Name: - Philosophy - Lehigh University

G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 1
Gordon C.F. Bearn
Department of Philosophy
Philosophy Building
15 University Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015
office tel: 610.758.4662
office fax: 610.758.3790
c-phone: 484.788.8269
Ph.D., Philosophy, Yale University, May 1985
B.A., M.A. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Pembroke College,
Oxford University, 1979, 2004
B.A., cum laude, Honors in Philosophy, Williams College, 1977.
August 2001 to present, Professor of Philosophy Lehigh University.
September 2014 to July 2015 Visiting Scholar, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
September 2007 to June 2008 Visiting Research Fellow, Department of
Philosophy, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
August 2001 to July 2008, Founding Director, Humanities Center, Lehigh
August 2001 to July 2008, Selfridge Professor of Philosophy, Lehigh University.
August 1999 to July 2001, Chair of the Philosophy Department, Lehigh
August 1996 to July 1998, Chair of the Philosophy Department, Lehigh
August 1995 to July 1996, Acting Chair of the Philosophy Department, Lehigh
July 1994 to July 1995, Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Logic and
Metaphysics at The University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland.
August 1992 to July 2001, Associate Professor of Philosophy, with Tenure,
Lehigh University.
August 1986 to July 1992, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Lehigh University.
January 1985 to February 1986, Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, Williams
College, Williamstown, MA.
September 1980 to June 1984, Teaching Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Faculty Grant for International Connections, Lehigh Office of International
Affairs. 2011. The Grant was to develop connections between Lehigh and
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The grant brought me to
Católica for four seminars jointly led by Victor J. Krebs August 16,
18, 22, & 23, 2011. A second seminar, this one led by Steven G.
Affeldt, Victor J. Krebs, and myself was held at Lehigh University
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 2
July 9-18, 2012. The seminar involved about 12 faculty and grad
students from around the country, and it had a very long title:
"Stakes of Speech: Self-Revelation and Theatricality - A Summer
Seminar on Wittgenstein in the Spirit of Cavell and Rhees."
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Officer's Grant. 1997."Re-Figuring the University: A
Study of Lehigh." Seminar and Speaker Series, Spring 1996-Fall 1997.
NEH Seminar: Knowledge, Realism, and Reflection, Michael Williams, director,
Northwestern University, Summer 1992.
Paul Franz Fellowship, Lehigh University, Summer 1989.
NEH Institute: Interpretation in the Sciences and Humanities, Hubert Dreyfus
and David Hoy, directors, with month long participation of Stanley
Cavell, Richard Rorty, Thomas Kuhn, Charles Taylor, and Alexander
Nehamas. UC Santa Cruz, Summer 1988.
Provost Grant for Teaching Development, Lehigh University, Spring 1987.
1. Scholarly Activities.
A. Publications.
a. Books.
(2) Life Drawing: A Deleuzean Aesthetics of Existence. Fordham University Press,
May 2013.
Reviewed: (a) Choice 51.07 (March 2014)
(b) Janae Sholtz, "Bruising the Rose: Becoming Beautiful in
Gordon Bearn’s Life Drawing: A Deleuzian Aesthetics of
Existence,” Comparative and Continental Philosophy,
(1) Waking To Wonder: Wittgenstein's Existential Investigations, SUNY Press,
January 1997.
Reviewed: (a) Rom Harré International Studies in Philosophy, 33, no. 2
(2001): 139-141.
(b) S.E. Arnold (on line) Literature Network Forums (July 2010)
Link to Literature Network Forums Review
b. Articles.
[[[[(30) "Bats? Again? William James, Consciousness, and Our Insipid Existence"
forthcoming 2015 in Journal of Speculative Philosophy]]]]]
(29) Revised version of "Kitsch" for the second edition of Kelly, ed. The
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics Oxford University Press. July 2014. (A revision of
(28) "Pointlessness and the University of Beauty" in Richard Smith, editor,
Philosophy of Education II: Major Themes in Education, Routledge 2014.
(Reprint of (16) (21))
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 3
(27) “The Mechanism of Meaning: A Pedagogical Sketchbook.”
Inflexions - A Journal for Research Creations 6, (January 2013).
(26) "Sensual Schooling. On the Aesthetic Education of Grownups." Stanley
Cavell and the Education of Grownups. Fordham University Press, 2012.
