SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES - The University of Edinburgh


Research Ethics and Integrity Reference List

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and it will be updated annually. If you have any suggestions please email the Ethics Secretary

General texts

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and it will be updated annually. If you have any suggestions please email the Ethics Secretary.

Boddy, J., Neumann, T., Jennings, S., Morrow, V., Alderson, P., Rees, R. and Gibson, W. (2012) The Research

Ethics Guidebook: A Resource for Social Scientists, .

Cloke, P. (2002) Deliver us from evil? Prospects for living ethically and acting politically in human geography, Progress in Human Geography 26: 587-604.

Cutchin, M.P. (2002) Ethics and geography: continuity and emerging synthesis, Progress in Human

Geography 26: 656-664. de Laine, M. (2000) Participation and Practice: Ethics and Dilemmas in Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

Israel M. and Hay I. (2006) Research Ethics for Social Scientists: Between Ethical Conduct and Regulatory

Compliance. London: Sage.

Lee, R.M. (1993) Doing Research on Sensitive Topics, Sage.

Mann, C. and Stewart, F. (2000) Internet Communication and Qualitative Research. London: Sage.

Mertens D.M. and Ginsberg P.E. (2009) Handbook of Social Research Ethics, Los Angeles; London: Sage.

Oliver, P. (2003) Student's Guide to Research Ethics, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Proctor, J.D. and Smith, D.M. (eds.) (1999) Geography and Ethics: Journeys in a Moral Terrain. London:


Scheper-Hughes, N. (1995) The primacy of the ethical: propositions for a militant anthropology, Current

Anthropology 36(3): 409-440.

Valentine, G. (2005) Geography and ethics: moral geographies? Ethical commitment in research and teaching, Progress in Human Geography 29: 483-487.

Wyss, M. and Peppoloni, S. (eds.) (2015) Geoethics: Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth Sciences.

Oxford: Elsevier.

Relevant journals

Journal of empirical research on human research ethics

Qualitative Research

Records Management Journal

Research Ethics

Research Evaluation

Relevant Twitter accounts

Ethics and Integrity @E_Integrity_EN

King’s College London Research Ethics @Ethics_KCL

PEALS Newcastle Uni @PEALSncl

Publication Ethics @C0PE

Research Ethics @Research_Ethics

U.S. Office of Research Integrity @HHS_OR


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University of Leeds Research Ethics @UoLResEthics

University of Melbourne OREI @UoM_OREI


A. Conflicts of interest

Kellogg, S. (2012) The power of transparency, Nature, 484(7392): 131-2.

Tollefson, J. (2015) Ethics: Earth science wrestles with conflict-of-interest policies, Nature, 522(7557): 403-


B. Data protection

Akeroyd, A.V. (1991) Personal information and qualitative research data: Some practical and ethical problems arising from data protection legislation, in Fielding, N.G. and Lee, R. (eds.) Using Computers

in Qualitative Research, Sage, pp. 89-106.

Childs, S., McLeod, J., Lomas, E. and Cook, G. (2014) Opening research data: issues and opportunities,

Records Management Journal, 24(2): 142-162.

Harding, A., Harper, B., Stone, D., O'Neill, C., Berger, P., Harris, S. and Donatuto, J. (2012) Conducting research with tribal communities: sovereignty, ethics, and data-sharing issues, Environmental Health

Perspectives 120(1): 6-10. van den Eynden, V., Corti, L., Woollard, M., Bishop, L. and Horton, L. (2011) Managing and Sharing Data. UK

Data Archive,


C. Feedback

Battiste, M. (2008) Research ethics for protecting indigenous knowledge and heritage, in Denzin, N.K. and

Lincoln, Y.S. (eds.) Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies. Los Angeles: Sage

Publications, pp.497-510.

Baum, F., MacDougall, C. and Smith. D. (2006) Participatory action research, Journal of Epidemiology and

Community Health 60: 854–857.

Fitzgerald, T. (2004) Powerful voices and powerful stories: reflections on the challenges and dynamics of intercultural research, Journal of Intercultural Studies 25(3): 233-245.

Fonow, M.M. and Cook, J.A. (2005) Feminist methodology: new applications in the academy and public policy, Signs 30(4): 2211-2236.

MacKenzie, C.A., Christensen, J. and Turner, S. (2015) Advocating beyond the academy: dilemmas of communicating relevant research results. Qualitative Research 15(1): 105–121.

Mihesuah, D.A. (1993) Suggested guidelines for institutions with scholars who conduct research on

American Indians, American Indian Culture and Research Journal 17(3): 131-139.

