FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL ARTS HONOURS GUIDE Semester 1, 2007 BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (HONS) BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE ARCT5502 Architectural Design Honours ARCT7721 Architectural Honours Dissertation BACHELOR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LACH4402 Landscape Honours Studio LACH7721 Landscape Honours Dissertation Honours co-ordinator Gary Marinko 6488 2797 page 1 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE CONTENTS: 1. Honours degrees in Architecture and Landscape Architecture 1.1 What is Honours? 3 2. Application and Enrolment Procedures 2.1 Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2.2 Environmental Design 3 3. Supervision 3.1 What is Supervision? 3.2 Selection and Allocation 3.3 Responsibilities of the supervisor 3.4 Responsibilities of the student 4 4. Basis for Calculating Honours Grades 4.1 Bachelor of Architecture 4.2 Bachelor of Landscape Honours 4.3 Final Honours Grade 5 5. Semester Diary 8 Page 2 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE 1. HONOURS DEGREES IN ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1.1 What is an Honours degree? The UWA policy on the award of honours is quite helpful in distinguishing the nature of Honours degrees: ‘The award of honours at UWA results only from successful completion of a degree or, in rare cases, a diploma programme that includes a distinctive dissertation or portfolio based component. This component trains and assesses students’ abilities to contribute to the future development of their disciplines through research that extends existing knowledge and/or through the original and creative application of knowledge in ways likely to impact upon future thinking in their fields of study.’i Study at Honours level is based on individual research rather than taught coursework, and the learning and assessment practices intentionally parallel those of postgraduate research studies. Honours degrees are available in the disciplines of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design. The Honours degrees in Architecture and Landscape Architecture can be undertaken within the same points load as the Bachelor’s degree, by enrolling in either a special Honours design unit instead of a standard design unit, and/or a dissertation unit instead of two option units. The Honours degree in Environmental design is an ‘end-on’ degree requiring a year of additional study. Please refer to the course descriptions below. 2 APPLICATION AND ENROLMENT PROCEDURE 2.1 Architecture and Landscape Architecture The following is the procedure for applying and enrolling in the Bachelor of Architecture Honours degree or the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours degree. Step 1: Application Form Students wishing to undertake the Bachelor of Architecture Honours degree or the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours degree must complete an Application for Honours form by the specified closing date. These forms are available from the Front Office or from the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts website: www.alva.uwa.edu.au/forms_and_policies. Step 2: Application Discussion Honours applicants may wish to discuss their intended Honours programme with the Honours Coordinator. Each application must be approved by the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts. (See below on admission requirements.) i http://www.secretariat.uwa.edu.au/home/policies/honours date accessed 21/09/05 Page 3 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE Step 3: Re-enrol as Pass degree Student Honours applicants must re-enrol as Pass degree students during the normal reenrolment period. Step 4: Change enrolment into Honours unit upon acceptance All applicants will be notified in writing if their application has been approved or not. Successful applicants will be advised how to change their enrolment to include the appropriate honours units. 2.2 Application and enrolment procedure – Environmental Design Step 1: Application Form Application for the Environmental Design honours program are processed through the UWA Student Administration and must be made on the UWA End-On Honours application form available from: www.studentadmin.uwa.edu.au/welcome/forms by the advertised closing date each year. Step 2: Application Discussion Honours applicants may wish to discuss their intended Honours programme with the Honours Coordinator. Each application must be approved by the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts. (See below on admission requirements.) Step 3: Enrolment Students whose application for honours is accepted will receive an offer letter with enrolment instructions for the new degree program. Students do not re-enrol during the normal period. 3 SUPERVISION 3.1 What is supervision? Supervision is the action of overseeing and mentoring of research work by an experienced staff member. An effective working relationship between an Honours student and a Supervisor is considered essential to the development and completion of a good honours project. The Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts is committed to ensuring that all Honours students are given the opportunity to develop and maximise their potential during their enrolment. Honours students will have the best chance of performing to their potential if they take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by their supervisors and if an effective working relationship is established between supervisor and student. Students and supervisors have clear roles and responsibilities in establishing and maintaining this working relationship. 3.2 Selection and allocation of Supervisor Design Honours students are to meet the Honours Supervisor during the semester break to nominate a supervisor of their choosing. These will be quickly allocated to allow students to formulate their brief for submission and presentation in the first week of the semester. Dissertation Students will have the opportunity in the first week of semester to nominate a supervisor of their choosing. It is recommended that this nomination be based on relevant practical and research expertise, and a positive Page 4 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE previous working relationship, if this is applicable. Through the Honours Coordinator, the Faculty will allocate a supervisor to each student after consulting nominated supervisors regarding their workload, leave commitments and expertise. 