 billion; Provide a New bank recapitalisation fund to recapitalise distress banks. US $1 billion invested by IFC over three years plus US $2 billion provided by other investors. Provide a New infrastructure crisis facility to provide roll-over financing and help recapitalize existing, viable, privately-funded infrastructure projects facing financial distress. US$300 million invested by IFC over three years and US$1.5US$10 billion mobilized from other sources. Improve IFC advisory services. EU facilities The EU introduced in a mechanism for ACP countries hit by terms of trade shocks – called FLEX and which replaced the former Stabex and Sysmin. The aim is to safeguard macro and sector reforms put at risk by short terms fluctuations in export earnings. Key eligibility criteria are: an export revenue fall of 10 per cent (2 per cent for landlocked or small island LICs) and 2% increase in public deficit. In other respects conditionality is relatively flexible. 30 The impact of FLEX is constrained by the fact that allocations to countries are small, and are calculated on the basis of historic vulnerability which is inappropriate to current circumstances (e.g. the next meeting to decide on responding to 2008 will not be held for more than 6 months). Also, resources available for FLEX have been outstripped by demand (around €100 million a year) suggesting that more resources need to be provided but only when greater flexibility in allocations among countries is provided for. There is some inconsistency between FLEX and the PRGF facilities in that the former responds, by design, to increases in the public deficit while the latter typically requires fiscal tightening (though in principle PRGFs can - and should - accommodate an increase in deficits to sustain economic activity). The main advantage of FLEX over the PRGF is that it provides grants. The disadvantage is that it only available to ACP countries, tends to be slower at disbursing than desirable, and – as noted - is small in scale. A2.3 Additional finance or early disbursement Table 13 provides an overview of the responses by Regional Development Banks. Each RDB aims to respond to the crisis through additional resources, for example to provide trade credits. The Asian Development Bank (AsDB) response is constrained by a lack of capital, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) might seek a capital increase from members to allow it to expand its lending. Below we focus on the AfDB. The AfdB is observing a worrying decline in African equities, exports and ability to access capital and trade finance. Revenues are falling and capital projects risk being suspended. The AfDB is reviewing and considering substantial restructuring of county lending portfolios on the basis that, although country allocations are now earmarked, faster disbursing instruments may be required in the current crisis. Case by case decisions are expected by February 2009. Existing Trust Funds may in addition be redirected towards those counties most in need. The Bank expects that supplementary resources will be required and expects to seek cofinancing from development partners for specific project investments. The Bank may also request an exceptional increase in resources as contemplated in the recent declaration of the G-20. Beyond this, the Bank intends to develop loan guarantee products to generate additional leverage over limited ADF resources As part of its efforts the AfDB is establishing an Emergency Liquidity Facility (ELF), tentatively set at $1.5 billion, to provide fast disbursing liquidity. This will be available to a broad range of eligible countries to meet urgent needs. The ELF may be extended as a line of credit to Central Banks for on-lending to public and private financial institutions. It will operate on a “first come first served” basis with an initial cap of $150 million per country, subject to review. In view of the emergency nature of the ELF, appraisal and Board approval processes will be fast tracked. The AfDB also plans to introduce a new $1 billion trade finance initiative (TFI), and is considering amending existing lines of credit to include trade finance components. Support for existing export guarantee/insurance institutions (such as the Africa Trade Insurance Agency in Kenya and the Credit Guarantee Insurance Company in South Africa) is also being considered. 31 Table 13: Regional Development Banks Crisis Response Shock Facilities Country Examples AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (AfDB) Emergency facility under consideration. 