Cairo Papers in Social Science Box 1: 1977, Dec.; Vol. 1, Mono. 1; “Women, Health, and Development” by Cynthia Nelson 1978, Jan.; Vol. 1, Mono. 2; “Democracy in Egypt” by Ali E. Hillal Dessouki 1978, Feb.; Vol. 1, Mono. 3; “Mass Communications and October War” by Olfat Hassan Agha 1978, Mar.; Vol. 1, Mono. 4; “Rural Resettlement in Egypt” by Helmi R. Tadros 1978, Apr.; Vol. 1, Mono. 5; “Saudi Arabian Bedouin” by Saad E. Ibrahim, Donald P. Cole 1979, Jan.; Vol. 2, Mono. 1; “Coping with Poverty in a Cairo Community” by Andrea B. Rugh 1979, Feb.; Vol. 2, Mono. 2; “Modernization of Labor in the Arab Gulf” by Enid Hill 1979, Mar.; Vol. 2, Mono. 3; “Studies in Egyptian Political Economy” by Herbert M. Thompson 1979, Apr.; Vol. 2, Mono. 4; “Law and Social Change in Contemporary Egypt” by Cynthia Nelson, Klaus Friedrich Koch 1979 May; Vol. 2, Mono. 5; “The Brain Drain in Egypt” by Saneya Abdel Wahab Saleh 1979, Nov.; Vol. 3, Mono. 1; “Party and Peasant in Syria” by Raymond A. Hinnebusch 1979, Dec.; Vol. 3, Mono. 2; “Child Development in Egypt” by Nicholas V. Ciaccio Box 2: 1980, Mar.; Vol. 3, Mono. 3; “Living without Water” by Assad Nadim, Nawal el-Messiri Nadim, Sohair Mehanna, John H. Nixon 1980, April; Vol. 3, Mono. 4; “Export of Egyptian School Teachers” by Suzanne A. Messiha 1980, May; Vol. 3, Mono. 5; “Population and Urbanization in Morocco” by Saad Eddin Ibrahim 1980, Dec.; Vol. 4, Mono. 1; “Cairo’s Nubian Families” by Peter Geiser (2) 1981, July; Vol. 4, Mono. 2-3; Symposium on “Social Research for Development” May 5-11, 1981 1981, Dec.; Vol. 4, Mono. 4; “Women and Work in the Arab World” by Earl L. Sullivan, Karima Korayem 1982, Apr.; Vol. 5, Mono. 2; “Distributing Disposable Income and the Impact of Eliminating Food Subsidies in Egypt” by Karima Korayem (2) 1982, June; Vol. 5, Mono. 1; “Ghagar of Sett Guiranha: A Study of a Gypsy Community in Egypt” by Nabil Sobhi Hanna 1982, Nov.; Vol. 5, Mono. 3; “Income Distribution and Basic Needs in Upper Egypt” by Amr Mohie el-Din 1983, Mar.; Vol. 6, Mono. 1; “The Political Economy of Revolutionary Iran” by Mihssen Kadhim 1983, June; Vol. 6, Mono. 2; “Urban Research Strategies for Egypt” by Richard Lobban 1983,July;Vol. 2, Mono. 3-2nd Edition ; “Studies in Egyptian Political Economy” by Herbert M.Thompson Box3: 1983, July;Vol.3, Mono. 4 ; “Export of Egyptian School Teachers” by Suzanne A.Messiha 1983, Sept.; Vol.1, Mono.1-2nd Edition; “Women, Health and Development “ by Cynthia Nelson 1983, Sept.; Vol.6, Mono.3; “Non-Alignment in a changing world “by Mohamed El-Sayed Selim 1983, Dec. ;Vol.6, Mono.4; “The National of Arabic and Islamic Education in Egypt: Dar AlAlum and Al-Azhar “ by Lois A.Aroian 1984, Mar.; Vol. 7, Mono. 1; “Social Security and the Family in Egypt” by Helmi R. Tadros 1984, June; Vol. 7, Mono. 2; “Basic Needs, Inflation, and the Poor of Egypt, 1979-1980” by Myrette Ahmed el-Sokkari 1984, Dec.; Vol. 7, Mono. 4; “Irrigation and Society in Rural Egypt” by Sohair Mehanna, Richard Huntington, Rachad Antonius 1985, Mar-June; Vol. 8, Mono. 1-2; “An Analytic Index of Survey Research in Egypt” by Madiha el Safty, Monte Palmer, Mark Kennedy (2) 1986, Spring; Vol. 9, Mono. 1; “Philosophy, Ethics, and Virtuous Rule: A Study of Averroes’ Commentary on Plato’s ‘Republic’” by Charles Butterworth 1986, Summer; Vol.9, Mono.2; “The'Jihad' An' Isalamic Alternative' in Egypt“ by Nemat Guenena 1986, Fall; Vol. 9, Mono. 3; “The Institutionalization of Palestinian Identity in Egypt” by Maha Ahmed Dajoni 1986, Winter; Vol. 9, Mono. 4; “Social Identity in a Cairo Neighborhood” by Nadia Adel Taher Box 4: 1987, Spring; Vol. 10, Mono. 1; “Al-Sanhuri and Islamic Law” by Enid Hill 1987, Summer; Vol. 10, Mono. 2; “Gone for Good?” by Ralph Sell 1987, Fall; Vol. 10, Mono. 3; “The Changing Image of Women in Rural Egypt” by Mona Abaza 1987, Winter; Vol.10, Mono.4; “Informal Communication in Cairo: The Basis of a Typology” by Linda Oldham, Haguer El Hadid, Hussein Tamaa 1988, Spring; Vol. 11, Mono. 1; “Participation and Community in the Egyptian New Lands: The Case of South Tahrir” by Nicholas Hopkins et al. 1988, Summer; Vol. 11, Mono.2; “Palestinian Universities under Occupation” by Anthony Thrall Sullivan 1988, Fall; Vol. 