The Need for Metaphysically-based Ontologies in Higher

Principles for the Development of Upper
Ontologies in Higher-level Information
Fusion Applications
Eric LITTLE11, Ph.D., Lowell VIZENOR2, Ph.D.
Doctoral Programs, Center for Ontology and Interdisciplinary Research,
D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY
Medical Ontology Research, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD
Abstract. The use of ontologies within many information science communities is
growing at an ever-increasing rate. This is especially true of higher-level multisource
information fusion applications, where there is a genuine need for an improved
understanding of the complex relational items (e.g. intentions, capabilities,
opportunities and vulnerabilities) typically associated with situation and threat
assessment (STA). Still, most current ontology development tools lack the resources to
support the sorts of ontological distinctions necessary to provide a sufficiently scalable
and reusable ontology product for STA purposes. In this paper we analyze the types of
complex relations typically involved in STA ontology and discuss how these
distinctions can serve as a theoretical framework for the enhancement of existing
ontology development tools, especially as these relate to STA ontology.
Keywords: Ontology, Relations, Relation-types, Higher Level Fusion, Threat
Ontology, STA Ontology
1. Introduction
Multisource information fusion is the process of utilizing data from various sources to
produce accurate descriptions of the world with respect to a given area of interest.
Information sources might include (among other things) any combination of the
following: legacy databases, electronic signals from sonar or radar, human intelligence
reports, webpages, photos, and domain expertise and knowledge. The goal of higherlevel multisensor fusion is to effectively combine all these sundry bits of information
into a meaningful representation of the world. As a consequence, the knowledge gained
from fusion processing can be used to improve the inferential and predictive abilities of
decision-makers operating within a given area of interest.
Although multisource information fusion originated in defense research [1, 2] it is
by no means limited to it. Recently, it has been extended to a variety of non-military
applications such as robotics, transportation, remote sensing, optical character
recognition, medical decision-making, and crisis management [3-6, 12-15]. So, the
general approach discussed here can be extended beyond ontology development for
higher level information fusion related to situation and threat assessment as described
corresponding author:
in [14, 15]. One such area is healthcare, where decision-making is a key component to
providing services associated with medical diagnosis, treatment, emergency service
monitoring, etc.
Figure 1: Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) Fusion Model [7,8]
The process of information fusion is broken down into several interrelated, abstract
levels (see Fig. 1) [7]. The most commonly used fusion processing model is the Joint
Directors of Laboratories (JDL) Fusion Model [7, 8]. There exists other (albeit less
widely used) fusion processing models such as the Endsley model for situation
awareness [9] and Blasch & Plano’s Level 5 fusion [10]). The JDL model shows that
processes at the lower levels of abstraction (Levels 0/1) operate with numerical data
(measurements, features) and employ numerical, algorithm-oriented methods free of
contextual significance. These processes produce information about location,
kinematics, and the identity of single objects. At higher levels of abstraction (JDL
Levels 2 and 3), the information obtained at the lower levels is used to provide
decision-makers with a contextual understanding and interpretation of current and
future events as well as behaviors of interest. At this higher level of abstraction, the
process of information fusion operates with symbols or belief values for context
processing and employs both numeric and symbolic techniques such as Real-Time
Knowledge-Based Systems, Evidence Theory, Logic, Belief Networks, and Neural
Networks. The results of the fusion process, at any level of abstraction, must be
continually evaluated to define the needs for additional sources or the modification of
the process itself (Level 4). The product of information fusion is a stored representation
of dynamic objects and events, as well as their corresponding spatio-temporal relations,
which are obtained through fusion processing, enabling effective action in a
corresponding domain [11].
