Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

North Brookfield Public Schools
Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan
Revised May 2014
The mission of the North Brookfield Public Schools is to foster an educational community where students
come first and every child has the opportunity to achieve to his or her fullest potential. This will be
accomplished by embracing the values of respect, individual and collective responsibility, creativity and an
enthusiasm for learning. We will ensure a caring and supportive environment that nurtures the development
of character, a strong sense of self, and appreciation for life.
The Administration Team of the North Brookfield Public Schools consists of the
Superintendent of Schools, the Elementary and High School Principals and the Director of
Pupil and Academic Services. This team assumes the primary role in teaching students to be
civil to one another and in promoting understanding of and respect for diversity and
difference. The development of the BPIP was a charge to the Administration Team.
Public Participation
Faculty meetings, professional development days, the Student Council, the PTO/PAC,
School Councils, the School Committee, and the North Brookfield Police Department
participated in developing the BPIP. Steps included:
 Assessing current programs
 Reviewing current policy
 Review curriculum
 Review and delineate Professional Development
 Consider incidence report
 Survey all stakeholders on school climate and safety
Stakeholders were notified through local media, bulletins and the website of every
opportunity to attend and provide public input into the plan. Notification included
information that a draft of the plan was placed on the website and put in school libraries as
well as in the Haston Free Public Library in North Brookfield. The Superintendent made a
presentation to the Parent Teacher Organization on November 3, 2010. Public Participation
and subsequent deliberation by the School Committee was held on November 15, 2010.
The BPIP was adopted by the School Committee on December 13, 2010. The BPIP was
updated in January of 2013, September of 2013, and May 2014 to reflect updates in the
district anti-bullying curriculum and amendments to the Anti-Bullying Law.
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.
The Plan
Our Statement
Acts of bullying, which include cyberbullying, are prohibited on school grounds, on property
immediately adjacent to school grounds, at a school sponsored or school-related activity,
function, or program whether on or off school grounds, at a school bus stop, or on a school
bus; or through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased, or used by the
school district, and at a location, activity, function, or program that is not school-related
through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by
the school district, if the acts create a hostile environment at school for the target or
witnesses, infringe on their rights at school, or materially and substantially disrupt the
education process or the orderly operation of either school.
Retaliation is prohibited against a person who reports bullying or participates in the
investigation of a bullying incident.
Our Priorities
North Brookfield Public Schools expect that all members of the school community will treat
each other in a civil manner and with respect for differences. The district is committed to
providing all students with a safe learning environment that is free from bullying and
cyberbullying. This commitment is an integral part of our comprehensive efforts to promote
learning, and to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and other harmful and disruptive
behavior that can impede the learning process.
We understand that members of certain student groups, such as students with disabilities,
students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or and homeless students may be more
vulnerable to becoming targets of bullying, harassment, or teasing. The district will take
specific steps to create a safe, supportive environment for vulnerable populations in the
school community, and provide all students with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to
prevent or respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing.
We will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behavior, including any form of bullying,
cyberbullying, or retaliation, in our school buildings, on school grounds, or in school related
activities. We will investigate promptly all reports and complaints of bullying, cyberbullying,
and retaliation, and take prompt action to end that behavior and restore the target’s sense of
safety. We will support this commitment in all aspects of our school community, including
curricula, instructional programs, staff development, extracurricular activities, and parent or
guardian involvement.
The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan is a comprehensive approach to addressing
bullying and cyberbullying, and the school or district is committed to working with students,
staff, families, the North Brookfield Police Department, and the community to prevent
issues of violence. In consultation with these constituencies, we have established the BPIP
for preventing, intervening, and responding to incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, and
retaliation. Each building principal is responsible for the implementation and oversight of
the plan.
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.