Reviewed by Stanley Bates in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews:
(25) republication of (24) - "The Enormous Danger" in
Tolerancia/Toleration/Tolerância volume 5, edited by Castro, Augusto and
Krebs, Victor J. Lima, Perú: Fondo Editorial de la Pontifica Universidad
Católica del Perú, 2012.
(24) "The Enormous Danger." in Seeing Wittgenstein Anew edited by William
Day and Victor Krebs. Cambridge University Press, (March 2010)
(23) "Effecting Affection. The Corporeal Ethics of Gins and Arakawa."
Journal of Aesthetic Education 44.2 (Summer 2010): 40-49.
(22) "Not Pretty. Beautiful." In Colman, F.J. et. al. eds., Sensorium: art-aestheticsphilosophy. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
(21) "Pointlessness and the University of Beauty" reprinted in Jean François
Lyotard: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory Volume 3, Ethics, edited by
Victor E. Taylor, Gregg Lambert, (Routledge, 2006), vol 3, pp. 1-30.
(Reprint of (16).)
(20) "Differentiating Derrida and Deleuze” reprinted in Jacques Derrida edited
by David Roden and Christopher Norris. (Sage Publications, December
2002) Volume 1. (My essay was originally published in 2000)
(19) "Derrida Dry: Iterating Iterability Analytically" reprinted in Jonathan Culler
ed. Deconstruction: Critical Concepts Routledge 2002. (My essay was
originally published in 1995.)
(18) "Differentiating Derrida and Deleuze" Continental Philosophy Review
(Previously Man and World) 33.4 (October 2000), 441-465.
(17) "Staging Authenticity: A Critique of Cavell’s Modernism"
Philosophy and Literature 24.2 (October 2000), 494-311.
(16) "Pointlessness and the University of Beauty," in Educating Lyotard, edited
by Paul Standish and Pradeep Dhillon, Routledge 2000, 230-268.
Reprinted 2005, see (21).
(15) "Individuation without Identity: A Deleuzian Aesthetics of Existence."
Now in Mapping Jewish Identities, edited by Laurence J. Silberstein, New
York University Press. Spring 2000, 324-349.
(14) "Kitsch," in The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly, Oxford
University Press, 1998, 65-70.
(13) "Sounding Serious: Cavell and Derrida," Representations 63
Summer 1998, 65-92.
(12) "Instead of Relativism," Proceedings of the 4th ISSEI Conference, Graz,
Austria, The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 2.4 (1998).
(11) "Aestheticide: Architecture and the Death of Art," Journal of aesthetic
Education, 31.1 (Spring 1997): 87-94.
(10) "Derrida Dry: Iterating Iterability Analytically," Diacritics, 25.3 (Fall
1995): 3-25.
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 4
(9) "The Possibility of Puns: A Defense of Derrida," Philosophy and Literature,
19.2, (October 1995), 330-335.
(8) "Wittgenstein and the Uncanny." Soundings, 76.1 (1993), 29-58.
(7) "The Formal Syntax of Modernism: Carnap and Le Corbusier." British
Journal of Aesthetics, 32.3 (1992), 227-241.
(6) "Still Looking For Proof: A Critique of Smith's Relativism," The Journal
of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 49.4 (Fall 1991), 297-306.
(5) "The Horizon of Reason," in Relativism: Interpretation and Confrontation.
Michael Krausz, editor, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press,
1989, 205-231.
(4) "Reply to Martin's 'A Critique of Nietzsche's Metaphysical Scepticism',"
International Studies in Philosophy, Summer 1987, 61-65.
(3) "Nietzsche, Feyerabend, And The Voices of Relativism," Metaphilosophy
Volume 17, Nos. 2 & 3, April/July 1986, 135-152.
(2) "Relativism as Reductio," Mind Volume 94, no. 375, July 1985, 398-408.
(1) "Cavell, Wittgenstein and Human Finitude," Proceedings Of The 8th
International Wittgenstein Symposium/Kirchberg am Wechsel Part 2
Philosophy of Religion, Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1984, 95-97.
c. Book Reviews
(8) Review of Literary Theory after Davidson edited by Reed Way Dasenbrock,
(University Park, The Pennsylvania University Press). The Philosophical
Quarterly. January 1998, 135-137.
(7) Review of Newton Garver and Seung-Chong Lee, Derrida and Wittgenstein
(Philadelphia, Temple UP), Philosophical Books, 37.2 (April 1996), 118119.
(6) Review of Paul Johnston, Wittgenstein: Rethinking The Inner, (London:
Routledge), The European Legacy 1997, 2127-2128.
(5) Review of James C. Edwards The Authority of Language: Heidegger,
Wittgenstein, and the Threat of Philosophical Nihilism (Tampa, 1990)
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 60.3 (Fall 1992), 545-548.
(4) Review of Literature and Medicine. Volume 5: Use and Abuse of Literary
Concepts in Medicine. (Johns Hopkins, 1986.) Edited by Joanne
Trautmann Banks. Isis, 80:1:301 (1989) p. 95-6. Co-authored with
Alexander G. Bearn.
(3) Review of Mind Over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and
Expertise in the Era of The Computer, Dreyfus, H.L. and Dreyfus, S.E.,
New York: Free Press, 1986. CogSci News, v.1, n. 2, Fall 1988. CoAuthored with: Norman P. Melchert, 3-4.
(2) Review of Rationality, Relativism, and the Human Sciences, Margolis, J.,
Krausz, M., et al. editors. Canadian Philosophical Reviews March 1988.
(1) Review of The Prevalence of Humbug Max Black, Ithaca: Cornell Univ, 99102. Press, 1983. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. Autumn 1985 Coauthored with Alexander G. Bearn.
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 5
B. Papers, Addresses.
a. Off Campus (Papers, addresses, and videos for (41) and (50)).
"What is Philosophy?" on 20 May 2015 at Kobe Women's University in
Suma, Japan. I spoke to the philosophy class of Professor KANO Kyo.
"Communication and Resistance in Deleuze and Gertrude Stein" Invited
Plenary Address at Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari-Refrains of Freedom
24-26 April 2015 Panteion University Athens, Greece.
"Punctuation in Gertrude Stein and Wittgenstein: Legacies of William
James MD" Invited Lecture. The Jennie Mae and Ellis L. Krause Lecture,
Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio. November 12, 2014.
"The Experience of Stanley Cavell [Bringing up Baby]" Invited Paper, El
pensamiento del cine. Coloquio internacional sobre cine y filosofía en
homenaje a Stanley Cavell, [The Thought of Movies. International
Colloquium on Cinema and Philosophy in honor of Stanley Cavell] Lima,
Peru November 4, 2014
"Foucault, Boole, and Our Deleuzean Century" Lehigh University, Second
Annual Philosophy Conference, October 24, 2014.
"Violescent Sensuality: Beyond Deleuze's Logic of Sensation" at the 7th
International Deleuze Studies Conference, Models, Machines and Memories
Istanbul, July, 14-16th 2014.
"Bats? Again?" presented at ISI 2013, The Interactivist Summer Institute
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL. August 1-4, 2013
"Reading Out Loud" presented at “I International Colloquium:
Perspectives from Wittgenstein,” at the Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul,
both in the city of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. May
20-24 2013
"Feeling Words: An Attitude to Linguistic Life." presented at Boğaziçi
University in Istanbul, October 2012.
"Sensual Semantics" presented at the 4th European Communication
Conference, sponsored by ECREA (European Communication Research
and Education Association). The conference was held at Mimar Sinan
Fine Arts University, Bomonti Campus, Istanbul October 24-27, 2012.
"Humming While He Works, or Inadvertent Mysticism in the Writing of
Stanley Cavell." Invited presentation at Stanley Cavell and Understanding
Other Cultures a two-day conference at Harvard University, March 19,20,
"Sensual Semantics" a paper presented at the Sensory Worlds conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland. December 7-9, 2011.
"Experiencing Wittgenstein" four seminars presented with Victor J. Krebs
to faculty and grad students at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in
August 2011. All four seminars are available in video on the web:
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 6
"Feeling Words: An Attitude to Linguistic Life" paper for Philosophy of
Education conference, Gregynog, Wales, July 25, 26, 27, 2011
"Austin: Sense and Sensuality" a presentation at the J.L Austin Centenary
Conference, Lancaster University, England, April 5-7, 2011.
"The Education of Grownups" Panel discussion by some of the
contributors to Stanley Cavell and the Education of Grownups. Society for
the Advancement of American Philosophy, Spokane WA, March 10-12,
"Feeling Words: An Attitude to Linguistic Life" invited lecture at "A New
Form of Seeing: Wittgenstein in the 21st Century" at Pontifical Catholic
University of Peru, in Lima, Peru. December 2-4, 2010
"Violescent Sensuality: Beyond Deleuze's Logic of Sensation," invited
lecture in the Lehigh Humanities Center series on Excess, November 4,
Accepted but not delivered because of volcanic activity of
Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland.