1. 2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 32 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) Supported the proposed idea of establishing a so-called Asian New Deal to cushion the impacts of the global financial crisis. Pakistan: US $500 million loan (October 2008). Coordinated financial assistance. Proposed “Asian Financial Stability Dialogue” to coordinate regulatory development and monitor potential vulnerabilities in the region's markets and financial systems (September 2008). CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (CDB) Proposals (December 2008): Antigua & Barbuda: finalizing US $30 million loan to weather the global financial crisis (29 December 2008). Policy-based loans; Jamaica: US $100 million loan to support fiscal and debt Policy-based guaranteed; sustainability initiatives (12 December 2008) Interest subsidisation fund; Investment loans for infrastructure: Credit lines to financial institutions; Direct poverty reducing investments; Securitisation of future-flows receivables Diaspora bonds. EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (EBRD) Increased investments of about 20% to €7 billion in 2009 (10 December 2008). Georgia: US $100 million financial package (30 December 2008). €1 billion in extra spending with half directed Romania: €100 million loan to Banca Transilvania to support medium to Central and Easter Europe. and small enterprises. Expansion of the Trade Facilitation Latvia: contribution to the coordinated stabilization package of US Programme. $10.5 billion. 20 crisis response packages worth €800 million approved or under consideration. Increased cooperation with other IFIs. EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (EIB) Corporate Operational Plan 2009-2011 (16 Examples: December 2008) Bulgaria: €25 million loan to CIBANK to support SMEs and a. Increased total lending volume by 30% municipalities (December 2008). to €15 billion in 2009 and 2010. Namibia: €35 million to state-owned electricity provider NamPower b. Increased lending to SMEs by 50% to (December 2008) €15 billion over two years (extra €2.5 billion per year). c. Additional €1 billion per year to mid-cap companies over two years. d. Increased lending within the energy and climate change package by €6 billion per year. e. Increased convergence lending by €2.5 billion per year. f. €5 billion set aside for commercial banks in Central and Eastern Europe to help SMEs. g. Capital increase by €67 billion. INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IADB) Fast-disbursing emergency Liquidity Program for Growth Sustainability of US $6 billion to help countries facing transitory difficulties in accessing credit markets (10 October 2008). Increased loans, credit guarantees and grants by a quarter to US $12.2 billion in 2008 to help Latin America and Caribbean to tackle the global financial crisis. US $20 million in financing provided by the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) to the emergency Liquidity Facility (ELF) to help microfinance institutions to weather economic crises (December 2008). Costa Rica: US $500 million IDA loan for a 5-year term to boost credit to the manufacturing and exporting sectors (17 December 2008). El Salvador: US $400 million IDA loan to increase the availability of credit to the private productive sector (17 December 2008). Conditional cash transfer programs to fight poverty in 15 member countries. Mexico: US $2 billion credit line (17 December 2008). The DFI sector (e.g. IFC, EIB, DEG, FMO, CDC, EBRD, AfDB) have had a long experience in using financial instruments on commercial terms (loans, equity positions and guarantees) on the basis of state-backed guarantees or loans. It is important to recognise the contribution of DFIs (worth $50 bn in 2006/7) as capital may have already become a binding constraint in many countries. Until recently, DFIs had substantial liquid assets (e.g. cash) in their balance sheets. Capital adequacy ratios have increased dramatically. The IFC reached a level of 57% in 2007 much higher than the 30% recommended (i.e. they could not find enough profitable projects in recent years). Chart 11: IFC’s Capital adequacy ratio (IFC annual reports) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2002/ 3 2003/ 4 2004/ 5 2005/ 6 2006/ 7 2007/ 8 Source: IFC annual reports This may now change and DFIs need to ensure that they promote capital flows to developing countries. As