Nagar, R. (2013) Storytelling and co-authorship in Feminist Alliance Work: reflections from a journey,

Gender, Place, and Culture, 20(1): 1-18.

Nagar, R. (2006) Playing with Fire: Feminist Thought and Activism through Seven Lives in India. Sangtin

Writers, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press and New Delhi: Zubaan.

Pedzisa, T., Minde, I. and Twomlow, S. (2010) An evaluation of the use of participatory processes in widescale dissemination of research in micro dosing and conservation agriculture in Zimbabwe,

Research Evaluation 19(2): 145-155.

Rundstrom, R. and Deur, D. (1999) Reciprocal appropriation: toward an ethics of cross-cultural research, in

Proctor, J.D. and Smith, D.M. (eds.) Geography and Ethics: Journeys in a Moral Terrain. London:

Routledge, pp.237-250.

Schlesinger, P., Selfe, M. and Munro, E. (2015) Inside a cultural agency: team ethnography and knowledge exchange, The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 45(2): 66-83.

Scheper-Hughes, N. (2000). Ire in Ireland. Ethnography 1(1): 117-140.

Smith, L.T. (1999) Decolonizing Methodologies. Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books.

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Stewart, E.J. and Draper, D. (2009) Reporting back research findings: a case study of community-based tourism research in Northern Canada. Journal of Ecotourism 8(2): 128–143.

Sulle, E. and Smalley, R. (2015) Study of Sugarcane Outgrowing at Kilombero: Stakeholder Feedback Report,

Future Agricultures. Available at: .

Ward, V., Smith, S., Foy, R., House, A. and Hamer, S. (2010) Planning for knowledge translation: a researcher's guide, Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 6(4): 527-541.

Whittle, R., Walker, M. and Medd, W. (2011) Suitcases, storyboards and Newsround: exploring impact and dissemination in Hull, Area 43(4): 477-487.

D. Research Integrity

Kershaw1, G.G.L., Castleden, H. and Laroque, C.P. (2014) An argument for ethical physical geography research on Indigenous landscapes in Canada, The Canadian Geographer 58(4): 393–399.

Mark, I. (2015) Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists Beyond Regulatory Compliance. London:

SAGE Publications.

Mayer, T. (2015) Research integrity: the bedrock of the geosciences, in Wyss, M. and Peppoloni, S. (eds.)

Geoethics: Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier, pp.71-81.

Miller, L. (2013) Doing Cross-cultural Research with Integrity: Collected Wisdom from Researchers in Social

Settings. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Nichols-Casebolt, A. (2012) Research Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research. Oxford: Oxford

University Press.

Steneck, N., Anderson, M., Kleinert, S. and Mayer, T. (2015) Integrity in the Global Research Arena.

Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Available at:

Stern, A.M., Casadevall, A., Steen, R.G. and Fang, F.C. (2014) Research: Financial costs and personal

consequences of research misconduct resulting in retracted publications. Available at:


E. Codes of Professional Conduct

See Research Ethics and Integrity Guidance Notes.

F. Research in Developing Countries

Battiste, M. (2008) Research ethics for protecting indigenous knowledge and heritage, in Denzin, N.K. and

Lincoln, Y.S. (eds.) Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies. Los Angeles: Sage

Publications, pp.497-510.

Benatar S.R. (2002) Reflections and recommendations on research ethics in developing countries, Social

Science and Medicine 54(7): 1131-1141.

Brown, N., Boulton, M., Lewis, G. and Webster, A. (2004) Social Science Research Ethics in Developing

Countries and Contexts, ESRC Research Ethics Framework Working paper, Discussion Paper 3.

Colvin, J.G. (1992) Editorial: A Code of Ethics for Research in the Third World, Conservation Biology 6(3):


Honan, E., Hamid, M.O., Alhamdan, B., Phommalangsy, P. and Lingard, B. (2013) Ethical issues in cross cultural research, International Journal of Research and Method in Education 36(4): 386–399.

Hyder, A.A., Wali, S.A., Khan, A.N., Teoh, N.B., Kass, N.E. and Dawson, L. (2004) Ethical review of health research: a perspective from developing country researchers, Journal of Medical Ethics 30: 68–72.

Kass, N.E., Hyder, A.A., Ajuwon, A., Appiah-Poku, J., Barsdorf, N., Elsayed, D.E., Mokhachane, M., Mupenda,

B., Ndebele, P., Ndossi, G., Sikateyo, B., Tangwa, G. and Tindana, P. (2007) The structure and function of Research Ethics Committees in Africa: a case study, PLoS Medicine 4(1).

