1. Introduction 1.1. Environment 1.1.1. Description A test-bench environment that instantiates a NxN Router network, where every Router connects to 4 other Routers at 4 of its ports (ports 0-3) and connects to a Module via every port hat is not connected to a Router. Each Module has an Injector which autonomously injects random packets into the Router network. The packets travel through the network and terminate at the Collector component of one of the Modules in the Environment. Both the Injector and the Collector components log all packet activities which then can be analyzed (offline) using the Network Analyzer set of scripts that calculate the network's performance throughout the test. 1.1.2. Components: Analyzer 1.1.3. Architecture: R(0,0) R(0,1) M(0,0) R(1,0) R(1,1) M(1,0) 1.1.4. Features: Load – Determines the frequency at which packets are injected for each Injector in the Environment. Each Injector Network Load is set separately by the Environment. Size – Determines the average packet size for all the Injectors throughout the test. 1.2. Module 1.2.1. Description A Module is a stub unit that replaces a system on a chip and functions as a start point and end point for all the packets in the network. Each Module has a unique ModueID which consists of 2 coordinates. The coordinates of the Module are the coordinates of the Router to which the Module is connected. 1.2.2. Components: Injector Collector 1.2.3. Features: Clock Domain – Operates at its own clock domain. The Environment generates a base clock for all the Modules, and a divider value per Module. Each Module creates its own clock by dividing the Base clock by its own divider value. 1.3. Injector 1.3.1. Description The Injector generates and injects new packets via the port through which it is connected to the Router. It generates all of the packet's parameters (some parameters may be globally controlled by the Environment) including the Source Routing of the packet and then sends the packet to the router. In order to uniquely identify each packet in the Environment, the data of each of the packets is unique. The Injector sends using the packet's data, the packet's unique PacketID which consists of the sending ModuleID concatenated with a unique ascending counter number. 1.3.2. Features: SL Injection – Injects packets of different SLs at random. The Environment sets a global setting of how many SLs are in use. VC Injection – Injects packets at different VSs at random. The Environment sets a global setting of how many VCs are in use. Packet Size Injection – Injects packets of random sizes. (uniform value) – The Module selects a random destination Module, and generates a valid source routing vector for the packet to follow (horizontal movement followed by vertical movement). Load – The frequency at which packets are injected is controlled by the Environment. Each Injector Network Load is set separately by the Environment. – Logs all the sent packets into a log file. 1.4. Collector 1.4.1. Description The Collector receives flits from the Router, collects them into buffers, until it receives the last flit of the packet, and then, adds a report to its log. 1.4.2. Features: Reception – Receives packets from the Router. several buffers (SL number * VC Number), which enables to collect simultaneously more than one packet. – Logs all the received packets into a log file. 1.5. Network Analyzing Script 1.5.1. Description An offline script that analyzes the log file and calculates the network performance. 1.5.2. Features: Calculation – Calculates the average Latency of the network after a single Environment run. Besides total latency calculation, it also performs latency calculation per SL. Calculation – Calculates the average Throughput of the network after a single Environment run. Besides total throughput calculation, it also performs throughput calculation per SL. 2. Implementation 2.1. Environment 2.1.1. Environment Parameter Size – An Integer parameter that defines the size of the Router network to the size of NxN. This parameter is set in the Environment package file. Load Matrix – A matrix that sets the average Network Load of each of the Modules in the Environment. The parameter size is set between 0 and 10 (Defines tens percents of workload). This parameter is set in the Environment settings file. in Use – The maximum number of SLs (starting from SL0) that the Modules are allowed to use for randomization. This parameter is set in the Environment settings file. in Use – The maximum number of VCs that the Modules are allowed to use for randomization. This parameter is set in the Environment settings file. 2.1.2. Hierarchy Instance Generation : Generation - The Environment generates NxN instances of the Router. Each Router instance is designated with a unique RouterID, which consists of 2 coordinates that are determined by the Router's location in the network. Generation – The Environment generates NxN instances of the Module, to be connected to it's matching Router's Port no. 4. Each Module instance is designated with a unique ModuleID, which consists of 2 coordinates. The coordinates are determined by the RouterID which the Module is connected to. Generation – For each of the 0-3 ports of every Router, each output port connects to the neighboring Router's input port, unless the Router is at the edge of the network and the port is pointing to that edge. In that case, the port not connected. Each one of the no. 4 ports in each of the Routers is connected to the appropriate Module in the network. 