mentioned above, the IFC has announced a number of schemes (including dealing with trade finance) and the EBRD will be increasing its exposure by 20%. Even though the increase in IFC and EBRD finance amounts to only 1-2% of the estimated losses in capital flows it is worthwhile. New aid, incentives and regulations would need to ensure that DFI finance is used to overcome market and co-ordination failures (e.g. the current herding behaviour in trade finance, or the mismatch between financial and real rates of return) and promote capital to countries and sectors that are affected by the crisis. Practically, this could involve revised investment targets for countries22; incentives for investment officers inside DFIs23 and the need for new crisis funds that could be linked to DFI operations in a transparent and open way, similar to the global partnership of output based aid24. The EDFI is a group of European Development Financial Institutions such as DCD, DEG, FMO, Propoarco, etc. A recent survey (late last year) among EDFI members’ portfolio companies indicated that so far the financial crisis has not yet hit very strongly, except for some projects in the Baltic states, Russia and Ukraine suffering from the depreciation of their 22 A National Audit Office report of 4 December 2008 discusses CDC’s new investment targets 23 While financial sector bonuses may need to be consistent with sector wide stability, remuneration of investment officers in DFIs could be linked to development impact (and some such as DEG and IFC have begun to introduce development linked remuneration). See D.W. te Velde and M. Warner (2007), “The use of subsidies by Development Finance Institutions” ODI Project Briefing. 24 33 currencies. However, the EDFIs believe that the effects will become evident later this year. The developing countries will gradually be affected through declining demand and lower export prices of commodities. EDFI members already see an increase in the pipeline of projects. Promoters are increasingly turned down by commercial banks for financing of their projects or promoters are afraid that their credit facilities will be withdrawn and therefore are contacting EDFI members. The EDFIs are presently discussing various initiatives to cope with the financial crisis, which are expected to be launched later this year, spanning from short term bridge and trade finance to rescue packages to healthy projects suffering from the withdrawal of funding by commercial banks 34 Appendix 3 The importance of the EU to developing countries This appendix discusses the importance of the EU for developing country producers both as an import and export market, as well as the relevance of the EU as a source of FDI, remittances, and aid (Overseas Development Assistance, ODA). Trade The EU is the main import partner for LDCs (Least developed countries) accounting for around one fifth of LDC’s global exports and imports (see Table 14-16). The relevance of the EU as import source and export destination for LDCs increased in the past five years. Table 14: LDC trade with the European Union Yearly % change Imports from the EU as a % of to the world Exports 23.4 10,386 Exports to the EU as a % of to the world Balance 28.6 -1,889 7.4 26.3 -803 13,572 21.7 23.5 -734 20.2 15,595 14.9 21.0 -2,361 20.5 17,923 14.9 22.8 -2,970 19.9 11,975 21.0 -1,116 16.0 20.2 12,931 8.0 22.5 -2,255 16.0 20.9 19,354 8.0 24.4 -4,883 Year Imports 2003 12,275 2004 11,952 -2.6 20.9 11,150 2005 14,306 19.7 20.4 2006 17,956 25.5 2007 20,893 16.4 9m 2006 13,091 9m 2007 15,187 2008* 24,237 Yearly % change Source: Table 15: Major import partners for LDCs (2007) The major import partners Partners Mio euro World % 103,950 100.0 1 EU 20,893 20.1 2 China 14,932 14.4 3 India 5,930 5.7 4 Korea 5,335 5.1 5 USA 5,019 4.8 Source: Table 16: Major export partners for LDCs (2007) The major export partners Partners Mio euro % World 79,291 100.0 1 EU 17,923 22.6 2 USA 16,888 21.3 3 China 16,802 21.2 4 Thailand 3,347 4.2 5 Japan 2,886 3.6 35 Source: The EU has traditionally a strong trade relationship with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP countries). As can be seen from the Tables 17 and 18 the EU was the major source of ACP imports and their second most relevant export market (after the US). Excluding petrol, the EU accounts for about 80% of Quad imports from ACP Africa.25 Particularly for ACP agricultural exports the EU is the main market. However, it also becomes apparent from Table 19 is that the