11, Mono. 3; “Legislation Intifah: Investment, Currency, and Foreign Trade Laws” by Khaled Mahmoud Fahmy 1988, Winter; Vol.11, Mono.4; “Social History of an Agrarian Reform Community“ by Reem Saad 1989, Spring ; Vol.12, Mono.1; “Cairo's Leap Forward People, Households and Dwelling Space“ by Fredric Shorter 1989, Summer; Vol. 12, Mono. 2; “Women, Water, and Sanitation” by Samiha el-Katsha 1989, Fall; Vol. 12, Mono. 3; “Palestinian Labor in a Dependent Economy: Women Wokers in the West Bank Clothing Industry” by Randa George Siniora 1989, Winter; Vol.12, Mono.9; “The Oil Question in Egyptian – Israeli Relations“ by Karim Wissa 1990, Spring; Vol.13, Mono.1; “Squatter Markets in Cairo“ by Helmi R.Tadros, Mohamed Feteeha, Allen hIbbard 1990, Summer; Vol. 13, Mono. 2; “The Sub-Culture of Hashish Users in Egypt: A Descriptive Analytic Study” by Nashaat Hassan Hussein 1990,Fall; Vol.13, Mono.3; “Social Background and Bureaucratic Behavior in Egypt“ by Eral L. Sullivan, El Sayed Yassin, Ali Leila, Monte Palmer 1990, Winter; Vol. 13, Mono. 4; “Privatization: the Egyptian Debate” by Mustafa Kamel al Sayyid Box 5: 1991, Spring; Vol. 14, Mono. 1; “Perspectives on the Gulf Crisis” by Dan Tschirgi, Bassam Tibi 1991, Summer; Vol.14, Mono.2; “Experience and Expression: Life among Bedouin Women in South Sinai“ by Deborah Wickering 1991, Fall; Vol.14, Mono.3; “Impact of Temporary International Migration on Rural Egypt“ by Atef Hanna Nada 1991, Winter; Vol.14, Mono.4; “Informal Sector in Egypt“ by Nicholas S. Hopkins 1992, Spring; Vol.15, Mono.1; “Scenes of Schooling: Inside a girls' School in Cairo“ by Linda Herrera 1992, Summer; Vol.15, Mono.2; “Urban Refugees: Ethiopians and Eritreans in Cairo“ by Dereck Cooper 1992, Fall; Vol.15, Mono.3; “Investors and Workers in the Western Desert of Egypt: an exploratory Survey“ by Naiem A.Sherbing, Dnald P. Cole, Nadia Makary Girgis 1992, Winter; Vol.15, Mono.4; “Environmental Challenges in Egypt and the World“ by Nicholas S. Hopkins 1993, Spring; Vol.16, Mono.1; “The Socialist Labor Party: a case Study of a Contemporary Egyptian Opposition Party“ by Hanaa Fikry Singer 1993, Summer; Vol.16, Mono.2; “The Empowerment of Women: Water and Sanitation Initiatives in Rural Egypt“ by Samiha El Katsha, Suzan Watts 1993,Fall; Vol.16, Mono.3; “The Economics and Politics of Structural Adjustment in Egypt“ Third Annual Symposium 1993/1994, Winter;Vol.17,Mono.4; “Experiments in Community Development in in a'zabbaleen' Settlement“ by Marie Assaad, Nadra Garas 1994, Spring;Vol.17, Mono.1; “Democratization in Rural Egypt: a Study of the Village Local Popular Council“ by Hanan Hamely Radwan 1994, Summer;Vol.17, Mono.2; “Farmers and Merchants: Background to Structural adjustment in Egypt“ by Sohair Mehanna, Nicholas S. Hopkins, Behgat Abdel Maksoud 1994, Fall; Vol.17, Mono.3; “Human Rights: Egypt and the Arab World“ Fourth Annual Symposium 1994/1995, Winter;Vol.17, Mono.4; “Environmental Threats in Egypt: Perceptions and Action“ by Salwa Sharawi Gomaa Box 6: 1995, Spring;Vol.18, Mono.1; “Social Policy in the Arab World“ by Jacqueline Ismail, Tareq Y. Ismael 1995, Summer; Vol.18, Mono.2; “Workers, Trade Unions and the State in Egypt:1984-1989“ by Omar El Shafei 1995, Fall;Vol.18, Mono.3; “The Development in Social Science in Egypt: Economics, History and Sociology“ Fifth Annual Symposium 1995/1996, Winter; Vol.18,No.4; “Structural Adjustment, Stabilization Policies and the Poor in Egypt“ by Karima Korayem 1996,Spring;Vol.19, Mono.1; “ Nilopolitics: A Hydrological Regime,1870-1990“ by Mohamed Hatem El-Atawy 1996, Summer; Vol. 19, Mono. 2; “Images of the Other: Europe and the Muslim World before 1700” by David Blanks 1996, Fall; Vol. 19, Mono. 3; “An Assessment of Grass Roots Participation in the Development of Egypt” by Saad Eddin Ibrahim 1996, Winter; Vol. 19, Mono. 4; “The Zabbalin Community of Muqattam” by Elena Volpi, Doaa Abdel Motaal 1997, Fall; Vol.20, Mono.1; “Arab Regional Womenn's Studies Workshop“ by Cynthia Nelson 1997, Winter; Vol. 20, Mono. 4; “Just a Gaze: Female Clientele of Diet Clinics in Cairo: An Ethnomedical Study” by Iman Farid Basyouny 1998, Spring; Vol. 21, Num. 1; “Turkish Foreign Policy during the Gulf War” by Mustafa Aydin