بانك اطلاعاتيCD هاي موجود در كتابخانه هاي واحدهاي تابعه دانشگاه

‫ هاي موجود در‬CD‫بانك اطالعاتي‬
‫كتابخانه هاي واحدهاي تابعه دانشگاه‬
‫دانشكده پزشكي‬
Biochemistry 1998
Biological sciences Genetics 1996
body works
exercise & disase… 1999
fundamental immunology 1998
Grammer 1-2
Harisons Internal Medicine
Human Anatomy 1997
hurts the heart
Family practice 1999
Infecious diseases
Interactive Anatamy 1997
Internal Medicine 2000
learn to speak english 1-2
Mcminn`s interactive clinical
medical encyclopedia
Medline 1980-2001
Neuroantomy 1999
physial Examination 1999
Physiology of cardiovascular 1996
physiology of respiratory 1996
Physiology of urinary system 1996
Plastice surgery 1997
Roitt`s Immunology
steven low
surgery 1995
Talkigy Dictionary
the Journey to lito
tofel sampler
world Atlas 1998
‫اطلس تفصيلي بدن انسان – لغت نامه گويا‬
‫بيمارستان زارع‬
1- psychlit 1987-1994 ,90-96,96-98
2- Genetics 97,98
3- Preventive medicine 1995
4- the Aryanpur progressive Dictionary 1999
5- Remington
6- Encyclopedia Britanica 1999
7- Goodman & Gilman`s
8- English 2
9- Webster
10- CD medline 1993-2000
11- CD tofle
12- CD Epilepsy
13‫ اطلس تفسيلي بدن انسان‬1375
14- ‫آموزش اينتر نت‬
15- 98 ‫آموزش ويتدوز‬
16- current opinion in psychiatry 2000
‫دانشكده داروسازي‬
Aryanparprogressive Dictionary
Britannica 1998
Goodman Gilmans 1996
IPA ( 1970-december 1998 )
IPA (1970- December 1997 )
IPA (International Pharmatical Abstracts 1970-june 1997 pluiter silver 1997
IPA( 1970-june 1998)
IPA( 1970-march 1996)
learn to opeak English (1,2)1998
learn to speak English
Medline 1996-2000
Principlea of internal medicine (harrisons )1995
Rmeington the science & practic
‫دانشكده پيراپزشكي‬
Adult airway managment principle …1995
Anatomy & physiology 1999
Anestesiology 2000 – 2001
Anesthesia (Miller ) 2000
Atlas of hematology 1998
Britannica 1998
family health collection 1996
first Aid and cpr 1998
Diagnostic hematology 2000
Dictionary (Aryanpur)1998
Harrisons 1998
Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy 1997
Learn to speak English
Lecture lab….. 1998
Library & information science 1998
Mcminn’s Interactive Clinical Anatomy 1997
Medical information of internet 2000
MEDLINE 1966-2001
Medworks Anatomy & physiology 1997
Microbiology for majors 1997
Mosbys Medical Eneyclopedia 1996
Quick & easy Brunner &suddath’s text book 2000medical terminology 2000
Roentgen Radiology 1996
SERLINE 1995- 1997
Sted Man’s concise Medical Dictionary
The Electronic library of Medicine 1995
The merok manual ……..1999
The worlds best Anatomical chart`s 1995
Toefl Sampler 1998
‫دانشكده بهداشت‬
- Medline 1966-1986
- Environmental chemistry health 1980-2000
- Evironmental chemistry health 2000/09
- Enuironmental chemistry health 2001/01
‫دانشكده پرستاري مامايي‬
Care curriculum in primary …..1998
Cerebral & spinal 1996
Cinahl 1982-1997,2000,2001
Functional anatomy of the heart 1995
Medline 1991-2000
Obstetric ultrasound principles ….1995
Orthopedics and sport Medicin
Respiratory System 1996
The portable meline for OB & GYN 1990-2000
‫بيمارستان امام خميني‬
Abdominal Pelvic Ultrasond With ct.Mr…1995
Adams Priniciples of Neurology 1998
Advances Practice Oncology Nursing
Atlas of clinical Endocrinology 1996
Atlas of clinical Neurology 1996
Braunwolds heart 1998
Brithish J . of Urology 1996-98
Brithish J. of surgery 1996-98
campels orthopedy
Cardiovascuiar system 1996
Cecil Textbook of medicine 1998
Cerebral & Spinal 1996
Clinical Endocrinology
Clinical Examination 1997
Clinical Medicine 1997
Diag Nostic oncology 1997
Dictionary (aryanpur) 1998
Emergency Medical
Endoscopic Assesment of esophag tis 1996
First Aid and CPR 1998
Functional Anatomy of theheart 1995
Gastroenterology slide Resource 1998
Gynecology 1996
Harison Principles of internal Medicine 1998
Harrison Principles 1998
Heart sounds & murmurs 1995
Human Body
Human Histology 1997
Hurst the heart 1998
Immaging Atllas of Human Anatomy 1997
Interactive Skeleton
