Recognition Report Form

Recognition or Review Report
Please complete this report ensuring that all the questions following are addressed and reported on in
full. This page and Parts A, B and C are to be completed by the accreditor(s), Part D is completed by
the Programme Leader.
Part A Summary
1. Name of institution / organisation
2. Name and position of the institutional contact
3. Summary of programme(s) being accredited
Programme title
Programme Leader
4. Date of recognition/review
5. A brief description of the recognition/review process & documentation provided, for all aspects of
the recognition (include information about any shadows here).
6. Are there any recommendations or specific conditions which the institution needs to address prior
for recognition/review, at the institution level or for any of the programme(s). Please distinguish
recommendations from specific conditions and for the latter indicate a date for completion.
All recognisers should add their names and the date of their completion of the recognition process
below. (Do not add an electronic signature but inform the SEDA office of agreement to this completed
Recognition Report, version: Oct 14
PART B: Institutional Recognition / Review
(delete one)
1. Accreditors’ comment on the institution’s review of development processes with regard to any
conditions and recommendations made at the most recent recognition, if any.
2. Accreditors’ comment on the institution’s review of development processes with regard to how
professional development needs are identified and met by programmes or pathways
3. Accreditors’ comment on the location of the programme(s) within the institution and to links
between the programme(s) and relevant institutional policy or strategy.
4. Accreditors’ comment on the institution’s review of the strengths and weaknesses of the
institution’s approach to professional development
Recognition Report, version: Oct 14
PART C: Programme Accreditation/Review (delete one)
(Please add an additional part C for each programme being accredited)
1. Programme title and its SEDA-PDF Named Award
2. Accreditors’ feedback with regard to the rationale and outline of the programme
3. Accreditors’ feedback with regard to how the appropriateness of the assessment strategy in
supporting professional learning and development
4. Accreditors’ feedback with regard to the systems are in place to monitor and review assessment
processes (that is, assessing or evaluating the participants’ outcomes)
5. Accreditors’ feedback with regard to programme resources
6. Accreditors’ feedback with regard to how the programme’s quality is reviewed and assured
7. Accreditors’ feedback on how participants develop and demonstrate the Specialist Outcomes
8. Accreditors’ feedback on how participants develop and demonstrate the SEDA-PDF Values
9. Accreditors’ feedback on how participants develop and demonstrate the Core Development
10. Accreditors’ feedback on any strong features that were identified
(Any recommendations or conditions for the institution to consider and report on at the next
recognition event should be added to A6 above.)
Recognition Report, version: Oct 14
PART D: Institutional reflection
(Please the views of all programme leaders involved in the recognition. Please insert your text after
the prompts.)
1. What plans are there to address any recommendations or conditions for recognition made above,
or any other changes as a result of the recognition?
2. If mentoring was arranged, please confirm that mentoring has been completed and comment on its
3. We constantly review the PDF process and value your comments on your experience of the
recognition process:
4. With your permission we would occasionally share your email with other leaders of programmes
that are accredited under SEDA PDF, for example including you in an email of common interest. Your
email will not be used for other purposes and you can change your mind about this at any time. Do
we have your permission to do this?
Yes/No (please delete one)
Please give your name(s) and the date when this form is completed
(an electronic signature is not necessary if the form is completed electronically and emailed to the
SEDA office)
If you are completing a paper form, please sign it here:
Please email the whole of this document to the SEDA Office: and copy it to the
mentor (if any) and the accreditor(s) for information. If this is not possible, post it to:
SEDA Administration Office
Woburn House
20 - 24 Tavistock Square
If the accreditor(s) have any feedback on the working of SEDA-PDF for the PDF Committee please
email the feedback separately to
Recognition Report, version: Oct 14