2.2. Module 2.2.1. Hierarchy Module Interface Logging Interface Packet Generator Logging 2.2.2. Local Clock Generation The Module generates its own clock for the use of the Injector and the Collector. The Environment generates a base clock for all the Modules, and a divider value per Module. Each Module creates its own clock by dividing the Base clock by its own divider value. 2.2.3. Counters Counter – The Module counts the amount of base clock cycles that has passed since the start of the Module's operation. 2.3. Injector 2.3.1. Hierarchy Packet Generator – generates new packets. Interface – sends the generated packets to the Router. Logging – writes to a log information about the packets which are being sent. 2.3.2. Counters Counter – The Injector counts all transmitted packets in order to create their unique PacketID. 2.3.3. Packet Generation The Packet Generator generates all the packet parameters that the Injector Interface needs in order to send a packet to the Router. The Packet Generator receives an indication from the Injector Interface to randomize a delay period, after which it generates new packet parameters. Packet Load – The Injector randomizes the delay between the transmissions of any 2 consecutive packets. The delay is dependant on the time it took to send the last packet and the work load parameter that the Environment has set for that Module. The randomization is an uniform random variable. The workload is defined by percents (10%, 20%,… 100%). The formula of the delay calculation is: Twait = U[0,2*Tprev*((10/Workload)-1)] Level and Virtual Channel – The packet's SL, and VC are randomized, with dependence on the limits that are provided by the Environment. Size – The packet size is a uniformly random variable, which is set in the limits provided by the Environment. Each SL has different packet size limits. SL 3 – can have 3-15 flits. SL2 and SL1 – can have 16-127 flits. SL0 - can have 128-1023 flits. Routing – The packet's route is pre determined by the Injector. The Injector randomizes the destination and generates a route that starts in the X direction, continues in the Y direction and ends with port4. The route must end with port4 in order to make sure that none of the packets finish their path at a Router. Data – The Injector sets each packet data to be the PacketID of the packet. The PacketID is a concatenation of the ModuleID and the Packet Counter padded with zeroes. 2.3.4. Packet Logging The Logger logs every packet that the Injector sends into a log. It does so when it is activated by the Injector Interface. The Logger writes the following information into its log: Stamp – The base clock counter. – The Module ID of the Injector. – The PacketID of the sent Packet. SL – The Service Level of the sent packet. Indication – An indication that the packet has been sent (as apposed to "received") Size – The size of the sent packet (in flits). 2.3.5. Injector/Router Interface The Injector Interface receives the Packet parameters that the Packet Generator generates, creates flits that correspond to these parameters and sends them to the Router. Injector is connected to the Router's input port. Once all the parameters of the packet have been decided, the Injector divides the packet into Router flits, and sends them one by one using the Router req/ack interface. As soon as the first header flit is sent, an indication is sent to the Logger for it to record the new Packet in its log. the Interface finishes sending the Packet, it sends an indication to the Packet Generator, so it can generate the next packet. 2.4. Collector 2.4.1. Hierarchy – receives packets from the Router. Logging – writes to log information about the packets which are being received. 2.4.2. Collector/Router Interface Collector is connected to the Router's output port. It receives incoming flits from the Router, and constructs them into whole packets using the Router req/ack interface. Collector Interface has buffers that allow it to receive packets that have different SLs and VCs whose flits arrive to the Collector interleaved. the Collector Interface finishes receiving a packet (receives the tail flit) it sends an indication to the Logger to record the packet in its log. 2.4.3. Packet Logging The Logger records all the packets that the Collector receives. It is activated by the Collector Interface, and at each activation the Logger writes the following packet information: Stamp – The base clock counter. ModuleID – The Module ID of the Collector. ModuleID – The Module ID of the Injector that sent the packet. – The PacketID of the sent Packet. SL – The Service Level of the sent packet. Indication – An indication that the packet has been received (as apposed to "sent") Size – The size of the sent packet (in flits). 2.5. Network Analyzing Script The analyzing Script is written in Perl. It analyzes the log file that the Loggers generate, and generates its own (comma separated) output file that adds data to the original log file. 2.5.1. Script Features Matching – The script searches for pair of sender and receiver log entries, and combines them into a single entry. Latency Calculation – The Script calculates the Latency (reception time minus the transmission time) of each packet and adds it to the packet's entry. Throughput Calculation – The Script calculates the throughput of the packet (flit_number * flit_size / latency) and adds it to the packet's entry. per SL Latency Calculation – The Script calculates the algebraic average of the Latency for each SL. per SL Throughput Calculation – The Script calculates the algebraic average of the Throughput for each SL. Latency Calculation – The Script calculates the algebraic average of the Latency for all the packets. Throughput Calculation – The Script calculates the algebraic average of the Throughput for all the packets.