EU’s relevance as a source of ACP imports is increasing while its relevance as export destination is declining. This trend is likely to increase as a result of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) which are reducing ACP import protection vis-à-vis the EU. Table 17: Major import partners ACP (exc. South Africa), 2007 Partners Mio euro World % 168,312 100.0 1 EU 41,595 24.7 2 USA 19,307 11.5 3 China 17,021 10.1 4 South Africa 7,589 4.5 5 Korea 6,455 3.8 6 Brazil 6,216 3.7 7 Japan 5,343 3.2 8 India 5,262 3.1 9 Singapore 3,468 2.1 3,021 1.8 10 11 Nigeria United Emir. 2,884 1.7 12 Caribbean 2,723 1.6 13 Saudi Arabia 2,696 1.6 14 Côte d'Ivoire 2,308 1.4 15 Australia 2,216 1.3 16 Venezuela 2,163 1.3 17 2,022 1.2 18 Thailand Trinidad Tobago 2,003 1.2 19 Kenya 1,548 0.9 20 Canada 1,497 0.9 Arab Source: 25 36 See Table 18: Major export partners ACP (exc. South Africa), 2007 Partners Mio euro % World 156,174 100.0 1 USA 50,161 32.1 2 EU 34,304 22.0 3 China 19,135 12.3 4 Brazil 4,598 2.9 5 Japan 3,805 2.4 6 South Africa 3,341 2.1 7 Caribbean 2,907 1.9 8 Canada 2,642 1.7 9 Switzerland 2,229 1.4 10 Korea 2,011 1.3 11 1,672 1.1 12 Australia Côte d'Ivoire 1,473 0.9 13 Ghana 1,249 0.8 14 Indonesia 1,171 0.7 15 India 1,084 0.7 16 Nigeria 874 0.6 17 Chile 850 0.5 18 Malaysia 771 0.5 19 Thailand 766 0.5 20 Jamaica 756 0.5 Source: Table 19: ACP Countries (excluding South Africa) Trade with the European Union, in Mio € Year Imports Yearly % change EU Share of total imports Exports 29.30 21,768 2003 25,637 2004 26,914 5.0 27.07 22,318 2005 31,191 15.9 25.16 2006 36,438 16.8 2007 41,595 2008* 46,631 Yearly change % EU Share of total exports Balance Imports Exports 26.71 -3,869 47,406 2.5 23.97 -4,596 49,231 28,844 29.2 23.49 -2,347 60,036 24.75 33,988 17.8 22.80 -2,450 70,426 14.2 25.19 34,304 0.9 22.25 -7,292 75,899 12.1 25.32 32,844 -4.3 21.63 -13,787 79,476 + Source: FDI In 2007 the EU25 accounted for 62.3% of total global inflows of FDI and 53% of global FDI stock.26 Around 27% of global FDI stocks and flows were destined for developing countries in 2007. 26 EU25 outflows of FDI as a % of global inflows. Source: UNCTAD. 37 Chart 12: FDI Inflows and Outflows from the EU Source: Remittances High income OECD countries accounted for 66% of global outflows of remittances in 2007. Within the EU in 2007, Spain accounted for 9% of total remittances from OECD countries, or 6% globally; Germany accounted for 8.5%, 5.6% globally; Italy 7% and 4.5% globally; and the UK for around 3%, or 3% globally. Collectively, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland and the UK accounted for 21% of global remittances outflows, almost a third of total OECD countries. Table 20: Workers' Remittances - Outflows, compensation of employees, and migrant transfers, credit (US$ million) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 France 3,791 3,960 3,804 4,388 4,262 4,182 4,217 4,380 Germany 7,761 7,609 9,572 11,190 12,069 12,383 12,416 13,860 Italy 2,582 2,710 3,579 4,368 5,512 7,620 8,437 11,287 Spain 2,059 2,470 2,914 5,140 6,977 8,136 11,015 14,728 Ireland 181 274 587.8 788 997 1,535 1,947 2,554 United Kingdom 2,044 3,342 2,439 2,624 2,957 3,877 4,560 5,048 High income OECD World 76,768 83,449 88,864 101,311 114,804 126,076 142,233 163,690 110,108 118,782 131,297 146,545 167,193 184,639 213,192 248,283 Source: World Bank ODA In 2007 the EC accounted for almost 11% of total ODA disbursed. 27 Although this is an increase on the amount disbursed in 2006 and 2005, there are annual fluctuations; the EC accounted for a larger proportion of ODA disbursements in 2001 compared to 2007. Though, this could mean that other donors are either contributing more relative to the EC as opposed 27 38 An increase on 2006 where the EC accounted for 9% and 2005 when the EC accounted for 8%. to the EC contributing less; total ODA disbursements doubled between 2001 and 2007. EU (EC and EU member states) were responsible for around 55% of aid. Table 21: Total net disbursements of ODA, current prices (US$million) 2001 2002 2003 2004 5517.07 5149.96 6445.33 51909.02 60573.4 70713 Year ODA Total Net Disbursements by EC ODA Total Net Disbursements by all countries (by reporting country) 2005 2006 2007 8067.91 8686.53 9489.05 11095.49 78920.4 107670.8 105645.16 105055.89 Source: OECD Table 22: ODA disbursed by the EC as a % of total disbursements 2001 2002 10.6 8.5 2003 9.1 2004 10.2 2005 8.1 2006 9.0 2007 10.6 Source: OECD 39 Appendix 4 - The economic impact of the global