Level 1 (L1) fusion processing focuses on providing information about individual
concrete objects. By contrast, the objects treated by higher-level fusion processing (L2L3) are often aggregations of various objects. These aggregates are not singular,
discreet units, but rather collections of such items unified under a given relation or set
of relations. Understanding the items of higher-level fusion amounts to accurately
identifying, and systematically capturing, the complexities associated with relational
items at various levels of granularity [16]. For this reason, it is important to analyze
from an ontological point of view the kinds of entities, attributes, events, behaviors,
and settings which comprise L2/L3 items. These analyses should be metaphysically-
driven, meaning they should be guided by formal-ontological principles that can
provide the following kinds of ontological distinctions:
 Distinguish between summative wholes, which are identical to their parts,
and non-summative wholes, which have an identity over and above their
 Distinguish between dispersed wholes, which are spatially or temporally
discontinuous, and compact wholes, which are physically connected.
 Distinguish between those relations that are directly perceivable via
sensing capabilities (e.g., external spatial relations such as, x IsNextTo y, x
IsInRangeOf y) and those relations that must be inferred from those direct
sensing capabilities (e.g., complex relations such as, x DependsOn y, x
IsCausedBy y, where such information results from further processing of
the sensor data) [14,15].
Recognizing these sorts of distinctions facilitates the construction of powerful,
large-scale upper ontologies, which can structure information about the most abstract
levels of reality. This upper-level framework provides fusion scientists with
information about the kinds of abstract categories and relations that comprise various
complex states of affairs, especially those associated with situation and threat
assessment (STA).
2. The Role of Ontologies in STA
The purpose of STA processing in higher-level fusion applications is to infer and
approximate the critical characteristics of an uncertain environment, especially as these
relate to the particular goals and information requirements of decision-makers [13, 20].
In order to build current and predicted situational pictures, it is necessary to reason
about various relationships between objects of interest within a particular context.
Some of these relations can be directly obtained by processing sensor information (e.g.,
external spatial relations such as ‘is located at’, ‘has physical property of’, ‘is traveling
at speed x’). As a consequence, they can be handled by L1 techniques for object
identification, location, tracking, etc. Generally L1 items are restricted to discrete
perceivable units. Other relations, however, are structurally more complicated and,
therefore, resist being captured by current L1 techniques. These relations can exist as
situated, relational (i.e., abstract) items, embedded within a contextual surrounding [11,
Many current techniques for ontology construction in STA applications fail to
provide an adequate ontological analysis of these relations. In fact, they are primarily
designed with a particular ontology tool/language in mind (e.g., description logics such
as OWL-DL and frame-based systems such as Protégé). These tools are, in most cases,
limited with respect to the ways in which they can represent complex relation-types
[17, 18]. In such cases, the ontology inherits a number of syntactic/semantic constraints
that severely limit the sorts of relations that can be expressed in the ontology.
Consider the Situation Awareness (SAW) Ontology designed for higher-level
fusion applications [19]. The SAW Ontology provides a tool for decomposing the types
of objects, attributes and relations which are of interest to decision-makers in
processing information in a battlefield environment (see Fig. 2). This model represents
a human-centric view of the ontology’s categorical structure, which can then be utilized
by computational ontology development tools such as OWL to provide a formal
description of the battlefield domain. However, in many fusion applications,
insufficient attention is paid to the nature of relation-types. In the case of the SAW
Ontology as well as OWL ontologies that employ a description logic, a relation is
understood as the subset of a Cartesian product that is derived from the number of
objects/concepts represented in the domain. Furthermore, in these systems only binary
relations are considered [17, 18].
Figure 2: Battlefield Relations Represented in the Situation Awareness (SAW)
Ontology [19]
In the final analysis, the SAW Ontology does not provide an adequate
decomposition of relation-types needed for proper situational awareness. Purely spatial
relations such as InRange or InRegion are represented in the same way as spatiotemporal relations such as FiringAt or Attacking, where some object(s) is participating
in a process which is unfolding over time. In SAW, the ontological distinction between
spatial and spatio-temporal relations is passed over in silence (see Figure 2). These
distinctions are important. Purely spatial relations such as x InRegion y exist in full at a
given time and can exist and maintain their identity over a period of time in spite of
changes to either x or y. For example, a group of militants may establish a post in a
geographic region and remain their over an extended period of time, despite losing
members to death, desertion, and other factors over time. However, spatio-temporal
relations such as FiringAt or Attacking are processes that unfold over time. They do not
exist in full at any given moment, but rather exist only as successive temporal phases.