Professional Development
Prior to the first day of school, all staff are required to attend a meeting where mandatory
programs and policies are presented and updated. This annual training includes the BPIP
and its following requirements:
 Staff duties
 Steps followed by the principal upon receipt of a report
 An overview of bullying prevention K-12 curricula
At an annual September Faculty Meeting a training session for all building personnel will
 developmentally appropriate strategies to prevent bullying
 developmentally appropriate strategies for immediate, effective interventions to
stop bullying incidents
 information regarding the complex interaction and power differential that can take
place between and among an aggressor, target, and witnesses to the bullying
 research findings on bullying, including information about specific categories of
students who have been shown to be particularly at risk for bullying in the school
 information on the incidence and nature of cyberbullying
 internet safety issues as they relate to cyberbullying
 specific focus on students with disabilities
 promoting and modeling the use of respectful language
 fostering an understanding of and respect for diversity and difference
 building relationships and communicating with families
 constructively managing classroom behaviors
 using positive behavioral intervention strategies
 applying constructive disciplinary practices
 teaching students skills including positive communication, anger management, and
empathy for others
 engaging students in school or classroom planning and decision-making
 maintaining a safe and caring classroom for all students
 specific steps to support students who may be more vulnerable to become a target of
bullying do to actual or perceived differentiating characteristics (race, color, religion,
ancestry, national origin, sex, socioeconomic status, homelessness, academic status,
gender identity or expression (LGBTQ), physical appearance, pregnant or parenting
status, sexual orientation, mental physical, or sensory disability, or by association
with a person who has or is perceived to have one or more of these characteristics)
The North Brookfield Public Schools Bullying and Intervention Plan will be published
annually in the Elementary and High School Faculty Handbooks.
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.
North Brookfield Public Schools is a small 600-700 pupil district with one K-6 Elementary
School and one 7-12 High School. Our climate is that of a small community where
individuals are known and recognized. Educators work together; a comfort level exists
among the students in belonging to their school. Resources include the administration and
staff and, more specifically, a Director of Pupil and Academic Services, school counselors,
and a psychologist who are readily accessible to all. Their availability to targets, aggressors
and their families with directions on how to make contact is published in the student
In the case of a student with disabilities who has been the target of bullying special
consideration addressing his/her skills and proficiencies will be delineated in the IEP.
Second Step is the Violence Prevention curriculum we use in North Brookfield Elementary
School. It is taught by the regular classroom teachers. This successful program provides
common language throughout the school and strategies to identify behaviors on how to
handle situations. Thought-provoking role plays and engrossing discussions lead to positive
results in our classrooms. The goal is to create the best environment for learning: a
respectful, peaceful classroom. Second Step helps students develop strong bonds to school,
solve problems without anger, and treat others with compassion. These social skills support
academics and form the foundation for a climate free of bullying.
Students in North Brookfield High Jr/Sr high School participate in the Voices against Violence
curriculum as part of their health classes. The objectives of this curriculum are as follows:
“The goal of Voices against Violence is to help school communities create a climate that
promotes positive bystander action and reduces bullying violence. Drawn from real-life
situations that adolescents, the stories in the video are designed to trigger discussions in
classrooms, teacher and school staff meetings, in-service trainings, parent meetings, and
other opportunities that bring the school communities together.
Using the video in addition to other hands-on classroom activities, students will be able to
take the following steps:
1. Identify the types of situations their community faces.
2. Build consensus about what bystanders are expected to do in these situations.
3. Plan and take steps to make it possible for both youths and adults to do what is
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.
All students are guided to master the following skills:
take action by knowing what to do when they witness other students engaged in acts
of bullying or retaliation, including seeking adult assistance
understand the dynamics of bullying and cyberbullying, including the underlying
power imbalance
cybersafety, including safe and appropriate use of electronic communication
engage in healthy relationships and respectful communications
engage in a safe, supportive school environment that is respectful of diversity and
On an ongoing basis our bullying interventions and prevention initiatives include:
 setting clear expectations for students and establishing school and classroom
 creating safe school and classroom environments for all students
 using appropriate and positive responses and reinforcement, even when students
require discipline
 using positive behavioral supports
 encouraging adults to develop positive relationships with students
 modeling, teaching, and rewarding pro-social, healthy, and respectful behaviors
 using positive approaches to behavioral health, including collaborative problemsolving, conflict resolution training, teamwork, and positive behavioral supports that
aid in social and emotional development
 using the Internet safely
 supporting students’ interests and participation in non-academic and extracurricular
activities, particularly in their areas of strength
Advisory Students in North Brookfield High Jr/Sr high School also participate in a formal
advisory program. The advisory meets twice per month and incorporates lessons from the
Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center’s (MARC’s) Cyberskills Curriculum, a researchbased curriculum to increase awareness of digital communications and reduce digital abuse
and cyberbullying.