financial crisis on SubSaharan Africa Summary of an EC paper According to the paper “The economic impact of the global financial crisis on Sub-Saharan Africa” released by the European Commission on 27 October 2008, Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries may be affected by the global financial turmoil directly through financial markets, and/or indirectly through the slowdown of the global economy. Given that SSA economies are not fully integrated into the global financial system and make a very limited use of innovative financial products like financial derivatives, they are less likely to be exposed to financial contagion. However, the increased foreign ownership of SSA domestic banks represents an important channel through which the current financial crisis may spread across the region. Moreover, due to the global financial turmoil, private capital inflows into SSA are significantly contracting. As a consequence, FDI in extractive industries and services sector is decreasing, equity prices are falling and exchange rates are depreciating. Furthermore, the availability of external financing is reducing (total external financing in Africa decreased from US $31.4 billion in 2007 to US $4.4 billion in the first half of 2008) and its cost is increasing (interest rate spreads on sovereign bonds in Africa widened by about 700 basis points in one year), thus negatively affecting investment projects (e.g. in infrastructure) that are important for SSA long-term growth. The global financial turmoil may also affect SSA economies indirectly through the following real channels: trade, remittances, tourism and official development assistance (ODA). First, crisis hit developed economies may reduce their demand for SSA products ― especially primary commodities ― with a detrimental effect on net exports of the African region. In this context, an important role may be played by China, which is an important destination of primary commodities exports from many SSA economies. The slowdown of the global economy due to the financial crisis may also lead to lower commodities prices that may have a further negative effect on SSA net exporter countries but also a positive impact in terms of macroeconomic stability and poverty reduction on SSA net importer countries. Second, the global financial crisis is expected to reduce remittance flows and thus to have a strong negative effect on those SSA countries which are highly dependent on remittances from migrants in developed countries. For example, remittances in Kenya fell from US $44 million in July to US $36.5 million in August. Third, the financial crisis may have a negative impact on tourism sector, especially in East and Southern Africa, since Europeans may become less willing to spend their money in long-distance travel. Finally, due to the global financial turmoil, public finance in donor countries is expected to become constrained. As a consequence, donors might cut their ODA and become unable to keep their promise to increase aid to Africa by US $25 billion by 2010. From a policy perspective, SSA governments need to adopt country-specific prudent policy responses to manage the financial crisis in order to sustain economic growth and stability as well as to protect the poorest. Moreover, international financial institutions and development banks should support SSA in their responses to the financial crisis. Finally, donor countries should keep their ODA commitments to SSA economies in a period in which aid is needed most. 40 Appendix 5 The financial crisis and trade policies It is important to monitor closely the trade policy stance of countries affected by the crisis. For example, according to Baldwin and Evenett (2008) “the number of antidumping cases jumped 40% in the first half of 2008 and many nations have already raised tariffs in 2008.” Since “much of the world’s tariff and subsidy cuts” would be on a unilateral or regional basis but not bound at WTO “many nations could massively increase their tariffs on manufactured and agricultural goods without breaking a single WTO rule.”28 However, the data base on which these statements are based provides mixed messages. The quoted WTO report on antidumping cases only refers to the first half of 2008 (i.e. before the financial crisis). If one compares the first six months of 2008 with the last six months of 2007 (and not with the same period in 2007 as done by the authors) a different picture emerges: the number of antidumping cases has fallen (ICTSD, 