KD Best Week Ever

KD Best Week Ever
Philanthropy 2007
(Hosts walk onto stage to the Best Week Ever theme song –or something like it- music
stops and they sit down at the front of the room)
Host 1: Funny
Host 2: Serious
Host 3: Dumb
Voice Over: Welcome to VH1’s best week ever. There is no time to waste so let’s get
started. (funny noises in background)
Host 1: (soft pop music playing in background) So did anyone notice those Kappa Delta’s
this week? I mean come on, you have to be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of
Host 2: Yeah, they are all over the news. How could you not have heard about all of their
philanthropy work?
Host 3: Yeah, they are all over the news. How could you not have heard about all of their
philanthropy work?
Voice Over: So just which of Kappa Delta’s philanthropies is having the best week ever?
I know you’ve been dying to hear about them.
Host 1: I have to say that I think Prevent Child Abuse America is having the best week
ever. Every year through their Shamrock Volleyball Tournament Kappa Delta’s raise
money to donate to Prevent Child Abuse America.
Host 1: Speaking of Austin sporting events how about that Lance Armstrong.
Host 3: Yeah Yeah Live Strong!!! (has a lot of livestrong braclets)
Host 1: Yeah anyway I think Lance had a few things to say about this Shamrock
Lance: So you think the Tour de France kicks hiney wait until you see the Kappa Delta
Shamrock Volleyball Tournament. Those girls get organizations from all over campus to
form teams. Last year 32 teams competed in the tournament. Kappa Delta rents out the
sand volleyball courts at Zilker Park and has one giant tournament with music, food, and
fun. Last year they managed to raise over 10,000 dollars!!!
Matthew: Hey I brought the ball. I thought you might need it. (throws volleyball)
Goodness gracious, I love that Shamrock event. You know what I love about college
girls, I get older, and they stay the same age.
Lance: Dude what are you doing here? (walking away)
Exit Matthew and Lance
Host 3: OH that Lance Armstrong. What a nut!
Host 2: Well do you know who I think is having the best week ever? Kappa Delta’s
partnership with Dove and their campaign for natural beauty. Anne Hathaway has
something to say about this nation wide effort to give women a realistic and healthy body
Anne enters and walks to middle of the stage
Anne: Kappa Delta has teamed up with Dove Corporation to promote a campaign for real
beauty. This campaign is not about fashion models working the streets of New York or
dancing across the pages of Runway, it is for the everyday woman.
Enter Nigel from stage left and Miranda from stage right
As the walk towards Anne…
Nigel (to Miranda): Who is that sad little person? Are we doing some before and after
piece I don’t know about?
Miranda (to Nigel): What size do you think she is?
Anne cuts them off…
Anne: I’m a six
Nigel: Which is the new 14
Miranda (to Anne): You have no sense of fashion
Anne: I think that depends onMiranda: NO, no that wasn’t a question
Anne steps forward and ignores them
Anne (to crowd): Kappa Delta and Dove together work to promote and positive and
realistic self image for women of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Suddenly I see this is why I
love KD
Song starts playing, chapters sings, characters exit
Host 2: Well that was a nice musical interlude.
Host 3: A breath of fresh air if you will. You know who else could be having the best
week ever? The Boys and Girls Club of Austin. Every year for Halloween Kappa Delta
and Pi Phi team up to host a Halloween Carnival for the Boys and Girls Club of Austin
Host 1: This year at the carnival there seamed to be a lot of people dressed up like Ricky
Bobby and his old pal Cal.
Enter Ricky and Cal
Ricky: I love those Kappa Delta’s. They are number one. They are always number 1 on
the UT campus and in my heart. Shake and bake.
Cal: Hey Ricky, I was thinking could I maybe be number one?
Ricky: No man there can only be one number one.
Cal: Yeah, I guess you’re right because two number 1’s makes 11.
Ricky: I am so thankful to God for these Kappa Delta’s. They get organizations from
campus to set up booths like face painting and pie throwing so that the Boys and Girls
Club of Austin can have a safe place to celebrate Halloween. Everyone bow your heads.
Dear lord baby Jesus, or as our brother to the south call you “Jesus”. I just want to take
time and say thank you for these red hot smoking Kappa Delta’s (chapter says woo!)
Dear 8 lb 6 oz baby Jesus, due to binding indorsement contract that stimulates that I
mention PowerAde at each grace I just want to say that PowerAde is delicious and we
look forward to the release of Mountain Blast Blueberry. Amen. (Whole chapter says
Host 2: Speaking of children there are several other philanthropies that KD’s work with
that support children. One of which is girl scouts of America. They really might be
having the best week ever. In fact, the mirrors that you have made today will go to local
troops to l promote healthy growth and development in our nation’s young girls.
Host 1: We have our spokesperson, Kristy Ally, here today who would like to speak to us
about Girl Scouts of America.
Kirsty Ally: Thinking back on my life. I really wish I would have joined girl scouts. I
know that Kappa Delta works very closely with girl samoas…scouts scouts! Together
they service the community by visiting nursing homes. There is also a national girl scout
day in which Kappa Delta’s invite local girl scout troops into their homes. Here at UT
they participate in explore UT day by giving them a tour of the carmel delights…campus!
To give a real taste of shortbread…college life! There is even a girl scout Kappa Delta
patch……Thank you all.
Host 2: That escalated quite quickly
Host 3: That really got out of hand
Voice Over: It’s time for a commercial break.
Commercial: Women Law (tentative)
5 women’s sitting in a semi circle each holding a crystal light bottle and chatting
Women 1: Everyone quite down. I have something important to say. When a women next
to you has something in her teeth, if she is a friend, you tell her. If she is an enemy, you
tell her… that she’s never looked better.
Whole chapter: Women Law
Women 2: You may date a man who gets manicures or a man that cries in movies….you
may not date a man who does both.
Whole Chapter: Women Law
Women 3: If I eat a tub of butter and nobody is there to see it….the calories don’t count.
Whole Chapter: Women Law
Voice over: Welcome back to VH1’s Best Week Ever
Host 1: I know we are out of time but do we have time for, dare I say, a music montage?
Host 2 &3: There is always time for a music montage!
Chapter sings songs like: This is Why We’re Hot, Rush/Pledge That
Host 2: Well that about wraps things up. But I think we can all agree that Kappa Delta is
definitely having the BEST WEEK EVER!!!
Crowd cheers
Host 2: Join us next week for another great episode of VH1’s Best Week Ever.
Everyone leaves to VH1 them song