McIntosh, S., Sierra, E., Dozier, A., Diaz, S., Quiñones, Z., Primack, A., Chadwick, G. and Ossip-Klein, D.J.

(2008) Ethical review issues in collaborative research between us and low-middle income country partners: a case example, Bioethics 22(8): 414-422.

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Morris, N.J. (2015) Providing ethical guidance for collaborative research in developing countries, Research


Ethics, doi: 10.1177/1747016115586759.

Neitzke, A.B. (2012) Globalizing research ethics: justice and biomedical research in developing countries,

Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 11(1): 145-153.

Ravinetto R, Buvé A, Halidou T, Lutumba P, Talisuna A, Juffrie M, D’Alessandro U and Boelaert, M. (2011)

Double ethical review of North-South collaborative clinical research: hidden paternalism or real partnership? Tropical Medicine and International Health 16(4): 527–530.

Sidaway, J.D. (1992) In other worlds: on the politics of Research by 'First World' Geographers in the 'Third

World', Area 24(4): 403-408.

Sultana, F. (2007) Reflexivity, positionality and participatory ethics: negotiating fieldwork dilemmas in international research, ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 6(3): 374–385.


A. Confidentiality

Clark, A. (2006) Anonymising Research Data. NCRM Working Paper Series 7/06. ESRC National Centre for

Research Methods. earch_data.pdf


Clough, C. (2008) Managing confidentiality in illicit drugs research: ethical and legal lessons from studies in remote Aboriginal communities, Internal Medicine Journal 38(1): 60-63.

Cochrane, A. (1998) Illusions of power: interviewing local elites, Environment and Planning A 30(12): 2121–


Hall, S.M. (2014) Ethics of ethnography with families: a geographical perspective, Environment and Planning

A 46: 2175–2194

Kounadi, O. and Leitner, M. (2014) Why does geoprivacy matter? The scientific publication of confidential data presented on maps, Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 9(4): 34-45.

Richardson, D.B., Kwanb, M., Alterc, G. and McKendryd, J.E. (2015) Replication of scientific research: addressing geoprivacy, confidentiality, and data sharing challenges in geospatial research, Annals of

GIS 21(2). Available at: m9ubGluZS5jb20vZG9pL3BkZi8xMC4xMDgwLzE5NDc1NjgzLjIwMTUuMTAyNzc5MkBAQDA =

Svalastog, A. and Eriksson, S. (2010) You can use my name; you don't have to steal my story – a critique of anonymity in indigenous studies, Developing World Bioethics 10(2): 104-110.

Methodological Issues in Qualitative Data Sharing and Archiving,


Mji, G., Schneider, M., Vergunst, R. and Swartz, L. (2014) On the ethics of being photographed in research in rural South Africa: views of people with disabilities, Disability & Society 29(5): 714-723.

Morrow, V., Boddy, J. and Lamb, R. (2014) The ethics of secondary data analysis: Learning from the experience of sharing qualitative data from young people and their families in an international study of childhood poverty, University of Sussex. Available at:

B. Consent

Araali, B.B. (2011) Perceptions of Research Assistants on How Their Research Participants View Informed

Consent and Its Documentation in Africa, Research Ethics 7(2): pp. 39-50.

Belur, J. (2014) Status, gender and geography: power negotiations in police research, Qualitative Research

14(2): 184-200.

Boehlefeld, S. (1996) ‘Doing the right thing: ethical cyber research’,


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Bulmer, M. (1982) Social Research Ethics: An Examination of the Merits of Covert Participant Observation.

New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers.

Calvey, D. (2008) The art and politics of covert research: doing ‘situated’ ethics in the field, Sociology 42(5):


Cameron, J. and Hart, A. (2007) Ethical issues in obtaining informed consent for research from those recovering from acute mental health problems: a commentary, Research Ethics Review 3(4): 127–


Davies, K. (2008) Informed Consent in Visual Research. Seeking consent for the use of images obtained in

photo elicitation: Reflections from the Living Resemblances project, Toolkit #01, ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.

Fleming, S (2013) Social research in sport (and beyond): Notes on exceptions to informed consent, Research

Ethics 9(1): 32-43.

Fox, J., Murray, C. and Warm, A. (2003) Conducting research using web-based questionnaires: practical, methodological, and ethical considerations, International Journal of Social Research Methodology

6(2): 167-180.

Frankel, M. S. and Sanyin, S. (1999) Ethical and legal aspects of human subjects research on the internet: a

report of a workshop,


Harvey, W.S. (2011) Strategies for conducting elite interviews, Qualitative Research 11(4): 431-441.

