533565323 Page 3-1 Laboratory Mission 3: Orbital Maneuvers Mission Objective - Reinforce your understanding of Hohmann Transfers - Reinforce your understanding of Plane Changes - Reinforce your understanding of Combined Plane Changes Resources/Requirements For this laboratory mission, you must have: Successfully installed STK and borrowed a license for a period covering the class in which this mission is to be executed (unless working in the computer lab) Read Chapter 6 of the Understanding Space textbook Mission Planning 1. HOHMANN TRANSFER: The Air Force is studying the effects of charged particles on the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The Joint Program Office (JPO) has asked the 1st Space Operations Squadron (1SOPS) at Schriever AFB Colorado to change the orbit of an obsolete NAVSTAR GPS satellite so the space shuttle can rendezvous with it and bring it back to Earth for analysis. The COEs for this NAVSTAR GPS satellite are given in Table 1. Table 1: Classical Orbital Elements for the NAVSTAR GPS Satellite Semi-major axis, a 26562 km Eccentricity, e 0 Inclination, i 28.5° RAAN, 0° The Space Shuttle can achieve a height of 450 km (a=6828 km) at 28.5 degrees inclination. Orbital Analysts in the 1SOPS will use a Hohmann transfer to maneuver the GPS spacecraft down to the shuttle. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-2 Case 0: Calculate the initial and final Vs for this Hohmann transfer to 5 decimal places. Keep in mind that the GPS satellite in MEO (at an orbital radius of R1) is transferring to the smaller Shuttle orbit in LEO (at an orbital radius of R2). t V1 2at R1 ( R1 R2 ) V2 R2 Vt1 2 t R1 Vt 2 2 t R2 VHT1 Vt1 V1 VHT 2 V2 Vt 2 VHT1 = _____________ km sec VHT 2 = _____________ km sec Record these values in the appropriate locations in Table 2 on page 3-8. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-3 Figure 1: STK scenario of the Hohmann transfer between the GPS orbit (a=26,562 km) and the Shuttle orbit (a=6,828 km). 2. SIMPLE PLANE CHANGE: After further consideration, the 1SOPS informs the NAVSTAR SPO that the space vehicle they want to maneuver doesn’t have enough propellant on-board to perform the desired operation. However, another satellite does. Its COEs are the same as the first NAVSTAR GPS except for its inclination which is 55 degrees. Orbital Analysts are prepared to perform three Delta Vs (a simple plane change maneuver and a Hohmann transfer) in order to rendezvous with the Space Shuttle. There are two ways to do this. In the first case, the plane change is performed before the Hohmann. In the second case, the Hohmann is performed before the plane change (reference page 206 in Understanding Space). a) Case 1 (Completed for you) Calculate the Delta V Simple: VS 2Vi Sin ( ) . 2 The initial velocity, Vi, is the velocity of the GPS satellite in its original orbit (a=26,562 km). Therefore, 55 28.5 3.986 x105 km3 / s 2 VS1 2Vi Sin 2V1 sin 2 sin 2 sin R1 26562km 2 2 2 2 VS1 1.77576 km/sec To be useful in STK, it is necessary to calculate the vector components of VS that you calculated above. Figure 2 illustrates the body mounted coordinate system used by STK to describe the direction of thrust. Calculate the vector components of the Delta V Simple using the following equation km VS1 (V f cos Vi ) xˆ (V f sin ) yˆ sec Note: you will not be responsible for remembering the above equation. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-4 Figure 2: Body Mounted Coordinate System km VS1 ((3.8738 cos 26.5) 3.8738) xˆ (3.8738 sin 26.5) yˆ 0 zˆ sec Note: Since you are calculating the actual vector for the VS burn, the angle for the plane change is important. At the ascending node, this scenario has a negative plane change angle since the orbit inclination is decreasing. If the plane change occurs at the descending node, the plane change angle is positive. VS1 (-0.40700 x̂ -1.72849 ŷ + 0 ẑ ) km sec Figure 3 shows the simple plane change maneuver. Figure 3: Making a Simple Plane Change NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-5 b) Case 2 (Do on your own) Calculate the Delta V required to get the NAVSTAR satellite into the proper inclination after the