2008).29 Also, it remains unknown from where Baldwin and Evenett obtained their data on applied MFN tariffs which ‘many nations’ had apparently raised in 2008. Looking at the data coverage of the UNCTAD/World Bank tariff database TRAINS it becomes apparent that no country reported later tariff data than 2007 – and most countries reported significantly older MFN tariffs. Bearing these caveats in mind as well as the time lag of the data any evidence on trade protectionism is anecdotal for the time being. The anecdotal evidence suggests that protectionism, as a direct response to the financial and economic crises, has increased in various countries in the past months (Baldwin and Evenett, 2008): 28 - The Ukrainian Parliament passed a bill that imposes an additional 13% tariff on all imports except critical imports;30 Russia has announced to raise duties and decrease import quotas for “on a wide range of goods”;31 Ecuador aims to raise tariffs for up to 940 products to boost revenue;32 and Brazil and Argentina are lobbying for increased external protection for MERCOSUR33 - Automotive industry: Russia has already increased tariffs for imported cars from 25% to 30% in December 2008.34 The bailout of the US car industry also raises fear of However, it needs to be borne in mind that bilateral and regional trade preferences had been granted in return for similar preferences so that any country that rises tariffs vis-à-vis it FTA/PT partner would face tariff increases in return. Thus, one could also argue that bilateral and regional agreements might be even more an ‘agency of restraint’ than WTO rules (where the breach of rules is arguably less likely to be subject to dispute settlement than in bilateral agreements). 29 According to ICTSD (2008) 101 new investigations and 58 new measures were reported in the final six months of 2007 compared to the 85 new investigations and 54 new measures in the first six months of 2008. 30 Socrat Daily (24/12/08): “Ukraine parliament imposes additional import tariffs.” (online): (, accessed 08/01/09. 31 See Moscow Times (17/12/08): “Medvedev Signs Tariff Pledge in U.S.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 32 International Business Times (27/11/08): “Ecuador increases goods subject to tariff hike.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 33 See Chinaview 17/12/08: “Mercosur to deepen cooperation amid global economic crisis.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 34 See The Epoch Times (20/12/08): Russia Ups Tariffs on Imported Cars to Stave off Crisis (online):, accessed 06/01/09. 41 increased protectionism (though the EU has already announced to prepare a complaint shall this violate any WTO rules).35 Other automotive markets (such as Japan or South Africa) have constantly shown a very high protection level, which is expected to increase further as a response of the crisis. - Steel industry: With global steel prices having almost halved in 200836 and expected to decrease further in the first half of 200937 the US and EU have raised tariffs in early 2008 and are under pressure by the industry to increase their protection for domestic steel producers. This would not only harm developing countries steel producers like China, India, Taiwan or Korea but also their sourcing industries (like the car industry). Some developing countries have also increased protectionist measures in the steel industry to curb domestic production (with Vietnam, India and Iran raising tariffs, Indonesia announcing safeguard measures and China raising export taxes). - Mining industry: Increased protectionist tendencies had been observed for mining products in several countries. In December 2008 Indonesia (which has already restrictive investment conditions for mining) replaced its national mining permits with licenses to be issued by the respective districts, which increases the legal uncertainties for investors.38 China raised its export tax for coke and coal exports and Vietnam raised the export tariff on a number of minerals including nickel products.39 - Chemical industry: China has announced increasing import tariffs for chemicals. Korea, a major supplier of Chinese chemical imports would suffer setbacks from such measure. China further intends to raise export tariffs for its fertilizers.40 - Textile and apparel industry: Argentina has increased its MFN rate for fabric, apparel, textile made-ups and footwear in November 2008.41 The US and the EU are likely to increase protectionist measures for