The BPIP will be published in the Student Handbook and will be reviewed specifically on an
annual basis as one element of student training.
A staff member witnessing conduct indicative of bullying or retaliation will report it
immediately to the principal. This does not preclude the staff member from acting
immediately within school policy to intervene in the conduct.
The BPIP Incident Reporting form is made available for students or parents who may wish to
report an incident. Incidents may be reported anonymously.
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.
The principal will address safety issues particularly to protect the alleged target.
A student who is known to have reported will be protected from retaliation.
Parents of the target and the aggressor will be initially notified of the incident and
subsequently notified of the outcome of the investigation and action being taken.
The principal of another school involved will be promptly notified.
If criminal charges are suspected, the North Brookfield Police Department will be notified
of the incident.
The principal will conduct an investigation of the incident
 students, and any other principal witnesses will be interviewed
 retaliation in any form is strictly prohibited
 based on immediate feedback steps are taken to prevent recurrence
 confidentiality is strictly maintained
 a detailed written record of the investigation is maintained
 as necessary, legal counsel will be consulted
 appropriate disciplinary action will be applied according to the North
Brookfield Public Schools Code of Conduct and with the BPIP
 follow-up will include contact with the target one, two and three weeks after
the incident to check for any recurrence of the prohibited conduct
In compliance with M.G.L. c. 71, Sec. 370(d)(v) the principal in collaboration with the pupil
service personnel will tailor individualized strategies to build accountability for future
behavior. Skill-building available to our students includes:
sessions based on the school’s anti-bullying curricula or relevant educational
activities for individual students or groups of students, in consultation with a school
counselor, school psychologist and/or the behavioral therapist.
engaging parental support to reinforce antibullying and social skills building activities
at home
adopting behavioral plans to include a focus on developing specific social skills
making a referral for an evaluation
DESE Problem Resolution System
The principal’s notice to a parent or guardian of an alleged act of bullying will include
information about the process of accessing the state “Problem Resolution System”
described at http://www.doe.mass.edu/pqa/prs/.
Communication in the School Community
The annual distribution of the District Parent Handbook will include publication of the BPIP
for specific reference to the anti-bullying curricula and the district’s Acceptable Use Policy.
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.
Parents will be invited to participate in PTO, School Council and PAC meetings which will
provide annual feedback to the district following review of the anti-bullying curricula and the
The BPIP is posted on the district website.
Aggressor is a student or a member of a school staff who engages in bullying, cyberbullying,
or retaliation towards a student.
Bullying, as defined in M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O, is the repeated use by one or more students or a
member of a school staff of a written, verbal, or electronic expression or a physical act or
gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a target that:
i. causes physical or emotional harm to the target or damage to the target’s property;
ii. places the target in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself or of damage to
his or her property;
iii. creates a hostile environment at school for the target;
iv. infringes on the rights of the target at school; or
v. materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation
of a school.
Cyberbullying, is bullying through the use of technology or electronic devices such as
telephones, cell phones, computers, and the Internet. It includes, but is not limited to, email,
instant messages, text messages, and Internet postings. See M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O for the legal
definition of cyberbullying.
Hostile environment, as defined in M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O, is a situation in which bullying
causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule, or insult that is
sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a student’s education.
Retaliation is any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a student who
reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or
has reliable information about bullying.
School Staff includes, but is not limited to, educators, administrators, counselors, school
nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to extracurricular
activities, support staff, or paraprofessionals.
The North Brookfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness.