ED-134 REV. 2004 (Sec. 51-95) TO THE SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT The following are the names and addresses of JUSTICES OF THE PEACE in the Town of ___________________________________________________________ Qualified to take office for the term January 3, 2005 to January 5, 2009. NAMES AS ON COMPLETE PARTY AFFILIATION REGISTRY LIST ADDRESS (IF ANY) State of Connecticut } : County of ------------------------------} ss: OFFICE OF ----------------------------------------------Town Clerk (Town) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of record in this office. I also certify that the above names are set forth as on the registry list of electors in said town. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of this said town Seal this day of 20 Town Clerk (To be filed on or before January 15, 2005 and ED-134a within 10 days after a nomination to fill a vacancy) November 21, 2000 TO ALL TOWN CLERKS Subject: Justices of the Peace ED-134 In accordance with Section 51-95 of the General Statutes, we are enclosing the prescribed form of certificate (ED134) for you to list the names and addresses of the qualified Justices of the Peace. Kindly list these names alphabetically, and double space between names. This form may be reproduced if additional space is needed. Please note that Section 51-95 requires that you set forth the names as they appear on the registry list of your town. On or before January 15th you must complete this certificate and list only the names and addresses of the Justices of the Peace who qualified by taking the official oath of office on or before January 2, 2001. In the third column of Form ED-134, list the party which nominated the justice or “by Town Clerk” if the justice is an unaffiliated elector or minor party member that made application to the Town Clerk. SIGNATURE CARDS You may order a supply of the signature cards for Justices of the Peace as required by Section 51-95 by completing the order form below. In accordance with that provision of the law, you must deliver or send such signature card to each nominated Justice of the Peace within the town. (You may also order a supply of Justice of the Peace Manuals.) May we suggest that you remind each Justice of the Peace that in order to qualify, he or she must, on or before January 2, 2001, take the official oath and furnish to you his signature on the enclosed blue card (ED-139) which is to be retained by you. Additionally, unless the official oath is administered by the town clerk, the officer who administers it shall transmit a certificate of the taking of the oath to the clerk of the town in which the Justice of the Peace was appointed. OBSOLETE FORMS Please keep in mind that you are no longer required to furnish the Superior Courts with any information pertinent to Justices of the Peace (ED-135, ED-135a and ED-138) and the Secretary of the State is no longer to receive a white (ED-137) signature card. CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Within thirty days after the fifteenth day of January following the appointment of a Justice of the Peace, and provided the oath of office has been taken and the signature card has been received by the town Clerk, the town clerk shall issue to each Justice a certificate of qualification indicating his/her name, address, term of office and a statement that s/he is qualified to act as Justice of the Peace. A sample of such form is enclosed. VACANCIES The process for filling vacancies for the Republican and Democratic parties is set forth in section 9-184 of the General Statues. However, Section 9-184c provides that vacancies for “Other” Justices (unaffiliated or minor parties) may be filled only if a lottery was held due to an excess of applications submitted during the August 1 st through November 1st period. Enclosed you will find a copy of the forms needed to be filed with this office for filling vacancies (ED-134a and ED-638c). These forms may be photocopied or sent to you upon request. If you have any questions regarding the above, feel free to contact us at (860) 509-6100. (Ms.) O.P. Williams Elections Officer Elections Services Division PLEASE INDICATE THE NUMBER OF SIGNATURES CARDS (ED-139) AND M ANUALS (REV. 1997) REQUIRED Town of: ___________________________________ Justice of the Peace Manuals: ____________ Signature Cards: ___________________