"Resonating Rhythms: Gilles Deleuze, Francis Bacon, and Sensual
Enjoyment." A paper to be presented at RESONANCE(S): A Deleuze and
Guattari Conference on Philosophy, Arts and Politics, April 22-24, 2010
at Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Invited Lecture. Live Presentation of (41) at "RAUCUS: Celebrating the
Launching of an Art-Science of Viability," Barnard College in NYC, April
30, 2010
"The Mechanism of Meaning: A Pedagogical Sketchbook" paper invited
for ag3, the third international conference on Arakawa and Gins, this is
an on-line conference, March 12-26, 2010. My talk is available in a video
on line here:
"Punctuation in Gertrude Stein and Wittgenstein," Invited Keynote
Address at Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education,
Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies, 22nd
Annual Conference, April 3-4, 2009. Slippery Rock University of
“Sensual Consciousness in James and Bergson” 3rd Philosophy
Conference, ATINER, Athens, Greece, June 2, 2008
“Not Pretty. Beautiful.” Program in Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas,
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, April 25, 2008
“The Enormous Danger” Philosophy Department, Bilkent University,
Ankara, Turkey, April 24, 2008
“A Deleuze Cookbook” Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, April 16,
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 7
"Learning Comma Living" a paper presented at the Second International
Arakawa + Gins Architecture + Philosophy Conference, Slought Foundation,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 4-6, 2008. recording available here:
“Punctuation in Gertrude Stein and Wittgenstein.” Philosophy
Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul, December 2007.
(33) "Humming While He Works, or Inadvertent Mysticism in the Writing of
Stanley Cavell." on Cavell's Senses of Walden. Cavell Colloquium at
Harvard University, October 27-29, 2006
"Sensual Schooling: On The Aesthetic Education of Grownups.” Cavell
Colloquium, Harvard University, October 27-29, 2006.
"Sensual Schooling, or Green Grow the Grownups " Invited paper
delivered at a conference on Cavell Education and the Senses of Walden.
International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan. Also present: Paul
Standish, Naoko Saito, Steve Odin, Andrew Feenberg. October 23, 2005
"Effecting Affection. The Corporeal Ethics of Gins and Arakawa."
Arakawa/Gins Conference Paris, France September 30-October 1, 2005
(29) "Interactivist Aestheticism" Interactivist Summer Institute 2005,
Clemson University, September 19-23, 2005
(28) "Not Pretty. Beautiful" Sensorium a conference on philosophy and
aesthetics. Melbourne, Australia. June 22-24, 2005
(27) "The Enormous Danger" January 14, 2004. At the Ponitificia Universidad
Católica del Perú, Lima. On the occasion of a HUGE international congress
called Tolerancia/Toleration/Tolerância, the 15th Inter-American Congress of
Philosophy held simultaneously with the 2nd Ibero-American Congress of
Philosophy. I was invited by Victor J. Krebs to be a part of a Wittgenstein
symposium held in conjunction with the larger congress.
(26) Panel Participant at: “Venturi, Scott Brown: In Your Face, with their guest
Rem Koolhaas” September 29, 2001, Graduate Center of CUNY, NYC.
complete panel also includes David Rockwell, Michael Sorkin, Jean
Gardner, and myself.
(25) "Dramatic Presence” Paper for a panel on “Modernism and Skepticism” at
the Modernist Studies Association, Rice University, October 12-15, 2001.
(24) “Beyond Authenticity and Inauthenticity: Deleuze's Theater of Repetition.”
Re-Cycling. 21st-Century French Studies Conference, University of
California, Davis. April 1, 2001
(23) "Differentiating Derrida and Deleuze" Eastern Pennsylvania Philosophy
Association, April 10, 1999.
(22) "Staging Authenticity: A Derridean Critique of Cavell's Modernism."
MLA Session: Stanley Cavell: Institutions of the Ordinary. December
(21) "Aesthetic Activism: Foucault and Critique," Eastern Division of the
American Society of Aesthetics. April 17, 1998.
(20) "Two Cultures: A Panel Discussion," Moravian College, March 12, 1997.
(19) "Disturbing the Peace: Wittgenstein and Derrida," The Research Seminar,
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 8
Department of Logic and Metaphysics, University of St Andrews,
Scotland, March 3, 1995.
(18) "Consequences of Iterability," The Research Seminar, Department of Logic
and Metaphysics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, February 1, 1995.
