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The activities used in this course will largely serve to cope with the difficulties, the students encounter in writing and speaking skills. It will also enable the students to acquire proper grammatical skills and habits and enlarge their knowledge of grammar. In the course of study the knowledge of theoretical material and practical skills and habits are supposed to be regularly checked orally and in written form. Objective: While focusing on grammar this practical grammar course promotes the development of all language skills in a variety of ways. The material presented in the exercises reflects realistic, typical language usage. The purpose of this course is to help the students to have a good grammar knowledge which is the basis of any language and by means of various language activities such as discussions, writing papers, making situations, improve their writing and speaking skills, develop the students’ communicative skills. This practical course of English grammar aims at providing students with the knowledge of specific features of English grammar system and to work out proper grammatical skills. Course policies 1. Grading policy 2. Attendance and participation policy 3. Academic honesty and behavior 1. Grading Policy: This course grade is determined by attendance, participation, in-class and home assignments, oral check-ups and written tests. Each unit includes the following component (C) grading. Component 1 (µ1) Attendance 10 Component 2 (µ2) Practical Work 20 Component 3 (µ3) 20 Component 4 (µ4) Oral check-up Quiz 20 Component 5 (µ5) Module check-up 30 Total 100 GRADING SCALE Rating grade ì¶ Credit Grade ¶ Letter Grade î¶ Comment A Passing grades 97 100 4.0 90 96 3.7 85 89 3.3 80 84 3.0 B 70 79 2.7 C 65 69 2.3 D 60 64 2.0 E 55 59 1.7 Fx Fail-some work is required 54 1.0 F Fail- considerable further work is required I 2. Attendance and class participation are of great importance and will be used to portion the students’ grade. The promptness is appreciated and noted. A student can not earn a full participation grade if he has 8 unexcused absences. More than eight unexcused absences will result in failing this course. 3. Academic honesty and behavior. Cheating in any form is a serious offence followed by serious consequences. It will not be tolerated and the result is the failure in this course. All the work students do for this course is expected to be their own. Classroom conduct is to be professional, courteous and supportive. All cell phones and other equipment are to be turned off in the auditorium. Disruptive behavior will reduce the grade by 10 % (Component 2). COURSE SYLLABUS Topics Theory Practice Module 1 Grammatical structure of the English language. General classification of the parts of speech. The Verb. Indefinite tense group Continuous tense group Perfect tense group (Units 1-4) 2 12 Topics Theory Practice Module 2 Future tenses, Unit 5 Tense forms, The Sequence of Tenses, 2 12 Oral check up 4 Quiz Oral check up 4 Quiz 1 1 Module check up 2 Total Module check up 2 Total 21 21 The Passive Voice Unit 6 Topics Theory Practice Module 3 The Noun (Unit 14- 15) The Article The Noun and Article, Unit 16 3 12 Oral check up 4 Quiz 1 Module check up 2 Total 22 Overall grade for the course: Module 1+ Module II+ Module III : 3 = 100% Tentative Schedule: I term September - December (weeks 1-16) 4 hours a week Week I Class 1. Topic Grammatical structure of English language. General classification of parts of speech. The verb Simple present The formation and use Manuals S. Kechyan Exercises pp.5-13 Handouts Ex 1-5 S. Kechyan 1. Present continuous The formation and use Handouts S. Kechyan 2. Present simple and Present continuous Tense Contrast Simple Past tense The formation and use Handouts pp.14-19, Ex. 1, 2: pp.24-25 Ex 1-2 pp.19-24, Ex. 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:pp.27-33 Ex. 1-6 Handouts Ex. 1-6 S. Kechyan pp.34-37, Ex.1,2,3: pp.42-43 2. II III 1. 2. IV 1. Past Continuous The formation and use Used to do Handouts S. Kechyan Present Perfect Simple The formation and use Handouts S. Kechyan 2. Present Perfect Continuous The formation and use 1. 2. VI 1. Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous Tense Contrasts Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous The formation and use Quiz Module Check up pp.49-54, Ex.1,2,3,4,6,8,9 pp.58-63 Handouts S. Kechyan V pp.37-41 Ex.4,6,8,9,10,11 pp.43-48 pp.54-57, Ex. 12,13,15,17,18 pp.65-70 Handouts Handouts S. Kechyan pp.72-76 Ex.4,5,6,7,8,9,10 pp.77-82 VII 1. Future time The formation and use Handouts S. Kechyan 2. VIII IX Future time Handouts S. Kechyan 1. Tense contrasts Handouts 2. Tense contrasts Handouts 1. Indirect speech Reported statements Handouts 2. Reported statements, questions and commands Handouts pp. 83-88, Ex. 1,2,5,6 pp. 89-93 Ex.7,8,9 pp.94-96 N 11-16 pp. 24-27 N 11-16 pp. 24-27 N 1-21 pp. 6-19 N 1-21 pp. 6-19 Handouts X 1. Reported statements, questions and commands Handouts Handouts 2. Handouts Reporting Verbs XI 1. Reporting Verbs XII 2. 1. Quiz Module Check up XIII 1. The Passive Voice The formation and use 2. 1. XIV XV Types of passive constructions. Hearsay reporting Causative “have”, verbs with two objects, passive reporting verbs Handouts Handouts S. Kechyan Handouts S. Kechyan Handouts Handouts S. Kechyan The Noun, classification of nouns. The Gender of nouns. S. Kechyan 1. The Noun (the number and the case) Handouts Handouts S. Kechyan The Noun (the number and the case) N 1-27 pp. 38-48 Handouts 2. 2. N 1-12 pp.20-25 N 1-12 pp.20-25 N 1-27 pp. 38-48 Handouts pp.103-105 Ex. 1,2,3,4pp.109-115 pp.105-108, Ex. 6,7,8,9,10 pp.112-116 Ex.1,2,3 pp.117-119 pp. 196-20, 1Ex. 1,2,3 pp.203-205 pp.207-211, Ex. 1,2,3,4 pp.209-211 N 1-11 pp.3-7 Handouts XVI 1. Articles. The Noun and the Article. Quiz. Handouts S. Kechyan pp.212214Ex.1,2,3,4,5,6 pp.220-221 2. S. Kechyan pp.214-219, Ex. 7,8,9,10 pp.222-224 Module check up This schedule is obligatory for the students. The instructor may use the additional material he/she finds necessary within the module. Manuals: 1. Macmillan English Grammar in Context (Intermediate), 2008 2. Macmillan English Grammar in Context (Advanced), 2008 3. S. Kechyan “A Course of English Grammar”, 2003 4. “First Certificate Language Practice” Michael Vince, 5. “Intermediate Language Practice” Michael Vince, 1999 6. “Understanding and Using English Grammar” B. Shc. Azar , 1999 7. Destination Grammar and Vocabulary B1, 2005 8. Destination Grammar and Vocabulary B2, 2005 9. N.A. Kobrina E.A Korneeva “An English Grammar”, 1999 10. Reference Guide to English, A. Maclin, 1996