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Armen Published on: 27 January 2016 4. Research Extracting DNA words based on the sequence features: non-uniform distribution and integrity Zhi Li, Hongyan Cao, Yuehua Cui and Yanbo Zhang Published on: 25 January 2016 5. Review Numerical simulations of multicomponent ecological models with adaptive methods Kolade M. Owolabi and Kailash C. Patidar Published on: 8 January 2016 View all articles Most accessed articles Most accessed articles RSS 1. Research Structural, phylogenetic and docking studies of D-amino acid oxidase activator (DAOA), a candidate schizophrenia gene Sheikh Arslan Sehgal, Naureen Aslam Khattak and Asif Mir Published on: 4 January 2013 2. Research Serotonin synthesis, release and reuptake in terminals: a mathematical model Janet Best, H Frederik Nijhout and Michael Reed Published on: 19 August 2010 3. Research A thalamic reticular networking model of consciousness Byoung-Kyong Min Published on: 30 March 2010 4. Research A simple intravenous glucose tolerance test for assessment of insulin sensitivity Robert G Hahn, Stefan Ljunggren, Filip Larsen and Thomas Nyström Published on: 2 May 2011 5. Research Linking neuronal brain activity to the glucose metabolism Britta Göbel, Kerstin M Oltmanns and Matthias Chung Published on: 29 August 2013 View all articles Aims and scope Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal adopting a broad definition of "biology" and focusing on theoretical ideas and models associated with developments in biology and medicine. Mathematicians, biologists and clinicians of various specialisms, philosophers and historians of science are all contributing to the emergence of novel concepts in an age of systems biology, bioinformatics and computer modelling. This is the field in which Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling operates. We welcome submissions that are technically sound and offering either improved understanding in biology and medicine or progress in theory or method. Featured article: Disc degeneration implies low back pain Wikimedia commons In this study, Chang-Jiang Zheng and James Chen build a physiologically-based model investigating the relationship between disc degeneration and low back pain. They confirm that disc degeneration is the driving force behind, and cause of, age dependence in low back pain. Read more. Editors-in-Chief Professor Hiroshi Nishiura Professor Nishiura is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. He is cosmopolitan-minded, having worked for 10 years for different infectious disease modeling groups at Imperial College London, University of Tuebingen (Germany), University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) and the University of Hong Kong, before returning back to Japan in 2013. His research interests span the areas of statistical epidemiology of infectious diseases, epidemiological modeling and biomathematical formulation of the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. He aims to answer policy-relevant questions by integrating various mathematical models with empirically observed data. A common thread in his research is an understanding of the epidemiological dynamics underlying empirically observed data. Professor Rongling Wu Professor Wu is the Director of the Center of Statistical Genetics and Professor of Public Health Science Science and Statistics at Pennsylvania State University. His initial training in forestry and genetics at Nanjing Forestry University, China, was followed by doctoral studies in quantitative genetics and genomic mapping at the University of Washington. He then worked for eight years at the University of Florida, where he became Professor of Statistics, before moving to Penn State in 2008. The Center of Statistical Genetics is composed of talented people trained in diverse areas, ranging from genetics and molecular biology to statistics and mathematics to computer sciences and engineering. By developing powerful statistical models and algorithms, his multi-disciplinary group is attempting to unravel the genetic roots for the outcome of a biological trait by dissecting the trait into its biochemical and developmental pathways. Dr Edward Rietman Dr Rietman has a Ph.D. in physics, M.S. in materials science, B.S. degrees in physics and chemistry, and a B.A. in philosophy. He worked at Bell Labs in New Jersey for 20 years in solidstate chemistry, analog electronics, artificial intelligence, and computer integrated manufacturing. After leaving Bell Labs he worked at various military and venture capital funded think tanks in applied optics, applied acoustics and database mining. In 2004 he completed a graduate degree in bioinformatics and in 2009 accepted a postdoc position at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. In 2011 he joined the Center for Cancer Systems Biology at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center and in January, 2014 joined Newman Lakka Institute and Tufts Medical Center, Pediatric Oncology Department. His current work involves using heretofore underutilized areas of mathematics and mathematical physics to discover potential drug targets in molecular networks. Some of these mathematical areas include molecular thermodynamics, group theory, abstract algebra and topology. 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