The act of FiringAt breaks down into any number of sub-activities and sub-processes
which themselves extend over a given duration. In the case of a purely spatial relation,
all of its parts exist at a time; in the case of a spatio-temporal relation, the parts unfold
over time.
A further criticism of ontologies such as SAW is that no distinction is drawn
between one-sided and reciprocal relations (i.e., symmetric vs. asymmetric). One-sided
(or asymmetric) relations include: x hitting y, y lying to x, or x existentially depending
on y (e.g., the color of a car depends on there being a car). Reciprocal (or symmetric)
relations include: x being married to y (where y is, by definition, also married to x), or x
and y depending on each other (e.g., positive and negative charges that result in cellular
homeostasis, a teacher-pupil relationship). The relation FiringAt is a one-sided
(asymmetric) relation, where a fires at b; but it is not antisymmetric, since a and b can
exchanging fire (i.e., b fires back at a). These distinction need to be accurately captured
within an ontology to ensure effective modeling of complex spatio-temporal
Finally, as is apparent from Figure 2, the SAW ontology does not capture nested
relations (with the exception of a singe subsumption relation). A relation-type such as
InRange can be represented as a necessary sub-relation of a broader relation-type such
as VulnerableTo [16]. In these cases, important internal relationships that exist
between various relata can be captured. Consider the case of a FiringAt b (which is an
action that occurs in space and over time). Typically, this action would occur only if b
were InRange of a (as a purely spatial consideration at some time). But the converse is
not the case. We have little reason to infer from the fact that b InRange of a that it is
the case that a FiringAt b. The SAW Ontology diagram, however, only shows two
levels of relation-types, where subsumption (isa) relations exist between the singular
most basic category of ‘Relation’ and all of its constitutive sub-relations are taken
together at the same level of granularity.
3. Exemplary Metaphysical Relations Necessary for Higher-level Fusion in STA
It has been argued in [14, 15] that STA ontologies need to be constructed using
both a metaphysically-driven upper-ontology capable of treating numerous kinds of
relation-types including causal relations, intentional relations, and dependence
relations and an empirically-driven domain-specific ontology, capable of treating the
particular tokens of those relation-types (i.e., the domain-specific relations and relata
particular to a given place, time or set of events). A metaphysically-driven set of upper
relation-types would provide a means for overcoming some of the limits of current
ontological models such as the SAW Ontology, since a careful consideration of
metaphysically-structured relation-types would be able to improve upon the
distinctions between spatial and temporal relations, one-sided and reciprocal relations
and hierarchically-nested relations. Such improvements would in turn provide for better
reasoning about situations and threat in the following ways:
 Capture the dependence relations between components of intent,
capability and opportunity.
 Capture the distinction between viable (i.e., real, immediate) and nonviable (e.g. potential, non-immediate) threats.
 Capture how relations between intentions, capabilities and opportunities
shed light on other kinds of complex relational items such as
3.1 Design Principles for an STA Upper-Level Ontology
The threat ontology presented here represents a modified version of the Basic
Formal Ontology (BFO) [14, 15, 21-24]. (There are a number of upper-level ontologies
such as DOLCE2 and SUMO3 that could also be used as a framework for the
development of an STA upper-level ontology. That said, BFO is more consistent with
our general philosophical outlook.) BFO embraces the view that all real world entities
fall into one of two exclusive categories of continuant and occurrent. Think of the
difference between a human being and the event of losing weight. Informally, what
changes (the human) is the continuant and the change itself (the weight-loss event) is
the occurrent. More precisely, continuants are entities which continue to exist through
time; they preserve their identity from one moment to the next even while undergoing a
variety of different sorts of changes [21, 23]. Examples include individual soldiers and
battalions, landmines, T-72s and structures such as buildings and bunkers. Occurrents
differ from continuants in several important respects. Most importantly, though,
whereas continuants exist fully at a given time—i.e. all their parts are present at a
time—occurrents never exist in full at a time; instead, they unfold through successive
phases. Occurrents have a beginning, middle and end [21]. Examples include the
process of securing an enemy area, a battle or skirmish, and the issuing of a command.
