Stanford University School of Medicine Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Fellowship Program Rotation and Curriculum: Stanford Hospital – Year 1 Description This subspecialty training program in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism is designed to provide advanced training and experience at a level for the trainee to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience required for all of the competencies needed by a consultant in this field. This program includes both inpatient and ambulatory care instruction and is designed to fulfill the needs of those trainees who anticipate their future activities to be solely the clinical practice of this specialty, those who expect to function as clinician-educators and those who intend to pursue careers in clinical and/or basic endocrine research. Fellow Role and Expectations Fellow will be supervised directly by endocrine faculty and be expected to: Prepare for history-taking by reviewing available records Perform histories and exams with direct observation and feedback from the attending Participate in documentation of visits and dictation of reports to referring providers Take call as scheduled Have patient management and teaching duties Attend endocrinology section conferences and participate in case conference presentations, journal clubs, endocrine grand rounds/research conference, and teaching sessions for house staff and medical students Document results of patient evaluations in the medical chart Have the opportunity for bidirectional structured feedback Contacts Laurence Katznelson, MD Office phone: 650-725-0701 Pager: 415-607-9175 Email : Amber Ayars Fellowship Coordinator Office phone: 650-498-4353 Email: Required Readings Read reviews, literature supplied by faculty and obtained by fellow medical searches, based on topics relevant to patients seen both in the ambulatory and inpatient services. Rotation & Curriculum SUH Yr 1 7/01/09 1 Time Activities Location Schedule Day 8:30 am – 12:00 SUH- Boswell 3, Mon SUH Pituitary Clinic 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Neurosciences North Afternoon Team SUH – CR Alway Rounds M015C 8:00 am – 8:30 am SUH- Boswell, 1st flTues Clinical Case 8:30 am – 12:00 pm A175 (A181) Conference SUH- Boswell, 1st flGeneral Endo, Bone, A175 Diabetes & Lipids, Neuroendo Clinic 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Wed Thurs 12:30 pm– 1:30 pm Fri SUH- rm H0105 Stanford Multidisciplinary diabetes task force meeting (monthly)*** 8:00 am – 9:00 am SUH- Braun Aud, Medicine Grand 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Mudd Chemistry Bldg Rounds* 4:00 pm –5:00 pm SUH- CR Alway Afternoon Team 5:00 pm –6:00 pm M015C Rounds Didactic Conference CR Alway M051 Endocrine Grand Medicine house staff Rounds office, S101 8:30 am – 12:00 pm SUH- Boswell, 1st flEndocrine/Thyroid A175 (A105) Clinic Journal Club (monthly)** SUH- CR Alway M015A 8:30 am – 12:00 pm General Endocrine VMC- 751 S. Bascom, 2:00 pm –4:00 pm Afternoon Team Outpatient Rounds Clinic- Desk H SUH- CR Alway M015C Instructional Activities Exposure to cases in outpatient clinics (detailed above) and inpatient setting Conference participation (detailed above) Patient-based faculty teaching, including direct observation, education, and feedback. Reading reviews such as Up-to-Date and other sleeved reviews and primary articles pertinent to the patients seen, in addition to literature supplied by the teaching staff Meetings with program director (see below) Rotation & Curriculum SUH Yr 1 7/01/09 2 Learning Objectives During the first year of endocrinology fellowship, fellows will learn basic clinical evaluation and management of endocrine disease. 1. Patient Care Fellows will be introduced to compassionate, appropriate, and effective management of patients with endocrine disease. By the end of the first year, fellows are expected to: . Perform a complete history and focused physical examination regarding common outpatient and inpatient endocrine conditions . Order and interpret endocrine laboratory tests in the setting of both common disorders and acute illness . Recognize presence of endocrine dysfunction in setting of acute illness (e.g. hypokalemia in ectopic ACTH syndrome, hyperthyroidism as component of atrial fibrillation, etc.) . Assist in perioperative management of patients undergoing neuroendocrine surgery at Stanford . Recognize and differentiate common disease states referable to endocrine disorders . Recognize and justify indications for endocrine procedures (fine needle aspiration of thyroid, DEXA, sophisticated radiologic studies) and for acute endocrine disorders . Demonstrate ability to perform fine needle aspiration of the thyroid gland. Fellows are expected to perform 10 biopsies by the end of year 2, with the majority being performed during year 1 . Demonstrate the ability to interpret DEXA studies Assessment: Patient care education will be assessed by at the end of each inpatient rotation by: . Direct critique of performance by the monthly inpatient attending, and in ambulatory care through semi-annual evaluations by the program director, following input from the clinic attendings. . Multi-rater evaluation . Review of biopsy log sheet at semi-annual review 2. Medical Knowledge Fellows must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient care. By the end of the first year, fellows are expected to: . Accumulate a critical mass of experience and fundamental information, and demonstrate the ability to apply the basic and clinically supportive sciences required for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of endocrine and metabolic diseases in the ambulatory and inpatient setting . Understand and appropiately use pharmacotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, treatment with radioisotopes, etc. to care for individuals with endocrinopathies Rotation & Curriculum SUH Yr 1 7/01/09 3 . Learn basic and advanced endocrine biochemistry, physiology and pathophysiology, which provide the basis for understanding endocrine disease . Learn and apply principles of hormone action . Acquire knowledge and skills necessary for critical analysis of laboratory testing and the endocrine literature Assessment: Accrual of medical knowledge will be assessed by . Performance on inpatient rounds, ambulatory clinic discussions with attendings, performance at endocrine grand rounds (each fellow will perform two grand rounds), journal club, and clinical case conference. Fellows will receive direct feedback by the inpatient attending at the end of the month, and by the program director at a semiannual basis. . Pre and Post- Knowledge Test 3. Practice Based Learning Fellows must be able to investigate and evaluate their patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and improve their patient care practices, especially as relevant to the subspeciality practice of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism. By the end of the first year, fellows are expected to: . Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to their patients’ health problems, present at weekly clinical case conference and endocrine grand rounds (two per year) . Apply knowledge of study design and statistical methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and other information on diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness, and utilize these methods for presentation at journal club and clinical case conference . Use information technology to manage information, access on-line medical information; and support their own education . Facilitate the learning of students and residents rotating on the endocrine elective, as well as other health care professionals . Utilize existing and emerging endocrine literature, clinical and basic research, and personal scholarship and self-instruction to improve practice Instructional Tool: Fellows will fill out and submit to the PD after each rotation a questionnaire that asks Fellows to give an example in that rotation of how he/she was able to improve their own quality of patient care based on either self-reflection, review of evidence based medicine, or clinical teaching (from a mentor or through their own teaching). Outcomes will be based on self-reflection on improvement in patient care. Assessment: . The monthly endocrine attending will provide a direct critique inpatient, ambulatory, and case conference performance. . The program director will review on a semi-annual basis performance at grand rounds and journal club. . Multi-rater evaluation Rotation & Curriculum SUH Yr 1 7/01/09 4 . Self-reflection/assessment 4. Interpersonal and Communication Skills Fellows must be able to demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange and teaming with patients, patients’ families, and professional associates. Fellows are expected to: . Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically sound relationship with patients . Work effectively with others as a member or leader of a health care team or other professional group . Demonstrate effective communication with patients, their families, peers, and other health care providers . Teach residents on inpatient and ambulatory care blocks Assessment: The program director will provide direct critique on a semi-annual basis. . Multi-rater evaluation will be used to assess ICS 5. Professionalism Fellows must demonstrate commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population. Fellows are expected to: . Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of patients and society that supercedes self-interest; accountability to patients, society, and the profession; and a commitment to excellence and on-going professional development . Demonstrate respect for the privacy and confidentiality of patients . Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical care, confidentiality of patient information, informed consent, and business practices . Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to patients’ culture, age, gender, and disabilities Assessment: The program director will provide direct critique on a semi-annual basis. . Multi-rater evaluation will be used to assess Professionalism . Faculty evaluations 1. Systems-Based Practice By the end of the first year, fellows will: . Learn to work in an interprofessional teams to enhance patient safety and care quality . Practice cost-effective health care and resource allocation that does not compromise quality of care (with particular emphasis on pharmaco-economics given limited financial resources of patients at SCVMC) . Facilitate seamless transition from inpatient to ambulatory care setting (especially critical for patients with newly diagnosed diabetes or patients who recently underwent pituitary surgery) Rotation & Curriculum SUH Yr 1 7/01/09 5Rotation & Curriculum SUH Yr 1 7/01/09 6 Instructional Tool: 1) Diabetes Task Force: a multidisciplinary task force with the goal of improving all aspects of inpatient diabetes management at Stanford Hospital. The fellow will be an active participating in these group meetings and have the opportunity for a leadership role. 2) The PD will meet with fellows at the end of each rotation as a group to identify an area of practice that they would like to improve and, with the appropriate Faculty and/or hospital resources, continue to monitor and address the areas that the fellows have identified. The purpose of these meetings is to promote education in improving the systems that affect patient care, and how to work within the hospital resources to improve such care. Assessment: The program director will provide direct critique on a semi-annual basis. . Multi-rater evaluations will be used to assess Fellows’ performance. . PD evaluations based on input at the quarterly meetings with the Fellows. . Self-reflection based on instructional activity Evaluation . Monthly in patient faculty evaluation (direct with faculty) . Global division evaluation every 6 months (direct with program director, to include review of procedures and ambulatory clinic performance) . Multi-rater evaluation (includes evaluation by nursing staff and patients). This will be reviewed directly with the program director every 6 months . Fellows will have the opportunity for bidirectional structured feedback . Medical knowledge will be assessed by performance on the endocrinology and metabolism boards and Pre and Post-rotation Tests. . Self-reflection . Meetings with the PD to address SBP, as outlined above.