Herod, A. (1999) Reflections on interviewing foreign elites: praxis, positionality, validity, and the cult of the insider, Geoforum 30(4): 313-327.

Herrera, CJ. (1999) ‘Two arguments for ‘covert methods’ in social research’ British Journal of Sociology 50

(2): 331-343.

Hugonot-Diener, L. and Husson, J-M. (2007) Communicating with the elderly: decision making and informed consent in subjects with frailty or dementia, Research Ethics Review 3(3): 92–96.

Jessee, E. (2011) The limits of oral history: ethics and methodology amid highly politicized research settings,

Oral History Review: Journal of the Oral History Association 38(2): 287-307.

Lauder, M.A. (2003) Covert participant observation of a deviant community: justifying the use of deception,

Journal of Contemporary Religion 18(2): 185-196.

Lugosi, P. (2006) Between overt and covert research: concealment and disclosure in an ethnographic study of commercial hospitality, Qualitative Inquiry 12(3): 541-56.

Madge, C. (2007) Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics, Progress in Human

Geography 31: 654-674.

Manson, N.C. and O’Neill, O. (2007) Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Mascalzoni, D., Janssens, A.C.J.W., Stewart, A., Pramstaller, P., Gyllensten, U., Rudan, I., van Duijn, C.M.,

Wilson, J.F., Campbell, H. , McQuillan, R. and EUROSPAN Consortium (2010) Comparison of participant information and informed consent forms of five European studies in genetic isolated populations, European Journal of Human Genetics 18(3): 296-302 .

O'Connor, H. and Madge, C. (2003) Focus groups in cyberspace: using the Internet for qualitative research,

Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 6(2): 133-143.

Spicker, P. (2011) Ethical covert research, Sociology 45(1): 118-133.

Trevisan, F. and Reilly, P. (2014) Ethical dilemmas in researching sensitive issues online: lessons from the study of British disability dissent networks, Information, Communication and Society 17(9): 1131-


Walters, S. and Godbold, R. (2014) Someone Is Watching You: The Ethics of Covert Observation to Explore

Adult Behaviour at Children’s Sporting Events, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11(4): 531-537.

Ward K.G. and Jones M. (1999) Researching local elites: reflexivity, 'situatedness' and political-temporal contingency, Geoforum 30(4): 301-312.

Wiles, R., Heath, S., Crow, G. and Charles, V. (2005) Informed consent in social research: a literature review,

ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Review Paper, NCRM/001



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Research with disabled people

Boxall, K. and Ralph, S. (2009) Research ethics and the use of visual images in research with people with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 34(1): 45-54.

Brownlow, C. and O'Dell, L. (2002) Ethical issues for qualitative research in on-line communities, Disability &

Society, 17(6): 685-694.

Calveley, J. (2012) Including adults with intellectual disabilities who lack capacity to consent in research,

Nursing Ethics 19(4): 558-56.

Gustafson, D.L. and Brunger, F. (2014) Ethics, "vulnerability," and feminist Participatory Action Research with a disability community, Qualitative Health Research 24(7): 997-1005.

Lewis, A., Parsons, S., Robertson, C., Feiler, A., Tarleton, B., Watson, D., Byers, R., Davies, J., Fergusson, A. and Marvin, C. (2008) Reference, or advisory, groups involving disabled people: reflections from three contrasting research projects, British Journal of Special Education 35(2): 78-84.

Minkler, M., Fadem, P., Perry, M., Blum, K., Moore, L. and Rogers, J. (2002) Ethical dilemmas in participatory action research: a case study from the disability community, Health Education &

Behavior 29(1): 14-29.

Mji, G., Schneider, M., Vergunst, R. and Swartz, L. (2014) On the ethics of being photographed in research in rural South Africa: views of people with disabilities, Disability & Society 29(5): 714-723.

Morgan, M., Cuskelly, M. and Moni, K. (2014) Unanticipated ethical issues in a participatory research project with individuals with intellectual disability, Disability and Society 29(8): 1305-1318.

Trevisan, F. and Reilly, P. (2014) Ethical dilemmas in researching sensitive issues online: lessons from the study of British disability dissent networks, Information, Communication and Society 17(9): 1131-


Valentine, G. (2003) Geography and ethics: in pursuit of social justice. Ethics and emotions in geographies of health and disability research, Progress in Human Geography 27(3): 375-380.

Research with elderly people

Crowther, J.L. and Lloyd-Williams, M. (2012) Researching sensitive and emotive topics: the participants’ voice, Research Ethics 8(4): 200-211.

