OMICRON DELTA KAPPA TOP TEN FRESHMEN APPLICATION SPRING 2004 Dear Student: If you are interested in applying for Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), please visit the Nyumburu Web Site. The purpose of the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society is threefold: 1) To recognize those who have attained a high standard of leadership in collegiate activities and to inspire others to strive for conspicuous attainments along similar lines. 2) To bring together the most representative students in all phases of collegiate life and thus create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate interest. 3) To bring together members of the faculty and student body of the institution on a basis of mutual interest and understanding. Regular membership in Omicron Delta Kappa is limited to those students who have attained a minimum of 60 academic credits, or at least Junior class standing. However, pursuant to the first of the above goals, “to inspire others to strive for conspicuous attainments,” Omicron Delta Kappa is pleased to honor those freshmen students who have best “attained a high standard of leadership in collegiate activities.” To that end, ODK annually presents at the Campus Awards Banquet, the Top Ten Freshmen awards. The Top Ten Freshmen Award selection is based on leadership in five general areas: -Scholarship -Athletics -Campus or Community Service, Social, Religious Activities, & Campus Government -Journalism, Speech, and the Mass Media -Creative and Performing Arts Applicants must meet general minimum requirements: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) must have earned at least 14 credits; may not have completed more than two semesters in college; must have been a student at College Park at least one full semester; must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 2.8; applicants who are technically sophomores may apply if they have not completed more than two semesters in college. To apply for ODK’s Top Ten Freshmen, please complete the attached application as completely as possible. Remember, the better information you supply, the better our selection process will be. Indicate if your involvement was at an institution other than the University of Maryland. DO NOT LIST HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Sample items for each of the five general categories are outlined below – SCHOLARSHIP: Scholastic honor societies Academic awards & honors Tutoring or teaching experience Academic councils ATHLETICS: Varsity teams Intramural teams Community teams Coaching or managing experience Cheerleading Other accomplishments & awards CAMPUS OR COMMUNITY SERVICE, SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES, AND CAMPUS GOVERNMENT: Campus government Student organizations Service organizations Fraternities and sororities Religious activities JOURNALISM, SPEECH, AND THE MASS MEDIA: Campus newspapers Department/organization newsletters Debate club Radio station CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTS: Theatrical productions Bands and orchestras Vocal and instrumental ensembles Chorus Dance clubs Please include internship experience (credit and non-credit) in appropriate categories. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: Finalists will be invited as our guests to attend the Annual Awards Banquet on May 2. The winners will be announced then for the first time. Please mark it on your calendar now. Completed applications must be returned no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 12, 2004, to the Office of the Director, Stamp Student Union, 1120 Stamp Student Union. PLEASE RETAIN THIS SHEET AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND DATES. ODK is a leadership recognition society. Many outstanding students are not necessarily involved in leadership positions. Acceptance or rejection should not be considered as a reflection on the academic or personal qualities of the applicant. SPRING 2004 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT OMICRON DELTA KAPPA TOP TEN FRESHMEN APPLICATION SIGMA CIRCLE, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND AT COLLEGE PARK DEADLINE: Friday, March 12, 2004, 4:00 p.m., 1120 Stamp Student Union NAME:__________________________________________SS#____________________SEX:F_____M_______ NICKNAME (IF APPLICABLE):__________________________DATE OF BIRTH:______________________ LOCAL ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________ PERMANENT ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________ LOCAL PHONE:_________________PERM PHONE:___________________EMAIL_____________________ DIVISION, COLLEGE, DEPT:__________________________________________________________________ DATE OF 1ST UMCP REGISTRATION:__________________________________________________________ CREDITS EARNED TO DATE:_______________ANTICIPATED GRADUATION DATE:________________ (14 credits min. required) CUMULATIVE GPA:_______________________(2.80 REQUIRED) GPA IN MAJOR:___________________ NAME(S) OF PARENTS:______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESSES(ES) OF PARENTS:_______________________________________________________________ PERCENT OF COLLEGE EXPENSES PAID BY YOURSELF:______________. IF YOU WORK, PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK:________AND PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT:_____________________________________________________________________________ OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION:__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE, LIST SIGNIFICANT COLLEGIATE ACTIVITIES AND HONORS (INCLUDING POSITIONS HELD, LENGTH OF INVOLVEMENT, AND HOURS PER WEEK) UNDER THE APPROPRIATE HEADINGS IN A RANK ORDERING OF IMPORTANCE. PLEASE CONVEY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, BUT AS BRIEFLY AS POSSIBLE. EACH ITEM SHOULD BE LIMITED TO ONE LINE. (PLEASE USE BACK OF SECOND SHEET IF NECESSARY.) INDICATE IF YOUR INVOLVEMENT WAS AT AN INSITUTION OTHER THAN UMCP. ACTIVITY/AWARD I. OFFICES HELD DATES HOURS/WEEK SCHOLARSHIP __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. ATHLETICS __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. CAMPUS OR COMMUNITY SERVICE, SOCIAL RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES, & CAMPUS GOVERNMENT __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. JOURNALISM, SPEECH, AND THE MASS MEDIA __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ V. CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE USE THE SPACE REMAINING TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION IN SHORT ESSAY FORM: WHAT ARE THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF A LEADER, AND WHAT DO YOU SEE AS YOUR FUTURE ROLE AS A LEADER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND? (Please limit to space provided.) I have a disciplinary record in the Office of Judicial Programs. If yes, please attach a separate sheet of explanation. Yes______ No_____ WITH MY SIGNATURE, I AUTHORIZE THE OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS AND REGISTRATIONS TO RELEASE INFORMATION TO OMICRON DELTA KAPPA TO VERIFY MY ACADEMIC RECORDS, AND I AUTHORIZE THE OFFICE OF JUDICIAL PROGRAMS TO RELEASE ANY DISCIPLINARY RECORDS. ________________________________________________________________________ (Signature) (Date) RETURN TO: OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, STAMP STUDENT UNION, 1136 STAMP STUDENT UNION, BY NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2004.