One of the basic principles of BFO is that there is no single ontological perspective
in which to view both continuants and occurrents. Instead, there are two distinct yet
complementary types of ontologies, namely, SNAP and SPAN ontologies. A SNAP
ontology is a catalog of continuants at a given point in time, and a SPAN ontology is a
catalogue of temporal entities. The SNAP/SPAN division provides a basis for
constructing principled ontologies and makes it possible to define trans-ontological
relations that transcend the SNAP/SPAN divide.
In addition to the distinction between continuants and occurrents, there is also a
distinction between independent and dependent continuants. Independent continuants
(also sometimes called substances) are entities such as humans, which do not require
the existence of any other entity in order to exist. Dependent continuants (sometimes
called accidents) are entities such as capacities, dispositions, functions, properties,
qualities, roles and states. A dependent continuant is such as to be fully present at a
given time, but nevertheless requires ultimately the existence of some independent
continuant in order to exist.
The ontological categories of continuant and occurrent provide a basis for the
distinction between intra-ontological relations and trans-ontological relations [21].
Examples of intra-ontological relations are subsumption (the relation of one class being
wholly included in another) and the part-whole relation. These relations are always
restricted to a given ontological category. A sound ontological principle for the
construction of hierarchies is that all the classes employed should belong to one and
only one of the categories: independent continuant, dependent continuant or occurrent.
So, no continuant has an occurrent as a part and vice versa. Similarly, no continuant
class is subsumed under an occurrent class and conversely. Trans-ontological relations
are those sorts of relations that transcend the ontological divide between the formal
ontological categories of continuant and occurrent. For example, there exists a
participation relation, which is a trans-ontological relation, between the act of issuing a
command (an occurrent) and the person who issues the command (a continuant). By
adhering to these principles we get a clean partition of ontological types and the
possible relations that exist between them.
3.1.2 Mereotopology
Of particular interest to STA ontology design is mereotopology, which is a theory
that extends mereology (the theory of part-relations) with concepts from topology (the
theory of spatial connectedness and extension). Mereotopology is a powerful formal
tool for characterizing many L2/L3 threat items. In fact, [14, 15] have shown that it is
possible to obtain useful ontological categories specific to higher-level fusion
applications from basic mereotopological relations. Important here is the ability to
characterize not only singular objects (maximally connected wholes), but also groups
of such objects such as a casualty clusters or ambulatory services. Fig. 3 represents a
number of relation-types that are used in constructing an ontology for earthquake
disaster management. This ontology is designed to deal with the problems related to
identifying and servicing casualty clusters of various sizes, dispersed across large urban
regions. Mereotopology provides a useful framework for understanding many of these
relations by providing ways of modeling relations such as ‘casualty cluster x is larger
than before,’ ‘casualty x inside ambulance y is close to a hospital,’ or ‘casualty cluster
x overlaps with building cluster y.’
Table 1. SPAN relations
Before, At the same time,
Start, Finish, Soon, Very
Initiating, value of time
Disjoint, Joint,
Inside, Equal
Table 2. SNAP relations
Not far
Very far
Very close
A part of
Figure 3: Categories Used in Higher-level Fusion Processing of Casualty Clusters
in Post-Earthquake Disaster Areas [see 13, 15]
3.1.3 Trans-Ontological Relations
In many cases, L2/L3 threat items involve any number of what we have referred to
as trans-ontological relations. This means that these items involve a complex of SNAP
and SPAN elements. Consider an improvised explosive device (IED). An IED is an
independent continuant. It is a physical object that is composed of numerous physical
components (e.g., an explosive charge, a triggering devise, a container/shell) — which
are also independent continuants. The part-relation of an IED’s components is an intraontological relation. An IED is also involved in a variety of trans-ontological relations.
Examples include: ‘IED x HasLocation y’ where there is a trans-ontological relation
between an independent continuant, x, and the dependent continuant, y, a spatial region
into which it has been inserted. There are also an array of trans-ontological relations
between an independent continuant and an occurrent. In the case of an IED, it is related
to a number of events and processes such as the acts of assembling, concealing and
triggering the IED.
If an STA ontology is designed in compliance with BFO, then these sorts of
relational complexes can be captured simply by identifying the trans-ontological
relations that exist between the SNAP/SPAN elements. In other words, the description
of complex situational items found in L2/L3 processing models can be formally
captured in the BFO by arranging SNAP /SPAN items into distinct ontological
categories (e.g. independent continuants, dependent continuants, spatial regions and
temporal regions, processual entities, etc.) and then drawing out the hosts of relations
between those categories. These ontologies provide a basis for identifying complex
SNAP-SPAN trans-ontological relations such as IsIntendedBy, IsVulnerableTo,
IsCapableOf, ProvidesOpportunityFor, IsParticipantIn [21], which stand between a
range of objects, attributes and processes.
The ability to provide for trans-ontological relations between distinct ontological
categories is an important theoretical step in ontology construction, since most
ontology tools are constrained by their general taxonomic structure, where only limited
hierarchical relations are represented. It is important to be able to build a high level
ontology that can overcome these limitations. Upper-level ontologies can be thought of
as a group of inter-related robust taxonomies (e.g., SNAP and SPAN), where complex
relations such as dependence or causality are modeled by drawing trans-taxonomic
relations between different taxonomic elements (see Fig. 4). For example, one may
wish to provide independent SNAP and SPAN taxonomies for various items within a
domain (e.g., urban environments containing items such as buildings, roads, bridges,
population densities; various IED’s and their components such as triggers, charges,
implantation methods; and various other threat items such as dirty bomb materials,
which include radioactive items like Cobalt-60 or Cesium-137, and known places for
their procurement). By drawing these taxonomies together into an ontology for STA,
one can show relations between various structures within the environment and
threatening activities associated with things such as IED insertion or dirty bomb
detonation, and the resulting damage that could ensue from such attacks [11].
Urban Environment
Taxonomy A
IED Taxonomy
Taxonomy B
Dirty Bomb
Taxonomy C
Figure 4: Higher-ordered Ontologies As Inter-related Taxonomies
3.2 The Importance of Formal-Ontological Relations to STA Ontologies
A robust framework of formal-ontological relations is essential for the
development of sound STA ontologies, since it will help identify numerous relationtypes that are currently not available to many higher-level fusion ontologies (e.g., the
SAW Ontology). Within the JDL Model, L2/L3 items have historically been
characterized as aggregations (or sets) of L1 items [1, 2, 7, 8]. There are a number of
criticisms of set theory as an ontological tool for the analysis of complex entities [26,
27]. For one, set theory cannot do justice to non-summative wholes such as a platoon,
which can preserve its identity over time even as it gains and loses members. A proper
analysis of L2/L3 items requires that we not only identify the constituent elements of
L2/L3 items but that we also identify the relations that exist between these elements.
For example, the notion of ontological dependence as discussed in [28] is useful notion
for the analysis of a number of distinct kinds of wholes based on the strength of their
We argue, in accordance with [14, 31], that a threat is composed of three basic
elements: intent, capability and opportunity. An intention is a plan or goal directed
state. A capability is a feature (e.g. projectile, explosive) that is associated with a
certain type of object such as a particular weapons system. Generally, these are
restricted to those features that can inflict an effective level of harm, disruption or
lethality on a target. An opportunity is a state of affairs that makes it possible to carry
out a given intent when supplied with sufficient capabilities (e.g., a line of sight to the
target, access to a person or facility). A viable (i.e., immanent) threat exists only if all
three elements are present. But there are also a number of important relations that exist
between these elements. For instance, is it possible for a to have an opportunity to do b
if there does not exist an intention on the part of a to do b or if a lacks the capability to
do b? An understanding of the sorts of relations that exist between the three elements of
threat will not only help clarify the threat phenomenon itself, but also a host of related
phenomena such as the difference between an actual threat and a potential threat.