Hugonot-Diener, L. and Husson, J-M. (2007) Communicating with the elderly: decision making and informed consent in subjects with frailty or dementia, Research Ethics Review 3(3): 92-96.

Schussler, N. and Schnell, M. (2014) Research with participants suffering from dementia. Ethical and legal considerations in research involving human subjects, Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und Geriatrie 47(8):


Research with homeless people

Cloke, P., Cooke, P., Cursons, J., Milbourne, P. and Widdowfield, R. (2000) Ethics, reflexivity and research: encounters with homeless people, Ethics, Place & Environment 3(2): 133-154.

Ensign, J. and Ammerman, S. (2008) Ethical issues in research with homeless youths, Journal of Advanced

Nursing 62(3): 365-372.

McCrystal, P. (2008) Researching children and young people living in residential state care: hurdles on the path to consent, Research Ethics Review 4(3): 89-94.

McGee, P. (2008) Ethical issues in researching people living on the streets: a commentary, Research Ethics

Review 4(2): 65-67.

Runnels, V., Hay, E., Sevigny, E. and O’Hara, P. (2009) The ethics of conducting community-engaged homelessness research, Journal of Academic Ethics 7(1): 57-68.

Schonfeld, T., Brown, J.S., Weniger, M. and Gordon, B. (2003) Research involving the homeless: arguments against payment-in-kind (PinK), IRB: Ethics and Human Research 25(5): pp.17-20.

Research in other countries or with non-English speakers

Douglas, S.P. and Craig, C.S. (2007). Collaborative and iterative translation: an alternative approach to back translation, Journal of International Marketing 15(1): 30-43.

Gardner, K. (1997) Songs at the River’s Edge: Stories from a Bangladeshi Village. London: Pluto Press.

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Kamuya, D.M., Theobald, S.J., Munywoki, P.K., Koech, D., Geissler, W.P. and Molyneux, S.C. (2013) Evolving

7 friendships and shifting ethical dilemmas: fieldworkers’ experiences in a short term community based study in Kenya, Developing World Bioethics 13(1): 1-9.

Koster, R., Baccar, K. and Harvey Lemelin, R. (2012) Moving from research ON, to research WITH and FOR indigenous communities: a critical reflection on community‐based participatory research, The

Canadian Geographer 56(2): 195-210.

Newton, S. K. and Appiah-Poku, J. (2007) The perspectives of researchers on obtaining informed consent in developing countries, Developing World Bioethics 7(1): 19-24.

Smith, L.T. (1999) Decolonizing Methodologies. Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books.

Sultana, F. (2007) Reflexivity, positionality and participatory ethics: negotiating fieldwork dilemmas in international research, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 6(3), 374-385.

Temple, B. and Young, A. (2004) Qualitative research and translation dilemmas, Qualitative Research 4(2):


Tindana, P.O., Kass, N. and Akweongo, P. (2006) The informed consent process in a rural African setting: a case study of the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana, IRB: Ethics & Human Research 28(3):


Wilson, K. (1992) Thinking about the ethics of fieldwork. In Devereux, S. and Hoddinott, J. (eds) Fieldwork in

Developing Countries. Harvester Wheatsheaf.

C. Young people

Alderson, P. and Goodey, C. (1996) Research with Disabled Children: How Useful is Child-centred Ethics?

Children & Society 10(2): 106-116.

Alderson P. and Morrow V. (2011) Ethics of research with children and young people: a practical handbook,

Los Angeles, London: SAGE.

Alderson, P. (1995) Listening to Children: Children, Ethics and Social Research, Barnardos.

Clacherty, G. and Donald, D. (2007) Child participation in research: reflections on ethical challenges in the southern African context, African Journal of AIDs Research 6(2): 147-156.

Daley, K. (2015) The wrongs of protection: Balancing protection and participation in research with marginalised young people, Journal Of Sociology 51(2): 121-138.

Farrell, A. (2005) Ethical Research with Children. Open University Press.

Felzmann, H. (2009) Ethical Issues in School-Based Research, Research Ethics Review 5(3): 104-109.

Morrow,V. and Richards, M. (1996) The ethics of social research with children: an overview, Children and

Society 10:90-105.

Young, L. and Barrett, H. (2001) Adapting visual methods: action research with Kampala street children,

Area 33(2): 141–152.

Young, L. and Barrett, H. (2001) Issues of Access and Identity: Adapting Research Methods with Kampala

Street Children, Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 8(3): 383-395.

D. Abuse and criminal activity

Ancrum, C. (2013) Stalking the margins of legality: Ethnography, participant observations and the postmodern ‘underworld’, in Winlow, S. and Atkinson, R. (eds.) New Directions in Crime and Deviancy.

Oxon: Routledge, pp. 113–126.

Ferrell, J. and Hamm, M. S. (1998) Ethnography at the Edge: Crime, Deviance, and Field Research. Boston,

MA: Northeastern University Press.

Morris, A., Hegarty, K. and Humphreys, C. (2012) Ethical and safe: Research with children about domestic violence, Research Ethics 8(2): 125-139.

Testa, G. (2014) Mutual support relationships amongst sex workers, Research Ethics 10(2): 121-123.


A. Psychological harm or stress

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Black, R. (2003) Ethical codes in humanitarian emergencies: from practice to research? Disasters 27(2): 95-



Bourne, A.H. and Robson, M.A. (2015) Participants’ reflections on being interviewed about risk and sexual behaviour: implications for collection of qualitative data on sensitive topics, International Journal of

Social Research Methodology 18(1): 105-116.

Corbin, J. and Morse, J.M. (2003) The unstructured interactive interview: issues of reciprocity and risks when dealing with sensitive topics, Qualitative Inquiry 9(3): 335-354.

Crowther, J.L. and Lloyd-Williams, M. (2012) Researching sensitive and emotive topics: The participants’ voice, Research Ethics 8(4): 200-211.

Dominey-Howes, D. (2015) Seeing ‘the dark passenger’ – Reflections on the emotional trauma of conducting post-disaster research, Emotion, Space and Society. Available at: .

Fèvre, S. (2010) Development ethnography and the limits of practice: a case study of life stories from Aceh,

Indonesia, Anthropology Matters 12(2), cle&path%5B%5D=206&path%5B%5D=330 .

Lee, R.M. (1993) Doing Research on Sensitive Topics, Sage.

Palmer, D. (2008) Ethical Issues and Their Practical Application in Researching Mental Health and Social

Care Needs with Forced Migrants, Research Ethics Review 4(1): 20-25.

Small, W., Maher, L. and Kerr, T. (2014) Institutional ethical review and ethnographic research involving injection drug users: A case study, Social Science & Medicine 104: 157-162.

B. Physical harm or discomfort (SEE ALSO REFERENCES ABOVE)

UCLA OHRPP (2011) Guidance and Procedure: Conducting Risk-Benefit Assessments and Determining Level

of Review,

C. Violation of cultural or social norms/practices

Bond, T. (2012) Ethical imperialism or ethical mindfulness? Rethinking ethical review for social sciences,

Research Ethics 8(2): 97-112.

Hannes, K. and Parylo, O. (2014) Let’s Play It Safe: Ethical Considerations from Participants in a Photovoice

Research Project, International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Available at: .

D. Conflict or discomfort for humans or non-humans

Conti, J.A. and O’Neil, M. (2007) Studying power: qualitative methods and the global elite, Qualitative

Research 7(1): 63-82.

Friedman Ross, L., Loup, A., Nelson, R.M., Botkin, J.R., Kost, R., Smith, G.R., and Gehlert, S. (2010) Human

Subjects Protections in Community-Engaged Research: A Research Ethics Framework, Empir Res Hum

Res Ethics 5(1): 5–17.

Lomborg, S. (2013) Personal internet archives and ethics, Research Ethics 9(1): 20-31.

Trevisan, F. and Reilly, Paul (2014) Ethical dilemmas in researching sensitive issues online: lessons from the study of British disability dissent networks, Information, Communication and Society, 17(9): 1131-



A. Environmentally sensitive areas

See Guidance Notes.

S. Peppoloni and G. DI Capua, Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists, V 419 (2015),

Geological Society, London, Special Publications

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Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua (2015) Geoethics; Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth

Sciences 2015, Pages 3–14

B. Permission to access site(s)

C. Abuse or criminal activity

D. Sample collection

Engels, J., Dempewolf, H. and Henson-Apollonio, V. (2011) Ethical Considerations in Agro-biodiversity

Research, Collecting, and Use, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24(2): 107-126.

E. Disruption

Farnsworth, E.J. and Rosovsky, J. (1993) The Ethics of Ecological Field Experimentation, Conservation

Biology 7(3): 463-472.

Minteer, B.A. and Collins, J.P. (2005) Why we need an “ecological ethics”, Frontiers in Ecology and the

Environment 3: 332–337.

Shrader-Frechette, K. (1994) Ethics of Scientific Research. Rownman and Littlefield.


A. Permissions

Corti, L., Day, A. and Backhouse, G. (2000) Confidentiality and informed consent: issues for consideration in the preservation of and provision of access to qualitative data archives, FQS 1(3).