textile and apparel imports by applying non-tariff barriers and anti-dumping and safeguards(see below). Non-tariff barriers The relevance of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) as trade defensive instruments is likely to become more important as a result of the financial crisis (Page, 2008). The EU strengthened environmental regulations for vehicles and steel imports and the US is expected undertaking similar actions in 2009. Increased EU safety requirements for Chinese candles (in addition to 35 See Newsweek (15/12/08): “Picking Winners. The auto industry bailout may trigger a return to protectionism.” (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 36 See Bloomberg News (01/02/08): “EU Widens Steel-Tariff Threat on China With New Probe.” (online):, accessed 01/01/09. 37 See The Financial Express (10/12/08): “Steel prices have bottomed: Tata.” (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 38 See Financial Times (17/12/08): “Licence law alarms Indonesia miners.” (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 39 See BNET (July 2008): “AMR Outlines Export Tariff Increase Impact on Ban Phuc Nickel Project.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 40 See, accessed 08/01/09. 41 See Business Alert US (03/11/08): Argentina Erects Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to Protect Domestic Industry.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 42 anti-dumping investigations) can also be seen as a direct response to the economic crisis.42 Similar to the EU, the US introduced tougher safety requirements on various children’s consumer products imported from China in November 2008.43 The EU is further thinking to expand its product safety requirements for toys, mobile phones and music players to environmental and public health issues such as energy efficiency and energy use as well as traceability requirements.44 It appears that some developing countries are also increasing NTBs on imports. Turkey, for instance, has toughened customs controls, Argentina has expanded its non-automatic licensing system for apparels and household goods45 and in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh there are fears that their textile and apparel exports to India will be subject to increased non-tariff barriers.46 Anti-dumping actions and safeguards US quotas on Chinese textiles and apparels expired by the end of 2008, one year after the EU. Given the large increase of imports in 2005 (after the expiration of the WTO Multi-Fibre Agreement)47 both, the EU and the US, announced ‘close monitoring’ of Chinese textiles and apparels imports. Even without quotas, the EU and the US have a variety of defence measures to restrict imports from China, notably anti-dumping actions, as well as global and China product-specific safeguards.48 Tighter regulations on Chinese textile and apparel imports in the EU and US have also raised fears of a ripple effect on the South Korean and Vietnamese industries. In November/December 2008 Europe has further imposed anti-dumping duties on Chinese steel and carbon steel wires, bicycle parts, DVDs, glutamate (food additive), citric acid, electrodes and ring binder mechanisms.49 The US introduced anti-dumping duties on Chinese electrodes, certain chemical products, kitchen appliance shelves, innerspring units, citric acids and salts, and welded line pipes in the last three months of 2008.50 42 See EU Official Journal published Regulation 1130/2008, 15 November 2008. 43 SCMP (17/11/08): “Exporters bewail tougher US rules, EU anti-dumping duties.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 44 See Business Alert – EU: “Product safety priorities are highlighted by EU's executive arm.” 12 December 2008 (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 45 See Business Alert US (03/11/08): Argentina Erects Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to Protect Domestic Industry.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 46 See, accessed 08/01/09. 47 The expiration of the Multi-fibre Agreement ending the quota restrictions for Chinese textile and apparel exports resulted in heavily increased Chinese exports up to 1,500%. Subsequently the EU and the US negotiated new quotas with China which expired by the end of 2007 and 2008 respectively. See McClatchy Newspapers (29/12/08): “When textile quotas end this week, will U.S. jobs go, too?” (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 48 See China Daily (30/04/08): “EU extends anti-dumping duty to shoes from Macao.” (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 49 See Business Alert – EU (12/12/08): “Anti-dumping Actions.” (online), accessed 07/01/09. 