biography of columba - Seventh

Columba was born in Ireland around 521 of a noble Irish family.
His early training was by Finnian in the Celtic monasteries established by Patrick.
While in Ireland he had founded several churches and monasteries.
In 563 he left Ireland with twelve companions (disciples) filled with missionary zeal to
bring Celtic Christianity to Scotland.
Sailing in a coracle they made their way to Scotland first landing near Campbeltown
on the Kintyre Peninsula.
Determining to live in a place where Ireland would not be seen, he went further north
and landed on the island of Iona.
The site of his landing is in a small bay on the southern end of the island.
This missionary to Scotland lived with Iona as his base for the next 34 years.
Iona became a centre for missionary efforts and journeys that took Columba and his
followers over Scotland and the northern parts of England, as well as to the
Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
Their Sabbath keeping practices (seventh day of the week) are well attested by
many historians.
Brude the King of the Picts became a Christian through his efforts.
Dal Riada the new King of the Scots came to Iona for Columba’s blessing in 574.
Columba died in the year 597 having seen Celtic Christianity well established in