100% Student Success
Review and use your completed ethical research assignment from Chapter 5 of the 100% Student
Success textbook. If your article failed to address universal values, such as veracity (honesty),
beneficence (acting in an individual’s best interest) and others, you will need to locate an article that
defines these concepts. Conduct an Internet search using the term “universal ethical principles” as your
search term. Based on the principles of ethics that you learn, assess the situation you find according to
ethical principles. You will also use the report from the ethical dilemma or issue that you researched in
the “Ethical Research” activity in Chapter 5 of the text.
Part 1:
Briefly describe the ethical dilemma or issue that you found in your research:
Describe in detail how you would resolve the dilemma or issue.
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Part 2:
Use the following table to assess your solution based on universal ethical principles. In the left-hand
column note universal ethical principles based on the research that you have completed. In the righthand column, record notes regarding how the principle applies to the situation you located in your
ethical research activity. At this point, do not be concerned if some of your observations seem to
Ethical Principle
Application to Ethical Research Situation
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Ethical Principle
Application to Ethical Research Situation
Part 3:
Review your observations. Note any conflicting principles and be aware that conflicting principles are
what create ethical dilemmas. Use your critical thinking and decision-making skills (discussed in
Chapter 4 of the text) to formulate an approach and resolution to your issue. Record your solution and
provide a rationale for selecting your approach to resolving the issue. If you have the opportunity,
discuss your conclusions with classmates and/or your instructor.
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