Hohmann Transfer (you calculated these Delta Vs in step 1). VS 2 2Vi Sin = 2 VS 2 _________________ km sec Calculate the vector components of the Delta V Simple using the following equation km VS 2 (V f cos Vi ) xˆ (V f sin ) yˆ sec Note: In the STK scenario, this burn is designed to occur at the ascending node, so the plane change angle is negative for this case. VS 2 (_____________ x̂ +_______________ ŷ + 0 ẑ ) 3. km sec Record these values in the appropriate locations in Table 2 on page 3-8. COMBINED PLANE CHANGE: The SPO instructs the 1SOPS team to reduce the orbital maneuver propellant requirement by performing a combined plane change in conjunction with a Hohmann Transfer. a) Case 3 (Completed for you): In this case, the first Delta V burn is used to place the NAVSTAR GPS satellite into an elliptical transfer without changing its inclination (The first part of the Hohmann transfer calculated in step 1). The second Delta V burn occurs at perigee and will circularize the orbit plus change its inclination. The Delta V Combined equation is VC 2 Vi V f 2ViV f Cos( ) 2 2 The initial velocity for this maneuver, Vi, is the spacecraft velocity in the transfer orbit just before the ΔVC2 maneuver or Vt2. The final velocity, Vf, is the spacecraft velocity just after the ΔVC2 maneuver or V2. VC 2 Vi V f 2ViV f Cos( ) 2 NOTES 2 Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-6 km Vi Vt 2 2 t =__9.63738__ sec R2 V f V2 R2 __7.64050__ km sec VC 2 (9.63738) 2 (7.64050) 2 2(9.63738)(7.63738) cos( 26.5 ) km VC 2 = 4.41140 sec This is the magnitude of the Delta V. In order to use this in STK, it must be broken into x̂ , ŷ , and ẑ components. Note: In the STK scenario, this burn is designed to occur at the descending node, so the plane change angle is positive for this case. km km VC 2 (V f cos Vi ) xˆ (V f sin ) yˆ = (-2.79963 x̂ + 3.40910 ŷ + 0 ẑ ) sec sec b) Case 4 (Do on your own): In this case, determine the first Delta V burn to change the orbit’s inclination and put the vehicle into a transfer orbit (ΔVC1 ). Design the second Delta V burn to occur at perigee of the transfer orbit. Once the second burn is complete, the NAVSTAR GPS satellite should be in the Shuttle’s orbit. VC1 Vi V f 2ViV f Cos( ) = 2 2 Note: For this case the values of Vi and Vf are different from those in Case 3. Vi Vi ____________________ km sec Vf V f ____________________ NOTES km sec Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-7 VC1 Vi V f 2ViV f Cos( ) 2 2 VC1 ___________ km sec Now calculate the x̂ , ŷ , and ẑ components to use in the STK scenario. VC1 ((V f cos Vi ) xˆ (V f sin ) yˆ ) Note: In the STK scenario, this burn is designed to occur at the ascending node, so the plane change angle is negative for this case. VC1 (_____________________ x̂ +_____________________ ŷ + 0 ẑ ) 4. km sec Record these values in the appropriate locations in Table 2 on page 3-8. Figure 4 Shows the orbit after the combined plane change burn, but before the second Hohmann transfer burn. From the K: drive, copy the Mission 3 folder to your hard drive This folder contains the scenarios you will need in class for Mission Execution NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-8 Figure 4: After a Combined Plane Change Burn Table 2: Maneuver Options Summarized Hohmann Transfer Case 0: VHT1 = __________ km sec Simple Plane Change & Hohmann Case 1: Case 2 VS1 VHT1 = - 0.40700 x̂ __________ Combined Plane Change & ½ Hohmann Case 3 Case 4 VC1 VHT1 = km sec __________ km sec - 1.72848 ŷ + 0 ẑ VHT 2 = __________ + __________ ŷ km sec + 0 ẑ VHT1 = km sec ___________ ___________ x̂ VC 2 VHT 2 = km sec __________ km sec km sec VHT 2 = - 2.79963 x̂ __________ km sec + 3.40910 ŷ + 0 ẑ Note: These are magnitudes. You’ll need to add direction to make them vectors in order to use them in STK. NOTES VS 2 VHT 2 = ___________ km sec km sec ___________ x̂ + __________ ŷ + 0 ẑ km sec Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-9 Mission Execution Having calculated the Delta Vs required to maneuver the NAVSTAR GPS satellite down to the Shuttle’s orbit, you must verify that your calculations are correct using STK. REINFORCE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOHMANN TRANSFERS (CASE 1) Using the scenarios you downloaded from the K: drive and your hand calculations, analyze the Hohmann Transfer. 