(17) "Impertinent Inquiries: Cavell's Response to the Derrida Question,"
University of Dundee, Scotland, January 18, 1995.
(16) "Consequences of Iterability: Austin and Derrida," University of Glasgow,
Scotland, November 23, 1994.
(15) "Instead of Relativism," Invited address to Relativism Workshop run by
John Preston, at the 4th Conference of the International Society for the
Study of European Ideas, Graz, Austria, August 22, 1994.
(14) "Reply to: Alan Udoff, "Ressentiment and the Structure of Temporality:
Jean Améry on Forgiveness and the Holocaust." Central Division of the
APA, Kansas City, May 7, 1994.
(13) "The Consequences of Iterability: Austin and Derrida," Dickinson College
April 1993.
(12) "The Consequences of Iterability: Austin and Derrida," Pacific Division of
The American Philosophical Association, March 1993.
(11) "The Consequences of Iterability: Austin and Derrida", Eastern
Pennsylvania Philosophical Association, Bloomsburg University,
November 16, 1992.
(10) "BAD TASTE: A 'Reply' to Mary Mothersill." 49th Annual Meeting of
the American Society For Aesthetics, Portland Oregon, November 2, 1991.
(9) "The Formal Syntax of Modernism: Carnap and Le Corbusier," Eastern
Pennsylvania Philosophical Association, Muhlenberg College, April 13,
(8) "Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty: Revolutionaries or Puzzle-Solvers"
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, January 1990.
This paper and some correspondence with Joshua Lederberg are now
available on the internet:
the paper:
(7) "Reply to 'Rules, Practices, and Norms' by Mark Lance." Wittgenstein
Centennial Conference, Fairleigh Dickenson University, April 29, 1989.
(6) "Epistemic Luck: The Fragility of Knowledge. "Eastern Pennsylvania
Philosophical Association, Wilkes College, April 15, 1989.
(5) Participated in NEH Interpretation Round Table sponsored by the Greater
Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium, in Philadelphia. February 12, 1989.
(4) "The Fate of Knowledge." Albright College, October 1988.
(3) "Wittgenstein, Merleau-Ponty, and Human Temporality." The
Metaphysical Society of America, March 1986.
(2) "Reply to G. Martin's 'A Critique of Nietzsche's Metaphysical
Scepticism.'" North American Nietzsche Society, December 1985; now
published in International Studies in Philosophy.
G.C.F. Bearn, September 2015, p. 9
(1) "Cavell, Wittgenstein, and Human Finitude." August 1983, Kirchberg am
Wechsel, Austria. 8th International Wittgenstein Symposium.
b. At Lehigh (Papers, addresses).
(12) "The University in the Information Age" Participated in a Panel Discussing
this issue as part of the celebration in honor of Lehigh's new president,
Gregory Farrington, April 1999.
(11) Co-facilitator, with Joseph Lucia of three sessions (Jan-Feb 1999) devoted
to Bill Readings book, The University in Ruins (Harvard U P 1996).
(10) "Individuation without Identity: A Deleuzian Aesthetics of Existence"
Berman Center Conference on Jewish Identity, May 17-19, 1998.
(9) Review of Manuel DeLanda's War in the Age of Intelligent Machines for the
Friends of Linderman Library. September 1997.
(8) "Four Play" lecture for Norman Girardot's course "Deep Play" at Lehigh,
March 18, 1997.
(7) Reply to Adi Ophir's "The Presence of Evil in the Critique of the Present"
at Colloquium on Judaism and Postmodernism, Berman Center of Jewish
Studies, June 1996.
(6) "Aestheticide: Architecture and the Death of Art"
Department of Art and Architecture, April 1994
(5) "Modern, Post-Modern, The End of 'Art,' The End of 'Philosophy.'"
Inaugural Lecture of the series entitled "Disciplining Deconstruction."
January 1991.
(4) The Biology Department Seminar. Paper delivered: "The Scientific Nose:
Picking up the Scent of Truth." January 19, 1989.
(3) The Interpretation Seminar. Informal talk on interpretation in the natural
and human sciences. November 2, 1988.
(2) The Communication Seminar. Paper delivered: "On Certainty: Eine
Einstellung zu die Welt". Fall 1987.
(1) The Cognitive Science Seminar. Book Review Presented Jointly with N.
Melchert, Dreyfus and Dreyfus, Mind over Machine. Spring 1987.