Interview With President Franklin Delano Roosevelt You may complete this assignment as a team of 1, 2, or 3 only Due: Thursday, April 8 (end of period 1,2); Friday, April 9 (end of period 3, 4, 6) 1) Read: A. FDR’s First Inaugural Address (speech) B. P. 504-505 (text) “Electing Franklin Delano Roosevelt” and “Waiting For Roosevelt To Take Over” 2) Imagine that you are a person living in the 1930’s whose life and family has been affected in some way by the Great Depression. You can think in terms of the slides you saw during the Great Depression Gallery Walk. 3) Now Imagine that you have gotten the opportunity to sit down with the newly elected President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR: pres. 1932-1945). 4) Create a 3 Page Interview with President Franklin Roosevelt A. Requirements: 1. Briefly Explain to the President who you are, about your family, and 3 different ways that your family has been affected by the Great Depression (again, think of the slides). 2. Ask President Franklin Roosevelt at least 13 different specific questions in regards to his feelings, thoughts, ideas, plans, and response to the Great Depression. Include questions on what he thinks the Government should do and how and why. You may include questions on why he thinks things got as bad as they did. You may also ask the President questions in regards to you and your family’s personal trauma as a result of the Great Depression. You may use the images you saw in the Great Depression Gallery Walk as a basis or starting point for some of your questions. 3. President Roosevelt’s answers (that you make up, of course) should be based on information about him that you gather from the speech and the text book (p. 504-505) readings. It should be clear that you read the speech and the text book pages based on the President’s answers to your questions. 4. You must include the President’s answers to your questions. 5. Direct Quotes from the readings: You must include as part of President Roosevelt’s answers to some of your questions: 3 direct quotes from the speech and 3 direct references to information from the text book pages. 40 Points Total