3.3 Responsibilities of Supervisor Supervisors are responsible for providing academic guidance to students and for fostering an environment in which students can maximise their potential. The role of a supervisor requires: working with the student to clarify expectations at the outset of the enrolment; discussing with the student, at the outset, relevant issues of research conduct; suggesting ways in which the student can make the most effective use of time; recognising personal strengths and limitations and identifying situations in which a student needs to be referred to colleagues for assistance; committing the time necessary to allow for maintaining the close and regular contact with the student (which shall normally include weekly or fortnightly meetings) and establishing at the outset the basis on which contact will be made; requiring work from the student on a pre-arranged and agreed schedule; monitoring the progress of the work in accordance with the agreed schedule; discussing the progress, and any impediments to, maintaining the agreed schedule, with the student at regular intervals; monitoring the performance of the student relative to the standard required for the Honours programme, and ensuring that inadequate progress or work below the standard generally expected is brought to the student’s attention, and if necessary to the Dean of the Faculty; commenting on the content and drafts of work. 3.4 Responsibilities of Student Students have a number of roles and responsibilities that contribute to the overall success and satisfaction of the honours programme: being thoroughly familiar with the various procedures and s submissions relating to the honours programme discussing with the supervisor the type of help considered most useful, and keeping to an agreed schedule of meetings which will ensure regular contact taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties maintaining the progress of the work in accordance with the stages agreed with the supervisor, including the presentation of required work in sufficient time to allow for comments and discussion before proceeding to the next stage discussing progress towards, and impediments to, maintaining the agreed timetable with the supervisor at regular intervals. 4 BASIS FOR CALCULATING HONOURS GRADES 4.1 Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) The grade of honours to be awarded shall be determined on the basis of a student’s overall performance in the units prescribed for Level Five (honours) of the Bachelor of Architecture degree course on the following basis: (1) For students enrolling in Independent Design, the final honours grade is calculated as follows: Page 5 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE ARCT5502 Architectural Design Honours ARCT5500 Architectural Design 5a, ARCT5560 Architectural Practice 1, ARCT5561 Architectural Practice 2, Options Studies, Options Studies, 12 points, 12 points, 6 points, 6 points, 6 points, 6 points, 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10%. (2) For students enrolling in the Dissertation, the final Honours grade is calculated as follows: ARCT7721 Architectural Honours Dissertation, ARCT5500 Architectural Design 5a ARCT5501 Architectural Design 5b, ARCT5560 Architectural Practice 1, ARCT5561 Architectural Practice 2, 12 points, 12 points, 12 points, 6 points, 6 points, 40% 20% 20% 10% 10% (3) For students enrolling in both Independent Design and the Dissertation, the final Honours grade is calculated as follows: ARCT7721 Architectural Honours Dissertation, ARCT5500 Architectural Design 5a, ARCT5502 Architectural Design Honours ARCT5560 Architectural Practice 1, ARCT5561 Architectural Practice 2, 12 points, 12 points, 12 points, 6 points, 6 points, 30% 20% 30% 10% 10% 4.2 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture The grade of honours to be awarded shall be determined on the basis of a student’s overall performance in the units prescribed for Level Four (Honours) of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree course on the following basis: (1) For students enrolling in Independent Design, the final Honours grade is calculated as follows: LACH4402 Landscape Honours Studio LACH4400 Garden Studio, or LACH4401 Detail Studio LACH4410 Culture of Nature LACH4460 Landscape Professional Practice Options Studies, Options Studies, 12 points, 12 points, 6 points, 6 points, 6 points, 6 points, 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10%. (2) For students enrolling in the Dissertation, the final Honours grade is calculated as follows: LACH7721 Landscape Honours Dissertation, LACH4400 Landscape Garden Studio, LACH4401 Landscape Detail Studio, LACH4410 Culture of Nature, LACH4460 Landscape Professional Practice 12 points, 12 points, 12 points, 6 points, 6 points, 40% 20% 20% 10% 10% Page 6 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE (3) For students enrolling in Independent Design and the Dissertation, the final Honours grade is calculated as follows: LACH7721 Landscape Honours Dissertation, 12 points, LACH4400 Garden Studio, or LACH4401 Detail Studio, 2 points, LACH4402 Landscape Honours Studio, 12 points, LACH4410 Culture of Nature, 6 points, LACH4460 Landscape Professional Practice 6 points, 10% 30% 20% 30% 10% *Where students have non-standard enrolments (i.e. have received advanced standing for one of more of the level 4 or level 5 units included in the honours calculation) the formula for the final honours class will be adjusted at the discretion of the ALVA Board of Examiners 4.3 Final Honours Grade: The following scale sets out the honours grade boundaries in terms of final recorded marks for all honours degrees in the Faculty (including Environmental Design, Architecture and Landscape Architecture): First class (H1): Upper second class (2A): Lower second class (2B): Third class (3): 80% and above 70% to 79% 60% to 69% 50% to 59% Page 7 ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HONOURS GUIDE 5 Semester Diary Week Week 1 Date Feb Thurs 1st Fri 2nd Feb Mon 26th Mar Week 2 Week 3 2nd Fri Mon 5th Fri 9th Fri 16th Events Make appointment to meet with Gary Marinko to discuss the allocation of Design Honours Supervisors 10.00am: Submission of Design Briefs 11:00am Room 2.20 - Meeting with Gary Marinko and Grant Revell, Confirmation of Supervisors (dissertation) 9.30 am Room TBC - First Jury Seminar - Independent Design projects Submission of Dissertation abstracts 9.30 am Room TBC - Joint meeting of Independent Design students 9.30 am Room TBC - Joint meeting of Dissertation students Who Design Design All Design Design All Design Dissertation Design Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Fri 23rd Fri 30th Week 7 Fri 6th Fri 13th Fri 20th Week 8 Fri 27th Week 9 Apr May 9.30 am Room TBC- Second Jury Seminar - Independent Design projects 9.30 am Room TBC - Jury Seminar – Independent Dissertations for Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts Design One week non-teaching break - Easter All 9.30 am Room TBC - Third Jury Seminar - Independent Design projects Design Architecture, Landscape, Visual Arts Fri 4th Week 10 Fri 11th 9.30 am Room TBC: Final Design Jury Design Week Week Week Week Fri Fri Fri Fri Submission of B.Arch. & B. L. Arch. Dissertations to Resource Room Dissertation Submission of Independent Design Folios by 4 pm Design Assessment Presentation Juries (details TBA) Design 11 12 13 14 June 18th 25th 1st 8th Page 8