1. Open the saved scenario file Hohmann_Transfer.sc from your Mission 3/Hohmann Transfer folder that you saved in mission planning 2. Double-Click on the NAVSTAR_GPS Satellite icon to open the Properties Browser and go to the Basic/Orbit page. a) STK uses an associated program called “Astrogator” to propagate an orbit through time. Luckily you are not required to master Astrogator in this mission. The scenario has already been created with Astrogator enabled. In this Mission, you simply have to adjust the inputs to the Astrogator engine to get your satellite to the desired orbit. Figure 3: NAVSTAR_GPS Orbit b) Select the Initial Delta V segment of the maneuver NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-10 c) Insert the value for ΔVHT1 found in Case 0 of Table 2 into the X Velocity field (Figure 4). d) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. Figure 4:Hohmann Transfer Initial Delta V e) Select the Final Delta V segment of the maneuver. f) Insert the value for ΔVHT2 found in Case 0 of Table 2 into the X Velocity field. g) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. 3. Run the scenario and note the ground track Is your final orbit smaller or larger than your initial orbit? o A Delta V in the direction of velocity (positive) will increase your semimajor axis. A negative Delta V will decrease your orbit’s semimajor axis. Is your final orbit 450 km in height? Is the inclination the same for both orbits? What is the total Delta V required to perform this maneuver? VT VHT1 VHT 2 4. Switch to the 2-D window, animate the scenario and watch the ground track NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-11 Does the satellite in the final ground track more slowly or more quickly than the satellite in its initial orbit ground track? 5. Close the Hohmann_Transfer scenario REINFORCE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF SIMPLE PLANE CHANGES (CASES 1 & 2) Use STK to verify your simple orbital plane change calculations are correct. 6. Open the Simple_Plane_Change.sc file from your Mission 3/Simple Plane Change folder 7. o 8. Open the NAVSTAR_GPS Basic/Orbit property page. Note there are three Delta Vs in this scenario. One for the plane change and two for the Hohmann Transfer (Figure 5). Perform a simple plane change followed by the Hohmann Transfer (Case 1) a) Change the X Velocity and Y Velocity fields of the Initial Delta V using ΔVS from Case 1 of Table 2. b) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. c) Change the X Velocity field of the Intermediate Delta V using ΔVHT1 from Case 1 of Table 2. d) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. e) Change the X Velocity field of the Final Delta V using ΔVHT2 from Case 1 of Table 2. f) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. Figure 5: Simple Plane Change Segments NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-12 9. Switch to the 3-D window and animate the scenario Is your second orbit (red track) correctly inclined? o A positive Delta V in the ŷ direction will increase your inclination at the ascending node and decrease the inclination at the descending node. o If your inclination increased instead of decreasing, change the sign of your ŷ component of the Delta V. Does the second burn take place at apogee or perigee of the transfer orbit? Which node? o Does your transfer orbit decrease or increase the semimajor axis? Remember, thrust in the direction of velocity will increase the orbit size What is the value of your semimajor axis in the final orbit? What is the total Delta V required to perform this maneuver? VT VS VHT1 VHT 2 10. Switch to the 2-D window, animate the scenario and watch the ground track Does the satellite in the final ground track more slowly or more quickly than the satellite in its initial orbit ground track? 