Chapter 10 Role Play

Futrell/Valvasori, ABC’s of Relationship Selling through Service, 4th
Canadian Edition
Chapter 10
Murray Foster
You are a salesperson employed by Murray Foster
Murray Foster is a recognized leader in the treatment of
arthritis, asthma, osteoporosis, glaucoma, prostate disease,
migraines and infectious diseases.
The company manufacturers a number of pharmaceutical
items and is constantly conducting research and
The most recent development is a breakthrough migraine
headache remedy that relieves pain instantly and has
virtually no side effects. It is not offered on prescription and
is a very expensive but effective medication.
Product Fact Sheet
Mi-gone headache remedy.
This product is effective for anyone who suffers from migraine headaches. It is
effective for the occasional sufferer and also for the more serious reoccurring
The Product
Product Features
no discomfort related to medication
retailer makes substantial profit
strong shelf presence
consumers will be looking for it
reliable and effective results
product ingredients stay active
No side effects
30% percentage markup
Professional packaging
Advertising campaign
Research and development
3 year expiry date
strongest medication
non prescription (OTC)
Only an OTC in Canada
Consumer promotion
Coop based on volume up to 5%
Trade deal
Listing allowance
24 hour relief
No contraindications
Non addictive
excellent for self medication
USA tourists will purchase quantity
awareness of the customer
advertising linked to retailer
initial order reduced cost
$10,000 available to retailer
longer acting medication
can be taken with other medications
patient will not become addicted
There is an increasing trend in this type of headache and the related pain is
increasing. More consumers are self-medicating. Availability of effective products
to treat this problem have been available only through a prescription until now.
Customer 1 Role Head Office Buyer – No Need Objection
Shopping Drug Cart is a national
drug store chain that focuses on
pharmacy care and customer
satisfaction. You have been a buyer for
the head office of this chain for over 10
years in the pain relief category.
A listing allowance of $20,000 policy
has just been introduced for new
suppliers. It is also expected for any
new product listings.
In the last two years for any new
product being presented you must delist an existing product as space on the
shelf is very limited. The OTC sections
in every store are very tight and it is
extremely difficult to bring in any new
The salesperson from Murray Foster
has an appointment to meet with you
and discuss their existing products.
She also wants to present an exciting
new product launch. You perceive no
need for a new product but will listen to
her presentation.
Recent developments in the company
have created a focus on profitability
and advertising. You have been
instructed to maintain a minimum of
35% as a profit margin in the pain relief
category and be competitive with
product offerings. In addition to this
competition has made it necessary to
remain price competitive especially in
the pain relief category.
Customer 2 Role Pharmacist – Source Objection
You have been a pharmacist for the
Shopping Drub Cart chain for the past
15 years. Over that time you have
become an expert in a couple of areas
of patient care and pride yourself in
being very knowledgeable.
Time is of the essence to you every
day and so any interruption has to be a
valuable interaction.
Your father suffered from extreme pain
all of his life so you have researched,
read and attended many seminars on
pain relief. Many of the remedies have
side effects and long term addictive
potential for the user. You would not
recommend these products and would
prefer not to carry them in the store.
The salesperson from Murray Foster
has scheduled an appointment to
discuss a new migraine medication.
Their last 2 product launches had a
major recall in the first 6 months based
on consumer complaints. The main
complaint was lack of effective relief.
Research and development of any
medication is extremely important to
you. You have not interest in the
profitability of a product, trade deals or
consumer promotions.
You do not trust or respect the
company but will listen to the
Customer 3 Role Store Level Buyer – Price Objection
You are the Front Store Manager of
one of the largest retail locations within
the Shopping Drug Cart chain. The
main responsibility is to maintain the
profitability of the store. Pharmacists
control the prescription medications.
There are two other areas of the
business that generate most of the
remaining profit - cosmetics and over
the counter medications.
The size of your location allows you to
purchase large quantities of
merchandise that will sell and you are
always looking for coop dollars. Trade
deals are very important as well as
consumer awareness programs.
The cosmetics buying is handled by a
Cosmetic Manager and you purchase
the medications for the OTC section of
the store. Pain relief and vitamins are
your favourite sections in this category.
The local competition has been
increasing and you have been forced
into lowering prices, which is affecting
your profitability. In order to sell most
products price reductions have been
You have very limited space in this
section of the store and maximize
every inch on the shelf. It is critical that
you carry only the products that
consumers are willing to purchase.
The salesperson from Murray Foster
has an appointment to present a new
pain relief product. You may be
interested but it needs to be
competitively priced.
Sales Performance Checklist (Observers Checklist)
Professional Approach
Exhibits a professional
Honest and ethical
Tries to solve problems
Did the salesperson use Persuasive Communication?
Ask questions
Be empathetic
Keep the message simple
Create mutual trust
Have a positive attitude and
Be enthusiastic
Be believable
Did the salesperson get the
prospect involved?
Evidence statements
Handling Objections
What type of objection is being
 Stalling
 No-need
 Money objection
 Product
 Source
Were the four steps followed?
Identify and clarify
Meet the objection
Use a trial close
Did the salesperson move
back into presentation?
Method of Handling Objection
Pass up
Direct Denial
Indirect Denial
Compensation or
Counterbalance Method
Third part answer
Did the salesperson effectively
overcome the objection?
How did they overcome the