Taxonomy of Relations
Logical Relations
Not Satisfied
Not Satisfied
A & B Constitute Each Other
Mutually Dependent
A & B are Founded on
Each Other
1-Sided Dependence
A is Constituted by B
A is Founded on B
Efficient Causality
Figure 5: Exemplary Metaphysical Relations for Use in STA Ontologies [15]
The authors of [15] have developed an initial taxonomy of relation-types to offer
insight into the kinds of relations relevant for higher-level fusion (See Fig. 5). The
relation-types depicted in Fig. 6 represent a mixture of the formal-ontological relations
discussed in [29, 30]. These relations can exist between, ontologically speaking,
heterogeneous entities at different levels of granularity. For example, these formal
relations can hold between physical and non-physical entities, spatial and temporal
entities, and object-specific and group-specific as well as be applied to different kinds
of sensing/reasoning capabilities (e.g. directly perceived vs. inferred kinds of relations).
Because the relations described in Figure 6 possess a hierarchical structure, they
provide a means for representing nested relational items found in threat conditions
where one must model complex items associated with command structures,
communications, materials procurement, etc. Nested hierarchies can be used to derive
the ontological structure of various relational states such as: relations between various
intentional agents, inter- and intra-relations between items at different levels of
granularity, and wholes/aggregates that contain various sorts of parts/members [29]. A
formal ontological model of threat items, considered at different levels of granularity,
can in turn be used as the basis for such things as the formulation of a situational
calculus or similar computational approaches which require robust ontological
decompositions of reality, currently lacking in many ontology development tools for
higher-level fusion [31].
3.3 Distinguishing Between Viable and Non-Viable Threats.
If an ontology is to be used for threat analysis/mitigation within STA applications,
it must also be able to model the ontological distinction between a viable and nonviable threat. One place to start is to analyze the sorts of entities that are derived when
we modify one of the three elements of threat. Viable threats exist when all three threat
elements (intent, capability, opportunity) are present and relate to one another in the
appropriate way (as in Figure 5). A non-viable (or potential) threat is one that involves
only two of the three elements of threat. For example, a may represent a non-viable
threat to b if 1) a has the intent to inflict harm on b but lacks an opportunity to do so or
2) a has the intent to inflict harm on b but lacks the capability to do so (see Figure 6).
The greater our ability to understand the formal-ontological relations that exist between
the elements of threat the greater will be our capacity to represent the difference
between a viable and non-viable threat in an information system.
Potential Threat
Viable Threat
Bomb ‘X’
Bomb ‘X’
Access to
Specified Target
No access to
Specified Target
Figure 6: Non-Viable (Potential) vs. Viable Threats [from 14]
4. Conclusion
This paper provides a theory of relation-types for STA to be used for enhancing
current ontology development tools. STA ontologies could more accurately capture
important contextual features of reality, if designed in accordance with a
metaphysically-driven theory of relations that allows for a clearer understanding of the
dynamic characteristics of situations and threats. By providing an upper-level formal
framework for formally describing items such as differences between potential and
viable threats, hierarchically-nested relations, and relations between threat components,
ontologists can design improved STA ontologies that are re-usable and scalable across
numerous particular domains of interest.
This research was supported in part by Development & Research for the Defense
of Canada (DRDC) under Contract No. W7701-011616/001/QCA, MIT-Lincoln
Laboratories under Air Force Contract FA8721-05-C-0002 and Air Force Office of
Scientific Research grant # F49620-01-1-0371, and in part by the Intramural Research
Program of the National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine.
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