11. Perform the Hohmann Transfer followed by a Simple Plane Change (CASE 2) a) Change the X Velocity field of the Initial Delta V using ΔVHT1 from Case 2 of Table 2. o Remember to zero out the Y Velocity component. b) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. c) Change the X Velocity field of the Intermediate Delta V using ΔVHT2 from Case 2 of Table 2. d) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. e) Change the X Velocity and Y Velocity fields of the Final Delta V using ΔVS2 from Case 2 of Table 2. f) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. 12. Switch to the 3-D window and animate the scenario Is your transfer orbit (red track) correctly inclined? Does the second burn take place at apogee or perigee of the transfer orbit? Which node? NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-13 Is your final orbit correctly inclined and have the right semimajor axis? What is the value of your semimajor axis in the final orbit? What is the total Delta V required to perform this maneuver? VT VHT1 VHT 2 VS 2 Where is the best place to do the simple plane change when going from an outer to an inner orbit? Before or after the Hohmann? At apogee or perigee? Is the answer the same if you are going from an inner to outer orbit? 13. Switch to the 2-D window, animate the scenario and watch the ground track Does the final ground track repeat more slowly or more quickly than the initial orbit ground track? 14. Close the Simple_Plane_Change scenario. REINFORCE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF COMBINED PLANE CHANGES (CASES 3 & 4) Use STK to verify your combined orbital plane change calculations are correct. 15. 16. 17. Open the Combined_Plane_Change.sc file from your Mission 3/Combined Plane Change folder Open the NAVSTAR_GPS Basic/Orbit property page o Note there are only two Delta Vs in this scenario. One for the combined plane change and the other for half of the Hohmann Transfer Perform a Combined Plane Change followed by the second Hohmann Transfer maneuver (Case 3) a) Change the X Velocity and Y Velocity fields of the Initial Delta V using ΔVHT1 from Case 3 of Table 2. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-14 b) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. c) Change the X Velocity field of the Final Delta V using ΔVC2 from Case 3 of Table 2. d) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. 18. Switch to the 3-D window and animate the scenario Is your transfer orbit (red track) correctly inclined? Does the second burn take place at apogee or perigee of the transfer orbit? Which node? Is your final orbit correctly inclined and have the right semimajor axis? What is the value of your Semimajor axis in the final orbit? What is the total Delta V required to perform this maneuver? VT VHT1 VC 2 19. Switch to the 2-D window, animate the scenario and watch the ground track Does the satellite in the final ground track more slowly or more quickly than the satellite in its initial orbit ground track? 20. Perform a Combined Plane Change followed by the last Hohmann Transfer maneuver (Case 4) a) Change the X Velocity and Y Velocity fields of the Initial Delta V using ΔVC1 from Case 4 of Table 2. b) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. c) Change the X Velocity field of the Final Delta V using ΔVHT2 from Case 4 of Table 2. Remember to zero out the Y Velocity component. d) Click Apply and look at the 3-D window. 21. Switch to the 3-D window and animate the scenario Is your transfer orbit (red track) correctly inclined? Does the second burn take place at apogee or perigee of the transfer orbit? Which node? NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 533565323 Page 3-15 Is your final orbit correctly inclined and have the right semimajor axis? What is the value of your semimajor axis in the final orbit? What is the total Delta V required to perform this maneuver? VT VC1 VHT 2 Where is the best place to do the combined plane change when going from an outer to an inner orbit? At apogee or perigee? Is the answer the same if you are going from an inner to outer orbit? 22. Switch to the 2-D window, animate the scenario and watch the ground track Does the final ground track repeat more slowly or more quickly than the initial orbit ground track? 23. Close the Combined_Plane_Change scenario NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006