Theodore Roosevelt: Cowboy and President I. War Hero to the Governor’s Office A. Republicans in New York Run for Governor New York 1898 Stamp on the office B. Not a Machine Politician Thomas Platt Refused to be run by the machine Entered politics to fight corruption Purify the political system For the common good Antagonized the bosses II. Republican Vice-presidential Candidate A. Get the Cowboy out of New York McKinley’s vice president died Republican Nomination Committee Thomas Platt Could not control Roosevelt Put him on the national ticket TR did not want the nomination Accepted the nomination Forced to accept the nomination B. Roosevelt Nominated for vice president Received every vote except one Mark Hanna National Party Boss Not pleased with the nomination Everyone has gone crazy William McKinley From his front porch Roosevelt stumped the country 600 speeches for the Republican ticket III. The White House A. Six Months into the Term Assassin ended his life September 1901 B. Command of a Nation Youngest American president Adventure Not daunted by the challenge Possessing and exercising power Mark on the nation Worthy life Not for the timid Natural Aggressiveness Presidency C. Power Advance society Looked to use the power Promoting economic prosperity Global markets Safeguard American interests Distant lands IV. Redefining the Presidency A. Presidency Jackson and Lincoln Congress Regained power after the assassination The impeachment of Andrew Johnson McKinley International involvement Teddy Modernized the institution Do anything as president Role models Act to right wrongs Power from the people Used the new print media Communicator Effective leader B. The American Century Maintain relations with business Continue the policies of McKinley A significant player Public endorsement of his ideas Wielded enormous power Adventuresome spirit Outside the country An airplane “Bully Pulpit” The family “Tennis Cabinet” V. The Progressive President A. Domestic Reforms Curb railroad rebates Expedite antitrust suits Bureau of Corporations Investigate business B. Preserve the wilderness Natural heritage Executive Order Vast tracts of land Forest Service “Square Deal” VI. Foreign Policy A. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” Popular success in foreign affairs Exercise of power Shrewd negotiator Crushed the nationalist rebellion Withdraw from Cuba Guantanamo Bay Expanded and reformed military Great White Fleet Army War College American-controlled canal Across Central America Long-time goal Panamanian Revolution Panama Canal B. Moral and ideological views Military might Less civilized people To our will Disorder in Latin American countries European intervention Proclaimed a new foreign policy Roosevelt Corollary Right to intervene Chronic wrong-doing Subsequent involvement VII. The Second Term A. Program of Reform Necessary reforms Did not take a radical turn Interstate Commerce Commission Set railroad rates The Jungle Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act Other legislation was blocked Personal conduct B. Economic Crisis of 1907 Sliding stock prices Large companies had failed Runs on the banks Turned to JP Morgan