Moore, F.P.L. (2010) Tales from the archive: methodological and ethical issues in historical geography research, Area 42(3): 262-270.

Richardson, J.C. and Godfrey, B.S. (2003) Towards ethical practice in the use of archived transcripted interviews, International Journal of Social Research Methodology 6(4): 347-355.

Moore, N. (2012) The politics and ethics of naming: questioning anonymization in (archival) research,

International Journal Of Social Research Methodology 15(4): 331-340.

B. Terms of supply

See Guidance Notes.

C. Data handling

Cook, M. (2006) Professional ethics and practice in archives and records management in a human rights context, Journal of the Society of Archivists 27(1): 1-15.

Crossen-White, H.L. (2015) Using digital archives in historical research: What are the ethical concerns for a

‘forgotten’ individual? Research Ethics 11(2): 108-119.

Fogel, C., Quinlan, A., Quinlan, L. and She, Q. (2010) Ethical Issues in Socio-Historical Archival Research: A

Short Skit, Research Ethics Review 6(3): 91-94.

Lomborg, S. (2013) Personal internet archives and ethics, Research Ethics 9(1): 20-31.


A. Formal agreement with academic partner(s)

Cottrell, B. and Parpart, J.L. (2006) Academic-community collaboration, gender research, and development: pitfalls and possibilities, Development in Practice 16(1): 15-26.

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Farrington J., Thirtle C. and Henderson S. (1997) Methodologies for Monitoring and Evaluating Agricultural and Natural Resources Research, Agricultural Systems 55(2): 273-300.

Gaillard, J.F. (1994) North-South research partnership: is collaboration possible between unequal partners?

Knowledge and Policy 7(2): 31-63.

Maina-Ahlberg, B., Nordberg, E. and Tomson, G. (1997) North-South health research collaboration:

Challenges in institutional interaction, Social Science & Medicine 44(8): 1229-1238.

Pryor, J., Kuupole, A., Kutor, N., Dunne, M. and Adu-Yeboah, C. (2009) Exploring the fault lines of crosscultural collaborative research, Compare 39(6): 769-782.

Simon, D., McGregor, D., Nsiah-Gvabaah, K. and Thompson, D. (2003) Poverty elimination, North-South research collaboration, and the politics of participatory development, Development in Practice 13(1):


Woolcock, M., Rao, V. and Bamberger, M. (2010) Using Mixed Methods In Monitoring And Evaluation, The

World Bank Development Research Group Poverty and Inequality Team, Policy Research Group

Working Paper 5245,


B Formal agreement with non-academic partners

Adams, M.S., Carpenter, J., Housty, J.A., Neasloss, D., Paquet, P.C., Service, C., Walkus, J. and Darimont, C.T.

(2014) Toward Increased Engagement Between Academic and Indigenous Community Partners in

Ecological Research, Digital Library of the Commons. Available at:

Dalen, K. and Øen Jones, L. (2010) Ethical Monitoring: Conducting Research in a Prison Setting, Research

Ethics Review 6(1): 10-16.

Koster, R., Baccar, K. and Lemelin, R.H. (2012) Moving from research ON, to research WITH and FOR

Indigenous communities: A critical reflection on community-based participatory research, The

Canadian Geographer 56(2): 195-210.

Mohan, G. (1999) Not so distant, not so strange: The personal and the political in participatory research,

Philosophy and Geography 2(1):41-54.

Njuki, J., Mapila, M.S. and Magombo, T. (2008) Using community indicators for evaluating research and development programmes: experiences from Malawi, Development in Practice 18(4-5): 633-642.

Roper, L. (2002) Achieving successful academic-practitioner research collaborations, Development in

Practice 12(3-4): 338-345.

Tipa, G., Panelli, R. and Moeraki Stream Team (2009) Beyond ‘someone else's agenda’: An example of indigenous/academic research collaboration, New Zealand Geographer 65(2): 95-106.

C. Local field assistants

Bujra, J. (2006) Lost in translation? The use of interpreters in fieldwork. In Desai, V. and Potter, R.B. (eds.)

Doing Development Research. Sage.

Greene, S., Ahluwalia, A., Watson, J., Tucker, R., Rourke, S., Koornstra, J., Sobota, M., Monette, L. and Byers,

S. (2009) Between skepticism and empowerment: the experiences of peer research assistants in

HIV/AIDS, housing and homelessness community-based research, International Journal of Social

Research Methodology 12(4): 361-373.

Murray, C.D. and Wynne, J. (2001) Using an interpreter to research community, work and family.