Interactive Clinical Anatomy
Interactive Clinical Education Program
Interactive Physiology 1996
Intractive Physiology Respiratory System 1996
Keyboard utilities
Knowledje Finder V.3,38 1998
Mcminn`s Interactive clinical Anatomy 1997
Medical Emergency
Medical Multimedia SyStems
Medline 93-95,97,98
Medline Orthopedic 1987
Minor surgery 1997
Nine month Miracle 1995
Obstetric ultrasond Principles & Techinaes 1995
Oncology nursing Reveiew
Orthopedics &sport Medicine 1996
Oxford textbook of Medicine 1996
Physician`s Desk Reference 1998
Power touch 1997
Preventive medicine 1995
Primary care 1996
Radiology Imaje Bonehead Neck .CNS 1995
RE Nfrrects the Kidney 1998
Roenteni Interaction Radiolog Teaching 1997
Roitt Immunology
Roitt Immunology 1998
Sabiston textbook of surgery 1998
Soft War Ressurenct
Stat,Ref (Medical in formation compact ) 1996
The J. of Bone & joint Surgery 1997
Up to clato Clinmed,v6.2 1998
Upper GI Endoscopy 1996
Urinary system 1997
Urology .Nephrology medline 1997
Whole Body Computed Tomografy 1996
Yumans Neurological surgery 1997
‫كتابخانه مركزي‬
American Encyclopedia 1996
Archives of Ophthalmology 2000 ( 2)
Atlas 98
Books In Print 2000-2001
Books out print 2000
Cinahl 1982-2000
Electronic library of Medicine
English Persian Dictionary
Fertility & sterlity 2000 (2(
Graduate medical Education 1998-1999
Medline 1996-2001
Mosbys Medical Encyclopedia
Ophthalmology Medline 1978-1997
Ophthalmology: Journal of American Academy … 2000
Oxford Encyclopedia
Power touch 1997
Psychlit 1987-1997 (3 (
Serfile 2000
Ulirch ‘s 2000
Websters Dictionary &thesaurus
‫بيمارستان بوعلي ساري‬
- Atlas of ophthalmology /Richard Par(CD2)
- ACR . Neuroradiology
- Advnanced concepts in cataract surgery
- Atlas of clinical ophthalmology
- Atlas of ophthalmology
- Atlas of ophthalmology /Richard Par(CD1)
- Atlas of pediatric gastrointestinal diseases
- Atlass of ear , nose&throat disorders in children
- Basic ophthalmology
- Basic ophthalmology(thomas farreii)
- Cecil textbook of medicine 20/e
- Ciba intractive atlas of clinical anatomy
- Clear corneal cataract surgery
- Clinical endocrinology
- Clinical hematology
- Clinical neurology
- Clinical ophthalmology multimedia
- Color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology
- Duan,s ophthalmology
- Genetics multimedia
- Goodman & Gilman,s
( 2)
- Harrisons principles of medicine 14/e
- Hereditary retinal dystrophies
- Improving success in filtration surgery
- Infectious diseases
- Intractive ophthalmology:textbook&review
- Lern to speak english
- Martyindel 31/e
- Medline 1997-2001
- Mosby,s medical encyclopedia
- Nelson textbook of pediatrics
- Ophthalmic lenses&dispensing
- Ophthalmic surgery principle&techniques
- Ophthalmology inferactive
- Ophthalmology(myron yanoff(
- Orthopedics and sport medicine
- Power touch
- principles of neurology
- Retina atlas/Yannuzzi,Guyer,Green
- Retina library
- Rook,s textbook of dermatology
- Sabiston textbook of surgery
- Toefl sampler
-ACR lerning file – pediatric
-anesthe siology JNL 2000
-Atlas of ophthalmology(susan ford)
-Cerebral & spinal (computerized tomography) CT
-Ciba atlas of clinical anatomy
-Emergency medical training
-First aid
-Hilights of ascrs 2000 annual meeting
-Imaging atlas of human anatomy
-Macmin,s anatomy
-Metabolic molecular bases of inherited diseases
-Miller,s Anesthesia 5/e
-Radiology image bank:orthopeadic radiology
-The Aryapur progressive dictionar
The Rosetta stone language library
-Voxel-man 3D-navigator inner organs
‫ آندوسكوپي دستگاه گوارش فوقاني ‪1996‬‬‫ جديدترين اطالعات بيماريهاي داخلي ‪1999‬‬‫ راديولوژي سروگردن ‪1998‬‬‫ طب سوزني ‪1997‬‬‫ فيزيولوژي دستگاه تنفس ‪1996‬‬‫ آندوسكوپي دستگاه گوارش فوقاني و تحتاني ‪1997‬‬‫ ارتوپدي كمپل ‪9919‬‬‫ اصول و تكنيك هاي جراحيي الكتريكيي (الكتيرو‬‫سرجري) ‪1998‬‬
‫ اصول طب داخلي هاريسون ‪2000‬‬‫ اطلس هماتولوژي باليني ‪1998‬‬‫ اورژانس هاي تنفسي بزرگساالن ‪1995‬‬‫ بيماريهاي پانكراس ‪1998‬‬‫‪ -‬بيماريهاي گوارشي يامادا‪1999‬‬