50 See, accessed 08/01/09. 43 However, China is not only a target of around 50% of global anti-dumping action but also one of the world’s biggest users of these measures. Thus, anti-dumping actions are increasingly becoming a tool used by developing countries against industrialised countries. In the first half of 2008 most anti-dumping cases were launched by Turkey (e.g. on cotton),51 the US, India (e.g. against Chinese pharmaceuticals and Korean steel), Argentina and the EU.52 Price controls and export bans The financial crisis might further add to price controls that had already been expanded by various developing countries as a response to the soaring food prices. According to the FAO (2008) Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroon, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Senegal and Sri Lanka expanded price controls for certain crops (such as rice and wheat). Bangladesh, Ecuador and Egypt introduced rice export bans and Liberia even banned all kinds of food exports in May 2008. New quantitative export controls and export price controls were also introduced by Belarus, China, India, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine and Viet Nam. On the other hand some countries (e.g. Azerbaijan, Brazil, Ghana, Iran, Kenya, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Nigeria, and Pakistan) have become less restrictive and reduced or even removed import duties or sales tax on certain foodstuff imports (FAO, 2008). While price controls and export restrictions might increase domestic production they have harmful effects on developing countries’ trading partners and might give the wrong signal to farmers (who might in response reduce their production yield and/or productivity level). The financial crisis might bear the risk that price controls and export bans are expanded. Argentina introduced minimum price requirements for floor coverings, staple fibre yarn, washing machines, lighters, welded link and stranded cable in November 2008. The country further announced that it will pay increased attention to the import of “undervalued products.”53 Subsidies In addition to the billion Dollar bailout of the US automotive industry the US Government has also agreed on an aid programme to support its cotton producers expected to account for up to US$ 82.6 million in 2011/12.54 Turkey, Pakistan and China plan to provide increased support to their textile industry.55 The financial crisis has already strengthened the position of EU and US farmers vis-à-vis the Government. The ‘Health Check’ of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), agreed on 20 November 2008 and supposed to continue the reform process of the past decade, had been watered down substantially from the original proposals made by the European Commission 51 See,523/Turkey-8211-safeguard-def-305-n-305-t-305-ve-measures-on-cottonyarns.html, accessed 08/01/09. 52 See FT (21/10/08): “Anti-dumping investigations soar” (online):, accessed 07/01/09. 53 See Business Alert US (03/11/08): Argentina Erects Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers to Protect Domestic Industry.” (online):, accessed 08/01/09. 54 See,526/USA-Program-to-Aid-Domestic-Textile-Manufacturers.html, accesed 08/01/09. 55 See,526/USA-Program-to-Aid-Domestic-Textile-Manufacturers.html, accessed 08/01/09. 44 (Meyn, 2008), mirroring the majority view of Ministers that the current level of regulation and support need to be preserved in times of crises. References Baldwin, Richard and Evenett, Simon (2008): “What world leaders must do to halt the spread of protectionism.” (online): FAO (2008): “Crop Prospects and Food Situation. April 2008., accessed 07/01/09. (online): ICTSD (2008): “Anti-Dumping Cases Dropped in Second Half of 2007 WTO Reports.” In: BRIDGES Weekly vol. 12 no. 26, 16 July 2008. (online):, accessed 06/01/09. Meyn, Mareike (2008): “Update on the CAP Health Check.” Briefing for the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation, December 2008. Page, Sheila (2008): “Are there special risks from trade and finance in the 2008-9 recession?” Cátedra Internacional OMC-IR Policy Brief (restricted circulation), December 2008. WTO (2008): “WTO Secretariat reports surge in new anti-dumping investigations.” Press Release /542, 20 October 2008 (online):, accessed 06/01/08. 45