Community, Work and Family, 4(2), 157-170.

Turner, S. (2010) Research Note: The silenced assistant. Reflections of invisible interpreters and research assistants, Asia Pacific Viewpoint 51(2): 206-219.

D. Ethical and research integrity standards

See Guidance Notes.

E. Intellectual property rights

Merriman, B. (2014) Ethical issues in the employment of user-generated content as experimental stimulus:

Defining the interests of creators, Research Ethics 10(4): 196-207.

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Wilson, J. (2011) Freedom of Information and Research Data, Research Ethics 7(3): 107-111.


A. Accurate representation of the data

See Guidance Notes.

B. Depositing research findings and publications

Chan, L. and Costa, S. (2005) Participation in the global knowledge commons: challenges and opportunities for research dissemination, New Library World 106(3-4): 141-163.

Mannay, D. (2014) Storytelling beyond the Academy: Exploring Roles, Responsibilities and Regulations in the Open Access Dissemination of Research Outputs and Visual Data, Journal of Corporate Citizenship

54(2014): 109-116.

Soranno, P.A., Cheruvelil, K.S., Elliott, K.C. and Montgomery, G.M. (2015) It's Good to Share: Why

Environmental Scientists’ Ethics Are Out of Date, BioScience 65(1): 69-73.

C. Disseminating research findings to participants/landowners

Abdel-Massih, Y. (2005) Public participation programme: the Akkar watershed study, Lakes and Reservoirs:

Research and Management 10(2): 135-139.

Bostock T. and Baron J. (2001) oneFish community directory: innovation in development research communications. An information paper, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 4(4): 511-514.

Fisher, K.T. and Urich, P.B. (1999) Information dissemination and communication in stakeholder participation: the Bohol-Cebu water supply project, Asia Pacific Viewpoint 40(3): 251-269.

King, S. A. (1996) ‘Researching internet communities: proposed ethical guidelines for the reporting of results’ The Information Society 12: 119-127.

Pedzisa, T., Minde, I. and Twomlow, S. (2010) An evaluation of the use of participatory processes in widescale dissemination of research in micro dosing and conservation agriculture in Zimbabwe, Research

Evaluation 19(2): 145-155.

Ward, V., Smith, S., Foy, R., House, A. and Hamer, S. (2010) Planning for knowledge translation: a researcher's guide, Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 6(4): 527-541.

Whittle, R., Walker, M. and Medd, W. (2011) Suitcases, storyboards and Newsround: exploring impact and dissemination in Hull, Area 43(4): 477-487.

Nagar, R. (2013) Storytelling and co-authorship in Feminist Alliance Work: reflections from a journey,

Gender, Place, and Culture, 20(1): 1-18.

Nagar, R. (2006) Playing with Fire: Feminist Thought and Activism Through Seven Lives in India. Sangtin

Writers, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press and New Delhi: Zubaan.

D. Benefit sharing (partners)

Corti, L., Van den Eynden, V., Bishop, L. and Woollard, M. (2014) Managing and Sharing Research Data: A

Guide to Good Practice. Sage.

Schüklenk, U. and Kleinsmidt, A. (2006) North-South benefit sharing arrangements in bioprospecting and genetic research: a critical ethical and legal analysis, Developing World Bioethics, 6(3): 122-134.

E. Benefit sharing (non-academic partners, participants, local communities)

Craig, D. and Davis, M. (2005) Ethical relationships for biodiversity research and benefit-sharing with

Indigenous peoples, Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 2(2):


Jonge, B. (2011) What is Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental

Ethics 24(2): 127-146.

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Korthals, M. and De Jonge, B. (2009) Two different ethical notions of benefit sharing of genetic resources

12 and their implications for global development, New Genetics and Society 28(1): 87-95.

Merson, L., Viet Phong, T., Nguyen Thanh Nhan, L., Thanh Dung, N. Thi Dieu Ngan, T., Van Kinh, N., Parker,

M. and Bull, S. (2015) Trust, Respect, and Reciprocity: Informing Culturally Appropriate Data-Sharing

Practice in Vietnam, Human Research Ethics 10(3): 251-263.

Ricardo, P. and De Alba, J.E.G. (2009) International research and just sharing of benefits in Mexico,

Developing World Bioethics 9(2): 65-73.

Rupp, L. and Taylor, V. (2011) Going back and giving back: the ethics of staying in the field, Qualitative

Sociology 34(3): 483-496.

Taylor, P.L. (2007) Research sharing, ethics and public benefit, Nature Biotechnology 25: 398 – 401.

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